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The WWE...is YOURS

Mighty NorCal

I know there have been simular threads, to the concept, but I want this one to go much better. I want people to critique each others ideas, and to offer their own. Im going to come back and post in here a new "overall" post every few days, with the best ideas fro EVERYONE, so we can see how good we can make this as a Group.

Basically, the premise is this...Vince Mcmahon has just died, and through whatever miracle, you are now in complete control of the WWE. What do you do with it, how do you make it better???

In these posts, I want everything. What you would do overall, how the matches should be booked, the PPV schedule, how the titles would work, what pushes you would give and to whom. Basically everything that everyone bitches about on here, tell me then, how you would change it.

As for mine....
The Rosters
First, I will end the brand split. Everyone, on every show. Now thats not to necessarily mean that people will get buried, becuase EVERY one, wont be on EVERY show. It will almost be like a brand split without being defined it would just free up the roster depth a little more, and give every night more of a big night feel.

The Brands (shows)
Firstly, ECW is over. The show being named that just alienates a lot of fans, and does nothing but Disgrace a once proud name. I will still have a show based primarily on wrestling, and young up and comers, but it will be a two hour program on saturday afternoons. The show will primarily be filmed in smaller arenas, in the florida area, so as being easier to bring up FCW guys for either an introduction to TV, or just bring them up for a squash. This show will be about the lower, younger, or up and coming guys, and may have just one ME level or upper mid card guy on top of the card. This show would be very reminiscent of WCW saturday night, and would emphasize cruisers, and mid card to upper mid card guys. SD!, will be moved to thursday, as to avoid any of my shows being back to back, to avoid fans being burnt out during the week. Both RAW and SD! would have a balance of entertainment/promo/wrestling, instead of one show emphasizing one or the other as it is right now.

One main WWE title. We put the ECW title on someone High profile, if not just for a week, and then at the next PPV, there is a triple threat unifacation match. Create the "world wrestling entertainment heavyweight championship". And use elements from all three belts. It would look prestigous, and classic, and be large. MY heavyweight champ would LOOK like a heavyweight champ. Now if I had to do it all the sudden, as in my mcmahon dies scenario, id do it at the next PPV. If the WWE was going to realistically do it, This would obviously just be built towards until WM.

Both the US AND IC title would get to stay. Why you ask?? Becuase every successfull promotion has always had TWO mid card titles, although it s generally a TV title. I think the US and IC both have too much history behind them to just abolish one, and like I said, I think having two mid card titles isnt a bad thing. I mean fuck its not like we have three Heavyweight championships right now. Two mid card titles, being the IC amd US, certainley couldnt hurt. Give the equal booking, and I belive this wouldnt be hard to do, as with the brand split u have an abundance of guys who will be vying for either title.

And obviously, unify the tag belts. I think between all the shows at the moment you could have a fairly decent tag division. Split? obviously not, as we can all see. But all together could certainley be passable.

The womens title can stay, as there is a market of f ans who really do enjoy quality womens wrestling. Hell, I enjoy quality womens wrestling. But thats just it. In my WWE, the vast majority of the divas are going to be just that, divas. On screen personalities, interveiw girls for different shows, used in promos, and as valets. The only currrents that get to stay, are Mickie James, Victoria, Beth Pheonix, and Melina. The rest will fill the roles stated above. Im sure Echelon will inform me of who else I should bring in, to flesh out the rest of my WRESTLERS in my female WRESTLING divison.

The cruiserweight title would be brought back, loud and proud. I would heavily recruit Mexico, and Japan for my Cruisers, and the division at first anyway, would be carried by Jamie Noble.

One per month, 30$, always AT LEAST three hours. As follows...
January-Royal Rumble
Same format as now. Have the WWE title match as undercard, and perpetuate some feuds. Probably a tag title match, as no one is going to belive that a memeber of the tag champs is gonna win the rumble, so why waste them? Also a womens title match, falling under the same reasoning. Winner gets a shot at WM.

Febuary-No Way Out
I like having the EC at this event, if not just for the name of the PPV. It could be ysed in anumber of ways, wether it be to get anothe rguy into the MW main event, or to solidify the champ with a title defense here, as to make him look stronger for the WM build. You could also go in the way of shocker upset to give you a new champ going into the last 5 weeks before WM.

The biggest, longest, craziest event of the year. Titles change hands, feuds are ended, torches are passed. WIll always be in a huge arena, generally football stadiums, wether they be outdoor, or indoor.

Basically, revenge from WM, feuds from WM are either wrapped up, or continued, or new ones are began.

May- One Night Stand
Postively ends feuds from WM, and probably any new ones from Backlash, as this will be an all gimmick match PPV.

June- King Of The Ring
One night, eight man tournament, the winner recieving a title shot at SummerSlam. The PPV primarily focuses on the tourney, with most likely a tag title, a WWE heavyweight title match being the only non tournament matchs. The first round will be regular matches. The semi Finals will be in a "spin the wheel make the deal" format, were a wheel will be spun to elect a random gimmick for the match, including triple threat, were a suprise "random" entrant from the back gets lucky, and gets into the tournament. This tournament is "King of the RING" should it should be able to encompass any and all matches that are held in the ring. The finals will be another regular wrestling match.

July- Great American Bash
Build toward Summerslam, work some feuds that are started out of the KOR

August-SummerSlam-the WM of Summer, pretty much built the way it is now

The "backlash" to Summerslams "Wrestlemania". continue fueds, and start off the fall right.

October- Halloween Havoc
Held near halloween, with the elaborate sets that used to be used by WCW. Generally will incorporate some type of macbre match, wether it be casket, last man standing, HIAC, Buried alive. SOmething big, and "scary".

November-Survivor Series
All about the elimination tag matches, besides one WWE title match. the remaining survivors from each team will be put into a battle royal later in the night, to win a survivor series ring (yes like battlebowl. may evenn call it that)

December-Cyber Sunday/Armageddon
The concept of Cyber Sunday remains, IE the fans pick the opponets/gimmicks they would like to see, in an onus to them for the last PPV of the year. I dont particularly enjoy the tagline of "cyber sunday" and I think "Armageddon" would applicable, given the crazy random, and eventually very brutal, enviornment of this PPV.

Either GAB, or SummerSlam, WOULD BE held outdoors, probably in a football/soccer stadium. This would more likely be GAB, as to enhance the American feeling, atmosphereic feel. SummerSlam would be able to sell itself as the WM of the summer, so GAB would be sold on romanticism. PPVs would be very unpredictable, and would take on a feeling of anything CAN happen. Title changes will regularly go down on PPVs. Halloween Havoc will occur close to halloween, Survivor series close to Thanksgiving. Armageddon would be the weekend before christmas, and the wrestlers would be the week of, and 2 days after christmas off.

My matches
Would generally have clean finishes. Heels would be booker to look strong and threatening, not weak. Triple Threat would be one fall to a finish, anything else, IE fatal four way, five man, or 6 pack, would be elimination.

Tha pretty much covers how my WWE would run. Everyone come forth with your ideas, make suggestions and critiques on mine, and each others. You dont like something about WWE? fix it. Thanks everyone for your support on this one, in advance, as I know itll be a time consuming post. I want to come back every few posts, and make a new, overall one, taking the best ideas from everyone, and seeing what we can collectively come up with as a group.
I'll critique yours, so you can improve. From that you should be able to get an idea of a basic premise of mine.

