The Wrong Path to the Right Destination


In my knowledge of the WWE, I've noticed some very controversial and debate worthy things happen which benefits a wrestlers career, but for all the wrong reasons. Some of which, it wasn't their fault, but others who I felt could have done something to help their karma in the right favour.
I want you guys to pick a controversial path and discuss your views on it, if you have trouble thinking of one, then I'll give you some examples (feel free to use one of your own):

Shawn Michaels winning championship at the screw-job. Do you feel this was out of his control, or could he have done more to think of a better chain of events?

John Morrison winning ECW Championship. It was obvious that he was innocent in all of this and just filled in for Benoit, but did he deserve the championship, or did he only win it because Benoit was 'doing stuff'?

Rey Mysterio, World Heavyweight Champion. Do you think Rey (on some level), may have been milking Eddie's death slightly (mabye not intentionly)?

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. Is Trips actually in love with the million dollar princess, or is he just using her to elevate his career and securing his place in the WWE?

As you can see, there's plenty of things you can use, so go on...
I don't see Rey Mysterio's title win as him milking Eddie's death, but as the WWE milking it. Rey had momentum due to him being Eddie's best friend, so they put the title on him; Rey just went along with it.

John Morrison winning the ECW Title due to Benoit's absence is something he had no control over, but putting the title on him turned out to be a great decision. He and Punk had an excellent rivalry over the title, which established both of them greatly as singles competitors.

I doubt Triple H married Stephanie just to advance his career; he's probably not that much of a dick.

I've heard conflicting reports about what actually happened with the Montreal Screwjob, so I'll leave that to someone who knows it better than me.
I too am going to ignore the Montreal part, it has been done to death.

John Morrison - I don't see why they shouldn't have given it to him. The ECW title is all about propelling those to the highs of SmackDown and Raw. If they had given it to Punk then it wouldn't have made that much of a difference, but Morrison deserved the shot, dispite it coming at such sad circumstances.

Rey Mysterio - now this I have said all along and I know I get a load of heat for it but in my opinion Rey would NEVER have become World Heavyweight Champion if Eddie hadn't have died. Full stop. He is a semi main eventer, has phenominal moves and is, again in my opinion, one of the best to grace a WWE ring. However, someone that small in stature cannot legitametly get over being the most dominant wrestler on the roster, it doesn't work. Benoit pulled it off cause he was technically perfect, Eddie pulled it off because he was a great all rounder and cheated to win, which fitted his run perfectly. But Rey was a face who didn't cheat and was the constant underdog, and as much as we all want the underdog to win, it's not realistic that he keeps the title match aftermatch.

Triple H - I really wish people would leave this subject alone too. Triple H is a very very gifted wrestler. He was already a WWF champion before the McMahon Helmsley era was brought about and a multi time champion before he and Steph started dating in real life. They are married and have children. If you truly believe that someone would do that to another human being to simply solidify his position then you are crazy. It is widely known that HHH had Vince's ear back in 1997 - 4 years before dating Steph - when the Kilq were pushing for things to happen (Montreal for example was HHH's idea according to HBK's book but who knows). Therefore regardless of who he dated backstage, HHH was ALWAYS going to be a huge power player with the office because he understands the business so well. He has been on top for so long because he really is that damn good. He has a character that can be main event face and heel without hardly changing anything about him. He can make others look a million bucks in the ring - ok, he's no HBK/Taker/Bret Hart but he is definately one of the best there is, plus he is a HUGE draw.

There is one storyline that definately can be mentioned in this thread is the whole Edge/Matt Hardy/Lita fiasco. This is a perfect example of how Edge has got to the right destination but took the wrong path to do so. I am a huge Edgehead and a huge Matt Hardy fan so this situation is one I did not enjoy but Edge is now a huge star...and too be honest Matt should be aswell.
while I have nothing against Rey he did only become champ cause Eddie died and as Eddie's friend I personally feel like screw the company for a minute he shouldve said no i dont wanna win the Rumble and the World title like this cause if Eddie was alive Rey wouldnt have gotten that so that wasnt needed and was a messed up way to get a damn title.

and his reign was pathetic they use him wrong, i dont hate Rey but i'm sick of him, i'm sick of him going over giants all the time just like i'm sick of Hardy constantly being put over because he's popular, Morrison & MVP deserve the title more than him right now he's leaving he doesnt deserve nothing right now but to leave if thats all he can do for a company that can use all the star power they can get.

