The Wrestlemania yes problem


Dark Match Winner
Assuming that db wins twice at mania, we could have him come out to face hhh, yes chants, winning, yes chants, coming out for title match, yes chants, winning, yes chants. Anybody who has been to live wrestling will know it is hard to keep popping the 3rd 4th 5th time. So, he order to get that magic wrestlemania moment of a huge yes chant as db holds up the belts, how would you cool Bryan? I would have him come out focused and intense against hhh and start crawling immediately, win but leave the ring badly hurt so no big celebration and come out for the title match still selling the injury with maybe only half hearted yes chant. Then when he wins it will be the first proper yes chant of the evening which everyone is into because they haven't chanted it 50 times already that evening
i went to a live event during commercials YES YES YES :banghead::banghead:

During a match YES YES YES!

its going to be a problem but this is the deal Bryan shouldn't win the title cause :lmao: why

well because it may ruin his mark as a underdog let him go win it during Summer Slam the second biggest PPV

possibly even extreme rules or something but really bryan will get is underdog status ruined if he wins the title this sunday
i went to a live event during commercials YES YES YES :banghead::banghead:

During a match YES YES YES!

its going to be a problem but this is the deal Bryan shouldn't win the title cause :lmao: why

well because it may ruin his mark as a underdog let him go win it during Summer Slam the second biggest PPV

possibly even extreme rules or something but really bryan will get is underdog status ruined if he wins the title this sunday

People seem to associate Underdog with Loser nowadays. Or at least 'Never Good Enough to Win, but Good Enough to Thrive.' But they always assume one thing; Underdogs do not hold championships.

They tend to forget that even if DB wins at WM(nevermind that winning at WM is the PERFECT moment for a story such as this) he's going to be a Marked Man by the remnants of the Authority immediately afterwards. There's no guarantee that HHH's little empire will crumble to dust after WM. It could very well be re-tooled and reassembled with lots of headhunters going for DB. And like it or not, DB's too small to not be a visual underdog in the ring, no matter the performance.

Even if you shed the Underdog label, there's another label waiting; The Hunted Champion.

Oh, right, this is about the YES YES YES chants.

Personally, I think they'll have the match somewhere in the middle, conveniently sandwhiched by a key matchup(Taker/Lesnar or Cena/Wyatt) and the Diva Invitational (or if you prefer, the Designated Piss Break). Diva match before Bryan/HHH, and the more serious matchup after. One cools the audience, while the other occupies it.
Interesting question, and I agree in part with what you said. Have Daniel Bryan win against Triple H, but have HHH beat the holy hell out of him. So Helmsley walks out of the ring, and the winner is helped to the back by officials. This would probably quite the yes chants after his first match. Then when he enters for the Triple Threat as he's halfway down the ramp, you could have Randy Orton come in from behind and immediately start putting the boots to bryan. This will let the yes chants start, but immediately stop them as Orton beats down Bryan.
Simple, have Bryan in the firsat match and have him win, followed by a solid beatdown by HHH with the sledge or whatever. Being carried to the back, I doubt a massive yes chance breaks out as he wont be leading it or encouraging it.
Save it for the end of the night when Bryan returns and miraculously wins the title, the massive Yes chant will be fantastic
Simple, have Bryan in the firsat match and have him win, followed by a solid beatdown by HHH with the sledge or whatever. Being carried to the back, I doubt a massive yes chance breaks out as he wont be leading it or encouraging it.
Save it for the end of the night when Bryan returns and miraculously wins the title, the massive Yes chant will be fantastic
You don't think the most over baby face in the company would get his signature chant after. Beat down and the fans trying to rally him?
Maybe he may get a Daniel Bryan chant to rally him but if they book it just right I still think they can make the first big, proper yes chant of the night after he wins. Love or hate him all those people doing the yes chant in unison as he holds the belts in the air would be a true wrestlemania moment-
If you don't like the "Yes! Yes! Yes!" chants I am afraid I've got some bad news. The "Yes!" chants are becoming larger than Daniel Bryan and larger than WWE and larger than professional wrestling and sports entertainment. People at TNA chant "yes!" People at sporting events chant "yes!" Sitting at home in your living room where only the family can hear you, you chant "yes!" Last night at the Hall of Fame, as soon as Daniel Bryan arrived the crowd chanted, and not just the fans, the legends as well.

In 10 years there will still be "yes!" chants, just as people are still chanting "What?"
i went to a live event during commercials YES YES YES :banghead::banghead:

During a match YES YES YES!

its going to be a problem but this is the deal Bryan shouldn't win the title cause :lmao: why

well because it may ruin his mark as a underdog let him go win it during Summer Slam the second biggest PPV

possibly even extreme rules or something but really bryan will get is underdog status ruined if he wins the title this sunday

You can't stay an "underdog" forever while simultaneously being one of the biggest stars in the company. It's a character that has a shelf life. It's an aspect of Bryan's character that WWE and Bryan himself have used beautifully and they've milked it big time. However, if Daniel Bryan wins the title, you can't continue to look at him as an underdog because he'll have overcome Triple H, Randy Orton & Batista all in one night. As a result, Bryan's persona will have to evolve into something different than an underdog. He can still retain the same passion and "every man" appeal while evolving into an overall more rounded persona. If he can do that, and I see no particular reason to doubt he can't seeing as how he's made the absolute most of every opportunity he's been given in WWE, then he's going to be one of the very top guys in the company for the next decade.

Every now and again, depending on who Bryan winds up feuding with, the underdog aspect of his character and persona can be brought up and used. For instance, say Bryan is booked in a program for the title later this year against Brock Lesnar to culminate at SummerSlam. Now, even though it's pretty obvious that the outcome of this match sees Bryan retaining, the build to the match can tell a great story in which they're able to properly generate that little sliver of doubt by playing up the underdog element. For instance, in all of the various Rocky films, Rocky Balboa was portrayed as an underdog in all of the big fights he has ad the end of the films. He was an underdog even in Rocky II after taking Apollo Creed to the limit. He was the underdog in Rocky III against Clubber Lang, played by Mr. T, even though he'd successfully defended his championship 10 times before dropping it to Lang and was even more of an underdog in the rematch at the end of the film. Rocky IV saw Rocky as the older underdog against a much younger, steroid enhanced Ivan Drago, etc. Did you know Rocky was gonna come out on top when it was all said & done? Sure, but the journey you were taken on during the story is what established the intrigue. In my opinion, it's the route that Vince should have taken with Taker vs. Lesnar by portraying Taker as an underdog while painting Lesnar as the greatest threat to his streak that there's ever been. Would it have changed the outcome? Probably not, but it would've told a compelling story and a compelling story can sometimes be every bit as rewarding as a match itself, sometimes even more so.

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