As for mine....
The Rosters
First, I will end the brand split. Everyone, on every show. Now thats not to necessarily mean that people will get buried, becuase EVERY one, wont be on EVERY show. It will almost be like a brand split without being defined it would just free up the roster depth a little more, and give every night more of a big night feel.
This will still require your to shorten the overall rosters, meaning you have guys being paid without working, or bringing any money in. Not really a good way to present company growth to stockholders.

The Brands (shows)
Firstly, ECW is over. The show being named that just alienates a lot of fans, and does nothing but Disgrace a once proud name. I will still have a show based primarily on wrestling, and young up and comers, but it will be a two hour program on saturday afternoons. The show will primarily be filmed in smaller arenas, in the florida area, so as being easier to bring up FCW guys for either an introduction to TV, or just bring them up for a squash. This show will be about the lower, younger, or up and coming guys, and may have just one ME level or upper mid card guy on top of the card.This show would be very reminiscent of WCW saturday night, and would emphasize cruisers, and mid card to upper mid card guys.
No offense, but this idea is terrible. Sound good for wrestling concept, but terrible for every realistic reason.

1) Filming separately means you have to hold a separate show, which means paying for another venue, a venue that will not bring in NEAR enough money to support the filming of a show with WWE production values.

2) Jobber shows are never watched, so you run a high risk of losing your TV deal, costing yourself a lot of money in TV revenue. Finally, you're going to be losing a lot of money on a show that does very little for your bottom line.

3) They already had a show like that. It was Ohio Valley Wrestling. You might not have heard of it because nobody cared about it. Your idea is basically OVW part 2. And, when you are thrown off the network because of poor ratings, you WILL be OVW part 2.

The difference between this and WCW is that Turner owned both WCW and TBS, meaning that the show always had a national broadcast station. The WWE doesn't have that. Plus, when WCW Saturday Night was on, the company was bleeding money.

SD!, will be moved to thursday, as to avoid any of my shows being back to back, to avoid fans being burnt out during the week. Both RAW and SD! would have a balance of entertainment/promo/wrestling, instead of one show emphasizing one or the other as it is right now.
Good idea, except TNA Impact is on Thursday. So, you will be putting your only other TV show, the "B" show of the WWE, on a poor network station, against TNA's prime show. And, while TNA is not a threat now, they're just one good storyline away from competing with your second show.

One main WWE title. We put the ECW title on someone High profile, if not just for a week, and then at the next PPV, there is a triple threat unifacation match. Create the "world wrestling entertainment heavyweight championship". And use elements from all three belts. It would look prestigous, and classic, and be large. MY heavyweight champ would LOOK like a heavyweight champ. Now if I had to do it all the sudden, as in my mcmahon dies scenario, id do it at the next PPV. If the WWE was going to realistically do it, This would obviously just be built towards until WM.

Both the US AND IC title would get to stay. Why you ask?? Becuase every successfull promotion has always had TWO mid card titles, although it s generally a TV title. I think the US and IC both have too much history behind them to just abolish one, and like I said, I think having two mid card titles isnt a bad thing. I mean fuck its not like we have three Heavyweight championships right now. Two mid card titles, being the IC amd US, certainley couldnt hurt. Give the equal booking, and I belive this wouldnt be hard to do, as with the brand split u have an abundance of guys who will be vying for either title.

And obviously, unify the tag belts. I think between all the shows at the moment you could have a fairly decent tag division. Split? obviously not, as we can all see. But all together could certainley be passable.

The womens title can stay, as there is a market of f ans who really do enjoy quality womens wrestling. Hell, I enjoy quality womens wrestling. But thats just it. In my WWE, the vast majority of the divas are going to be just that, divas. On screen personalities, interveiw girls for different shows, used in promos, and as valets. The only currrents that get to stay, are Mickie James, Victoria, Beth Pheonix, and Melina. The rest will fill the roles stated above. Im sure Echelon will inform me of who else I should bring in, to flesh out the rest of my WRESTLERS in my female WRESTLING divison.

The cruiserweight title would be brought back, loud and proud. I would heavily recruit Mexico, and Japan for my Cruisers, and the division at first anyway, would be carried by Jamie Noble.
For the most part, this I like, except the cruiserweight title is not necessary and is a waste of time and money.

One per month, 30$, always AT LEAST three hours.
Silly. You're losing a lot of potential revenue here.

As follows...
January-Royal Rumble
Same format as now. Have the WWE title match as undercard, and perpetuate some feuds. Probably a tag title match, as no one is going to belive that a memeber of the tag champs is gonna win the rumble, so why waste them? Also a womens title match, falling under the same reasoning. Winner gets a shot at WM.

Febuary-No Way Out
I like having the EC at this event, if not just for the name of the PPV. It could be ysed in anumber of ways, wether it be to get anothe rguy into the MW main event, or to solidify the champ with a title defense here, as to make him look stronger for the WM build. You could also go in the way of shocker upset to give you a new champ going into the last 5 weeks before WM.

The biggest, longest, craziest event of the year. Titles change hands, feuds are ended, torches are passed. WIll always be in a huge arena, generally football stadiums, wether they be outdoor, or indoor.

Basically, revenge from WM, feuds from WM are either wrapped up, or continued, or new ones are began.

May- One Night Stand
Postively ends feuds from WM, and probably any new ones from Backlash, as this will be an all gimmick match PPV.

June- King Of The Ring
One night, eight man tournament, the winner recieving a title shot at SummerSlam. The PPV primarily focuses on the tourney, with most likely a tag title, a WWE heavyweight title match being the only non tournament matchs. The first round will be regular matches. The semi Finals will be in a "spin the wheel make the deal" format, were a wheel will be spun to elect a random gimmick for the match, including triple threat, were a suprise "random" entrant from the back gets lucky, and gets into the tournament. This tournament is "King of the RING" should it should be able to encompass any and all matches that are held in the ring. The finals will be another regular wrestling match.

July- Great American Bash
Build toward Summerslam, work some feuds that are started out of the KOR

August-SummerSlam-the WM of Summer, pretty much built the way it is now

The "backlash" to Summerslams "Wrestlemania". continue fueds, and start off the fall right.

October- Halloween Havoc
Held near halloween, with the elaborate sets that used to be used by WCW. Generally will incorporate some type of macbre match, wether it be casket, last man standing, HIAC, Buried alive. SOmething big, and "scary".

November-Survivor Series
All about the elimination tag matches, besides one WWE title match. the remaining survivors from each team will be put into a battle royal later in the night, to win a survivor series ring (yes like battlebowl. may evenn call it that)

December-Cyber Sunday/Armageddon
The concept of Cyber Sunday remains, IE the fans pick the opponets/gimmicks they would like to see, in an onus to them for the last PPV of the year. I dont particularly enjoy the tagline of "cyber sunday" and I think "Armageddon" would applicable, given the crazy random, and eventually very brutal, enviornment of this PPV.

Either GAB, or SummerSlam, WOULD BE held outdoors, probably in a football/soccer stadium. This would more likely be GAB, as to enhance the American feeling, atmosphereic feel. SummerSlam would be able to sell itself as the WM of the summer, so GAB would be sold on romanticism. PPVs would be very unpredictable, and would take on a feeling of anything CAN happen. Title changes will regularly go down on PPVs. Halloween Havoc will occur close to halloween, Survivor series close to Thanksgiving. Armageddon would be the weekend before christmas, and the wrestlers would be the week of, and 2 days after christmas off.
Meh, all of this isn't bad or good, just kind of standard. The only thing you should change would be June's King of the Ring. King of the Ring tournaments are always boring.

My matches
Would generally have clean finishes.
Even on TV? If you have clean finishes on TV, why would anyone want to buy the PPV?
Heels would be booker to look strong and threatening, not weak.
Then heels become cheered, and then become faces. And, if everyone is face, then there's a serious lack of caring by wrestling fans. Heels HAVE to look like they just barely hang on. Heels rarely can look dominant and stay heel.

