The Vignette of Evil


Dark Match Jobber
O.K. so tonight I was watching Smackdown and right before the backstage segment with the Bella Twins, The Colon's, Kendrick, and Jackson there was a very odd vignette with some guy talking about Evil and how he has dedicated his existence to it. Does anyone know who this guy is?

Personally, I think this guy can talk. He pulled me into it and I'm looking foward to seeing him in the ring now. I'm also gonna throw this out there...Could the WWE be grooming a new age Undertaker with him? It's probably too early to tell that. What are your thoughts on him?
I couldn't disagree more, actually, haha. I thought he couldn't deliver the promo well at all, but even more so, I thought he came off looking rather ridiculous. A promo like that should get you kind of freaked out...create an eerie sort of "Wtf? This guy seems weird" atmosphere...but to me, it was just "who's this douchebag?" It sort of reminded me of those Goth/punk/whatever kids that try to intimidate people into making them think they're like, "the quiet weird guy that could go psycho on you", but in the meanwhile, they're wearing makeup and tight women's pants and they just sort of sound like a dork caught up in their own MMO fantasy haha.

But of course...that's only been one promo. Whoever this guy is, maybe he has the in-ring skills to make an impressive career. We don't know yet. But if the guy's going to have some sort of creepy gimmick, he's going to need to step up his game tenfold, cause if he continues doing what he did tonight, not only am I not going to be able to go along with the fantasy (ala Undertaker, Kane, even Boogeyman) but I'm not going to be a fan of him either.
I was a big fan of this vignette. I'm definitely intrigued by his gimmick, and he just looks great. I think he's established he has some mic skills, and I want to see this character develop over the next few weeks. He reminds me of Christopher Daniels a bit, with the promo. So he's definitely gotten me intrigued with the gimmick, and I'm excited about the fact that the WWE has decided to bring up an FCW guy with a good vignette series rather than jobbing. Hopefully he actually debuts, unlike Kizarny.

He has a few matches online, on youtube, including one against Paul Burchill from some British indy show. He has a good amount of ring skill to back himself up. I'm definitely looking for this guy to go beyond jobbing and make an impact on SmackDown, although we'll have to see how his character unfolds in the coming weeks over the vignettes.
I, personally, loved the promo. But that can be put down to rose-tinted glasses. I was present when the guy first debuted (actually, i was at a few academy shows before then, so i've watched him wrestle before he even made his debut) and i got so excited for him when WWE signed him. If i was to go over the top a little bit i would say it was like watching a child grow up in front of my eyes. Basically, i have a soft spot for the guy, and i will probably love everything he does.

I really hope he can do good for himself here. They are giving him vignettes which shows they have confidence in him to go straight into the midcard without a fuss. I haven't seen any of his matches in WWE developmental, but his look certainly hasn't changed. I believe he has enough charisma and ring ability to see him through the midcard, and i am hoping he will eventually go all the way.

BTW, his name is/was Hade Vansen.
Thank you, YouTube.

Hade Vansen, the wrestler that was featured in the vignette on this edition of SmackDown, has been under a WWE developmental contract since May 2007 and has been training in Florida Championship Wrestling.

His new persona has been described as dark and similar to Christopher Daniels "Fallen Angel" gimmick from TNA.

Vansen is from London, England and received his training from the FWA Academy. He suffered a knee injury back in January that has kept him on the shelf for the majority of the year. Vansen worked Thursday night's FCW TV taping in a match that he won against Yamamoto.

Expect WWE to continue to build Vansen's SmackDown debut with more vignettes similar to the one that aired last night.

From this one vignette, I can honestly say that I am excited for this character.

When he said "Your annihilation will not be in vain" I immediately got the idea of Muhammad Hassan and his demise from the WWE. While I am certain this character will not portray a Muslim, since it says "similar to Daniels," it's just the vibe I got.

We shall see what goes down with Mr. Vansen as the weeks go on. I haven't seen him in the ring at all, but if he is being called into SmackDown right away after returning from an injury, then he must be a talented kid.

I hope he gets the get up similar to Daniels, though. That would be interesting to see on WWE TV and how they handle it. Hopefully this can be the Sean O'Haire "I am Not Telling You Anything You Don't Already Know" idea only done better.
It's too early to judge but if he is anywhere near as talented as Christopher Daniels, I will be pleasantly surprised. I have always been a fan of the Fallen Angel character because Daniels plays it flawlessly but in order to pull it off, I hope this guy is at least half-decent in the ring and has the drive to improve furthermore on his mic skills. He did ok for his first promo/vignette (I've seen worse; Bourne anyone?) but he still came off very non-intimidating. Playing characters like these can be tough. If the individual truly doesn't have a liking to the material and is just playing a character because he is told then it comes off poor and unnatural. I'm not sure but I think Daniels may have created his Fallen Angel character, which is why he plays it so well.
I thought it was Hade Vanson. I just wasn't quite sure. Yeah, he's awful. Hired because he's charismatic. His matches with Birchill are solid because of how much of a machine Birchill used to be. Vanson is a stumbling, bumbling fool. Total shite.

