The "Unplanned" TNA/WWE Rivalry As Of Late

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Being a fan of both the WWE and TNA, I find it difficult to understand the pathetic behaviour of both of the Companies right now.

It all started a week or two ago, courtesy of one man.

That man is called Kurt Angle.

That man is a man who should NOT be allowed on Twitter, ever again. He's just gone on and on and on, about so many different things. He's been trash-talking Edge, as well as Jack Swagger and Randy Orton. He's accused Swagger of stealing his "Angle Lock" move, which is a move used by lots of Wrestlers. Then he moved onto Randy Orton, who he's accused of stealing his "Angle Slam". Not only has that move been used before by other Wrestlers, Angle wasn't the first one.

We then move on to Lockdown, which took place 2 Days ago. In the Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett Match, Angle used a move that looked very much like an RKO, edging on a Diamond Cutter. Now, that was an obvious shot at the WWE & Orton, after the accusations from Angle. It was pretty stupid and Angle said that he done it "out of respect". Respect my arse.

Finally, we move onto Last Night's Monday Night Raw. In the opening segment, after the match-up of R-Truth vs John Morrison, R-Truth not only broke the law, but acted similar to someone from TNA. He lit a Cigarette and smoked it around the Ring. Shades of Jeff Hardy here anyone? Surely this was only done because of this whole WWE/TNA shot thing that's happening right now. I don't really think they would've cared otherwise.

Anyways, what I'm getting at here is, are the WWE and TNA purposely attempting to take shots at the other business, or is it merely coincidence?
Finally, we move onto Last Night's Monday Night Raw. In the opening segment, after the match-up of R-Truth vs John Morrison, R-Truth not only broke the law, but acted similar to someone from TNA. He lit a Cigarette and smoked it around the Ring. Shades of Jeff Hardy here anyone? Surely this was only done because of this whole WWE/TNA shot thing that's happening right now. I don't really think they would've cared otherwise.

He lit a cigarette. That is all.
Quick points here:

1: It isn't illegal. There's a loop-hole in the law that says if it's a scripted performance it's legal.

2: I doubt there taking shots at each other. Truth is playing up a new heel character and what better way than to do something many dislike?

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