Tha pretty much covers how my WWE would run. Everyone come forth with your ideas, make suggestions and critiques on mine, and each others. You dont like something about WWE? fix it. Thanks everyone for your support on this one, in advance, as I know itll be a time consuming post. I want to come back every few posts, and make a new, overall one, taking the best ideas from everyone, and seeing what we can collectively come up with as a group.
If I have time later, I'll add more of my own.
This will still require your to shorten the overall rosters, meaning you have guys being paid without working, or bringing any money in. Not really a good way to present company growth to stockholders.

Never said it wouldnt reqiure me to shorten the rosters a little. and people wont be getting paid to not work. Thats why I allowed myself SIX HOURS of programming weekly, and one specifically desighned to get the younger guys over.

No offense, but this idea is terrible. Sound good for wrestling concept, but terrible for every realistic reason.

1) Filming separately means you have to hold a separate show, which means paying for another venue, a venue that will not bring in NEAR enough money to support the filming of a show with WWE production values.

2) Jobber shows are never watched, so you run a high risk of losing your TV deal, costing yourself a lot of money in TV revenue. Finally, you're going to be losing a lot of money on a show that does very little for your bottom line.

3) They already had a show like that. It was Ohio Valley Wrestling. You might not have heard of it because nobody cared about it. Your idea is basically OVW part 2. And, when you are thrown off the network because of poor ratings, you WILL be OVW part 2.

The difference between this and WCW is that Turner owned both WCW and TBS, meaning that the show always had a national broadcast station. The WWE doesn't have that. Plus, when WCW Saturday Night was on, the company was bleeding money.


Which is why I would stay to smaller venues, as they wouldnt cost as much to rent out. and I would stay in the same area, maybe work out small lease agreements with areas. It wouldnt be a "jobber program" it would be reminiscent to the current ECW program, just on steroids. The ME level guys will probably dominate both weekday shows, so there will be plenty of room for second teir guys to get action, on here. I mean guys like Kennedy, Hardy, Benjamin, CM Punk would be the main guys here, and I think they could sell out 5,000 seat arenas just fine, personally.

Good idea, except TNA Impact is on Thursday. So, you will be putting your only other TV show, the "B" show of the WWE, on a poor network station, against TNA's prime show. And, while TNA is not a threat now, they're just one good storyline away from competing with your second show.

at what point did I ever imply SD! would be a "B" show?? It wouldnt, it would be balanced with RAW, wich is another reason I would end the Brand split. both shows would be every bit as big as each other every week. If anything, it would further crush TNA impact.

For the most part, this I like, except the cruiserweight title is not necessary and is a waste of time and money

I think you will be met with a lot of opposition on this thread. Ill leave it up to others to battle you on that quote lol

Silly. You're losing a lot of potential revenue here.


personally, I dont think so. A lower price makes it more accessable to a larger group of people, therin making higher buy rates, and more revenue. Wrstling is marketed towards children frist and foremost. Children who will be trying to convince thier parents to purchase PPVs for them. It will beeasier to convince a parent to purchase something for 29.95$ as opposed to 40$ or 50$. And at the risk of sounding ignorant, I would imagine that large portion of wrestling fans arent the most extremely affluent. I think make the price lower makes the shows more accesable to purchase to a larger amount of people.

If I have time later, I'll add more of my own.

I highly anticpate that. Im sure itll have some great stuff that no one else thought of. thanks for contributing Sly.
Never said it wouldnt reqiure me to shorten the rosters a little. and people wont be getting paid to not work. Thats why I allowed myself SIX HOURS of programming weekly, and one specifically desighned to get the younger guys over.
You can only have so many wrestlers on at a certain time. With the same guys working Raw and Smackdown, that leaves only one program for guys who will not be working PPV. Which means, you'll have to shorten your roster.

Which is why I would stay to smaller venues, as they wouldnt cost as much to rent out. and I would stay in the same area, maybe work out small lease agreements with areas. It wouldnt be a "jobber program" it would be reminiscent to the current ECW program, just on steroids. The ME level guys will probably dominate both weekday shows, so there will be plenty of room for second teir guys to get action, on here. I mean guys like Kennedy, Hardy, Benjamin, CM Punk would be the main guys here, and I think they could sell out 5,000 seat arenas just fine, personally.
ECW can't sell out 5000 seat arenas by themselves now, how do you think they're going to do that when put as the jobber program?

When you factor in the poor ratings, the lack of attendance and high production values, this show would be losing you money.

at what point did I ever imply SD! would be a "B" show?? It wouldnt, it would be balanced with RAW, wich is another reason I would end the Brand split. both shows would be every bit as big as each other every week. If anything, it would further crush TNA impact.
Smackdown is inevitably the "B" show. Using the same talent, the new show will play second fiddle to the flagship show. It always has, and always will. It's inevitable.

I think you will be met with a lot of opposition on this thread. Ill leave it up to others to battle you on that quote lol
Cruiserweight divisions have never drawn in America, and adding another title only decreases the overall value and prestige to the other titles.

personally, I dont think so. A lower price makes it more accessable to a larger group of people, therin making higher buy rates, and more revenue. Wrstling is marketed towards children frist and foremost. Children who will be trying to convince thier parents to purchase PPVs for them. It will beeasier to convince a parent to purchase something for 29.95$ as opposed to 40$ or 50$. And at the risk of sounding ignorant, I would imagine that large portion of wrestling fans arent the most extremely affluent. I think make the price lower makes the shows more accesable to purchase to a larger amount of people.
You may not personally think so, but just look at the last few years. The WWE has raised PPV prices, which lowered PPV buys, BUT have increased revenue. Go and look in the General Wrestling forum where I posted the financial information, and see how their revenue has increased.

I Like The PPVs expecially Halloween Havoc and Jamie Noble as champ.

Instead of a brand split though, Just Have A Draft Every Year That Could Give New Matches For PPVs and Weekly Shows. Instead Of Batista vs...... every PPV.

Post Back I Want People To Tell Me What They Thinks Wrong With That

P.S And By The Way, Great Thread Idea
I wouldn't change a lot to be honest, the WWE are by far the best wrestling promotion out there, they must be doing something right.

I'd keep the celebrity involvement, I like it, and it gets WWE a shitload more publicity. Hell, the number of people I've heard arounf my college talking about Mayweather is unreal. It's not exactly taking away from you traditionalists either is it? You're still getting like six matches containing strictly wrestlers and only one with a celeb, yet that one match is what will make the WWE money, so no complaints from there.

I'd also keep the brand extension the way it is. I like the fact that ECW is a sort of developmental territory, it doesn't exactly bother me that there's no extreme rules, although I'd probably try and include one match like that in each weeks program. I'd also give the ECW title to someone like Kane to give it a bit of credibility, it hasn't had that since the Big Show's reign.

As far as the PPVs go, I'd do this.

January: Obviously, I'd have the Royal Rumble here, held in a prestigious venue like MSG, I'd keep the format basically the same, with the Royal Rumble match being at the end of the show. I'd also have some sort of cruiserweight open here.

February: No Way Out, the usual stuff, the Rumble winner puts their shot on the line here, like what usually happens. I'd have some type of cage match here as well, probably the elimination chamber for the brand that didn't win the Royal Rumble, either that or a tournament climaxing in a steel cage.