The promo was crap, which is sad as the only thing he has are his promos.
I like him he can cut an amazing promo is rather creepy like a statnist supposed to be like Christopher Daneils fallen Angel Gimmick I expect it to crash and burn or be really good I could see a Kizarny tag run with him in the works.

His mic work is phenomenal like a cross between Taker and Shango with the whole evilness I expect him to start a faction very similair to the ministry maybe with nobodies first but then people like Kizarny, Taker, Crazy Hardy, and TBK.

Though he have rehearsed that thing over and over again to get it right and got lucky let's hpe he debuts unlike Kizarny and is better in ring the Braden Walker.
Holy shit. I was going to avoid this thread, thinking everyone was just going on about how bad the promo was. I took the liberty of actually watching SmackDown! in full last week. I was quite enjoying it until this came on.

Honestly, what the hell? I can barely remember it, but I do remember that I thought it was terrible. Guy doesn't look like a wrestler and can't cut a promo. The promo looked like he was going to finish talking about taking to people to hell and then go have a microwave burger. Fucking atrocious. Even more underwhelming considering The Undertaker is on the same brand.
I thought it was Hade Vanson. I just wasn't quite sure. Yeah, he's awful. Hired because he's charismatic. His matches with Birchill are solid because of how much of a machine Birchill used to be. Vanson is a stumbling, bumbling fool. Total shite.

The promo was crap, which is sad as the only thing he has are his promos.

He's always seemed like a guy with a good grasps on the basics with decent all round ability to work most styles. As well as having the charisma to cut a pretty damn good promo. That may just be me though.
I'm interested with the fact that Vansen mentioned in the promo that he found "others" and "showed them the way." Maybe we'll be seeing a new stable on SmackDown with Hade Vansen, the debuting Kizarny, the re-debuting Kevin Thorn, etc. Maybe this could be WWE's version of Raven's Flock.

Smackdown's Hade Vansen is reportedly no more, despite having only one promo a couple weeks ago on Raw. Several sources say that the WWE has already decided to scrap the character.

Originally, Vansen was supposed to feud with the Undertaker, but Vince decided against it in the end. Vansen, Kevin Fertig (aka Kevin Thorne), and developmental talent Black Pain were informed of the decision at last week's tv taping. Apparently, Fertig and Black Pain were going to be involved in the angle somehow.

Well everyone, there goes a potentially great idea. As soon as I had seen this promo, I knew it had potential, and I knew it would involve him feuding with The Undertaker. As soon as he was talking about annihilation and all that, I just knew it. But there goes another great idea by WWE straight to the trash can. This could of been an excellent feud. Fertig and Pain could of been Vansen's followers, his disciples if you will. And every week, Vansen and gang could wreak havoc on the Undertaker, sort of, play the Undertaker's game with the Undertaker. It would be back and forth mind games. All of this starting at Wrestlemania.
After Undertaker wins his match, when he goes to do his trademark pose, and everything just goes black. I can see it all happening as I write this. Then as everyone thinks it is caused by the Undertaker, lightning strikes all four corners of the ring, and the ropes all catch fire. Then, Vansen appears on the screen and cuts an amazing promo, he ends it by saying " Undertaker, for far too long I've sat by and watch you torment souls, now, you shall feel my wrath and no my fury. At Backlash, I'm coming for you. " And week after week, weird things keep happening until finally, the week before Backlash, Thorne and Pain come out and announce themselves as Vansen's followers, and they have had a helping hand in all of Vansen's schemes. Then again, the entire arena goes pitch black, and boom, huge pyros on the titantron and Undertaker, not afraid, still standing in the ring. Lights come back on, and Undertaker is laid out, and Thorne and Pain are gone and all that echoes through the arena is frightening laugh of Vansen, and then " Backlash, your soul is mine Undertaker ".
This all leading to Undertaker and Vansen having a lengthy, almost year long feud, with in the end Vansen going over Undertaker as a sort of passing of the torch to the new breed, the younger guys.
Sucks they ditched it.

Why is Creative so hesitant to delve into another fatalist/dark/gothic character? They need another tortured soul/mentally unstable, dark character to round out the RAW brand. Someone that is excellent on the mic as well as in the ring.

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