The WCW "Invasion"

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Pre-Show Stalwart
ok everyone should recall the night wwe invaded wcw nitro in norfolk virginia. if you dont here it is:


my questions to you all is this. would wcw have benefited by sending out some guys to confront them? if a real fist fight had broken out what company would have been more adversely affected? and finally would TNA benefit from pulling a stunt like this (im actually surprised they havent done this)?

im not sure who wcw could have sent out to confront them...hall and nash certainly wouldnt have gone out to fight their friends and since they were nwo i doubt that any nwo guys would have been allowed to go out and possibly injure the nwo "brand", something hogan protected without exception to the point it helped kill the company. so we are left with people like scott norton, ddp, horsemen, etc. if a real fight had broken out i think the wwe would have suffered more simply because they instigated it...and it could possibly be some sort of legal action taken against wwe by wcw that would have done the most damage...especially if dx had gotten their asses kicked by a large group of wcw guys on top of it all.
and lastly if tna did pull a stunt like this, my guess is it wouldnt be effective at all. it would get people talking for a while but overall, i think it would make tna look desperate and i dont see it having any effect on the business itself like the dx invasion did.
TNA isnt that brave. They tried something kinda similar in the early days, having TNA guys (Truth, BG James, Abyss, Shane Doulas, etc) visit WWE while they were filming some stuff in Orlando and bring them some food, and taped it to show on Impact the next week. They had to blur out the faces on WWE guys, but some of them you could tell who they were by the size/shape of the wrestlers, and they kept asking for Chris "Been-Oyt". If TNA tried anything now, it'd come across as desperate and, one again, unoriginal.
They should have sent out TANK ABBOT he was a genuine fighter and genuine bad ass.

Would wcw have benefited by sending out some guys to confront them?
It would have made the news at least. I dont know if it would have benefited them though.

If a real fist fight had broken out what company would have been more adversely affected? I dont know that either would have really. It would have definitely made the news and the mainstream media would have picked up on it. Both companies would have been in the headlines, WWE would have still rolled on being the bigger company and eventually squashed the competition anyway.

and finally would TNA benefit from pulling a stunt like this (im actually surprised they havent done this)? We dont get TNA here in New Zealand so I think for most guys like me we would be like who the hell are those guys except for maybe a few old WWE guys we might recognise but I dont see guys like Kurt Angle wanting to do such a thing as Im sure he would want to keep in the WWE good books as would several others in TNA and a stunt like this would definitely shoot you in the foot.

As for who to send out I dunno. If its going to be actual fight I doubt many of those guys could stand up in a real fight. Big Show was still with WCW at that stage so I'd stand behind him, fake fighter or not he looks like he could genuinely hurt somebody and do some damage.
No a real fist fight would not have benefited either company in my eyes. wCw would have been stupid to send anyone out there to confront dX. Vince knew that going in or he wouldn't have sent the guys there.
This was an interesting question but I think its more commen since for this to happen the way it did though.

Would wcw have benefited by sending out some guys to confront them? I would say no besides being that couldn't really afford any of the top talents to go out there. I would probably go with the Four Horseman to go there but nothing would get accomplish. Unless they made an announcement or awareness on the show called them out on TV to set something up. Maybe WCW would had been better to do the same thing to WWE the way they did with DX but who or which group would be market able to pull this stunt off? nWo was too heelish to do it and it wouldn't make since for WCW to send them. I'm happy the way things happen.

If a real fist fight had broken out what company would have been more adversely affected? It would be a huge mess and legal problems from both sides unless they could had done it on a PPV type scale where both companies could make money off of this. DX vs nWo vs Four Horsemen vs another WWE stable/group/team. Now this would had been huge PPV and more benefit for both. The question then would be who would come out on top because no would wanted to lose at this point. It would be interested but nothing was going to happen or get solved from this unfortunately.

