The Wrestling Fan's Bill of Rights


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
We the fans of Professional Wrestling, in order to form a more perfect union, establish fanship, insure entertainment value, provide for the common fan, promote the general enjoyment of the product, and secure ratings and buyrates of shows, Pay-per-views, and live events, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Fans of Professional Wrestling.

1. Wrestling shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of entertainment, or the right of the fans to be fans in the way they feel is proper.

In short, this ammendment states that fans will not be required to regard professional wrestling as "entertainment." Fans are not required to detatch themselves from the sports aspect of the product, and may freely defend the athletic nature of professional wrestling.

Furthermore, fans are not required to call the wrestlers "entertainers" nor the activites "storylines" nor the championship belts "props."

2. A well regulated fanship, and the rights of the fans to keep and bear cheers, screams, boos, chants, memoribilia and such related items, shall not be infringed.

Simply stated, the fans may cheer, boo, jeer, etc. anyone they want at anytime they want, and are never, in anyway, required to silence themselves for any reason. After all, our voices are our weapons.

3. No fan shall, in times of events, be required by law to root for or support any particular entity.

Fans choose who they like and dislike, regardless of what the natural order is. If a fan wishes to boo John Cena and cheer The Miz, there shall be no reprocussions.

4. The right of the fans to be secure in their fanship, their persons and opinions to be properly respected.

No fan should be ridiculed for being a fan of professional wrestling. It is as normal as being a fan of a sports team or going to see a movie.

5. The fan is endowed with the right to view every maneuver as painful, every title change as significant, and every pinfall as an event. Fans are not required to recognize terms such as "kayfabe," "putting over," or "script."

Do you know why we talk about wrestling so passionately when it pertains to the early 90's and prior? Because it was real back then. The willing suspension of disbelief has been washed away, and with it, our natural desire to enjoy what professional wrestlers do. If you want it to be real, then dammit, it's real.
I love this IC. Every single thing is true. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the 90s when I was obsessed with WCW and enjoy it like that again. No backstage bullshit, no spoilers, no rubs or putting over, just wrestling. I know I come on here and discuss and break down everything just like everyone else, but those few hours during the week, I always try to go back and believe it's all real. Well done IC.
I feel like I just read the International Council of Manlaws. Genious, my friend.

I especially love rule #4. I mean, in my opinion, watching the O.C. is embarrassing. Yet, people make fun of me for watching wrestling? We should all have the right to enjoy whatever we see as being entertaining. Whether it be a sports event, a television show, or a contest of strength, wit, agility, athleticism, personality, and confidence... A.K.A. Professional Wrestling.
I dont think I understand this thread, actually I am certain I dont, no offense.

Right, so, as fans we can do what we like? That's cool, as a fan that's what I've always tried to do, wrestling to me is like a pantomime, I cheer good guys I like, I boo bad guys I like, why? because they are the bad guy's silly. I dont react at all for the people that I think are shit, because then they'd think they are good at what they do.

Actually, since I havent been to a live event for ages so I dont really boo or cheer at all but you get the point.

I think people can kill their own enjoyment of wrestling, when they watch it and think that "where is this angle going?" and "why is this happening, thats just stupid" I think that maybe they should unclench and let the stick slide out. I just watch it for what it is, if I find myself getting annoyed that somebody got pinned I find myself chuckling not long afterwards, I have after all just been worked.
2. A well regulated fanship, and the rights of the fans to keep and bear cheers, screams, boos, chants, memoribilia and such related items, shall not be infringed.

Simply stated, the fans may cheer, boo, jeer, etc. anyone they want at anytime they want, and are never, in anyway, required to silence themselves for any reason. After all, our voices are our weapons.

3. No fan shall, in times of events, be required by law to root for or support any particular entity.

Fans choose who they like and dislike, regardless of what the natural order is. If a fan wishes to boo John Cena and cheer The Miz, there shall be no reprocussions.

It's all well and good that a fan can like and dislike whoever they want, but if you're cheering your favourite wrestler who's a heel, isn't that counter-productive? The wrestler WANTS you to hate them, if you're cheering it's making them look like they can't do their job properly.
Great thread IC. I really liked the last one. Back before I frequented the spoiler sites and wrestling forums wrestling was a real sport, just like football or baseball. No matter how much people read the rumor sites, there will always be part of us that still thinks of wrestling like we did as kids and watch it out of joy and excitement, not just to bitch and complain.
That needs to be blown up, framed, and hung on a wall in my house. That or tatooed onto vince mcmahons ass. That almost brought a tear to my eye as I read it. Wrestling fans may be the single craziest groups of motherfuckers the world has ever seen, but even we need a bill of rights.
It's all well and good that a fan can like and dislike whoever they want, but if you're cheering your favourite wrestler who's a heel, isn't that counter-productive? The wrestler WANTS you to hate them, if you're cheering it's making them look like they can't do their job properly.

What she said.

You can pop for the RKO, the Spear. Hell, you can mark for the Kozlov Headbutt if you're so inclined. But popping for the RKO is starkly different than cheering Orton when he fucking punts a old man in the head.

If Orton is a heel, he wants to be booed. He goes about that by punting people in the face. If half the crowd thinks Orton is really cool and pops for the move, they've just essentially said "Yeah, about that Orton. We're not going to do what you want us to do."

I would break out a Shakespeare metaphor, but I trust that people understand what I'm trying to put forth.

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