I know that you like Cena and all SlyFox but having him booked in every single championship match and with no real story feuds (u know like the ones wrestlers should be having) is getting redundant and that is coming from someone who respects the hell out of the guy. But if you want ppl to watch ur product, shouldn't u have several guys who can go espcially if something bad happens to Cena....I mean do great tv shows not have several great characters: see 2 and a 1/2 Men: Charlie, Alan, or movies have great characters: Departed; Billy Costigan, Colin Sullivan, Frank Costello.....

Cena has been the top guy for years now and it is getting redundant having him hold the title for 2 years....WWE fans do NOT WANT another Hogan....Orton, Kennedy, MVP, Edge and both Hardys need to be fuirther established and given title reigns of their own as I believe they all could hold the spotlight and make the WWE some money.
Well, there are a lot more things going on than just Cena, I just listed the main-event feuds.

And, my liking for Cena really had little to do with the booking of Cena. Cena is the biggest draw, and contrary to what you said, more and more fans tuned in and bought Cena PPVs. The reason why Cena had the year long streak was not because I liked him, simply to build for the Wrestlemania main-event. It would make the main-event of WM 25 that much bigger if both men were year long champions.
So, basically you want the WWE to regress to indy style booking? Hire a bunch of foreign talent that has been proven time and again to not draw, hire a bunch of indy talent who are not ready to be put in the spotlight, use a talent exchange which would never benefit the WWE, but could benefit competition, and randomly change the name of a show which will do nothing but lose viewership.

No offense Shadowmancer, but I thought you could do better.

I never gave a Time Table to my stuff.

Where did I say I would change the Booking Style, I said I would hire guys, I would develop them to a WWE style while keeping the key components of what made them them on the Indy Circuit.

As I said before Cruiserweights can draw, what do you call the X-Division. There is a market for good Jnr. Heavyweight wrestling. Signing Mistico to a Contract to help create a division that the WWE can be proud of. Booking them so they are Light Heavyweights rather than miniature Heavyweights, that doesn't work. Hiring in the guys from Japan and Mexico would be as a way to build this division until a good group of American Light Heavyweights comes in again. but your response also shows the xenophobic nature of American Wrestling fans in general to the fact that a Foreign Wrestler could be better than an American Wrestler.

Anyway the Talent exchange is for experience in front of huge crowds rather than helping the competition. So it would be in a company like Zero 1-Max.

The Indy Talent I mentioned is hired on two factors, 1. it keeps them away from TNA, 2. These guys get Heel Heat when they are heels in Ring of Honor, is that not a good thing since you criticise (sp?) RoH as being that easy to get over in that some people could take a dump in the ring and it is Cheered. These guys get heat on the Indy circuit so hiring them would benefit the WWE in the long term which is my point.

The changing of ECW as a Name is a long term one that can be explained through the storylines. It makes sense if it is done logically, and you wouldn't lose revenue because you have the storyline develop where someoone manages to get that as a stipulation against say Tommy Dreamer that ECW is dead therefore they want to change the name, then ram it home to the audience that ECW will be changing names to another name, whatever name it is. Do that for a few Weeks then announce it and have a special Two Hour show of ECW as it has been renamed. It makes perfect sense if you do it like that. My first list was all just basic concepts anyway.

Now onto actual Changes. I would Tell Cena to decide between an STS or an STF for his STFU and then book accordingly. If it is an STS chosen no more tapping out to a Sleeper hold. It is stupid and makes little sense from any angle. The Guy can't get out of it, OK. But that doesn't mean you tap out to a sleeper hold.

Ill post the PPV changes later once I Put it all down. This was in response to Sly's critique of my first part of the changes I would make.
The second tag match goes in the undercard to the main-event which was the number 1 contenders match. That match builds to Summerslam. While some fans will certainly not be happy, they will also most definitely tune into Raw the next night. And with the next PPV being Summerslam, they're going to buy anyways.

Plus, it's going to be the third-tier priced PPV, so it's not like they're getting ripped out of their Wrestlemania dollar either.

I realize it's different, and like you said, could tend to make fans not want to tune in. But, I think given the way it's layed out, it won't hurt.

We saw Austin do that to Rock less than ten years ago. Undertaker tapping out is PRECISELY what makes the heel turn so much better. Like you said, Taker doesn't tap. Ever (well, with one exception). Taker just doesn't tapped. It WOULD be bullshit, or that's what fans would be saying. So, what do they do? They boo Cena like crazy.

That's the point. You freshen Cena with a heel turn, but instead of smarks cheering for him like they most likely would if he was a cool heel, they're going to be leading the boos for him. It would be a 100% heel turn, and about the only way it could be accomplished.

I mean, look how upset you got over it, and it's just a figment of my imagination. You said it was bullshit and should never happen.

Which is precisely why it would be so good.

I dont believe that it would be good. The fans who had watched the undertaker over the years would get pissed that the WWE made taker tap. WWE would lose some of there fan base due to a feeling of disgust by the fans that Cena beat taker at WM and that taker tapped out. I do want to see a WM25 taker vs cena and that would be a good match, but taker would need to win that match, the streak is too valuable to be broken by someone as awful as cena, i would rather see it broken by UMAGA then John Cena.
I know that when I feel sick to my stomach, it's probably because it something that makes sense. Seriously, me watching wrestling since I was 5 or at least remember watching wrestling, and then me seeing the Undertaker debut when I was ten, and by the time I'm 30, he's tapping out to some punk at the Silver Anniversary of the companies biggest show, I would be fucking furious. In fact I would be so fucking upset, I might not watch again.