Finally would TNA benefit from pulling a stunt like this? TNA had already try this back in 2004 or early 2005 don't remember which but it was kind of childish and disappointing at the same time as I was watching this. TNA doesn't have anyone to pull this off unless they got a stable made like DX/Filthy Animals childish type stable then yeah. They have no talent or no point of doing this at this stage of the game. Back then it was NEW and fresh no point of this to happen again any time soon.
nWo shouldve gone out and hugged em, made it known that they were all boys, kindof a continuation on the curtain call, wouldve been a gamble on wcws part but i think they sholdve even let em into the building or something, think of the ratings and storylines that couldve popped up for wcw
Triple H hit the nail on the head when he said it was stupid of them to shut the doors on DX and not let them in. Cuz WCW ratings would have went through the roof if they just would have let DX in there arena. You know let WWF camera stop at the door so you have to watch Nitro to see them. Let them in call Vince on the phone say if you would let them use the DX theme music and just maybe have a few spots with Nash, Hall and Hogan, and somebody else from the NWO cuz you know Hall and Nash would have taken care of there friends even in a different company. Quickly get it in writing so there would have been no worries even if they couldn't drive the tank could you just picture DX sitting in the front row of a WCW event with popcorn and beer just acting like a fun, HELL i was Pro WWF at the time but i would have watched Nitro for the next few weeks to see if anything like that happened again. Also TNA has done this before and not with Cookie-gate. When the James Gang changed there group name to V.K.M. they actually went to a bunch of WWE stuff looking for a fight i remember they went to the a showing of the Marine, WWE headquaters, a WWE event, and actually challenged Shawn and Triple H at the Alamo, also they wanted to accept the Hardy's challenge at December to Dismember
I don't think it would have benefitted WCW to let WWE into their arena. It would have boosted viewing figures for a few weeks, as WWE fans would have probably checked out WCW, but in my opinion it would have made WCW look foolish as they let wrestlers from a rival organisation into one of their television shows, without discussing it before hand, and with the sole intention of making their company look second-rate.

Why would they want WWE contracted wrestlers sitting in the crowd on Nitro calling out how WCW sucks, if it was not part of an agreed storyline. It would only have made DX and the WWE more notorious, and made WCW look weak and 2nd best.

Also, if they really had sent out their own wrestlers to fight DX, surely one side would have ended up getting charged with assault, which may have got both companies on the mainstream news, but would not have been a good thing for either side.

As a fan, I would love to have seen DX get into the Nitro taping, it would have been hilarious, but from a business standpoint I 100% see why Bischoff had them shut the arena doors.
Let's say WCW sent guys out, what then? WWE gets more good footage if they stand around and jackjaw at each other, and there was no way they were going to "work" a fight with each other.

If the argument gets hot and somebody throws a punch and they actually brawl... When guys that big and quick really fight, people get seriously hurt. It could have been a disaster for both promotions to get key players injured in that sort of thing. Plus which, what the hell do you do with Chyna? If she gets involved she's too big to ignore, and there is no way to fight back against her without it looking awful for WCW.

As it was, DX had a little fun with the fans and got a little bit of fun footage, but nothing devastating. And WWE definitely sent the right bunch of guys for the job.

WCW probably handled it right.

Playing the "What if" card, though. I can think of a couple moves that might have worked, but would have been risky.
a) Send out one guy. A friend, probably Nash, and have him shoot. Tell them it was a great idea, and they deserve credit for it. Say the WCW takes it all as fun and tips their hat. Make sure you have your own cameras there so WWE can't edit it to make him look bad. Tell them they can't come in, because of a bunch of legal issues, and ask them if they want to go grab a beer. If DX kept playing the angle, continue to shoot and undercut the characters. It would be nearly impossible for DX to keep playing the characters if someone is undercutting them like that. It would have gotten boring eventually, and it would have diffused.
b) Send your female roster out after them and have them throw garbage and food and the like. This would have only worked if they could have kept them isolated from the crowd in that passageway going down to the parking garage. But the sight of DX getting pelted with garbage by a bunch of women would have probably been the high-mark for WCW in the Monday Night Wars, and they could have gotten mileage out of it for months.
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