The Way TNA Films Backstage Segments


Occasional Pre-Show
Now I'm not one to heavily praise/defend/criticize any one promotion in particular. I'm not biased in any way and I enjoy all wrestling federations be it WWE, TNA, ROH or the indies. I'm not a WWE fanboy/TNA hater or vice versa. (Just stating this off the bat because I know you posters can get real sensitive. It's kinda cute actually.)

But this is the thing that's been bothering me about TNA. It's the way they film their backstage segments. They are taking a page out of reality TV the way they only show people "having conversations" in the back, or worse yet....very casually chatting with the cameraman. There is never an interviewer anymore holding a microphone and asking the hard hitting questions or getting thoughts on an upcoming match. I know sometimes it's moronic when Josh Matthews just asks "What are your thoughts on your upcoming match?" and just stares blankly, but think back to the Mean Gene Okerlund days. Perhaps having recently had the pleasure of seeing Mean Gene on Blast From The Past brought these issues to the forefront of my mind. Back then the interviewer would conduct interviews in a interviewer's voice, it didn't sound like he was sitting on a couch in a living room with the guy sounding all laid back like he was the guy's best friend. I now can't stand to see TNA wrestlers either immaturely or obnoxiously yelling at each other "YEAH WE CAN DO THIS, LET'S GO GET HIM. YEEEEAAHHHHHHH C'MON!!!!!!!!!!!" or having some cameraman that you can't see chit chatting with the talent and they're looking at the carema and talking. It used to be Jeremy Borash doing an excellent job of holding a microphone in somebody's face conductng interviews, with them replying back to him and I think this format gets the storylines over in a much better way.

So what do you think? Am I being a picky ass clown? Does anyone else want their backstage interviews back to a more traditional fashion? Does anyone even notice? I look forward to the input.
I feel the exact same. The camera angles are just weird, first of all. Sometimes it's hard to focus with the camera turning every five seconds. I wish they had the cameras WWE uses for backstage segments, it's clear and you can hear the crowd in the background. Also, it all seems so . . . scripted. Don't light me up for that, wrestling is of course scripted. But some people are better at hiding it than others. Most of TNA's roster just sounds so scripted when they talk in backstage segments. I think they should stop this whole "reality" thing, set a a little area backstage where they conduct interviews, and hire someone who can interview a TNA wrestler and help sell the story.
I know exactly what you mean.. I don't really have much of a problem with it, but I would prefer an interviewer asking them questions instead of the wrestlers having a 'secret' chat with each other were we can ALL hear what they are talking about.. and whats with the zoom in/out they always do.. For fucks sake, they can't keep that camera still.
I can't believe you would even complain. This is why the business today is slowly decreasing in popularity year by year...they are scared of change MAJOR change.

TNA went outside the box & actually did something different to WWE which in my opinion is cutting edge in the wrestling industry.

I much prefer TNA backstage camera angles compared to WWE's. WWE's backstage skits are PATHETIC & consist of wrestlers pretending cameras are not there inside FAKE rooms while using there contrived dialouge & sometimes they even have random music start playing the background...

Now i do think TNA goes overboard with the use of there reality based camera angles but it is still way more in tune with the times then WWE's way. They need to find the right mix of using those camera angles & having Jeremy Borash doing interviews.

Also i cannot believe people above who have posted think TNA's promos are scripted...when it is clear to me TNA allows it's talent to have much more creative freedom. I don't believe TNA unlike WWE gives it's talent word for word scripts to rehearse when cutting a promo from the things i have listened to & read over the years.

Im also gobsmacked at the person above suggest he wished TNA would do backstage segments the way WWE does them. WWE is so out of touch & behind the times format & production wise in terms of being cutting edge & in tune with pop culture it's sad.

When WWE decides to change the direction of the product creatively, change the format of the show, change the production to a more gritty rough around the edges reality based show then & only then will the wrestling business have a chance to regain it's popularity. Paul Heyman has addressed this many a time in blogs over the years.

The RAW entrance theme alone just shows how out of touch WWE is just like there backstage camera angles.

Renemeber when Thorn In Your Eye opened up RAW? cool mother***ing s**t got you pumped...

But whatever ill end this rant now because nothing i say will change anything, i will just continue to watch the most infulential & biggest pro wrestling company continue to slowly decline like it has nearly ever year for past decade (look at the numbers it's a fact).

Sorry for the rant & going bit off topic but i just wish out of touch old man Vince McMahon would do something to reunite the flame of the business i love.
Personally I do not mind the fact that they don't have a camera in the wrestlers face like wee because of the fact that it all feels so fake. The wrestlers (superstars) have to act like there isn't a camera in their face and it just feels silly to me.