March: WrestleMania, the grandaddy of them all. You know the drill, held in the biggest stadiums in America, full of OTT pyro, lasers, stages, the lot. A real spectacle, rock bands performing as the big stars enter. I'd also have at least one match involving a celebrity, this is to bring in the masses, the general public who are meh on wrestling.

April: Backlash, this would be gimmick rematches of WM, a smaller scale do, but an important stage on developing feuds.

May: Judgment Day, I'd have a Hell in a Cell in here to end one of the Main Event feuds, this would be ending most of the feuds that came through Mania.

June: Night of Champions, I'd ditch the Vengeance name due to the Benoit thing. This idea has potential if the feuds are built up properley, not just made last minute.

July: Fully Loaded, the GAB alienates the international market. I'd rather bring back Fully Loaded and have it done in a Raw Roulette style. Broadcast from somewhere like Vegas or Atlantic City.

August: SummerSlam, except it would be an international PPV. Like WrestleMania but held somewhere like Wembley, the Tokyo Dome, Stadio Azteca or somewhere like that. It would just help the WWE spread the name around.

September: Unforgiven, essentially Backlash again, rematches of SummerSlam ut with slight differences.

October: Halloween Havoc, the Judgment Day so to speak, this will end feuds that have come from SummerSlam. It'll also include a ridiculous gimmick match, like that one with the electric chair.

November: Survivor Series, held in somewhere like an indoor ballpark, bigger than the conventional arena, smaller than the stadiums of WM and SSlam. A few 5 on 5s, but also the finals of a tournament to find the new number one contender, who get's their shot that night.

December: Armageddon, including the Undertaker and his gimmick matches.

I'd also have other events such as SNME but exclusive to certain countries, such as a UK only event called "Live in London" or something cheesy like that, to be shown live. Like the exclusive PPVs, but free, in countries such as the UK, Australia and Japan.
Heres a random idea I just had- On Smackdown create like a league ranking system for the title, in order to be eligible for the league you must have held a previous title in the WWE. This ensures contenders are legit and beliveable. The Heavyweight title league consists of the top five contenders to the title on Smackdown. Each week there are one or two matches from the league, a win gives a wrestler 4 points, a draw gives them 1 point, and a loss gives them -1 point. Only matches against felow league members count for points, and they must be a 'sactioned league match'. The wrestler with the most points after each PPV wins a match with the champion. Wrestlers can be relegated from the league by having the least number of points after a PPV, or through injury, or through 'bad behaviour'. Everytime there is a new champion the league points reset to zero. This league runs seasonaly for 6 months during either winter or summer, after that Smackdown reverts back to how it operates now. In the event of a tie in the league on points then there is a triple threat match betwen the champion and 2 contenders, if 3 are tied a fatal four way etc. For a better idea I have done an example of what it might be like below-

Champion- Batista

Contenders League

1.Edge 24
2.The Undertaker 21
3.MVP (Current no.1 contender) 20
4.Rey Mysterio 9
5.The Great Khali 4

The basic idea of this is to create matches with meaning, both on PPV and on Smackdown. More meaningful matches mean people will want to watch to see what happens, espcially if a wrestler is close to securing a title shot, or been relegated. I just had this thought now randomly so go easy on it lol.
Hm, very interesting, albeit somewhat confusing idea.

Why would you have it only on SD? and how could MVP be the number one contender, and not have the most points? wouldnt that make Edge the number 1 contender? I think this idea would have a pretty huge interesting implications if used with my no more brand split WWE title idea. If it were one HUGE championship league. Not sure how well it would work though,, as I dont know if the vast majority of WWE fans have the mental acumen and patience to kepe up with something like that.
Well I thought that smackdown is probably the best place to try out an idea like this see how the fans react. MVP was the top points scorer at the last ppv but has since fallen behind the others, he wud still get his shot from last month though if ya get me. Otherwise what happens when someone gets overtakenbefore there title shot, if ya get me.
well, then they loose their title shot and no longer are the number one contender I would think, I thought that was the whole point of the contender league no? I thought thats what would make it intriguing, Seeing as how the lead could change numerous times, and number one contenders could be overtaken for their spot. If it doesnt make any difference if u get overtaken for your spot, yet still get your title shot, then whats th emotivation to keep winning?
OK here is the start of my ways on improving this product we call the WWE. Starting from something that really bothers me, and following through to the stuff that least bothers me but if changed could be a good thing.

First off the Cruiserweight Division; Bring it Back, the X Division in TNA proves you can make money on the smaller guys. I would make Serious attempts at Hiring the Guys like KENTA, Naomichi Marufugi, Mistico and other Big international names that you can have in a decent Cruiserweight Division. Hell I'd even try and resign Taka Michinoku since he isn't really that old. Base this division around these guys as well as Jamie Noble and Jimmy Yang.

Make the Mid Card something to be proud of and watchable again. The Mid Card Titles are worthless right now, there are strong contenders coming through in the Likes of Paul Burchill and Colt Cabana when he is brought up to the main roster.

Gregory Helms when he gets back push him as a Legitimate contender to the US Championship or the IC Championship. Have him feud with Matt Hardy again, for the title that we know Matt will have when Helms gets back.

Bring up guys like Colt Cabana and TJ Smith to the main Roster every so often, not to get squashed but to familiarise the fans with them to a small extent. They have the talent in FCW so they can get them into a good position in terms of being in front of the Big Time crowds.

Id also set up a type of Talent exchange for the development league with companies in Japan and Mexico. It can be for a couple of Tours, look at Benoit, Jericho and Eddie, as well as a couple of all time greats like Flair and Bret Hart. and the same is true in reverse, Jumbo Tsuruta got experience in the US. A system like this would allow the WWE to gain a measure of Good Will from other places in the world, something which is a valuable commodity in the profit margin. It gives the Wrestlers experience in front of huge crowds as those that are generated in Japan and Mexico where Wrestling is still reported in the Sports pages of a Newspaper as it once was in the US and in other countries. This will translate to big match experience thereby being able to fast track certain talent to the bigger leagues inside the WWE.

Change the Name of ECW. What is Extreme about ECW? nothing really. I get that Extreme is not just the Hardcore stuff but a method of thinking. But When was the last time you saw Hat Guy or Faith No More Guy? Therefore why not change it to reflect the names that RAW and SmackDown! both have. It is a fairly expensive operation from the branding point of view but there is a in house design department as far as I know. A rename would do the brand good as it would get people who claim that they will not watch the WWE version of ECW, despite it being the best programming that the WWE is putting on right now from a show point of view. But a Rename should bring in more people.

Go and scout out talent all over the world, including Australia and New Zealand, there are talented people in this area of the world that could make it. You never know the next Pat O'Connor or Tony Garea may be in New Zealand now. So scouting overseas talent would be a big thing. Also scout the guys called the big things on the Indy scene like Nigel McGuinness, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Austin Aries and Jimmy Jacobs. There is a reason these guys get over properly wherever they go, try and use that for a real reason.

Try and sign guys like Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin away from TNA. These guys are the hottest thing in the Tag Team business right now. Alex Shelley has the largest Upside in the world right now. He is the guy that can be the next Shawn Michaels or Chris Jericho without the backstage attitude of HBK whe he was younger or the disappointment factor that the WWE seem to have built into Jericho in some way.

There is more but this is the first lot of improvements I would make to the WWE.
OK here is the start of my ways on improving this product we call the WWE. Starting from something that really bothers me, and following through to the stuff that least bothers me but if changed could be a good thing.

First off the Cruiserweight Division; Bring it Back, the X Division in TNA proves you can make money on the smaller guys. I would make Serious attempts at Hiring the Guys like KENTA, Naomichi Marufugi, Mistico and other Big international names that you can have in a decent Cruiserweight Division. Hell I'd even try and resign Taka Michinoku since he isn't really that old. Base this division around these guys as well as Jamie Noble and Jimmy Yang.

