The Usos being buried.

Jonnie Walker

Getting Noticed By Management
So, over the past few weeks, we've seen Tamina flirting with Santino, and the Usos have gone up against and lost to Kozlov and Santino. But last night on WWE Superstars made it official. Santino got a clean win on Jimmy Uso. The Usos were being pushed as a serious team a few months ago, jobbed nonstop to the Hart Dynasty, and are now jobbing to Santino and Kozlov. Does the WWE realize that they are burying one of the few teams that at one point had a chance of winning the WWE tag team titles? I for one think this has to stop, because unless they give Santino and Kozlov the tag team titles, this isn't helping anyone and it's only hurting the Usos.
So, over the past few weeks, we've seen Tamina flirting with Santino, and the Usos have gone up against and lost to Kozlov and Santino.

your point?

But last night on WWE Superstars made it official. Santino got a clean win on Jimmy Uso.

The over guy got a pin on the unover guy? When did this start being a surprise?

The Usos were being pushed as a serious team a few months ago, jobbed nonstop to the Hart Dynasty, and are now jobbing to Santino and Kozlov.


Does the WWE realize that they are burying one of the few teams that at one point had a chance of winning the WWE tag team titles?

At one point the Highlanders had a shot at the Tag titles. I think we all agree that gettign close but cigar is irrelevent.

I for one think this has to stop, because unless they give Santino and Kozlov the tag team titles, this isn't helping anyone and it's only hurting the Usos.

The Usos are irrelevent. At the very least Santinoslov are over, which the Usos aren't.
I actually think this can be good for the Uso's. We dont know how this tamina and santino story will end. I think there will be a tag team guantlet match at NOC and the Uso's and Santino and Kozlov will be the final two teams then Tamina will turn on Santino and cost him the match. Uso's will become tag champs through that.
If you seriously think that the Usos were ever meant to beat the Hart Dynasty, then you're sort of delusional. They were used as chicken feed for THD to keep up the illusion that WWE cares about them and the tag division and to give them a reason to keep them on the air while Bret was a centerpiece of the show. At no point in time were the Usos ever really a considerable threat.

It's a shame because there are some good tag teams in the WWE that don't get any attention, but the Usos aren't getting buried more than any other team in the company.
I would have thought that for a new tag team to be buried, they would have to have been above ground to start with. I don't think the Uso's were ever above ground. There was a bit of hype when they were debuting, but that happens with most new guys. Simple fact of the matter is, they really weren't all that good. Maybe they will be, but they certainly aren't yet. Now let's not future endeavour them yet as they are still pretty new. But let's not look for gold to be around their waists any time soon either.

I wouldn't be shocked to see them sent back down to Florida to hone their skills and develop their characters, while Tamina sticks around with the whole Santino thing. Hopefully they will be and they'll return later, better than ever.
I agree with you the Usos should be in a feud with the Harts but WWE doesn't know how to book and care about tag team anymore. They prefer to throw team together for comedy or to further their single feud, same thing with stables the SES should have been champ. Maybe if TNA can keep pushing their tag team division and it becomes hot like the Knockout division once was it will force WWE to step up. The Usos have the look and even if they are green it's not by jobbing to Santino that it will help.
I also agree. That's WWE booking for you. Surprise attack on the tag champs as a debut...Introductory promo on RAW...then jobbing on Superstars. Hell, I went to Fatal 4Way and they weren't even listed on the card just thrown in like 2 matches before the main event in a nonmemorable match. If you ask me, WWE ruined them from the getgo with that awful thuggish theme music...why just because they have like swagger to them does WWE have to give them urban music...their culture resonates Samoa, it would've been nice to give them some Headshrinker-esq tunes. Something. IDK, WWE sucks. They waste money on talent they don't use and then bury. GL Usos.
Buried? You know, you fools throw that word around way too much. You seem to have no idea what that word means.

The Dude Busters
The Gate Crashers
Marella & Koslov
The Hart Dynasty

Those are the tag teams on RAW & Smackdown.

Sure you can throw in the SES & Nexus & Bella Twins & LayCool. But at this moment, they are not in the tag scene nor seeking the titles.

So with 4 tag teams across 2 brands, how in the fuck do the Usos get buried in that? How?

How do you make the team of Santino & Kozlov work if they don't pick up a victory here and there?

Those questions are rhetorical. The answers should be obvious.
i just think that the Usos's debut was at the wrong place at the wrong time...they debuted on May 24th, and made a pretty good impact on their debut...but then the Nexus comes along 2 weeks later and then everyone is focusing on them and how THEY made an impact (basically forgetting about the Usos from 2 weeks ago).

