The Who's Better Poll #10

Who's Better?

  • Kaval

  • Bryan Danielson

  • Equally Matched

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Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
After a hiatus, I'm bringing the ever popular threads back. Welcome to the return of The Who's Better Poll. Today's superstars will be Kaval and Bryan Danielson. Lets take a look at their stats from some promotions around wrestling.

3X JAPW Heavyweight Champion
1X JAPW Light Heavyweight Champion
1X PWG World Champion
1X ROH Heavyweight Champion

Bryan Danielson
1X IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion
2X PWG Heavyweight Champion
1X ROH Pure Champion
1X ROH Heavyweight Champion

Both of these men are equally matched in terms of major titles from some somewhat big companies. Both have been ROH and PWG champions. Both of these men have spent time in Japan perfecting their craft, due to this, it makes them some of the best wrestlers in the world today. In fact, Danielson was once named #13 out of the top 500 wrestlers in the world at one point by Pro Wrestling Illustrated. Both of these men are technically sound in the ring, and have their fair share of accomplishments. For the first time in "Who's Better Poll" history, we have a tie. They are both equally matched.
I love Kaval. The guy is amazing to watch, but he doesn't quite compare to Bryan Danielson. Kaval has a wonderful intensity about him, but there are no other sides to his in ring personality. Danielson is more versatile. While Kaval has played the roles of face and heel rather effectively, he can't do it with the variation that Danielson can. Both men are technical masters in the ring and kayfabe accomplishments are fairly equal, but if we're looking at the overall package, Danielson takes it.
I personally like Low Ki better, but I'd say Danielson is definitley the better overall wrestler. He can play a punk ass heel, a damn good one at that, and he can play a lovable face, Low Ki can play a intense ass heel, or an intense ass face, you dont get much else. I really cant wait for Bryan to come back to the WWE (if he does) cause his charecter was great, and he really showed he can cut a fantastic promo and make people question if he's kayfabeing or not. But believe it or not, Kaval can cut a decent promo too, he just doesnt like too, his angle in ROH where he attacked the ref was great stuff. But yea, overall Bryan is the total package and he gets my vote.
Because this thread most likely comes down to own preferences, especially due to the fact that they seem so equally matched in title reigns, and they're both pretty matched in in-ring abilities (to some extend, Bryan Danielson probably being the better wrestler of the two)

The only place I feel that Kaval is lacking in any manner, is the charisma, while Bryan Danielson certainly is no Dwayne Johnson, Kaval definitely isn't neither, he seems more boring than Bryan Danielson for the most of times, and Bryan definitely started to shine, at least in WWE with his kayfabe breaking promos, something we have yet to see from Kaval.

As I mentioned, this is all due to personal preferences, and me who would much rather watch a Bryan Danielson match, than I would watch a Kaval match.

Bryan gets the vote.
I haven't really seen enough from either to be able to tell one way or the other. Both are wrestlers that have a huge following on the internet. We didn't really see what Danielson was fully capable of in the WWE and I have a feeling we haven't seen it with Kaval either.

So, I'm just going to make a guess based on what I've seen so far from the two. I think I'm going to pick Danielson for now. I know both he and Kaval are good in the ring, I know I probably haven't really seen just how good. Danielson, however, has managed to prove to a lot of people that he doesn't have the wooden personality I've heard he's got. He demonstrated himself to be passionate and very compotent on the mic during his short stint in the WWE, which I hope will be renewered. Kaval, on the other hand, seems to be kinda wooden right now but that may not be the case as the weeks pass by on NXT. For now, however, I'm giving the edge to Danielson.
I'm searching through the Indy section and this thread was interesting.

I like the poll says, agree that Danielson is better than Kaval.

There is a reason why he's called the best wrestler in the world. Yes that's a little hype from Ring of Honor but there's some truth in that title. He was trained by the best and it shows it in the ring. He's wrestled all around the world and has wrestled wrestling's legends. He's a ring veteran and would be able to beat Kaval's martial arts style. Easily reversing those kicks into suplex and kicks of his own.

EDIT: And even though Danielson isn't amazing on the mic he can still beat the Kaval promos. Beat him in every category except for high-flying.
Two different styles but Danielson is by far the better competitor. At this point you could build an indy promotion around Danielson, I dont believe you could do that with Kaval. I dont think Kaval has gotten a chance to be a huge star, he was probably at his peak so far in the XXX Stable in TNA with Daniels and Elix Skipper. Danielson continues to become more popular due to his WWE firing and he is still getting better in the ring

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