But then again, isn't that what wrestling is. If you want to talk aobut a truly shocking and disgusting act, that would do it. That would rank right up there with Hogan forming the n.w.o. Seriously, Cena is hated by smarks, but we all want him to turn heel, so that will defeat the purpose. He'll become cool again and the smarks will cheer, it's a stupid cycle. Sly's right, the only way to guarantee that he doesn't get cheered is too do something so damn ridiculous like, making the Undertaker tap during the main event of Wrestlemania to the STFU. That makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it, and I'm pretty sure almost anyone on here feels the same way, but it would work.

As far as this thread, I'm going to do two scenarios, one supporting the tri-brand expansion, and the other monopolizing the WWE once again into a single brand.
I dont believe that it would be good. The fans who had watched the undertaker over the years would get pissed that the WWE made taker tap. WWE would lose some of there fan base due to a feeling of disgust by the fans that Cena beat taker at WM and that taker tapped out. I do want to see a WM25 taker vs cena and that would be a good match, but taker would need to win that match, the streak is too valuable to be broken by someone as awful as cena, i would rather see it broken by UMAGA then John Cena.

You're kidding right? Right?! To me, Umaga has become almost as big a joke as the Great Khali. Whenever those two come on the screen, I change the channel.

Frankly, the streak will end at some point, so why not Cena? He's the WWE's current version of Bret Hart, at least as far as carrying the company during a "down" time. I would think UT would prefer to put over Cena as opposed to Umaga, because Cena makes money while Umaga doesn't. (In my opinion as I obviously don't have the cash breakdown for WWE).
Well, there are a lot more things going on than just Cena, I just listed the main-event feuds.

And, my liking for Cena really had little to do with the booking of Cena. Cena is the biggest draw, and contrary to what you said, more and more fans tuned in and bought Cena PPVs. The reason why Cena had the year long streak was not because I liked him, simply to build for the Wrestlemania main-event. It would make the main-event of WM 25 that much bigger if both men were year long champions.

ah well met but u see Cena has never and I mean NEVER lost a WWE title at what point would u see his title reign end? 2009 when I graduate from college.....see its 2008 now....or maybe 2015 when Im probably a dad by kidding aside..

I understand that Cena is the top guy but why not have several top guys...that way Cena does not have to be pushed too damn hard to be THE can make him more credible and build him for a better Mania match...Cena does not need the title to make can make CENA VS A PIECE OF TRASH and make a profit or Cena vs Mike

So I would assume that u want to unite the brands? Like Smackdown vs Raw video game....good idea but lots of trimmed rosters....

I want cena to be heel soo badly....the way Hogan did it...have a stable beating a good guy up...say Hardy and then Cena comes makes the save but then FU on hardy...then a beatdown followed by chair shot after chair shot....

but if he is still a face...I really really want to see a Cena-McMahon feud...any of them any one of them...Shane, Stephanie, Vince....its been hinted at but McMahon feuds always make money even if internet fans get annoyed....Cena vs McMahon is something I want to see...

If we were to unite the brands...I would make one more Undertaker vs triple-H feud and that would last several months....the problem with today's feuds are that they are too short....Cena vs Edge was the best feud in a while because it was drawn reminded me a lot of Rock-HHH....long feuds that are interesting make money.
IrishCanadian25's World Wrestling Entertainment

Rosters and Championships

Monday Night Raw - Live Every Week

Leadership / Management
Commissioner / GM - Shane McMahon
Lt. Commissioner - Eric Bichoff
Tag Team Commissioner - Marty Jannetty
Cruiserweight Commissioner - Mike Sanders

World Heavyweight Championship
Intercontinental Championship
World Tag Team Championship
World Cruiserweight Championship

Wednesday Night Smackdown - Taped Tuesday Night

Leadership / Management
Commissioner / GM - Mick Foley
Lt. Commissioner - Paul Heyman
Women's Commissioner - Ivory
Hardcore Commissioner - Tommy Dreamer

WWE Championship
United States Championship
World Cruiserweight Championship
ECW Hardcore Championship

*Rosters remain unchanged, except for the following transactions:
To RAW: Morrison, Miz, Deuce, Domino, Jesse, Festus, Benjamin
To SD: Phoenix, Michelle, Ashley, Hall, James, Maria, Crazy, Melina
Release: Duggan, Adamle, Taylor, Henry, Singh, V, Boogeyman.

Annual Pay Per Views

January - Royal Rumble (winner always gets WM Title Shot)
February - Cyber Sunday
March - No Way Out

April - Wrestlemania
May - Backlash
June - Great American Bash

July - King of the Ring (winner gets SS Title Shot)
August - SummerSlam
September - Unforgiven

October - Halloween Havoc (feat. Raw / SD Roulette)
November - Survivor Series (4 on 4 elimination style matches)
December - Starcade

2008 and 2009 Hall of Fame Inductions

Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Ole Anderson (by Ric Flair)
Randy "Macho Man" Savage (by Ricky Steamboat)
Owen Hart (posthumous, by Bret Hart)
Yokozuna (by Mr. Fuji)
Ted DeBiase (my Mike Rotunda)
John Laurinitis (by his son)
Bob Backlund (by Lou Gianfrido)

Soeey to pick youer wwe apart IC25 but the ECW title is not a hardcore title, its a world championship, if you want to get rid of the brand get rid of the title it makes more sense then killing its credibility as the hardcore step child of the wwe, secondly i dont like the commisioner idea of bischoff and heyman, both guys want to write for the wwe not work under guys like foley.
i do like your hall of fame ideas , but benjamin to raw is also a no no they destroyed his credibility on the brand due to lack of mic skills ecw is where he belongs
This thread is great by the way Norcal. It has so much potential. If I put all my ideas in one thread it would be a total overload. So I'll do a different aspect of the promotion ever few days.