I blame Rey as well as WWE, i even blame Chavo for not being pissed. if i were Rey i'd feel disrespected for WWE using the death of someone to elevate me. its just not right. and he COULD HAVE said something

HBK wasnt wrong at all, and Bret was totally wrong, way i hear it behind the scenes Bret wanted to hand the title over and say he was going to WCW instead of put Shawn over, Bret can go screw himself (and i like him) but I think Ric Flair is right about Bret for a number of reasons that I wont go into

Morrison deserved it, i didnt think it at the time but dammit he's a big star thats being held down and he really showed me that, i'm totally ready for him to do big things, VINCE JUST NEEDS TO GIVE THE GO AHEAD, then wonders why no superstars being created, cause they wont push em. it's obvious now that MVP & Morrison are ready, and Kennedy when he was there, them three along with Punk, Orton, Cena, Jeff Hardy & Batista could be blowing the roof off arenas in the TITLE PICTURE. with HHH, Taker & Shawn stepping aside and helping younger guys other than those I mentioned come up, like Ziggler, Evan, and so on, i think Swagger & Masters are ready but they could use seperate pushes with HBK, HHH & Taker, thats what I would do with WWE and help push Ezekiel to be a BIG BIG star too, i see it in him, Vladmir & Christian as well
WWE rocks they are just holding their own future down, not literally but just stalling it for whatever reason

one last thing, ppl need to stop with this already
HHH loves Steph, hell look at her, she's freaking HOT, she's a hell of a worker on screen and behind the scenes, she's smart of course, and he gets certain input but thats not something he'd do imo. i wouldnt, but i dont think he would either. Steph imo would be able to sense it anyway

I just think he has it all in that company. And really being married to Stephanie is much greater than a world title, if i were him i'd settle for the titles he won and let other ppl win titles, and he may get one once in the next 5 years but not every year. He doesnt need anymore titles even though its too damn obvious he just wants to beat Flair's record

anyway i just think he really loves her
Rey Mysterio: The WWE shouldn't have placed Mysterio in that sort of storyline in the first place, it made people who contested Rey like Orton look more like a true ass than a heel. Everyone was stung over Eddie's death but they did do that angle to death itself. I might have been the only one who chanted "6-1-9" while the rest of the audience screamed "Eddie-Eddie-Eddie", and got sick when the commentators said Rey was "channeling Eddie's spirit".

John Morrison: When I first saw him in MNM, I knew he'd be a standout star. It was only a matter of time when he would win such a title. I liked him better than Lashley personally.

Shawn Michaels: Again with this? Fuck it I'm not going into that.

Edge/Lita/Matt: This is a reason why you should never use true behind the scene events as storyline. If they did that nobody would really like Austin or Flair. (Austin's assault charges on his ex wife and Flair's DUI and other things). I loved Lita's character, she was awesome. In the end, we saw her as a ****e, Matt as a crybaby, and Edge...well he always comes out on top so to speak.
another one i thought was kinda twisted was the whole Matt Hardy/Lita/Kane/Gene Snitsky storyline...Kane "impregnating" Lita while she was still with Matt and the whole Snitsky "killing" the baby
triple h had only had two wwf title rains before the mcmahon helmsley era started. They were two very quick rains. His impressive rains didnt come till after the mcmahon helmsley era. If he had so much control before stephanie, he wouldve held both stone cold and the rock down like he does everyone else. Truth is the rock and stone cold was so huge that triple h wouldve been lost in the crowd, so to remedy that he got with stephanie. I believe triple h is as cold and selfish in real life as he is in wwe.
Heres another one involving Eddies Death,
wat about Vickie, wat would she have been if he wouldnt have died. she wouldnt have married Edge, wouldnt have been one of the biggest heat draws in a long time, wouldnt have been slopped on by a man in a dress. mmmm im not sure wat to think about this one.
triple h had only had two wwf title rains before the mcmahon helmsley era started. They were two very quick rains. His impressive rains didnt come till after the mcmahon helmsley era. If he had so much control before stephanie, he wouldve held both stone cold and the rock down like he does everyone else. Truth is the rock and stone cold was so huge that triple h wouldve been lost in the crowd, so to remedy that he got with stephanie. I believe triple h is as cold and selfish in real life as he is in wwe.

bro, the rock and stone cold were such HUGE stars at that time, not even Hulk Hogan coming back to the WWE in 99' could have stopped them. HHH was the perfect heel to go up against them. His first two reins were short because a) they were testing and seeing if he'd get over as champ and b) the rock/stone cold.
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As to the Montreal Screwjob, HBK was very much on board with what's going on. He finally came out and admitted it a few years back and so did Triple H.

