The worst and best wrestlemania matches.


Dark Match Winner
This thread is about what you think were the best WM matches and the worst. It has 2 be from WM 20 to WM 25. Here are mines.
WM 20
Best.Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle-2 of the best technical wrestlers put on in my opinion the best WM match ever.
Worst.John Cena vs. Big show-horrible match trying 2 recreate hogan lifting andre.
WM 21
Best.Undertaker vs Randy orton-this match was insane I thought Randy was gonna win for a second
Worst-Batista vs Triple H- to slow of a match for my taste
WM 22
Best-HBK vs Vince Mcmahon-so grusome and when vince was being rolled out how he was flipping everyone of was hilarious
Worst-John Cena vs Triple H-again another slow paced match with cena getting all the spots

Best-MITB-When Kennedy won I was happy I thought a new face in the title hunt will be nice but he gets injured and look at him now.
Worst-Batista vs undertaker-another slow paced match

Best-Tie b/w Edge vs Undertaker and Ric Flair vs HBK-the reason I find it a tie is b/c both the matches where at a good pace even spots and the finishes where f**king fantastic.
Worst-MITB-CM punk won Enough said
Best-Undertaker vs HBK-Hands down the match of the night and the both of them looked like they where in their prime
Worst-Punk wins...Again this is bullsh*t.
BEST:Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero.Same reasons as you and I liked the finish..
WORST:Brock Lesner vs of the slowest boring matches ever..and I have seen some john cena matches..

BEST:First Money In The Bank Ladder Match..good spots and it made Edge into one of the best Main Eventers there is today.
WORST:Big Show vs Akebono..In My Opinion..Boring,Slow,Ponitless.

BEST:Mick Foley vs Edge..Really good hardcore match,good spots,and a great finish.
WORST:Same as you John Cena vs Triple H..same reasons.

WM23:Worst Wrestlemania I've Seen..
BEST:Same as you Money In The Bank..Best Match Of The Night..In My Opinion.
WORST:John Cena vs Shawn Michaels..Predicible,kinda slow for me,again with someone else getting the better spots only to have cena win in some stupid fashion..

BEST:Of course it has to be HBK vs THE NATURE BOY!..This match could have main evented WM..
WORST:Batista vs Umaga..Pretty slow for me,boring,pretty predicible outcome..

WM25:The second worst WM I've seen..
BEST:The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels..Again could have main evented this WM..
WORST:Cena vs Edge vs The Big Show..Pretty slow for me horrible ending having cena lose it a month later was good though.
Best- HHH vs HBK vs Benoit: No one had Benoit winning that match at all, and sure enough, it happens. These guys put on a f***ing clinic in the ring and hit their big moves a few times, and still kept going. R.I.P. Benoit

Worst- Cena vs Show: WWE always wants to recreate the wrestlemania 3 moment...STOP NOW!!!! It will never happen again.

Best- Angle vs HBK: If there was ever a hall of fame caliber match for Angle, this was it. These two brought the house down and performed what was at the time the best Wrestlemania match since Rock vs Hogan.

Worst- The Sumo Match: Yeah, I can understand the respect aspect and all, but sometimes, the WWE should not enter other sports worlds

Best- HBK vs McMahon: This match, more like beatdown, made every WWE fan happy. HBK delivers again on the big stage.

Worst- Boogeyman vs Booker T and Sharmell: JUST PLAIN OLD STUPID

Best- Undertaker vs Batista: After years without accomplishing it, the demon of death valley finally captures gold on his home court of Wrestlemania. The match was all out power and that is what good old fashioned wrestling was...get the two biggest guys and watch them go.

Worst- Khali and Kane: Once again, another wrestlemania 3 remake....though it was a much closer remake (kane at 300+ and Khali near 500) but still, NO MORE REMAKES!

Best- HBK vs Flair: The most heart breaking match in WWE history featured the two best and future hall of famers. When HBK ended Flair's career, my dad who hadn't watched wrestling in years started to cry. If you loved wrestling, it was a sad day, but still the best match of the year.

Worst- Kane vs Chavo: It was history making as the fastest match on record, but that was its easy piper, you no longer hold the fastest loss.

Best- Undertaker vs HBK: one word...WOW. Never had i seen a match where two men hated each other this much. a 12 year history comes to a head at a down time for WWE and at the prime of these two guy's careers. It is arguably the greatest wrestlemania match ever and we will never see it again on that stage. 17-0!!!

Worst- Money in the Bank: When is a veteran gonna win again? I know Edge and RVD, but those two guys are going downhill now, and yeah its time for a change...but imagine if lets say Kane wins, and challenges Big show (if he had won) for the belt....that would be an awesome match considering their history. CM Punk is getting old, time for something new
My worst match has to be Goldberg v Brock Lesnar WM20. Everyone knew they were leaving and I was sat there at I think it was 3am really looking forward to this match. I was a big Lesnar fan and sad he was going so expected a really good match with him maybe actually getting the shooting star press right this time around. But within minutes it became clear that neither man gave a sh*t it was obvios they didnt actually want to be there. All they did was walk around looking bored even Steve Austin looked like he didnt know what the hell to do and if I remember right the commentary was pretty dire as neither man was actually doing anything! Eventually they half heartidly pushed each other around for a while and Goldberg got the clean win but it remains imo the most unprofessional boring let down of a match I have ever seen.
BEST: Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle - 2 of the best wrestlers at the time squaring off in the ring for the WWE championship. great match. The triple threat main event with Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, and Triple H was also a tie with this match.

