The Unlikely Champ Series - Evan Bourne.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Right, to inform you what I mean, when I say "The Unlikely Champs", I mean the People who you wouldn't expect to be the top Champ of the Brand, whether it be Raw or Smackdown, the WWE Title or the World Heavyweight Title. There are many guys who have the calibre outside of the WWE to become a Top Brand Champ, however, in the WWE, they've been made to seem as though it's not possible for them to reach that achievement. BUT, what if, one day, it happened? A guy who we wouldn't expect to be that Champ, became that Champ? So, what I'm going to do, is just go through a few people who, in my own eyes, could be a Top Champ somewhere, but don't get the boosts in the WWE to ever get there and what would happen if they did get there one day, starting with;

Evan Bourne(to be a jobber) - Now, as I said in a Thread I made yesterday, it's a big shame that what has happened to Bourne has happened. He's turned up in ECW, looking great, moved to Raw, partnered with John Cena, feuded with Chris Jericho and Sheamus and fought over the ECW, US & Tag Team Titles. But he's never won a bean or taken much credibility for it all. However, we've seen him in the Main Event before, so what's to stop him getting pushed back up there? After his current strange use, maybe Bourne might get a push after Wrestlemania? So, if Bourne was to win the WWE Title, how would it happen? I would say, that if Bourne were to win it, then it would go something like this. The next Pay-Per-View is Extreme Rules. Bourne would have to be in a Match with some kind of stipulation to help him to get a win. A Ladder Match is probably his best bet as well, as he was Gold in the Money In The Bank matches he took part in. So we have Bourne vs the "Current Champ" in a Ladder Match. Someway through the Match, another Rival of the "Current Champ" comes out as he is climbing the Ladder, takes him out, allowing Bourne to climb, take the Title and win it. However, the "Ex-Champ" then invokes his rematch clause on the next Raw and regains the Title he lost for a Day.

This is going to be my new Series, with two Threads today.
I really don't see him main-eventing Extreme Rules. There is too much going on and He will interfere with that alot.

But if he does go into the Main-event, he would have to do it like the Ultimate Underdog, Rey Mysterio. Mysterio and Evan Bourne are two very similar Superstars. I do like Bourne but he is not ready for the title yet.

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