Titles (Primarily):

Minor Info:

The brand split is gone. That means half the titles are gone. Goodbye to the World Heavyweight, ECW Championship, United States, WWE Tag & Cruiserweight. I'm keeping the titles that have been in WWE longer, and therfore have the longer WWE history attached to them.

The brand split was done over a few months. Raw vs. Smackdown & ECW. Tag teams faced tag teams, mid carders faced mid carders, and main eventers faced main eventers. Everybody was treated equally. Bar the enhancement talent. By that I mean lower card guys and jobbers. Tag teams weren't used in squashes.

The brand split didn't end at a big 4 PPV. It ended on one of the ''B'' shows. WrestleMania would be better on paper. But why not give a normal show a boost?

While the brand split is over. But Raw & Smackdown have wrestlers that aren't so much exclusive to that show. Just primarily on that one. But that isn't to say they can't move from show to show, should they be in a feud or whatever.

No ECW by the way. It's Velocity again, or a new name. It's internet only. But it's not a show as such. Just matches. For example. Each week there would be 3 matches or so on each show. You can choose to watch one or all. It would be a way to gauge who's gaining popularity. If WWE find that Harry Smith matches draw a lot of viewers each week then maybe it's time to make him a bigger part of the show. There would also be promos by the talent on the show. Opponents talking about opponents. Entirely improvised. If somebody has untapped mic potential, it'l soon be noticed.

Anyway in my regime titles are important. And they follow a pretty rigid formula.

  • They don't need to be defended each month. For TV. It doesn't matter if they're defended on House Shows. In fact title matches are encouraged at House Shows. Because you aren't going to get them ever week on TV, and not every month on PPV.

  • This realtes to the above section. UFC is huge right now. Most of the time the titles mean something. Yet the titles aren't defended sometimes for months on end. Nobody forgot about Randy Couture after he won the title of Sylvia. It took 5 months for him to fight again. People anticipated the match more if anything. I'm not saying leave it 5 months. But title shots shouldn't be given away to just anybody.

  • Not all the titles are equal. They're just different. The WWE Championship is the main prize. But the gulf between that and the IC title isn't huge. They're different leagues is all.

  • Challengers have to earn their title shot. They don't just ask and recieve. They have to have had a good run leading up to it. No coming back from a long absence like Jericho and getting a title shot.

  • If you want a title match then you must beat the champion in a non title match first. It doesn't matter what type of match. It can be a tag, 6-man or singles.

  • Title reigns on average aren't short. And changes don't happen on TV. Certainly not unless there is a real problem. If you though Cena's title reign, and MVP's title reign are too long, then you won't like my WWE.

  • If a title reign is transitional then the following reign won't be. Sometimes transitional reigns are needed, but they don't need to be done frequently.

  • Each title follows a pretty similar formula. It doesn't matter. Because each title division is different. And they won't be in sync so it's won't be obvious.

I came up with more, but I'm struggling to remember it at the moment. I'll be editing my post when more comes to me.
Okay, I'll take a stab at this. So for my first what I would do scenario, I'm going to attempt to save the Tri-Brand that is already set up. I don't necessarily think that the Tri-Brand is the best way to go, but no one has really made a case for it, so I'll attempt to do it.

First and foremost, since I suddenly have this money and I'm in charge, I make an offer to TNA. Why? simple, I want their roster, and I want them to go away. I want to make competition without actually having to compete with anyone, the basic philosophy of the brand split to begin with. Why share money with someone else when I can create my own competition and get all the money. I simply absorb TNA or I will end up destroying it.

The 3 Brands. Regardless if the takeover is successful or not, I do what I can to get ECW a 2nd hour. The main thing with individual brands is just that, individuality. Back when the brand extension first started, there was a sense of pride in being a "Raw" or "Smackdown" guy. It worked because they had, outside of four times a year, little to no interaction at all with each other. It made interpromotional match ups more significant, because you weren't sure if you were going to get Kane vs. The Undertaker, Brock vs. Lesnar, Angle vs. Michaels, or any of those again. The WWE raped its goose that laid the golden egg with this and mounted it on the wall. They ruined years of potential feuds to cash them all in at once because they don't have the patience to see things through.

As far as the Brands, why not use the name WCW? The original plan of the brand extension was going to be WCW Monday Nitro and WWF Smackdown!, until someone decided that Booker T vs. Buff Bagwell was an amazing way to showcase all of this WCW talent you acquired. Instead of shitting on the legacy of the most legit #2 company ever, I glorify it. If ECW is worthy enough of getting a show, surely WCW is. So long story short, you have ECW already, you keep WWE Raw as your flagship on Mondays, and Smackdown becomes a WCW show.

The Rosters/GMs: This one is tough. I would see the company as myself being an owner of a pro sports franchise, I don't want to be involved. I want to put people with a mind for the business in the appropriate positions. I wouldn't pretend to know how to run the business. I bring in three guys and tell them, you each have a brand, make it better then his brand. In fact, I want you to put each other out of business is the end goal. I wash my hands of it, and allocate certain dollar amounts and let those three individuals go with it, for me, that would be Jim Cornette, Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman. The three can't stand each other in real life, so they would have a drive to out do each other.