To me there is no comparison between the debut impacts of both the Nexus and the Usos...the Nexus greatly out-shined the Usos, and thus were relegated to mid-carders at best.

Personally, i haven't seen enough of them to make an opinion on whether I like their in-ring work or mic-skills, so the Usos as a tag team is up in the air for me. I think it would've been better if the Usos debuted on Smackdown, but then again they have 2 tag teams over there that are already being underutilized.

So, I think that their debut should've occurred either when the Nexus angle is nearing its end or finished, so that this tag team could be a decent contender to the Hart Dynasty.
Just like I said in the Zack Ryder thread, in order to be buried you actually have to mean something in the fisrt place and The Usos have never meant anything. They had a semi fued with The Harts thats it. The WWE dosnet give a shit about their tag teams and neither do their fans so this really isn't much of a surprise, as for them losing to Santino that dosent really surprise me either Santino is over and The Usos are not so Santino winning makes sense.
the uso's along with hawkins/archer and the dudebusters are very boring to watch. they have done nothing and mean nothing. i hope none of those tag teams win the tittles. only team that deserve a shot or the belts are santino/kozlov or nexus cause they are over with the crowd and are interesting to watch
I hope they keep jobbing unless they learn to entertain us, or at least get a gimmick that entertains us. Santino and Vlad should be the champs because they are the only team anyone is interested in watching. Without Natalya can anyone say they would actually give a crap about the Hart's? Anyway, the point is the Uso's are hella boring. Long live Santino and Vladimir
WWE is garbage at tag team wrestling simple as that.... as far as entertaining you as most people on this post are saying give me a fuckin break the usos havent even been given a chance to entertain you. Tag team wrestling is rarely about who can shoot a phenomenal promo or make you laugh its always been about in ring chemistry amongst the team and the show they can put on in the squared circle which the WWE has never given the Usos, hell the MCMG are super over and if they where in WWE they would be Dude Buster status.

So yes The Usos are being buried because they easily have the ability to be something special, they have the look, the move set, the family history to play on, honestly the Usos can only hope to get dropped from WWE and go to TNA to make something of themselves, when is even the last time you have seen the hart dynasty defend their titles?

WWE does not care about the tag team division or even match quality which is most likely why the tag division is a shit show, just about the majority of WWE top priority is all promo and hype not match quality.
-Nexus losing at summerslam to a cena DDT'd on cement
-Randy screwed by sheamus
-5 man tag that was not even a 5 man tag but a 3 on 5 on raw

The only quality match I have scene as of late on raw is cena vs miz and that match again ended with more hype then anything, since their was no finish but another DQ.

So yes the Usos are being buried by not even given the chance to put on a good match
I don't understand how losing to someone who is WAY more over than you is being buried, if anything, Santino has been buried for too long and deserves to get some clean wins, I mean not for nothing, the guy has been over so long and jobbing, and him and Kozlov are very entertaining, so it's only right they would get the rub. People have to stop doing their own self righteous booking, the Uso's are a very young team, they've got all the time in the world to make an impact, and please don't say they should go to TNA, it's the B league, if you wana get noticed WWe is the place to do it.
The WWE doesn't know how to make tag teams relevent or credible without them holding the tag team championships. It seems as though when a tag team challenges and fails to win gold, they fade to obscurity to the point their reputation suffers permanent damage. I think one of the main reasons for this is the lack of tag team feuds that don't involve the belt. If you had established tag teams battling each other frequentlyr, it would keep them relevent. Legacy vs. Dx is a great example of this, Legacy really set themself up as a tag team to watch out for as a result of that feud, they didn't need the belt.

I believe the reason there aren't more tag team feuds is because...(you guessed it) there aren't enough tag teams. The only other tag team that the Usos can really feud with now is Marella and Kozlov, at least people still know who they are...i mean, who else can they feud with? Sure, they're being made to look like jobbers now (well, that's all they ever were really) but if they did beat Marella and Kozlov, they'd have no where to go least Marella and Kozlov are getting a good reaction by winning.

What i would personally like to see is the Usos feuding with R Tuth and Morrison, maybe working for would definately keep the relevent. But that stroyline is too complicated for the WWE midcard, and other than generating interest among those especially interesting in the Usos or midcard, it's not worth the effort.
Just because Santino and Kozlov beat The Usos doesn't mean they buried them, if your a tag team and never win a match you're never going to get over. The Usos weren't significant so they can't really be buried, just because you make a little impact it doesn't mean you're significant.

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