The WWE Cruiserweight Classic: What's The Prize?


The Cruiserweight Classic is being advertised for the dates of June 24rd, July 14th, August 26th and September 14th; there'll be 32 competitors in all and the cards for the tourney indicate that it'll be whittled down to 16 for the July 14th show, 8 for the August 26th show and the final four for the September 14th show. Depending upon how well the tourney is received, there's talk of it being an annual event and that could be interesting as there aren't a ton of significant tournaments in WWE at any point in history. Even though there's been all the hype in advertising the tourney to find out who the "best" Cruiserweight in the world is, what hasn't been mentioned, as of yet, is what the winner of the tournament wins. Is it gonna be a trophy? Will WWE reinstate or create a completely new Cruiserweight Championship with the winner being the champ? Does the winner receive a WWE contract? Will tournament competitors who officials find extremely impressive be offered contracts?

There's still roughly 3 weeks until the first date of the tourney is set to air on the WWE Network, so the answer will probably be forthcoming but, then again, I suppose WWE could wait to the first night of the tourney to make such announcements. In any event, what do you think the winner will receive and what do you think the winner should receive?
Well first of all what show is it going to be on, a Network Special or something else? Plus the winner of the tournament might already have contract somewhere else and may not want a WWE contract. I've not heard much about what the winner whoever that is will receive, it's been a closely guarded secret.

Doubt we'll see the Cruiserweight belt come back anyway. They would have done it by now. Still kind of bothers me that Hornswoggle was the last champion. Thought the belt would have been retired with more prestige than that. I mean one day it was there the next day it was gone.
Does it need to be for anything other than pride and bragging rights? I just sometimes get irritated that everything needs to be apart of some grand scheme. Running through the tournament/series during a new special Network Exclusive could be enough of a prize.

However, I did mention in "Ask KB" a possibility of the Cruiser division becoming a part of NXT. I possed the question before the announcement of the Brand Split. My thought was signing a number of the talents and bring the CW Title would fit w/the fan base. It would make much more sense now with the split on the way.
It would be interesting if they were offered a developmental contract. Obviously wrestling is entertainment, so the winner of the tournament would be someone they were actually interested in, as opposed to someone already under contract to another promotion.

If the prize is a contract, then smarter fans might rule out some challengers as being viable winners based on other contracts. That would be a small portion, but it might be something they just want to avoid altogether.

A title belt as a prize raises many questions and challenges. If they win a physical belt, do they get to take it anywhere with them, or does it just stay in Stamford until the next Cruiserweight Classic? Do they allow an uncontracted talent run around legitimately claiming they hold a title in WWE?

I'd say a trophy is the most innocuous prize they could go with. It's not a problematic as the Cruiserweight title or the contract option. The trophy is what it is, a belt has a lot more prestige and responsibility that go along with it.

If the Cruiserweight Classic leads to a recurring special or leads to a Network only cruiserweight show/brand/division, then you definitely add a title belt. Until then, a trophy is the safest bet as it can lead up to any of the other prizes down the road.
Wouldn't it be for the Cruiserweight Championship? If they go through all that trouble for Cruiserweights they could make a big comeback in WWE and fight for a belt. Kind of like TNAs X Division except way better.
Well first of all what show is it going to be on, a Network Special or something else? Plus the winner of the tournament might already have contract somewhere else and may not want a WWE contract. I've not heard much about what the winner whoever that is will receive, it's been a closely guarded secret.

Doubt we'll see the Cruiserweight belt come back anyway. They would have done it by now. Still kind of bothers me that Hornswoggle was the last champion. Thought the belt would have been retired with more prestige than that. I mean one day it was there the next day it was gone.

None of the talent are " contracted" workers. Its going to be nxt guys, evolve guys( who have a working relationship with wwe and free agents. This will be airing on the network which is why its not true best of as many cruisers with a name are indeed in a contract. Obviously who wins will already be signed to a wwe contract before hand if theres indeed something of value.

Puma /ricohet was likely the lead to win until it was found out he would be unable to enter as prior to the likely re-signing to LU, it was in his contract that he could not be on tv until the end of s3 of lu ( jan 2017 earliest).

If i had to guess ibushi of zsj will win and likely already have a deal under the table.
I was hoping that the Cruiserweight division would make a comeback on Smackdown. Each show in the brand split needs to have a selling point. Raw should get the womens division and Smackdown should have the high flyers

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