I understand why the cameramen in TNA constantly zoom in and out because if you have the exact same shot going on for a few minutes it gets boring to look at so they try and mix it up. I do agree that the zooming is annoying though. Really they could just use two different cameras and cut between the two. Its not exactly much effort is it.

I think it is lame having the wrestler talk to the camera man as well (not as bad as when J Hardy was just about to get in the ring but give the cameraman a high five first though...) they could just make use of SoCal Val or just go back to borash doing all interviews.
I'm going to agree and disagree with the post...

I agree because I'm a fan of old school promos and have been since the eighties. A guy with a mic and some questions works just fine for me most of the time.

I disagree though about it being a bad idea. I even prefer it over the use of cameras in most promotions. It's one of the few positives about TNA. I have always hated when two people are having some conversation no one is supposed to hear while a camera is directly in their face. It ruins the credibility and stops me from suspending my disbelief. Especially given that a moment later they will cut a promo directly to the camera fully acknowledging it's existence. Where's the consistency and/or sensibility?

I think they could use a little of both. TNA tends to over use the guerrilla film style a little too much in my opinion, but if they mixed that up with some old school promos and maybe some pre-taped vignettes like the ones they do in sports or like the recent one with Lesnar on Raw, then I would be much happier. Of course I'm probably asking too much.

For now though, I'll prefer the guerrilla style because it doesn't insult my intelligence nearly as much and at least there's an attempt to make me believe in what's happening, even if it is a bit far fetched.
This thread again. Good God ...

Why are we acting like TNA never does normal, wrestling-y one on one interviews? They still do it, we get at least a couple a show and a ton more at PPVs. Not just that, you also get your in-ring segments in a healthy ammount. So you get the side by side interviews, you get your ninja camera guy segments, sometimes a TMZ-like segment with the dude walking through the hall or leaving his car, and in-ring segments. You call that variety. Some fresh stuff, some old stuff, some twists on old stuff.

TNA is trying to be more story-driven these days. These little backstage shots allow them a lot to work with and tell a story in a way that it could have NEVER been told with Jeremy Borash by your side. It's a small twist on your regular "two guys backstage" promo. If you have no issue with those, then you shouldn't have an issue with these. And it's insulting? What's more insulting ...

Segment 1: The camera is basically up Roode and Bully's asses and they discuss how they'll screw Storm out of his win tonight. He is RIGHT THERE, he is NOT trying to hide, and they reveal their strategy KNOWING the camera dude is filming them at this very moment.

Segment 2: Camera dude is hiding behind a slightly opened door, spying on Roode and Bully who plot to fuck Storm over tonight. They don't know the camera guy is there, they think they're the shit.

See, both have flaws. In Segment 1 - it's just ******ed. In segment 2 - you'd think they'd close their fucking doors by now. But Segment 2 is slightly less insulting, plus it's something different.

The only difference is the camera angle, and if fans have become so jaded that they notice the camera angles these days then shoot me in the balls right now. TV shows my friend, the way they are shot change and evolve. They don't shoot drama series and sit-coms (if we even have those anymore) the same way they did in the 80's. I'll admit I'd love it of Alf showed up on the Big Bang Theory and delivered a stunning performance of Old Time Rock'N'Roll but it ain't gonna happen because it's 2012. Wrestling is a TV show, production changes, live with it.

And just for those who actually felt a craving for some Alf, enjoy. For the 12 years old on this board - screw you, you don't know shit about good TV.

I Actually love this sneaky approach they take with their backstage segments, it makes it seem more real, more plausible AND more entertaining, because why in the world if your having a private conversation that you don't want the whole world to hear, how can you not see a big camera with a bright red light stuck in your face.. .(i.e eve's heel turn for an example). It doesn't insult the intelligence of the older audience compared how WWE does.
all of the backstage segments, both in TNA and WWE, annoy me because it is the same thing - we see someone doing something but the dumb wrestler they are going against doesn't see it. if they knew this magical vision was available, why don't they want tv? or why doesn't someone tell then "dude, i just saw ...". TNA's cameras try to be "sneaky" and look through a crack in the door but again, it just comes off as lame. welcome to the age of reality tv. there is a reason why this wasn't done nearly as much or as poorly back in the Attitude Era - no shows like Survivor, etc. wrestling shows go with what is hot and they haven't quite realized that reality shows are not hot anymore.
I understand most people dont like it but I personally prefer it. it's like getting to know a character a bit more...the one on one interviews are still good, tna still does those mostly at PPVs which I'm ok with. I do still prefer the "reality" angles they do w the camera. The only real one on one interviews that are coming to my head right now are the infamous asshole promo and when hardy and anderson teamed up and Anderson cut a promo naming the team "egnimatic assholes". Remembering those 2 promos make me think that one on one interviews should only be done w wrestlers that have great-superb mic skills. For instance...pope should def come back and work the mic.
shakey cam, cam in their faces. Both are kinda lame, because both are being shown on tv....wouldn't someone run up to the wrestlers the other wrestler threatened to screw and go 'dude....camerman joe was hiding behind some boxes and caught so n so saying he is going to attack you'.....
I thought I was the only person bothered with how TNA does their backstage segments. The camera angles they do are annoying. I never really believe what their saying in those segments because it sounds so forced and scripted. IMO you get your point across better when a guy with a microphone is asking you questions.
I Actually love this sneaky approach they take with their backstage segments, it makes it seem more real, more plausible AND more entertaining, because why in the world if your having a private conversation that you don't want the whole world to hear, how can you not see a big camera with a bright red light stuck in your face.. .(i.e eve's heel turn for an example). It doesn't insult the intelligence of the older audience compared how WWE does.