Make the Mid Card something to be proud of and watchable again. The Mid Card Titles are worthless right now, there are strong contenders coming through in the Likes of Paul Burchill and Colt Cabana when he is brought up to the main roster.

Gregory Helms when he gets back push him as a Legitimate contender to the US Championship or the IC Championship. Have him feud with Matt Hardy again, for the title that we know Matt will have when Helms gets back.

Bring up guys like Colt Cabana and TJ Smith to the main Roster every so often, not to get squashed but to familiarise the fans with them to a small extent. They have the talent in FCW so they can get them into a good position in terms of being in front of the Big Time crowds.

Id also set up a type of Talent exchange for the development league with companies in Japan and Mexico. It can be for a couple of Tours, look at Benoit, Jericho and Eddie, as well as a couple of all time greats like Flair and Bret Hart. and the same is true in reverse, Jumbo Tsuruta got experience in the US. A system like this would allow the WWE to gain a measure of Good Will from other places in the world, something which is a valuable commodity in the profit margin. It gives the Wrestlers experience in front of huge crowds as those that are generated in Japan and Mexico where Wrestling is still reported in the Sports pages of a Newspaper as it once was in the US and in other countries. This will translate to big match experience thereby being able to fast track certain talent to the bigger leagues inside the WWE.

Change the Name of ECW. What is Extreme about ECW? nothing really. I get that Extreme is not just the Hardcore stuff but a method of thinking. But When was the last time you saw Hat Guy or Faith No More Guy? Therefore why not change it to reflect the names that RAW and SmackDown! both have. It is a fairly expensive operation from the branding point of view but there is a in house design department as far as I know. A rename would do the brand good as it would get people who claim that they will not watch the WWE version of ECW, despite it being the best programming that the WWE is putting on right now from a show point of view. But a Rename should bring in more people.

Go and scout out talent all over the world, including Australia and New Zealand, there are talented people in this area of the world that could make it. You never know the next Pat O'Connor or Tony Garea may be in New Zealand now. So scouting overseas talent would be a big thing. Also scout the guys called the big things on the Indy scene like Nigel McGuinness, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Austin Aries and Jimmy Jacobs. There is a reason these guys get over properly wherever they go, try and use that for a real reason.

Try and sign guys like Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin away from TNA. These guys are the hottest thing in the Tag Team business right now. Alex Shelley has the largest Upside in the world right now. He is the guy that can be the next Shawn Michaels or Chris Jericho without the backstage attitude of HBK whe he was younger or the disappointment factor that the WWE seem to have built into Jericho in some way.

There is more but this is the first lot of improvements I would make to the WWE.

So, basically you want the WWE to regress to indy style booking? Hire a bunch of foreign talent that has been proven time and again to not draw, hire a bunch of indy talent who are not ready to be put in the spotlight, use a talent exchange which would never benefit the WWE, but could benefit competition, and randomly change the name of a show which will do nothing but lose viewership.

No offense Shadowmancer, but I thought you could do better.
If I was in charge I,d rebuild the cruiser and tag division.Noble,Wang Yang,Helms etc can all put on great shows.The tag divison.......OVW and FCW ahve some great teams and Burke and Benjamin,The new MNM,And Cade and Murdoch can all put on great shows.ECW,I,d get rid off like every one has said above me.

Drafts would become very important if I was in charge.Matches would be held to decide who gets the pick-But instead of a random picking machine the gm picks.Thus we have the crop of each brand now on different brands,Making for a interesting feud.Its pretty simple.
Considering I've ripped others scenarios to shreds, it's only fair I post mine for others to do it to me.


1) Cena wins the title at Wrestlemania in the Triple Threat, and the Undertaker wins the title against Edge. Flair beats HBK.

2) Backlash - Main-event features two guest referee matches. Cena vs. Orton with HHH as guest referee and Taker vs. Edge with Batista guest referee

3) Judgment Day - Features HHH and Cena vs. Undertaker and Batista

4) Vengeance - Features Fatal Four-Way, HHH vs. Orton vs. Edge vs. Batista. Winner gets to challenge for title of his brand. HHH and Batista are last two standing. Finish sees referee knocked out, new referee to ring, belly to back suplex by HHH, both men with shoulders down for 2 count, both referees counting both men have shoulders up by three, but each referee counts a different wrestler for a three count. Mass confusion and chaos. No one knows who the #1 contender is. Cena faces Kennedy, and Taker faces MVP.

5) Great American Bash - Cena and Taker vs. Edge and Orton. Main Event: #1 Contenders match, HHH vs. Batista. Cena and Taker at ringside on different side of commenting tables, firing shots at each other. Finish sees both men knocked out after a grueling match and the referee administering the 10 count. Match ends in draw.

Next night on Raw, McMahon declares since they've had two matches with no clear winner between HHH and Batista, BOTH men get title shots.

6) Summerslam - Hulk Hogan retires Ric Flair. The culmination of Batista vs. Taker and Cena vs. HHH feuds. Batista vs. Taker in the Cell, Cena vs. HHH in a last man standing. Undertaker defeats Batista, and Cena defeats HHH.

Fast forward to the Royal Rumble, with occasional intermingling of Cena vs. Undertaker. Neither man loses belt since Wrestlemania 24.

7) Royal Rumble - Cena vs. Kennedy, Taker vs. MVP. Cena and Taker win. Royal Rumble match winner gets title shot. Entrants 1-28 enter. #29 entrant is John Cena. #30 entrant is the Undertaker. Cena and Taker are last two men in Rumble. Taker eliminates Cena after Kennedy distraction.

Next night on Raw, Taker claims his title shot at Wrestlemania...in a match against Cena. Of course, Taker already has the World Heavyweight Title, so this will be a title unification match! McMahon's music hits, he says that both men must earn their spot at Wrestlemania. It's Kennedy vs. Cena, and Edge vs. Undertaker.

8) No Way Out - Cena and Taker both retain.

9) Wrestlemania 25- Main Event: Cena vs. Undertaker. Wrestlemania undefeated streak vs. Wrestlemania undefeated streak. WWE Title vs. World Heavyweight Title. The Phenom vs. Hustle, Loyalty, Respect. The Undertaker vs. Cena. Both men won their titles at Wrestlemania from the year before, so BOTH men are year long champions. BOTH men are the undisputed BEST of their brand. This is the best of Smackdown vs. the best of Raw. This is the very best of the WWE.

Cena kicks out of the Chokeslam. Undertaker kicks out of the FU. Cena kicks out of the Tombstone. Undertaker TAPS OUT to the STFU. Cena is your NEW Undisputed WWE champion, giving Undertaker his first Wrestlemania loss ever.

Next night out, Cena comes out to a rousing chorus of boos. Fans hate his guts because he just became the first man to defeat Undertaker at Wrestlemania, and the Undertaker even had to tap out. Fans are furious. Cena steps in the ring, looks around, and delivers a short promo.

"I can hear you. I can hear how you boo me. I hear how you disrespect me, how you refuse to acknowledge my greatness. But, I beat the Undertaker. I made the Undertaker tap out. You may not like me, but I don't give a damn anymore. Because I'm the champ, and THE CHAMP IS STILL HERE!".

Cena just made one of the biggest heel turns in history.

So, some things to take away from this booking. One, the WWE has ONE Undisputed champion now, who will defend his title on both brands. Two, guys like Kennedy and MVP have been elevated to the main-event. Three, we got to see the HHH vs. Cena rematch. Four, Cena made a huge heel turn. Five, both men were given year long runs so as to further prestige of titles.