Now as far as the rosters would work, Kayfabe wise the GM's are given X amount of dollars. I keep this as "real" as you can with wrestling. As in, you sign guys to contracts and length of contracts, but it counts against your salary cap. During drafts or trades or anything, if you violate that cap, you are penalized and forced to cut wrestlers that take you over that gap. Give it a "real" sports feel and keep people up to date on how close you are to going over the cap.

As far as the GM's go, they would really be in charge of their own brand. They are in charge of hiring people they feel can get the job done, they would only have to answer to me and the board of directors. Obviously final moves involving huge shake ups would have to meet board approval.

As far as belts, I would keep the belts to each brand at this point. Basically you have all of the WWE belts on Raw at this point and all of the WCW belts on Smackdown, so no major need for change. However, ECW would need to add a tag team division and a secondary title. Unlike Sly, I think there is money in the cruiserweights. They shouldn't be the focal point of a company, but there is a niched out there that enjoy watching them that no one is exploiting. A cruiserweight/X-Division type atmosphere would fit perfectly in an ECW environment.

Anywho, I'm ramblign and need time to rethink everything else I was thinking about. So to sum it up in a nutshell. Think of it as going back to a semi-NWA type of atmosphere, but I own it all. Major shake ups between the rosters would have to meet with board approval, but pretty much the 3 gm's have complete financial control over their respective brands. If they don't meet certain goals, they'll be replaced.
While the brand split is over. But Raw & Smackdown have wrestlers that aren't so much exclusive to that show. Just primarily on that one. But that isn't to say they can't move from show to show, should they be in a feud or whatever.

Thats exactly what I was meaning when speaking on my ending of the brand split, so that people could get proper TV time. the top 4 to 6 guys would be on both shows, but everyone else for the most part ould be exclusive, without ACTUALLY being exsclusive

  • Challengers have to earn their title shot. They don't just ask and recieve. They have to have had a good run leading up to it. No coming back from a long absence like Jericho and getting a title shot.

exactly the way it should be. 100% agreed

  • Title reigns on average aren't short. And changes don't happen on TV. Certainly not unless there is a real problem. If you though Cena's title reign, and MVP's title reign are too long, then you won't like my WWE.

perfectly fine, very good idea. The length of the reighn isnt what makes a long title reighn grating, its the booking of the matches throughout the reighn. thats why so many find Cena's run unfavorable, and practically NO ONE has ever complained about MVP's run.

First and foremost, since I suddenly have this money and I'm in charge, I make an offer to TNA. Why? simple, I want their roster, and I want them to go away. I want to make competition without actually having to compete with anyone, the basic philosophy of the brand split to begin with. Why share money with someone else when I can create my own competition and get all the money. I simply absorb TNA or I will end up destroying it.

DAMN brilliant idea. WWE would be fairly stacked with TNA's roster added to them.


The 3 Brands. Regardless if the takeover is successful or not, I do what I can to get ECW a 2nd hour. The main thing with individual brands is just that, individuality. Back when the brand extension first started, there was a sense of pride in being a "Raw" or "Smackdown" guy. It worked because they had, outside of four times a year, little to no interaction at all with each other. It made interpromotional match ups more significant, because you weren't sure if you were going to get Kane vs. The Undertaker, Brock vs. Lesnar, Angle vs. Michaels, or any of those again. The WWE raped its goose that laid the golden egg with this and mounted it on the wall. They ruined years of potential feuds to cash them all in at once because they don't have the patience to see things through.

As far as the Brands, why not use the name WCW? The original plan of the brand extension was going to be WCW Monday Nitro and WWF Smackdown!, until someone decided that Booker T vs. Buff Bagwell was an amazing way to showcase all of this WCW talent you acquired. Instead of shitting on the legacy of the most legit #2 company ever, I glorify it. If ECW is worthy enough of getting a show, surely WCW is. So long story short, you have ECW already, you keep WWE Raw as your flagship on Mondays, and Smackdown becomes a WCW show.

The Rosters/GMs: This one is tough. I would see the company as myself being an owner of a pro sports franchise, I don't want to be involved. I want to put people with a mind for the business in the appropriate positions. I wouldn't pretend to know how to run the business. I bring in three guys and tell them, you each have a brand, make it better then his brand. In fact, I want you to put each other out of business is the end goal. I wash my hands of it, and allocate certain dollar amounts and let those three individuals go with it, for me, that would be Jim Cornette, Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman. The three can't stand each other in real life, so they would have a drive to out do each other.

Now as far as the rosters would work, Kayfabe wise the GM's are given X amount of dollars. I keep this as "real" as you can with wrestling. As in, you sign guys to contracts and length of contracts, but it counts against your salary cap. During drafts or trades or anything, if you violate that cap, you are penalized and forced to cut wrestlers that take you over that gap. Give it a "real" sports feel and keep people up to date on how close you are to going over the cap.

As far as the GM's go, they would really be in charge of their own brand. They are in charge of hiring people they feel can get the job done, they would only have to answer to me and the board of directors. Obviously final moves involving huge shake ups would have to meet board approval.

As far as belts, I would keep the belts to each brand at this point. Basically you have all of the WWE belts on Raw at this point and all of the WCW belts on Smackdown, so no major need for change. However, ECW would need to add a tag team division and a secondary title. Unlike Sly, I think there is money in the cruiserweights. They shouldn't be the focal point of a company, but there is a niched out there that enjoy watching them that no one is exploiting. A cruiserweight/X-Division type atmosphere would fit perfectly in an ECW environment.

