The Wolverine

FlexAmerican Dynamite

Was much better than I was expecting it to be. I'd recommend it if you're a die-hard Wolverine fan seeing as this to me is the best Wolverine related performance Hugh Jackman has ever done.

Or if Origins just really left that bad of a taste in your mouth skip it, whatever. I just found it to be really enjoyable and makes me even more excited for Days of Future Past.
Did Hugh Jackman play up the wild beast card, or did the people around him? If it's the latter, I don't care about X-men anymore.
Did Hugh Jackman play up the wild beast card, or did the people around him? If it's the latter, I don't care about X-men anymore.

Slight spoilers ahead

It's a healthy mix, Logan doesn't want to be that beast anymore after the events of X3 but soon must become it to protect the people he soon encounters and becomes attached to.

Basically you know how in the previous X-films all the other characters kinda wouldn't shut up about how much of a wild card he can be? Well in here it's just kind of something I guess they lean you into.
It was fine. I suppose I've seen too many superhero films in recent years.
I liked it, Jackman still does a decent job. The plot was good. The japanese accents were annoying. It didn't go for too many cheap laughs, the action was tight enough for the age rating. Yeah, gets the two thumbs from me. And the button at the end.
Mighty NorCal said:
I was pretty disappointed in the one that was after Iron Man 3.
I think it was the one after the last Hulk movie - Tony Stark approached somebody about taking down Hulk, but they never followed through with this. If that intended movie was anything like the chemistry between Downey and Ruffalo, it would've been the absolute tits.
There is a mid-credit scene that leads into DoFP, I didn't stay until the very end of the credits to see if there was one there, cause I had to pee.

Theres nothing later on in the credits. Just the first scene. I almost waited but a friend who works at the cinema told me there was nothing.
I think it was the one after the last Hulk movie - Tony Stark approached somebody about taking down Hulk, but they never followed through with this. If that intended movie was anything like the chemistry between Downey and Ruffalo, it would've been the absolute tits.

I think that was Iron Man trying to recruit the Abomination for the soon to be scrapped Avengers initiative.
The after credits Iron Man 3 scene makes much more sense than people want to admit, guess we've just been spoiled by awesome after credits scenes before people were expecting them to reveal the rest of phase 2. :shrug:
I was surprised how drastically they changed silver samurai. Figured they wouldn't screw around with the characters that much after the whole deadpool debacle.
I think they've had enough Wolverine-driven movies. He's the most popular character by far, yes, but if I have to watch that fucking adamantium-grafting laboratory scene one more time...
Your default position is shit. I'm a tad more optimistic. Some reboots work. Going from Batman & Robin to Batman Begins being the obvious shinning example.

It is also not the norm. I will start being more optimistic once I am given reason too.

The only reason that they would that they would begin making a new line of wolverine movies would be to keep the rights if Jackman decided to call it quits and that is not exactly a promising recipe for quality movies. Jackson is also a fine wolverine, it was the movies around him that were problematic.
Trailer made the film look like a hot mess. Since I've gone into full-time employment, going to the cinema is actually something of an effort. Can't say this seems like it's deserving of it.
X-Men: First Class is a very good film.

It was but wolverine made a five second cameo so I was not including it. I was talking about x3 and wolverine origins. Neither of which was he the problem. And despite my disappointment in silver samurai I still managed to enjoy the wolverine for what it was.
Got a question regarding the next X-Men film involving a huge spoiler for this movie:

They pretty much have to write in him getting his adamantium claws back on considering who he's going to be fighting in the next movie, right? Metal claws would be so much more useful against Sentinels.

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