The Union modern era?


Getting Noticed By Management
During The Attitude Era a group of disgruntled employees formed a unit to rival that of The McMahon's Corporate Ministry consisting of Mankind, The Big Show, Test and Ken Shamrock and although short lived, it is a formula that could be applied to the current situation going on.

It is painfully obvious that Dolph Ziggler, The Big Show, Mark Henry and Daniel Bryan are the current guys being targeted by HHH's regime of Orton and The Shield. So as such, could these guys be looked at as a new Union or should they continue to push the idea of these guys being targeted coincidentally?

Eventually some sort of group of superstars will band together to fight against HHH's group should it be these guys or perhaps a different group? Thoughts?
Daniel Bryan, CM Punk... the one's who have always been vocal and against the McMahons tyranny.

Big Show and Mark Henry have always been company boys and I don't even have an interest to see them in such a top feud. They should just get backstage and continue to be the bitches of WWE for the rest of their career while we build new top stars through HHH/Orton.

I personally have been wanting at least Rollins and Ambrose of the Shield to show their true colors, they think along the lines of Punk and Bryan. So they should definetly stand up to HHH/Orton. Reigns can stay with them for all I care, he can be like.. "But guys... we got it good inside the bosses pocket." But Rollins and Ambrose are too rebellious to be playing personal security.

Punk, Bryan, Rollins, Ambrose are my choices to rebel against the system and revolutionize the world of wrestling like they dream of doing. It's what they want.

I feel HHH needs to find some better people to put by his side as well. Wouldn't mind to see Big Show as a corporate puppet, no one really wants to see him as a hero. As I said you can have the Shield split and Reigns remain with HHH. Then of course Orton, so you kind of got 4 there.
Punk and Bryan....united against a common enemy. That alone is enough to make me interested. Adding Dolph, Show, and Henry is just a bonus.

Seriously, heel regimes are great when you have someone who will actively go against them. Vince's heel persona is best, IMO, when he has someone defy him instead everyone kissing his ass.
I think an addition to the group wuld be The Miz as he's pretty much like the AJ Styles of WWE as he prob likes to be the go to guy but hates to play 2nd fiddle to them.
So my group would be:
Daniel Bryan
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
The Big Show
Mark Henry
Rosa Mendes (Miz Valet)
If ya wanna add a nxt guy Sami Zayn as he would be the wildcard.
As far as Punk is concerned leave him outta this thing as he's better solo than part of a group as he's the cancer who killed the Nexxus thing. Reigns won't be the guy of the Shield who turns face 1st it'll be Seth Rollins as he'll snap and tell them he ain't there whippin boy no more.
Personally I think with HHH and Ryback acting the way they are has everything to do with bullying. That said with the WWE's anti-bullying campaing A hero will rise (wrestler) to end this therefor showing how to deal with bullying which is targeted to the younger fans of the WWE either way by WrestleMania 30 this storyline will come to an end.
I think an addition to the group wuld be The Miz as he's pretty much like the AJ Styles of WWE as he prob likes to be the go to guy but hates to play 2nd fiddle to them.
So my group would be:
Daniel Bryan
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
The Big Show
Mark Henry
Rosa Mendes (Miz Valet)
If ya wanna add a nxt guy Sami Zayn as he would be the wildcard.
As far as Punk is concerned leave him outta this thing as he's better solo than part of a group as he's the cancer who killed the Nexxus thing. Reigns won't be the guy of the Shield who turns face 1st it'll be Seth Rollins as he'll snap and tell them he ain't there whippin boy no more.

Nexus was dead before Punk took over. I was hoping he would help the group, but then they had Orton pretty much bury him.

At any rate, Punk could be sympathetic to their cause without joining the group proper. After all, Austin was definitely sympathetic to the cause but he wasn't a full fledged member. But then, you don't want it to be a completely straight parallel. Given the
history and his past promos, I think Punk would be a perfect fit in my opinion. He could bring up his past beef with HHH. Bryan could use what's going on now of course. Ziggler could talk about how the company didn't have faith in him and "screwed" him out of the title (as you wouldn't want to break kayfabe of course). Maybe plant some seeds of doubt in the Shield. ("Hounds of Justice? You're working for the biggest Injustice of all!")

Honestly, this has the potential to be huge and perhaps intertwined with other storylines/feuds, or even set up some future storylines.
I say keep it simple. I have a feeling that these 2 factions will meet at survivor series in a classic elimination match. Judging by what we have seen on TV recently I believe the match will be

HHH, Orton, Ambrose, Reigns, Rollins vs Bryan, Big Show, Henry, Miz and Ziggler. I wouldn't try to add to many people to either faction, we saw what that did to the NWO
Factions were a cool thing a long time ago, mainly the heel ones. I might be a little drunk right now, but I honestly can't remember ANY marketable face factions beyond Degeneration X. Maybe the Hart Foundation counts, as they were faces up north. Either way, it makes more sense for bad guys to gang up on the individualistic faces.

I think if you group these guys together, it will come across as a cheap way of using talent so the writers won't have to try so hard. I don't think anyone is dimwitted enough to not be able to accurately predict six months of storylines if they go the route of a face faction.

I like how over this saga is putting Daniel Bryan. Letting him be a lone wolf against overwhelming odds is better for him.
a good face faction were the Von Erichs.

But yeah...just let it be a handful of guys and let the face faction get help from unexpected people. They aren't part of the group...but they get help.

Perhaps even do it with guys who aren't on the there's no repercussions. Legends.

An idea i've had....after a time where HHH embarrasses Daniel Bryan and the others again, there are some legends backstage. Let's say it's Dusty, Ric Flair, Piper and HBK. HHH greets them but they just look at him. They then take off their "HOF" rings and throw them down at his feet and walk off...pretty much showing their disdain in HHH running the ship.

To even add more to it...maybe even have Bruno Sammartino do the same thing as most people know it was HHH who fought to have him inducted in the HOF.
I don't think them joining together short-term is a bad idea, I actually think it's great and can already see it coming together a little with Dolph, Show and Miz in the same situation on Smackdown. I think CM Punk should be left out just because you need more than one big story going on at once. Punk is ridiculously capable of carrying a major storyline while many of the top guys are involved with the fight against Triple H/Orton/Shield.

Think about how Bryan, Miz, Ziggler, Big Show, The Shield, Orton and Triple H are all tied up by the Corporate storyline. That's a big portion of the company's main eventers. Keeping Punk away in his own major arc gives us another main event we'd want to watch.
There's a lot of creative ways they could go.
1) They could have wrestlers lay down. They'd be following HHH orders, but it would still enrage him. And it would be so unpredictable, that they'd really only need to do it for one show, and then people would be tuning in to see if it happened again.

2) The Shield could turn. They could start cutting "justice" promos again, and eventually get sick of beating people down for no good reason.

3) Look for help from an unusual source. Bray Wyatt has a great persona to gather a bunch of followers and raise a little Kane. And he's about as un-corporate as you could get.

4) The disgruntled guys could actually get fired. Once that happens, they're free to interfere in all sorts of ways. You could even have DB win in a no DQ match, where he fights Orton all over the place, and then they spill outside, where Show knocks the Orton out.

5) Anyone else think the spray painting was a little TOO NWO-ish? Heck, only missing 1 letter.

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