I absolutely LOVE this concept for tri brand extension. Personally I wouldnt keep the brand extension, but If i were to, this is certainley the best way it could be done. I love the salary cap idea. Although I would hope that your additions of belts, and a 2nd hour for ECW hinges on the absorbtion of TNA? becuase WWE certainley does NOT have the depth to add belts, and a division, AND another hour of programming at the current time.

But ive ALWAYS thought that they shouldve made SD! into WCW Nitro. I mean they use ECW, so whats wrong with using WCW?? Like you said, nothing at all. I really fell like if they made these brands seem truly independant, and rivals, it would be GREAT. they can try to recreate the "monday night wars" kind of, but with control of everything, and have all the money coming under one roof. But I think they should try to seperate and create rivalry so much between the brands, that it would make people forget they were all actually WWE. If you could absorb TNA, this idea would be fucking incredible. It would make something as simple as a brand jumping, and interbrand matches, a HUGE deal.
Mighty NorCal, I have often thought about how I would run things if I was in control of the WWE and often wondered how people would take to my ideas.
I think you should take our ideas and decide what's good, bad or needs re-adjusting and then run your own little WWE production for us or even work with someone to help you.
It could make great reading and present you with an amazing challenge.
However I don't know how old or how busy you are so it may be a little too much lol
How I would personally run things would be first wave ECW goodbye.
Then give General Manager positions to Shane McMahon and Mick Foley on each RAW and Smackdown.
RAW Live on Mondays
Smackdown Live on Wednesdays
Heat and Velocity following them two up as a show for like a reserve team!
JAN - Royal Rumble
FEB - No Way Out
MAR - WrestleMania
APR - Vengeance
MAY - Judgment Day
JUN - King of the Ring
JUL - The Great American Bash
AUG - Summerslam
SEP - Unforgiven
OCT - No Mercy
NOV - Survivor Series
DEC - Armageddon
Backlash, One Night Stand and Cyber Sunday are taken out.
The fan voting night (aka Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday) will now take place on RAW and Smackdown of one week in the year.

Championship Belts:
WWE CHAMPIONSHIP (defended on both RAW & Smackdown)
WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (defended on both RAW & Smackdown)
WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP (defended on both RAW & Smackdown)
WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP (defended on both RAW & Smackdown)
WWE HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP (defended on both RAW & Smackdown)
(New Hardcore Champion given 48 hour protection)

I would not encourage the introduction of TNA for a tri branded set up.
It's good for WWE to have some competition and keeps the company on their toes. Also it's as good as a safety net for released WWE superstars.

Erm Madison Square Garden will forever play host to WrestleMania's after each 10 year period e.g. X, XX, XXX, XXXL, L, LX, LXX, LXXX, XC, C

Royal Rumble winners forever get a MAIN EVENT WWE Championship match at WrestleMania, King of the Ring winners forever get a MAIN EVENT WWE Championship match at Summerslam.

Survivor Series always has a least one 5 ON 5 Classic Tag Team Elimination Match.

WWE Superstars are drafted on the RAW straight after Vengeance (which I'd have as my April PPV).

If I think of more stuff I'll be sure to post.
OK heres my attempt at runing things

like Shockmaster i feel there is more money in keeping the brand split but actually have it make sense, ECW with only one title doesnt make sense to me and also having stars from raw and smackdown invade ecw programming doesnt make sense

What i would do first is get rid of the current booking commites apart from the ecw booking commite, i can't stand the current booking commite as it is, i feel that smackdown is a laguhing stock at the moment i hate these stupid playboy diva matches so the following would happen here:

.ECW gets the cruiser title, all cruisers are moved to ECW to work and prove that they have the power to midcard and main event, ECW also gets tag titles due to the fact that the only real tag team division is on ECW anyways. Estrada would be gone as an on air GM and i would bring back the jackal aka Cyrus the virus to ECW broadcasting.

.Smackdown gets back its tag straps, we use the division properly by assembling tag teams that work and send london and kendrick back there, they where the best thing to happen to the tag straps on friday nights.

. every wrestler is brand exclusive including champions i hate the fact that the world champ beats the ecw champ in matches it makes the title and the person holding it look weak.

. I like Jakes idea of making people work for title opportunities i like the ranking system maybe we can use that to help elevate each wrestler on certain brands.

. all world titles are defended on ppvs, dont defend them on tv i hate the fact that every week the ecw title is defended, longer feuds and more main event time for the ecw title, according to the ranking system whomever is the top champ gets the main event spot i.e if smackdowns world champ is the top of the ranking system they get to main event, and have the royal rumble mean something, if the title shot is the main event of mania let it be the main event, i remember undertake winning the title at the rumble to face tista but got shoved out of the way in favour of raw that totally disrespected the rumble and the title shot.
Also at WrestleMania it would be amazing to have as many of the superstars as possible enter the arena to their theme music being played live. E.g. Motorhead for Triple H, Finger Eleven for Kane.
Mighty NorCal, I have often thought about how I would run things if I was in control of the WWE and often wondered how people would take to my ideas.
I think you should take our ideas and decide what's good, bad or needs re-adjusting and then run your own little WWE production for us or even work with someone to help you.
It could make great reading and present you with an amazing challenge.
However I don't know how old or how busy you are so it may be a little too much lol

I am planning on going over the posts in some weeks, and condensing ideas to come up with something better overall at the end. I may throw idea up for discussion, and see what everyone thinks of the individual major ideas, to spurn on some more debate, then come up with the way we as a group would be presenting the WWE program. Probably two versions, one with a brand split, the other without.