John Morrison getting the ECW Championship is something he had no control over and it turned out to be a great thing for his career. He and CM Punk had a great feud for the title and it ultimately gave both of them a chance to shine, which they did. Punk is the WHC for the 3rd time and Morrison is well on his way to the main event scene.

Triple H's relationship with Stephanie McMahon, I don't believe, is completely about career advancement. However, for anybody to say that it's had absolutely nothing to do with Triple H's career momentum is complete, and absolute bullshit. Imagine yourself dating the only daughter of the most powerful man in a particular industry. Say you work for Donald Trump and start dating his daughter, for instance. Now, of course you're going to say to yourself in the back of your mind that this relationship can have a profound effect on your career. You might like the girl, you might even very well love her, but to think that one wouldn't consider the potential boons and ramifications to his career upon dating Donald Trump's daughter is ridiculous. I'd imagine the same thing went through Triple H's head. I've said this before, Triple H is a very good overall performer. He's pretty good in the ring, great on the mic and has a lot of charisma. But, he would not be a 13 time World Champion without the McMahon connection.
There is an old saying that goes: "The Ends Justify The Means." This is what has happened in every scenario stated from the original post. Most of these people would have eventually made it to the big time but would have taken a lot longer & may not have gotten there to be as successful as today. Sometimes when an opportunity presents itself, despite the moral or ethical stances on the whole situation... there are always people willing to snatch the chance at greatness. Let me ask a question on this. If you had a chance of headlining the biggest PPV of the year with the biggest company winning one of the prestigious titles on the scene, would you accept despite the reasoning for the proposal on the other sides half?
For the Montreal Screwjob i don't think you can blame HBK entirely. Sure he knew, sure he went along with it. But i don't think you can entierly blame it on him. Blaming HBK soley for it is wrong. I think he just wanted it to end quickly, thats why he took the title and got straight the hell outa there.

John Morrison had not one bit off contol over his destiny. Theres been times in WWEs past like the screwjob, where HBK could have stood up and said no, but not this one. I actually sympithize for him. Then the ECW title was being treated as a main world title and that msut have felt super for him, then the next morning to find out what happend must have made him feel sick. Althrough ENTIRELY not his fault, its a shame it had to be under these sircumstances.

Rey Mysterio winning the world title may ahve been to keep the Eddie Guerro legacy in our minds a little bit longer. Again i don't think Reys going to say, Nah leave it. I'm sure if he thought he was going to be exploiting Eddie in any way possible other than in a way he would have wanted then he wouldnt have done it. He would want Rey to sucseed.

Triple H. Well i have bashed the guy but i don't think The Stephine situation is entirely because of where he is today. HArd work and dedication got him where he is. What kind of sick, messed up pearson would bring 2 children into the world for the sake of bussiness? I certinley hope not. It is complete bullshit to say it hasnet helped, but to say that is entirely the case is wrong.
Morrison - Obviously Benoit would have won the ECW title that night, But due to his abscence, and the fact that Punk was a far better challenger than champion at the time, they put the title on morrison, and in my opinion, while he may not have been originally planned to win the belt, he worked hard in the program with punk, and proved hmself as a worthy contender. Previously to the win, he'd been teaming with Kenny Dykstra as a jobber with the Nitro gimmick, so while the push may have been unplanned, it took Morrison to make it work.

Rey - Rey winning the title that year may have been because of Eddie's death, but what other options did WWE have that year? Batista was injured, and while the Undertaker could have been put in main event that year, it gave a "happy ending" to the story to have Eddie's best friend dedicating a championship win to him. What would have been interesting is if Batista had not been injured, would Rey have still won the world title from a face?

HHH - Not much I can say for this one that hasn't been said already. HHH had already been a world champion before he married Steph. He's got everything Vince likes for a main eventer, and would have been a huge star regardless. He may not have won as many World championships if he hadn't married into the mcmahon family - however that probably would have been benficial for him, as the title reigns he has had would not have been filled with people jumping on the 'TripleHisonlysuccessfulbecausehe'sscrewinthebossesdaughter' Bandwagon every 2 minutes.

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