Completely agree! I'm a big fan of the old days but this is definitely a change I approve of today.

I think it has worked well with many segments, the ones with Fortune come to mind, and also when Sting was trying to turn Hogan face again, when he was in Hogan's office. If they had done that in the WWE style I don't think it would've been nearly as good.

It's actually one of my favorite things about TNA. The reality show feel is great. In fact, I think they should take it even further then they have. original, and refreshing.

Not all traditions are good ones, IMO, and traditional backstage interviews are among them, though every now and then they do have their place in the game.

Whether you like it or not, you live in a reality era of pro-wrestling where reality-style footage and writing is going to become more and more of a factor, same as you see happening with social networking's influence in the production of the sport.
I absolutely HATE it when they have the people talking or yelling off camera at presumably nothing but acting like its the person their talking to. I remember whenever Ric was turning AJ into the new nature boy (Haven't watched since then) he was threatening his nemesis and saying how they were going to beat them by just yalling off to the side of the camera addressing no one. It legit looks like a rehearsal and that hes looking off to read lines. Terrible production value
I understand we are in a reality era, and to be honest I am not now or ever have been a fan of reality tv. In a way what TNA does is a breath of fresh air, and it is different, but on the other hand I think they jumped on the reality bandwagon a little late. I don't mean social networking, just reality tv is a whole finally seems to be on the downswing. I think a mixture of the backstage segments they do now, and some traditional ones would be good. There is still room for the traditional backstage interview segments to when needed. All in all I don't hate what they do now, but it isn't exactly must see tv for me either.
Completely agree! I'm a big fan of the old days but this is definitely a change I approve of today.

I think it has worked well with many segments, the ones with Fortune come to mind, and also when Sting was trying to turn Hogan face again, when he was in Hogan's office. If they had done that in the WWE style I don't think it would've been nearly as good.

See, the ones with Fortune were the ones that annoyed me the most. 5 people shouting over each other and they're all just shouting "Yeah let's go do this!!" Everyone just cutting each other off and everything everyone is saying being a huge blur of mixed words. Lol. These are the segments that shouldn't make TV.
what's really funny is that no other sport does this. do you see Fox going into the locker rooms to hear the coach discuss strategy? Does Don Cherry go back to the locker room during "Coach's Corner" to see the players arguing with each other? nothing wrong with doing some backstage segments but be real about it. have an interview where someone interrupts and or be there in the open when a situation arises but get rid of that mysterious camera man. how he is able to get all this footage and never get seen is amazing.
ALL of TNA's PPV's feature backstage interviews. By contrast, on Impact, the cameras are "real". Why? Well shit, because those skits were the wrestlers do stuff with no interviewers and never acknowledge the camera look even stupider. Remember when Batista discovered Triple H was pulling strings to get him to go to Smackdown in 2005? Batista was eavesdropping on them while a camera eavesdropped on him. Or how stupid it looked when Eve "secretly" told the Bellas her "master" plan to sleep her way to the top?

This style makes things real and far more believable than the typical (and stupid) "I have a secret plan I wanna discuss while this camera watches".
I agree. I'd rather have an interviewer and interviewee situation. I think Christy Hemme should do this job, because quite frankly she is awful at announcing. I also think TNA need to hire a proper ring announcer.
They should also sack both Tenay and Taz, the two lazy ***** can't even be assed turning up for work and replace them with Don West and Jeremy Borash.. (I've seen Borash doing commentary on Xplosion and he isn't that bad) And just fire SoCal Val.. she has no role within TNA.

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