There is a book this part of the website, but i dont get much into it. But I more than invite anyone who does frequent that portion of the site to take the WZ version of WWE, and do a "book this" with it.
Where to start...Firstly keep the 3 brands however the one thing that may be multi branded would be the tag titles. Rename Smackdown to WCW making it more separate from Raw as well as keep ECW. As For titles WWE Raw will have the WWE Heavyweight Championship and the Intercontinental Title. ECW would have the ECW Heavyweight Championship and the Cruiserweight Championship. WCW Smackdown world have the WCW Heavyweight Championship and the U.S championship. The Tag Titles should be unified and can be defended on any show because spreading out the depth of the tag roster just completely ruins any decent tag division. Talent would need to be moved around to boost ratings on all shows as it has been proven that Batista and Edge can't carry smackdown on their own. as far as roster changes i would go with the following...

Triple HHH
Randy Orton
Ken Kennedy
Big Show
Chuck Palumbo
Shawn Michaels
Shelton Benjamin
Kofi Kingston
D.H. Smith
John Morrison

Tommy Dreamer
Stevie Richards
Balls Mahoney
C.M. Punk
Chavo Guerrero
Jeff Hardy
Gregory Helms
Charlie Haas
Kenny Dykstra
Jimmy Wang Yang
Jamie Noble
Shannon Moore
Paul London
Brian Kendrick
Colin Delaney
Super Crazy

WCW Smackdown
Chris Jericho
The Undertaker
John Cena(Heel)
Matt Hardy
Elijah Burke(possible stay in ECW for a while)
The Miz
Kevin Thorne
Cody Rhodes
Santino Marella

Tag Teams
Deuce and Domino
Cade and Murdock
The Naturals
as well as any combination as the tag titles will be tri-branded

The remaining members of the current rosters would remain the same with the exception of Big Daddy V and Mark Henry who i would give there pink slips too

i would also think of starting Ron Killings and Chris Harris in ECW and then moving them later on unless a second hour can be bid for it
Ok heres mine.

First i would swap FCW and ECW making ECW eastern championship wrestling again and make it a developmental territory and FCW would take a TV spot renaming itself something corny like, idk, freedom championship wrestling or, fantastic championship wrestling and it would be on a basic TV channel so people without cable can still view our product! I would also ditch the draft but keep the rosters the same and if theres ever a switch the superstar switching would show up and get a push on the new show. heres how i would run the shows and PPVs

RAW - i wouldnt want to mess with it too much, its the #1 show right now and i just couldnt mess that up

Smackdown - I would switch the roster up a little giving it more popular guys and give the tag titles to FCW but bring back the crusierweight title

FCW - 2 titles, FCW title and FCW (formerly WWE) tag titles. FCW wouldnt act like its a WWE brand, it would act like its own federation bashing the WWE from time to time


January - Royal Rumble - keep it the same

Febuary - NWO - both an elimination chamber match AND a HITC match, the winners would go on to face eachother at WM

March - Whiplash - a PPV leading up to WM also FCW will play a big part in it by having their superstars fight against Smackdown and RAW superstars

April - Wrestlemania AND Backlash - WM will be great, keep the celebrities and raise the stakes, instead of triple threat main events how about Xtreme rules title matches or something better
and backlash will play as a mini wrestlemania, keep the celebrities though

May - Judgment day - end the feuds, make more feuds and leave the fans waiting to see what happens next, i mean end the PPV with a heel turn or something

June - Heatwave - kick off the summer with a Whiplash type PPV and have a traditional battle royal with a title on the line

July - GAB - no comment

August - Summerslam - Once again the WM of the summer, starting feuds and raising the stakes once again

September - Unforgiven - a really dark and unknown PPV with little knowledge for the fans, big suprise debut and perhaps a heel turn

October - Halloween Hell - Halloween havoc with a hell in the cell main event

November - no ppv, just let the shows leave the fans hanging

December - New years bash - GAB only with a new years theme, i would hold it on new years eve and have the countdown right there followed by a big debut


heres a list of the titles i would have

for raw: WWE title, TV title, tag team title, womens title
for smackdown: WHT, US title and cruiserweight title
for FCW: FCW title and FCW tag titles (i said it earlier)

so there you have it folks! my WWE feel free to reply to me in fact i would love it if you did i bet i made some crappy mistakes so....
How whould i go from here ?
Hmm...First of all the roster looks balanced as it is now , of course except ECW , where they don't have anybody except Punk who can go as a mid-upper card to RAW/SD.

PPV's look decent , i would only go with a PPV where it would be a king-of-the-ring type of match , though this one for tag-teams only.This way i can have future alliences made and broken so a few storylines could be gotten from here if problems.

So let's go...So far we have Orton as WWE champ , Edge as SD! champ and Chavo as ECW champ.

March - At WM i'll go with the matches already announced , i'll have
RAW : Orton retain his title ( though i'm not a fan of his ) , and have him feud with Triple H while Cena makes another movie.
SD! : Undertakers wins the title after a hard battle and a couple of interventions from the Edgeheads and Vickie.
ECW : Let's go with Kane win the title as this is the most probable option.