Now, booking isn't just what this is about. So, here are other things I would do.

1) Let my ECW contract run out, and do away with the brand. Yes, I know I would lose TV revenue by doing this, but I think it would boost interest in the other shows for two reasons. 1) Would lessen the obvious oversaturation of the current wrestling product and 2) would bolster the rosters of both Raw and Smackdown. At this point, it doesn't appear like there will be a mass exodus of wrestlers like what happened from 2002-2005, so fans are now used to guys that will be around a while.

2) Fire worthless talent, trimming rosters. Maybe send them back to development, but there is no need to see worthless guys like Kevin Thorne or Carlito on TV.

3) Open an expansion promotion in Japan. This can be used as another development promotion, both for US wrestlers, AND for Japanese wrestlers. However, unlike Shadowmancer, the wrestlers in Japan are not being groomed for US TV. Instead, they are being groomed for Japanese fans. Thus will begin my expansion into world wrestling domination. Next, I will move into Mexico, then Europe, and then anywhere wrestling is watched.

Obviously, this will take a lot of capital and time, but it can be done, and the end reward will be the biggest wrestling empire ever, where WWE and wrestling will be synonymous with each other just like facial wipes and Kleenex.

4) I like the idea of an overseas PPV, so one PPV a year will be overseas. Generally it will be a lesser PPV, like a No Mercy, so as to garner additional interest. I would change the Great American Bash PPV name, not because I don't like it, but because, as has been mentioned, it turns off international markets, and with global expansion plans, I do not want to do that.

5) I will hold a show every once in a while at the Hammerstein. While I realize booking changes completely for a show like this, I think the idiocy of those fans won't completely overrun the value of a rabid crowd, and will begin to foster that type of attitude for other crowds.

6) Hire back Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman. Heyman and Bischoff work creative for Smackdown, and Russo works creative for Raw. Obviously, they are not only creative, but will have good input.

7) Try hard to hire guys like Bret Hart as a road agent, to help wrestlers lay out matches. I realize the difficulty with HBK, but Hart can work with Smackdown group.

8) Hire a group of people to oversee scripts and shows. These people will not have any idea of future creative plans or booking, but are there solely to gauge the logic of a show. Does it make sense for Wrestler A to do this? Why put on a match for free that you're advertising for a PPV, etc. They send their script revisions, and their show reviews in the form of writing, so as to never be privy to future storyline plans. The writers then take these critiques and adjust shows as necessary, depending on future storylines.

9) Minimize gimmick matches. Gimmick matches are overrused which negates their effectiveness.

10) Continue to follow the laws of supply and demand regarding prices of shows, merch, and PPV. PPV revenue has continued to increase over the last couple of years, so I would continue to charge as much as I could. However, not every show costs the same. Wrestlemania is the highest tier price. Royal Rumble, Vengeance, Summerslam, and Survivor Series are at tier two prices, as these are generally the most bought PPVs after WM. Finally, every other show goes to third tier pricing. What these prices will be, I cannot say. It will depend upon the law of supply and demand. As for the number of PPVs, there will be one PPV a month, like most people have said.

That's all I'm writing for now. If I feel like writing more later, I will. Feel free to critique and rip to shreds what I just wrote. Or, if you feel generous, compliment me.
I like all your ideas apart from hiring Russo and Hart.Russo is a god-awful booker with terrible input.Hart is old school.He dosn,t undertand the new way matches are done.The future is flying high and not submission after submission.

I do like the world expansion and hiring people to over see scripts.Its very smart and makes sure crap dosn,t go on TV.The World Expansion would be great,hell,Mega-star foreign talent could have dream matches With WWE Mega stars.And it would live up to World Wrestling entertainment
My WWE would be about the same as it is now, except for a few things.

1) ECW - the current ECW really bugs me. When the new ECW came out, I was really excited. I really thought that it was going to be different than RAW or Smackdown. To me, RAW and Smackdown can do all the big merchandising and have all the celebrity wrestlers (i.e Cena, HHH, Taker). In my third brand of ECW, this will be for the real wrestling fans, with athletic and hardcore wrestlers (w/ Haas, Benjamin, Burke, Noble, the Hardyz; and not putting in the likes of Big Daddy V, Mark Henry, Snitsky). Of course, a couple of "celebrity wrestlers" are needed to bring attention to the brand. In other words, my version of ECW is something like the X Division.

2) Diva Search Contest will not be held annually. It's a good source of revenue to have guys voting for hot babes, but having it every year seems pointless and that'll just add to the unused talent.

3) Pay-per-views. I would revert to when brands have their own pay-per-views. (Like Backlash being RAW exclusive; GAB being Smackdown exclusive) The Big Four Pay-per-views will still remain tri-branded.

4) An annual Elimination Chamber match event at Summerslam. In 2006, when I saw a second consecutive elimination chamber match at NYR, I thought, why not make NYR an elimination chamber pay-per-view. Summerslam would be the logical choice because Royal Rumble has the 30 man over the top, and Survivor Series has its own elimination tag. Can't make it at the Biggest stage of them all.

5) Expand WWE internationally. This wasn't my idea, but Slyfox's. I didn't think of this, but thought it would be a great idea. Credit to Slyfox.

So, what'd you guys think?
I like all your ideas apart from hiring Russo and Hart.Russo is a god-awful booker with terrible input.Hart is old school.He dosn,t undertand the new way matches are done.The future is flying high and not submission after submission.
Russo is not booking anything, he is just adding his VERY creative mind to the mix. No one can doubt that the man thinks outside the box, and I will be putting that great creativity to my use. I can use what I want, and not use what's crap.

The future is NOT high flying, the future is good wrestling. It doesn't matter what style is being used, the same fundamental attributes apply. Hart is there to help layout the match, not tell them what to do. He can tell them if this high flying spot makes no sense in the story of the match. He can suggest ways to add sensible aerial maneuvers. A guy like him would be a great boon to guys like Shelton, and Morrison and Punk, guys who are talented but don't know how to work a good match yet. Hart is there it inject psychology into a wrestler's match, not tell them what to do.

Otherwise, thank you for the positive feedback.

1) Cena wins the title at Wrestlemania in the Triple Threat, and the Undertaker wins the title against Edge. Flair beats HBK.

2) Backlash - Main-event features two guest referee matches. Cena vs. Orton with HHH as guest referee and Taker vs. Edge with Batista guest referee

3) Judgment Day - Features HHH and Cena vs. Undertaker and Batista

4) Vengeance - Features Fatal Four-Way, HHH vs. Orton vs. Edge vs. Batista. Winner gets to challenge for title of his brand. HHH and Batista are last two standing. Finish sees referee knocked out, new referee to ring, belly to back suplex by HHH, both men with shoulders down for 2 count, both referees counting both men have shoulders up by three, but each referee counts a different wrestler for a three count. Mass confusion and chaos. No one knows who the #1 contender is. Cena faces Kennedy, and Taker faces MVP.

5) Great American Bash - Cena and Taker vs. Edge and Orton. Main Event: #1 Contenders match, HHH vs. Batista. Cena and Taker at ringside on different side of commenting tables, firing shots at each other. Finish sees both men knocked out after a grueling match and the referee administering the 10 count. Match ends in draw.

Next night on Raw, McMahon declares since they've had two matches with no clear winner between HHH and Batista, BOTH men get title shots.

