Well, there are a lot more things going on than just Cena, I just listed the main-event feuds.I know that you like Cena and all SlyFox but having him booked in every single championship match and with no real story feuds (u know like the ones wrestlers should be having) is getting redundant and that is coming from someone who respects the hell out of the guy. But if you want ppl to watch ur product, shouldn't u have several guys who can go espcially if something bad happens to Cena....I mean do great tv shows not have several great characters: see 2 and a 1/2 Men: Charlie, Alan, or movies have great characters: Departed; Billy Costigan, Colin Sullivan, Frank Costello.....
Cena has been the top guy for years now and it is getting redundant having him hold the title for 2 years....WWE fans do NOT WANT another Hogan....Orton, Kennedy, MVP, Edge and both Hardys need to be fuirther established and given title reigns of their own as I believe they all could hold the spotlight and make the WWE some money.
And, my liking for Cena really had little to do with the booking of Cena. Cena is the biggest draw, and contrary to what you said, more and more fans tuned in and bought Cena PPVs. The reason why Cena had the year long streak was not because I liked him, simply to build for the Wrestlemania main-event. It would make the main-event of WM 25 that much bigger if both men were year long champions.