The worse attempt to gain heel heat


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, so discuss what you think have been some of the worse attempts superstars have done to try to gain heat. I'll start off

Randy Orton in 05 during his feud with Mysterio made comments about Eddie Guerrero's death saying Eddie was no saint and that he isn't in Heaven he's in Helll which i felt was really inappropriate. He could have gained heat mores way then bashing Guerrero

I also didnt like Taker's late 01 early 02 "you will respect me gimmick" This is the only time i didnt like Taker as heel.

i cant think of anything else at the moment let me know what you feel are bad attempts of gaining heat
Probably gonna have to go with the Orton/Eddie thing. I remember watching that and when he said that my brother and I were like "WOW...I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SAID THAT" Although it made some sense for the angle, since Randy was trying to do anything to goad Rey into putting his title shot on the line, they could've had Randy say a bunch of other things than have him go that low.

By the way, dude, that happened in 2006
Probably gonna have to go with the Orton/Eddie thing. I remember watching that and when he said that my brother and I were like "WOW...I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SAID THAT" Although it made some sense for the angle, since Randy was trying to do anything to goad Rey into putting his title shot on the line, they could've had Randy say a bunch of other things than have him go that low.

By the way, dude, that happened in 2006

Good point well made.
I like the sig and I hate to be a pedantic fucker but it's 'sycophant'.
Sorry =(

Some of the lamest attempts at heel heat I've ever seen have been featured on TNA. Not one specific guy but just people in general downing an audience to get cheap heat. Now that's all well and good (Team 3D do it well) but some of the low midcard dudes just suck at it.

In terms of an angle...probably the Orton/Rey Eddie references. Also, some of the stuff that JBL pulled out about Eddie cut a bit close to the bone.
That's a pretty good example, and quite frankly, it's pretty difficult to think of anything that matches that. Anytime you tell someone your friend is in Hell, that has to be one of the most dick things to ever say. But then again, Randy was still relatively young when he said that. I'm not sure if Vince ok'ed this thing completely, but I have a funny feeling if Vince had known Randy was going to say that, he would have pulled it. Even Vince should realize just how poor in taste that truly was.

But there's one segment that was just as poor in taste, and definitely got the ok from Vince. That, of course, would be The Katie Vick storyline. Triple H knows better than to let a gimmick like that work, and there's no way you can convince me that Trips could have gone to Vince and nixed the idea. I like Trips as a person, and I'm pretty sure this whole scheme came from Vince, but Triple H definitely has enough pull backstage to make sure that this storyline was chucked before it could go to air. Not only that, but it effectivel buried all of the steam Kane had picked up since his return. Kane was redhot after returning from his injury, and in my opinion, this should have been the storyline to give Kane a run with the World Title for a few months. But unfortunately, no one could take the gimmick seriously, and all the momentum Kane had was completely demolished. Yes, the gimmick didn't involve a real person, but it does hit fairly home to those who have been through accidents. This was just utterly tasteless, and a bad way to try and give Trips any heat during the storyline.

First runner-up goes to the Rey/Eddie storyline about Rey's child, Dominic. Simply put, this was utterly poor in taste, and any time you throw a child in there, and try to convince him that you are his biological father, that is just downright low. Eddie and Rey are close friends, but still, this storyline just oozed tawdriness the likes of which hadn't been seen since... Well, Katie Vick. Eddie just came off as utterly creepy, not someone that was trying to get heat. If the kid was a reasonable age, I'd accept this more. But no, he was still fairly young, and there's no need to exploit a kid like that.
All good examples...

I'm a longtime fan of the site... I just signed up for the forums just to include this one...

JBL "goose-steeping" like a Nazi at a WWE house show in Germany. It's illegal (I believe) and culturally offensive to any German... which is WHY he did it. When the press picked up on it, he rationalized it by admitting he was a villain playing a role... simply trying to get "heat" with the crowd.
I can't remember who it was, but I will assume Edge, and at a house show in manchester he started doing a rant about how much Man U suck. The crowd went wild...why? People from Manchester support Man City.
What about the Big Boss Man/Big Show feud with his father's passing and dragging the casket, or the greeting card... Work or not it went too far to desecrate a person's memory like that.
When Shane McMahon told DX that he and Vince were going to change their diapers. Worst line by a heel ever.

My most despicable act is when the NWO mocked Arn Anderson after his retirement speech live on Nitro the week after. The man gave everything for the business and was a legend. Most importantly Arn Anderson is a man you should always respect. This was an embarrassing moment and the most disrespectful moment in wrestling history. This moment single handedly turned me off from WCW Wrestling. The WWE has been known to do terrible parodies and things to offend the audience but they never did anything so heinous as this. Here is the link to the promo.
When Big Boss Man kidnapped Al Snow's Chihuahua, turned him into Pepper Steaks, and then fed them to Al (It was just like that time when Earthquake turned Jake Roberts' snake into Quake Burgers, only super evil because he made Al eat it). This is the most evil act ever commited by a heel. Randy Orton besmirching the name and legacy of a wrestler that died for the company doesn't have anything on these two.