6) Summerslam - Hulk Hogan retires Ric Flair. The culmination of Batista vs. Taker and Cena vs. HHH feuds. Batista vs. Taker in the Cell, Cena vs. HHH in a last man standing. Undertaker defeats Batista, and Cena defeats HHH.

Fast forward to the Royal Rumble, with occasional intermingling of Cena vs. Undertaker. Neither man loses belt since Wrestlemania 24.

7) Royal Rumble - Cena vs. Kennedy, Taker vs. MVP. Cena and Taker win. Royal Rumble match winner gets title shot. Entrants 1-28 enter. #29 entrant is John Cena. #30 entrant is the Undertaker. Cena and Taker are last two men in Rumble. Taker eliminates Cena after Kennedy distraction.

Next night on Raw, Taker claims his title shot at Wrestlemania...in a match against Cena. Of course, Taker already has the World Heavyweight Title, so this will be a title unification match! McMahon's music hits, he says that both men must earn their spot at Wrestlemania. It's Kennedy vs. Cena, and Edge vs. Undertaker.

8) No Way Out - Cena and Taker both retain.

9) Wrestlemania 25- Main Event: Cena vs. Undertaker. Wrestlemania undefeated streak vs. Wrestlemania undefeated streak. WWE Title vs. World Heavyweight Title. The Phenom vs. Hustle, Loyalty, Respect. The Undertaker vs. Cena. Both men won their titles at Wrestlemania from the year before, so BOTH men are year long champions. BOTH men are the undisputed BEST of their brand. This is the best of Smackdown vs. the best of Raw. This is the very best of the WWE.

Sly, to make money, people will have to want to continue watching your program...and I seriously think you will alienate a LOT of veiwers by putting on tag matches and number one contender matches regularly on your PPVs. I dont necessarily mind the scenarion you gave, under two conditions....Undertaker doesnt tap. Not becuase Its to Cena, not anything like that, just becuase tapping out isnt something the Undertaker does. it totally goes against everything thats ever been built about him over the last 17 years. That would be bullshit. If you want to have your heel turn, allow Cena to do it with a succession of char shots and FUs. just have him go totally crazy, and destroy Undertaker, leave him laying bloody. Then have the scenario on RAW the night after.

1) Let my ECW contract run out, and do away with the brand. Yes, I know I would lose TV revenue by doing this, but I think it would boost interest in the other shows for two reasons. 1) Would lessen the obvious oversaturation of the current wrestling product and 2) would bolster the rosters of both Raw and Smackdown. At this point, it doesn't appear like there will be a mass exodus of wrestlers like what happened from 2002-2005, so fans are now used to guys that will be around a while.

2) Fire worthless talent, trimming rosters. Maybe send them back to development, but there is no need to see worthless guys like Kevin Thorne or Carlito on TV.


Im fine with both of these. as long as in between your fat trimming, and the abolishment of ECW, the best lower mid card/young guys can get used still.

3) Open an expansion promotion in Japan. This can be used as another development promotion, both for US wrestlers, AND for Japanese wrestlers. However, unlike Shadowmancer, the wrestlers in Japan are not being groomed for US TV. Instead, they are being groomed for Japanese fans. Thus will begin my expansion into world wrestling domination. Next, I will move into Mexico, then Europe, and then anywhere wrestling is watched.

Obviously, this will take a lot of capital and time, but it can be done, and the end reward will be the biggest wrestling empire ever, where WWE and wrestling will be synonymous with each other just like facial wipes and Kleenex.

THIS is an absolutely GREAT idea. Although I DO feel at some times you should have cross promotion battles and invasions. Invasion angles are always loved by fans. U could have wars between WWE USA and WWE Mexico for instance things of that nature. Or non title exhibitions between all three world champions whenever one does a tour. Make the international tours once a year or so. You could even still have the option of having the japanese shows or Mexican shows on american programing. Add them WWE 24/7. I know there is a market for that. Im sure Shadowmancer would watch WWE Japan on-demand on WWE 24/7. And I think itd be a great idea to send developmental guys to these other promotions to gain big arena experience, match experience against good foreighn workers, becuase being thousands of miles away, its almost like the squashes dont even count in the actual promotion that the wrestler belongs too. Will fans in WWE mexico care or even KNOW if a new guy gets squashed in WWE Japan? No. But when he makes his debut, he will have experience. I think this idea is awesome, and one that im not real sure why the WWE hasnt done yet.

5) I will hold a show every once in a while at the Hammerstein. While I realize booking changes completely for a show like this, I think the idiocy of those fans won't completely overrun the value of a rabid crowd, and will begin to foster that type of attitude for other crowds.

6) Hire back Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman. Heyman and Bischoff work creative for Smackdown, and Russo works creative for Raw. Obviously, they are not only creative, but will have good input.

7) Try hard to hire guys like Bret Hart as a road agent, to help wrestlers lay out matches. I realize the difficulty with HBK, but Hart can work with Smackdown group.

8) Hire a group of people to oversee scripts and shows. These people will not have any idea of future creative plans or booking, but are there solely to gauge the logic of a show. Does it make sense for Wrestler A to do this? Why put on a match for free that you're advertising for a PPV, etc. They send their script revisions, and their show reviews in the form of writing, so as to never be privy to future storyline plans. The writers then take these critiques and adjust shows as necessary, depending on future storylines.


Got no problem with much of this, and btw u wouldnt have to try that hard to get Hart I dont think. Vince is dead and the WWE is your remember?? The reason he wont do it now is becuase he wont work for Vince.

9) Minimize gimmick matches. Gimmick matches are overrused which negates their effectiveness.



Very good overall Sly. I definately do NOT agree with your booking throuout the year, or the creshendo. But I would probably only make Minor changes to it, if that was the scenario we were going with. And the International expansion idea is EXCELLENT. well done.
Well, the brand split needs to end. It makes things too watered down, and illegit seeming, and provides for some absolute shit wrestling and angles, and time wasting. There isnt enough of an abundance of over talent for a brand split.s o therefore if the brand split ends there is no need for a draft anymore.

If the brand split is to stay I think the draft is a good thing although they should tweak it a little. Have each brand get 4 picks, two selected, two at random.
Sly, to make money, people will have to want to continue watching your program...and I seriously think you will alienate a LOT of veiwers by putting on tag matches and number one contender matches regularly on your PPVs.
The second tag match goes in the undercard to the main-event which was the number 1 contenders match. That match builds to Summerslam. While some fans will certainly not be happy, they will also most definitely tune into Raw the next night. And with the next PPV being Summerslam, they're going to buy anyways.

Plus, it's going to be the third-tier priced PPV, so it's not like they're getting ripped out of their Wrestlemania dollar either.

I realize it's different, and like you said, could tend to make fans not want to tune in. But, I think given the way it's layed out, it won't hurt.

I dont necessarily mind the scenarion you gave, under two conditions....Undertaker doesnt tap. Not becuase Its to Cena, not anything like that, just becuase tapping out isnt something the Undertaker does. it totally goes against everything thats ever been built about him over the last 17 years. That would be bullshit. If you want to have your heel turn, allow Cena to do it with a succession of char shots and FUs. just have him go totally crazy, and destroy Undertaker, leave him laying bloody. Then have the scenario on RAW the night after.
We saw Austin do that to Rock less than ten years ago. Undertaker tapping out is PRECISELY what makes the heel turn so much better. Like you said, Taker doesn't tap. Ever (well, with one exception). Taker just doesn't tapped. It WOULD be bullshit, or that's what fans would be saying. So, what do they do? They boo Cena like crazy.

That's the point. You freshen Cena with a heel turn, but instead of smarks cheering for him like they most likely would if he was a cool heel, they're going to be leading the boos for him. It would be a 100% heel turn, and about the only way it could be accomplished.