April - Backlash
RAW : Orton vs Triple H in some sort of a No DQ fight.
Triple H gets the title after some help from Michaels leading to a rebirth of DX.
SD! : Undertaker vs Edge
Probably the last help Edge will get from Vickie , his rematch against Taker.He loses again , he breaks the sharade with Vickie and we'll have a couple of weeks of SD! where Vickie puts the big names against Edge.
ECW! : New ECW manager....Mr.Kennedy...Kennedy ... Probably to big of a name for ECW , but that's the start of the rebirth.Let's just give a scenario where Vince has some sort of accident and is in a comma , or heck why not on vacation . He gives Raw to Stephanie , SD! to Shane , and of course ECW , to his illegitimate son , Kennedy .

Also have the US title defended here ( won't keep count of who's champ)

May - Get rid of Judgement day as i see it just a boring PPV lately. Maybe throw it later in the year. Get the tag team KOTR tournament i was thinking about . Winner team of the tournament gets into a triple threat match against the Champ in either RAW/SD!/ECW .
As DX should be in this tournament , maybe Y2J cashing in the MITB and taking the title would be a good choice here .

We'd have 8 teams here so 7 tag matches , maybe some sort of gimmick matches so it won't get boring , though as One Night Stand is next , i think fans can do without the gimmicks for one show.
I see teams like :
-Raw : DX , London & Kendrick , Edge & Orton
-SD! : Kane & Taker(?) , Khali & Umaga , Hardys
- ECW : Kennedy & Big Show , Big Daddy V & Mark Henry

(?) Team of champs , ECW & SD! , probably not a good ideea , but again they can use the "a chance to become undisputed champions" line.
So probably the most logical thing to do is give DX the win , after a final with the Hardys or the Rated RKO.Kennedy & Big Show get to the Semis so we can see the ECW isn't down to it's knees.

Also have the IC and US title defended at this PPV .

June - One Night Stand
Raw : Y2J vs Triple H vs Michaels
Y2J retains after a battle where he is seen down and out , but Michaels and Triple H end up screwing over each other and Y2J wins.
SD! : Taker vs Khali in some sort of cage match , maybe even Punjabi Prison.Of course Taker retains
ECW : Monster Mash for the ECW : Kane (c) vs Big Daddy V vs Umaga vs Mark Henry
Give the championship to Mark Henry whould be a good change , but i think Kane should hold the title a little more.
Have JBL vs Kennedy in some sort of match where if JBL loses he's drafted to ECW , which happens.
Also a women's championship match and another filler should be enough action for this PPV.

June - Vengeance
Well don't know how to do this one...Probably a PPV to set up the ones to come ..
I see Cena finishing his movie by now , and probably an angle where Cena returns to take on Orton , after he injured him at WM24 seems a good angle for a PPV named Vengeance.
Also a match with Triple H vs Michaels seems good as both want revenge after they screwed each other at ONS
As the champs shouldn't have the night off , maybe there should be thrown an Champion of champions match to have all WWE champs ( except tag teams and womens ) fight for some sort of reason .
Have the tag teams defended here and the womens champs and those should be the 6 matches for this PPV.

July - Great American Bash

RAW : Y2J vs Cena vs Triple H.
I know , again a triple threat , but it's the best way i see it.Y2J loses the title , give the title to Triple H , and have the Triple H vs Cena match they wanted at WM. They both come after a win at Vengeance so it seems the best choice in my books.Maybe make it an elimination match to make it different .
SD! : Taker vs Umaga as they've said they were going with this at for Summerslam
Best way to end this is probably count-out after Umaga destroys Taker outside the ring , so they have something to build up to Summerslam
ECW : Kane vs JBL . Best place for the american hero JBL to win a title , and i don't see him winning any other than ECW .

August - Summerslam
RAW : Cena vs Triple H
Triple H wins funny so he can turn heel and Cena will look good when he finally beats him.
SD! : Taker vs Umaga should end somehow in Taker retaining but injuring himself so he'll have to fogive up the title and have his usual mind games 2 PPVs later.
ECW : JBL vs Big Show . JBL retains .

September - Unforgiven
RAW : Again Cena vs Triple H in some sort of gimmick match this time , probably Hell in a Cell , he wins again with some help from Stephanie which in case you forgot is Manager of RAW , so she'll turn into some sort of Vickie Guerrero.
SD! : Elimination Chamber with Umaga , MVP , Finlay , Edge , Orton.Best option for champ for the period of the year would be Orton i believe who should get some credibility as a champ after winning against those guys.
ECW : JBL vs Big Show vs Kane vs Khali in a Fatal Four Way match for the ECW championship where JBL retains .

October - No Mercy
RAW : Finally Cena beats Triple H for the title and he's seen as a hero .
SD! : Orton vs Edge , Orton retains .
ECW! : no match
Umaga vs someone , with Undertaker starting the mind games
Also have some sort of match to determine the contender for the No Mercy PPV #1 contender for RAW

October - Cyber Sunday
Doesn't matter , fans decide , no title will change hands anyway .Undertaker's mind games finally end when he defeats Umaga . Probably make it fans choice between Casket , Inferno and Burried Alive match .

November - Survivor Series
Main Event is a 3 vs 3 vs 3 Survivor series elimination match with all 3 brands fighting for Draft picks , last one standing gets 2 picks ( one from each other brand ) , second one gets 1 picks ( from brand that finishes in 3rd place ) .
I see teams like , Big Show/JBL/Kane (ECW ) vs Y2J/Hardy/Michaels (RAW) vs Undertaker/Batista/Edge (SD!)
Another option where they can change guys that have been in their title period for long and can't produce anything new...
Also titles can be in play but no champ changes.