WORST: John Cena vs. Big Show - theres a reason this match started off the night

BEST: this was a tie between the first money in the bank ladder match, which started the tradition and helped make edge one of the most recognizable superstars today, and Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle.

WORST: Big Show vs. Akebono - what was the point of this match?

BEST: Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Mcmahon - As always, Shawn Michaels stole the show

WORST: The boogeyman vs. Booker T - dont know why this 3 minute match was even at wrestlemania

BEST: the money in the bank was a great match but its a tie with shawn michaels vs. john cena. because shawn michaels lost and how predictable it was, this match was also tied with the worst match. Batista and Undertaker also delivered a hell of a match here to.

WORST: Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena (had Shawn Michaels won, this would have been the best match but he still put on a hell of a match, the result is what made this the worst)

BEST: common sense - Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair but also tied with Edge vs. Undertaker

WORST: Batista vs. Umaga

BEST: really common sense - SHAWN MICHAELS VS. THE UNDERTAKER. this match is what kept wrestlemania going but it should have been the main event. they put their bodies on the line and put on a hell of a match. this match has got to be the greatest match in all of wrestlemania history

WORST: there is a tie between the money in the bank with CM Punk winning again and the main event. CM Punk shouldnt have won again but also the main event didnt really live up to the hype. notice how dead the fans were. Shawn Michales and Undertaker should have been the main event

notice on my list there is one name under the best match category alot. THE HEADLINER, THE MAIN EVENT, THE ICON, THE HEARTBREAK KID, MR. WRESTLEMANIA HIMSELF SHAWN MICHAELS! He is the man who makes me excited about wrestlemania each year. and after his match with undertaker, i can not wait for 26!
BEST: the money in the bank was a great match but its a tie with shawn michaels vs. john cena. because shawn michaels lost and how predictable it was, this match was also tied with the worst match. Batista and Undertaker also delivered a hell of a match here to.

WORST: Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena (had Shawn Michaels won, this would have been the best match but he still put on a hell of a match, the result is what made this the worst)
That doesn't even make sense. How can a match be tied for best and worst? Oh, and basing how good a match is based on who was booked to win is equally as stupid.
This thread is about what you think were the best WM matches and the worst. It has 2 be from WM 20 to WM 25.

I have a question, why between WM XX and WM XXV?? In any event, between these 6 Manias, I think the best match was any of Shawn Michaels matches.

XX – Triple H and Chris Benoit
21 – Kurt Angle
22 – Vince McMahon
23 – John Cena
XXIV – Ric Flair
XXV – Undertaker

Now out of these six, my pic would be WM 21. My reasons, aside from the general consensus and the fact that Angle is one of my favorites, is the match was just flat out great. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the other 5 matches I listed, but the Interpromotional match up and build up was just excellent.
WrestleMania XX
Best match- by far the triple threat main event with triple H, Shawn Michaels and you-know-who.
Worst Match- of course i have to go with the disaster that was Lesnar vs. Goldberg. What a complete fuck up of a match.

WrestleMania 21
Best match- Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle, the definition of a classic match, probably one of the best matches in wrestlemania history.
worst match- akebono vs. the big show in a sumo match. First of all it was gross, seocond of all it was boring.

WrestleMania 22
best match- Edge vs. Mick Foley Hardcore match, definately better than the mcmahon vs. michaels match which people only like because shawn michaels is in it.
worst match- booker t and his bitch vs. the boogey-fucking-man.

WrestleMania 23
best match- batista vs. the undertaker. Delivered one hell of a world title match, in my opinion should have closed the show. MITB is a close second and gets an honorable mention.
worst match- the big Indian vs. kane, i'm not sure that kane slamming khali quite lived up to hogan slamming andre, it was close tho...
The women's match between Ashley and Melina is a runner up but does not beat kane/khali because i like tits and unfortunately kane/khali did not provide that.

WrestleMania 24
best match- Flair vs. Michaels BY FAR, a great match capped off by one of the best finishes in wrestling history, what a moment. The undertaker/edge match that people were talking about is not even close.
worst match- batista vs. umaga. more bland then a Ken Patera promo.

Wrestlemania 25

best match- undertaker vs. shawn michaels by far. What a show stealer, Undertakers best wrestlemania match of all time.
worst match- randy orton vs. triple h. end of story. I was entertained more by everythign else at wrestlemania excluding the kid rock concert, but unfortunately a concert does not qualify as a match (except for that one time in 2005 when cena and jericho had the battle of the bands...)
WrestleMania XX

Chris Benoit Vs. Shawn Michaels Vs. Triple H: I've always loved Shawn but i really wanted Chris to win this one.
Brock Lesnar Vs. Goldberg: This could have been so much more.

WrestleMania 21

Kurt Angle Vs. Shawn Michaels: What more can i say? It was incredible.
Big Show Vs. Akebono: What was that?

WrestleMania 22

Shawn Michaels Vs. Mr. McMahon: Nothing like a hardcore match on the grandest stage of them all
The Boogeyman Vs. Booker T and Sharmell: Wha?

WrestleMania 23

Chris Benoit Vs. MVP: A very athletic and techical match.
Melina Vs. Ashley: Ashley could never wrestle.

WrestleMania 24

Edge Vs. The Undertaker: I genuinely thought the streak might end.
Floyd Mayweather Vs. Big Show: Damn celebrity involvement.

WrestleMania 25

Shawn Michaels Vs. The Undertaker: Obvious reasons.
25 Diva Battle Royal: Riiight

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