I mean, look how upset you got over it, and it's just a figment of my imagination. You said it was bullshit and should never happen.

Which is precisely why it would be so good.
We saw Austin do that to Rock less than ten years ago. Undertaker tapping out is PRECISELY what makes the heel turn so much better. Like you said, Taker doesn't tap. Ever (well, with one exception). Taker just doesn't tapped. It WOULD be bullshit, or that's what fans would be saying. So, what do they do? They boo Cena like crazy.

That's the point. You freshen Cena with a heel turn, but instead of smarks cheering for him like they most likely would if he was a cool heel, they're going to be leading the boos for him. It would be a 100% heel turn, and about the only way it could be accomplished.

I mean, look how upset you got over it, and it's just a figment of my imagination. You said it was bullshit and should never happen.

Which is precisely why it would be so good.

I think the Austin-Rock scenario would be much better carried off here than when it was or your scenario. And it wouldnt be so much as me being pissed at Cena for Making Taker tap, it would be me being pissed at YOU. Its not even about his opponet to me, its about respect for Taker, and all he is built to be. Can we come to an compromise??? Taker passes out in the STFU. He doesnt tap, but anyone with that kind of pressure on the head and neck for that amount of time is gonna pass out. AFTER he passes out, Cena destroys him leaves him in a bloody heap. AS in the clean win wasnt enough, he wanted to piss in everyones face who booes him, so he destroys the Deadman they all cherish so. Your heel turn happens, and is more effective if anything.
It doesnt matter though whether its random or selected as the same people will be picked because it is fixed.

The Best Draft That i have seen is 2005 draft with Cena And Tista swapping Brands. 2007 one was shocking as no decent person was swapped. Fine Bobby Lashley Came To Raw And Kennedy. But They Were Obviously Gonna Go.

How About A Draft After WrestleMania? They Could Charge More For The PPV As Their is an extra feature in it.
Can You imagine Undertaker beating Edge but then getting drafted to Raw. Or Vise Versa.

Also I Like Halloween Havoc, and Fully Loaded. They should be swapped for GAB and No Mercy.

A Chamber Type Match should be at No Way Out.

And The Royal Rumble winner should never compete for the title at No Way Out.

They should have more bands playing on Raw, SD and ECDub. I Know its not wrestling but it is World Wrestling (Entertainment) and i think it would appeal to a wider audience.

Finally i would have WWE Roullette as a SNME option. As it is a great idea.

Feel free to rip my ideas to shreds.
It doesnt matter though whether its random or selected as the same people will be picked because it is fixed.

Well, obviously its fixed, and the picks would end being the same, im just wanting it to be half/hakf for format purposes, IE you could have matches with the winning show getting to make a manual pick, things like that. It just would further raise intrigue around the draft. And I dont think it should be at WM. WM should be about wrestling, the main event, and nothing else. But I do think the draft should happen on both shows, the week after WM. Half the picks on RAW, the other half on SD!.
And it wouldnt be so much as me being pissed at Cena for Making Taker tap, it would be me being pissed at YOU. Its not even about his opponet to me, its about respect for Taker, and all he is built to be.
Yes, but who would you lash your anger out on? Cena. You don't get to boo the creative, so you boo the wrestler. Or you boo McMahon himself, which only helps his heel character. The WWE wins either way.

Can we come to an compromise??? Taker passes out in the STFU. He doesnt tap, but anyone with that kind of pressure on the head and neck for that amount of time is gonna pass out. AFTER he passes out, Cena destroys him leaves him in a bloody heap. AS in the clean win wasnt enough, he wanted to piss in everyones face who booes him, so he destroys the Deadman they all cherish so. Your heel turn happens, and is more effective if anything.
The Undertaker is in his mid 40s. He's going to be retiring permanently within the next few years. He's 16 or 17 and zero by the time this match takes place. Don't you think it's time for him to use this incredible winning streak to help someone other than himself.

I understand your reluctance. I do. But, him passing out makes him look better, and doesn't really help Cena at all. As far as destroying him after the match, that's the type of thing you see on Raw, not really on Wrestlemania's main-event.
I know that you like Cena and all SlyFox but having him booked in every single championship match and with no real story feuds (u know like the ones wrestlers should be having) is getting redundant and that is coming from someone who respects the hell out of the guy. But if you want ppl to watch ur product, shouldn't u have several guys who can go espcially if something bad happens to Cena....I mean do great tv shows not have several great characters: see 2 and a 1/2 Men: Charlie, Alan, or movies have great characters: Departed; Billy Costigan, Colin Sullivan, Frank Costello.....

Cena has been the top guy for years now and it is getting redundant having him hold the title for 2 years....WWE fans do NOT WANT another Hogan....Orton, Kennedy, MVP, Edge and both Hardys need to be fuirther established and given title reigns of their own as I believe they all could hold the spotlight and make the WWE some money.

first of all this would be my roster after mania....I listed Stone Cold out of repsect I know he would not be a wrestler...and when you look at my roster, you notice a few name changes and absences...no Great Khali? No?

GM: SHANE MCMAHON-yes u read this right, he would be kickass and it is what I have wanted for years.
6. JBL
11. KANE

Did you guys notice I added the Hart Foundation? That would be awesome to see them all debut soon (u know its gonna happen) D.H. Smith needs TJ Wilson, Nattie Neidhart. (Teddy hart and Ted Dibiase Jr need to fix their own problems too)


SMACKDOWN-Vickie Guerrero
10. MVP
13. MIZ


What should be after Mania 24
Raw Champs
WWE: Triple-H
IC: Jeff Hardy
Tag: Holly-Rhodes
Women's: Beth Phoenix

World: Undertaker
Tag: Morrison-Miz

They SHOULD ABOLISH ECW and combine the rosters....I would also make single brand payperviews while keeping the big four...

Raw Matches-3 or 4 title matches along with 4 rivalry matches
(Revenge PPV for Mania)
Judgment Day
SD matches-3 or 4 title matches along witt 4 rivalry matches
(Revenge PPV for Mania along with start of new feuds)
King of the Ring-bring this back, MOST WRESTLING fans loved KING OF THE RING....a tournament to establish a #1 contender to a title of their choice for Summerslam....
Vengeance-I would make this Raw only again....with old and new feuds combined
Great American Bash-Smackdown only ppv but I would have a month buildup...
Summerslam-new feuds... a top tier match-HBK vs Hogan-ex
and both titles
Unforgiven-Raw ppv and revenge for Summerslam
No Mercy-see Judgment Day
Survivor Series-I would keep it the way they do it...
Armaggedon-Raw PPV...only Raw PPV-prelude to Royal Rumble
Royal Rumble-similar
No Way Out-the way they did it before combining shows...
Wrestlemania- keep it the way they do it now....

as for title reigns
Jeff Hardy-Unforgiven-Survivor Series
Randy Orton-Survivor Series-Wrestlemania
Chris Jericho-wins title next year-Y2J has never won a Royal Rumble before...why not?

Big Show-Summerslam-Surviovor Series-
Batista-Survivor Series-Royal Rumble
Edge-Royal Rumble-Mania
Matt Hardy wins at Mania 25

Mania 25 2 World title Matches

Matt Hardy vs Edge
Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton

Undertaker vs Heel John Cena

I would ONLY AND ONLY make John Cena win if he beets Taker with chair shot after chair shot....

Undertaker vs HBK-the only other guy qualified to beat Taker is HBK....the showstopper...

I would advertise more merchandise on other ppl other than Cena...Hardys are good, so is y2J and others.

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