December - Armaggedon
Nothing big to change .

January - Royal Rumble
Have Jeff Hardy win the damn thing and have a NWO build up the way WM23 was build up.

WM25 card IMO :
Raw : -Jeff Hardy vs John Cena ( with Hardy finally winning something big )
SD! : -Orton vs Taker again ( with Taker having someone worthy to loose the streak to )
General Manager superiority match ( to become what Vince is now ) : Triple H vs Batista vs Big Show
IC : MVP vs Y2J
MITB (6 men ) : JBL vs Kane vs Matt Hardy vs Michaels vs Carlito vs Shelton Benjamin
US : Rey Mysterio vs Edge
Monster vs Monster : Umaga vs Khali ( everybody thought they will see this at WM23 )
Piss break : Women's Championship match .
Here is what I would do.

TV Shows
Monday - Raw Is War (Live) 2 & a half hours
Thursday - Smackdown (Live) 2 & a half hours
Friday - Velocity (Taped) 1 hour
Sunday - Heat (Taped) 1 hour




January - Royal Rumble
February - No Way Out
March - WrestleMania
April - Backlash
May - Badd Blood
June - King Of The Ring
July - Great American Bash
August - SummerSlam
September - Unforgiven
October - Halloween Havoc
November - Survivor Series
December - Armageddon

The company would be built primarily around Randy Orton and John Cena, hopefully pushing them both in the same way that Stone Cold and The Rock were pushed.

Closely behind would be Y2J, Triple H, Mr Kennedy, Batista and Edge (some of these could also be I.C. title contenders).

The I.C. title would be contested by HBK (he is winding down his career), Mr Kennedy, Y2J, MVP, JBL, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio.

The T.V. title could have the I.C. title contenders plus guys like Carlito, Santino, Shelton Benjamin, Finlay, Cody Rhodes plus others.

Also, I would have Kane turn heel, become dominant again and have a title reign, which would include defeating The Undertaker clean.

Heat and Velocity would be an hour of pure wrestling, no recaps whatsoever. The matches would most likely be T.V. Title, Tag Title, Cruiserweight Title matches (not to say that they would not be on Raw or Smackdown) and perhaps even the odd I.C. title matches. These matches would be hyped up on Raw and Smackdown and title changes would happen.

Just my thoughts.
I would firstly start another Invasion type angle with ECW! At the next PPV ECW and SmackDown would face off with ECW winning and 'Take Over' SmackDown, they would then move on to conquer RAW at the following PPV but would fail meaning that ECW and SmackDown superstars would combine and stay on Friday Nights and stay named SmackDown! - ECW on Sci-Fi would dis-continue.

There would then be a Draft to evenly seperate the talent between the two brands. Most notably Edge and Batista would move to RAW and John Cena and Randy Orton would move to SD!

Talent surplus to requirements: Hawkins + Ryder, Khali and Mike Knox to name a few would be released.

(Champions are who i see as representing the respective division)
WWE Championship
- Edge - Would get his chance to reign as WWE's number one guy on the A Show and would hold the title throughout the year during feuds with HBK and Batista before eventually starting a long feud with The Game
Intercontinental Championship
- Mr. Kennedy - After all his mis-haps Kennedy would get a long reign with the IC title before moving onto cash in the MITB Contract on the SD brand.
World Tag Team Championship
- The Highlanders - After nearly two years in the WWE The Highlanders would finally get thier chance at the gold.
WWE Womens Championship
- Mickie James - By far the best female Wrestler (not diva - "eye candy" would be limited and more emphasis on the wrestling) A James/Victoria feud would be set up.

World Heavyweight Championship
- Undertaker. [see Huge Storylines]
WWE United States Championship
- Shelton Benjamin - The Gold Standard would be given a decent run with the gold fending off the likes off Matt Hardy, and CM Punk
WWE Tag Team Championship
- Jesse and Festus - absolutley love this team and also their current feud with Miz and Morrison so this would continue with me in charge.
Cruiserweight Championship
- Gregory Helms would be my lead man for the Cruiser division, after his return from injury he would capture the vacant title before moving onto the US Division

*More emphasis would be placed on both Tag Titles and Cruiserweight title.

I have always felt that Kane was at his best whilst wearing his mask. Therefore after a lenghty feud with Mark Henry would culminate in an Inferno Match at a Big Four PPV. Kane would end up buring his face and be out of action for 4-6 months to sell the damage. He would return a heel and in the mask, he would cost Taker the World Title - blaming him for everything that has happened. Taker and Kane wold then go onto feud over the next couple of months.

Eric Bischoff would be brought back as GM of RAW and Stephanie McMahon would return as GM of SmackDown after the ECW Invasion angle ends.

A British stable would be created on RAW - similar to the Un-Americans from WWE and Team Canada from TNA - Featuring leaders: William Regal and Dave Taylor and protoge's Drew McIntrye, Paul Burchill and The Highlanders would be included too. They would gain measurable success before Burchill and McIntrye break away from the stable and feud with The Highlanders over the Tag titles.

I would also make huge efforts to bring Christian Cage back to WWE. He would return unannounced during a match involving Edge and the two would then feud in TLC matches for a lenghty time.

A One Hour, weekly show - Heat - would run feturing talent from both brands who fail to make it to the main shows.

Pay per Views would remain as they are now - One a Month and feature matches from both brands.

Cyber Sunday would be scrapped and moved to a 3 Hour RAW Spectacular fetureing stars from both brands.

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