Honourable mention also goes to Yamaguchi-San threatening to choppy-choppy the pee-pee of Val Venis.

I honestly have no idea how either of these were supposed to draw heat. God the attitude era sucked.
When Big Boss Man kidnapped Al Snow's Chihuahua, turned him into Pepper Steaks, and then fed them to Al (It was just like that time when Earthquake turned Jake Roberts' snake into Quake Burgers, only super evil because he made Al eat it). This is the most evil act ever commited by a heel. Randy Orton besmirching the name and legacy of a wrestler that died for the company doesn't have anything on these two.

Honourable mention also goes to Yamaguchi-San threatening to choppy-choppy the pee-pee of Val Venis.

I honestly have no idea how either of these were supposed to draw heat. God the attitude era sucked.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...... I can not allow for anyone to besmirch the good name that is Earthquake! No sir, not no way, not no how.

Ok, I'm going to put this in an analogical sense: What were you more offended by: Michael Vick killing dogs, or OJ Simpson killing his wife? Do you mean to tell me that you value dog life over human life?

What Bossman (and, really, the only thing I care about, Earthquake) did was in poor taste, but it also worked.... Well, at least in Quake's use of it. Bossman's didn't work, because nobody cared. No Earthquake... People loved that snake. And what Earthquake was sheerly one of the most heelish thing in the 90s. He was so cold-blooded, he killed a snake. That's pretty evil.

In short..... John Tenta Fuck The World!

I think Snitsky's whole "baby killer" gimmick was disgusting. I know most topics are up for grabs in WWE, but there are some things that shouldn't be done. There is nothing funny about a miscarriage. This is one of the worst things someone can go through in real life and I think it's extremely inappropriate to mock it on tv. Just imagine if this happened to you. Say a year had gone by and you were watching WWE for some entertainment and Snitsky came on doing this crap. I would change the channel immediately.
You can't forget people in TNA bringing up Jarrett's dead wife and how his kids have no mother. Truly, tasteless.
I'm sure Rey Mysterio and Vickie Guerraro didn't appreciate that one, even if they were told about it ahead of time. Another one that comes to mind was when Shawn Michaels said Stu is dead but the rest of his body didn't realize it. He really escalated the situation with Bret further along even though Bret was just as to blame,
But then again, Randy was still relatively young when he said that. I'm not sure if Vince ok'ed this thing completely, but I have a funny feeling if Vince had known Randy was going to say that, he would have pulled it. Even Vince should realize just how poor in taste that truly was.

Triple H definitely has enough pull backstage to make sure that this storyline was chucked before it could go to air. Not only that, but it effectivel buried all of the steam Kane had picked up since his return.

You actually think that was Orton's idea to say that? Of course he was TOLD to say that, most likely by Vince. It was pretty low of Rey though that he just went along with the storyline. I guess he felt like a world title was more important to him than sticking up for his "good friend" Eddie
I dont feel like quoting the first post but i thought the miz shooting horny with the t-shirt shooter was the funniest and the best thing ever. I actually gave it a standing applause, best heel segment in a while and seeing worthless horny get hurt like he should was worth it. I know from experience that tshirt shooters hurt if your hitfrom a distance so it must of hurt more then some of the other weapons that mostly is used (steel chair). As for worst use of heel heat I would have to give it to none other then this:

This is one time I have to say wwe realy went to the edge to get heel heat becase if its said everyone knows its a work so no matter how bad it is, its not that bad. But if its this offensive outfit all i have to say is wow bad heel heat, funny, but uncalled for.
I'll go with Stephanie McMahon telling a clearly in poor health Freddie Blassie that he was about to die, or something to that effect.

She was right, too.
The worst has to be Vince faking his death in 2007 and getting the wrestlers to tape promos describing this loss. Total slap in the face to the families of Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero and every other wrestler who has died in this buisness. Death can never be taken as a joke and be made into a work. Now makes people wonder how real those promos are when wrestlers really pass away
I hated the JBL/Eddie feud, when they had Eddie's mother fake a heat attack. This was when JBL was chasing Eddie for the WWE title, and it was really tasteless. Anytime you use a real death, or fake a health crisis, it is terrible and tasteless.

And to the person who said the T-Shirt launcher bit was terrible, you are dead wrong. The T-Shirt launcher bit was the best thing on RAW in weeks, maybe months. I was worried that they were gonna shoot Miz, which would have been terrible, but when Miz shot the midget, I was Rollin On the Floor Laughing (or ROFL, for those who are savvy with the internet jargon).
I hate it when superstars go out and talk about how bad the city's football, basketball, or baseball team is. I think the worst was the Vince death angle.

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