The Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar Rematch?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As we all know Paul Heyman mentions The Streak ending every time he gets a mic.(as he should) But I wonder that assuming Heyman continues to mention it throughout the year and then into Wrestlemainia season next year, are they building toward a rematch?

I think we all can imagine Heyman saying "My client Brock Lesnar conquered the streak" then we hear the gong. The build could be similar to WM28, with The Undertaker saying he won't stand for letting this year be how he is remembered.

So does anyone else think a rematch is a possibility or is it just me?
Well, Paul Heyman frequently reminding us of what happened, how historic it was and that he played some role in it is a way of keeping Brock Lesnar in people's thoughts until he makes his return to television. It's possible that it's also used as a way of hinting that there's a POSSIBLE rematch between the two somewhere down the road. It's also possible that it's something that's being used as a means of continuing to put heat on Heyman & Lesnar, which is working as even a lot of hardcore smarks no longer pop for Heyman as they once did.

The problem with a rematch against Taker is that we're not all that likely to get a great match out of them. It was obvious to anyone who watched that Taker was in pretty rough shape at WrestleMania XXX. He wasn't in great cardio shape and he was softer/flabbier than I can ever recall, though it's understandable if the various aches & pains he endures keeps him from working out the way he once did. At 49 years old, Taker's someone who still has a lot of years left in the grand game of life and while there are some wrestlers who age like a fine wine, there's a distinct possibility that Taker won't be one of them.

I give Taker credit for genuinely trying at WrestleMania XXX. He obviously wasn't in the best shape and there were reports that came out after 'Mania suggesting that he may have somehow injured himself a few days prior to the event somehow. All in all, the match just wasn't that great, but it was extraordinarily memorable. Taker losing, which was unthinkable, is the only thing that saved the match from being a disaster. To top it all off, Taker was injured during the match. It was serious enough that Taker allowed himself to be taken away from the arena in an ambulance and it was serious enough that Vince himself got into the ambulance with him. Several years back, Taker was caught up in the pyro on stage at Elimination Chamber and suffered some pretty painful burns as a result, but went ahead with the match anyway, so for him to be willing to get in an ambulance suggests that he was really in rough shape after his match with Lesnar. About a month after WM, Michelle McCool put a message on Twitter asking people for their prayers as Taker wasn't doing all that well, so Taker was feeling the effects of his match against Lesnar a full month after it happened.

Personally, I think it's time for Taker to hang it up. I'd hate for his legacy to be tarnished by getting in there to wrestle knowing that he's not able to deliver the way he once did. Allegedly, Taker said he'd walk away if it ever got to that and I think that's what it's getting to. I'd love to see him come back just so he could be given a proper send off that he deserves and while he didn't get completely mangled in his match with Lesnar as badly as I thought he would, everybody's biggest concern took place in that he was hurt badly enough to be hospitalized.
No. Their match at WMXXX was horrible. We don't want to see something like this again. And even if it happens, who do you have win? Taker? His streak is broken and it can't be taken back. Make him win in order to show that Lesnar isn't better? That makes Lesnar look weak, which shouldn't. No, it's just wrong.
Well, Paul Heyman frequently reminding us of what happened, how historic it was and that he played some role in it is a way of keeping Brock Lesnar in people's thoughts until he makes his return to television. It's possible that it's also used as a way of hinting that there's a POSSIBLE rematch between the two somewhere down the road. It's also possible that it's something that's being used as a means of continuing to put heat on Heyman & Lesnar, which is working as even a lot of hardcore smarks no longer pop for Heyman as they once did.

The problem with a rematch against Taker is that we're not all that likely to get a great match out of them. It was obvious to anyone who watched that Taker was in pretty rough shape at WrestleMania XXX. He wasn't in great cardio shape and he was softer/flabbier than I can ever recall, though it's understandable if the various aches & pains he endures keeps him from working out the way he once did. At 49 years old, Taker's someone who still has a lot of years left in the grand game of life and while there are some wrestlers who age like a fine wine, there's a distinct possibility that Taker won't be one of them.

I give Taker credit for genuinely trying at WrestleMania XXX. He obviously wasn't in the best shape and there were reports that came out after 'Mania suggesting that he may have somehow injured himself a few days prior to the event somehow. All in all, the match just wasn't that great, but it was extraordinarily memorable. Taker losing, which was unthinkable, is the only thing that saved the match from being a disaster. To top it all off, Taker was injured during the match. It was serious enough that Taker allowed himself to be taken away from the arena in an ambulance and it was serious enough that Vince himself got into the ambulance with him. Several years back, Taker was caught up in the pyro on stage at Elimination Chamber and suffered some pretty painful burns as a result, but went ahead with the match anyway, so for him to be willing to get in an ambulance suggests that he was really in rough shape after his match with Lesnar. About a month after WM, Michelle McCool put a message on Twitter asking people for their prayers as Taker wasn't doing all that well, so Taker was feeling the effects of his match against Lesnar a full month after it happened.

Personally, I think it's time for Taker to hang it up. I'd hate for his legacy to be tarnished by getting in there to wrestle knowing that he's not able to deliver the way he once did. Allegedly, Taker said he'd walk away if it ever got to that and I think that's what it's getting to. I'd love to see him come back just so he could be given a proper send off that he deserves and while he didn't get completely mangled in his match with Lesnar as badly as I thought he would, everybody's biggest concern took place in that he was hurt badly enough to be hospitalized.

While I agree the match wasn't very good and certainty not up to par with his previous Wrestlemainia matches, I think we have to factor in that Undertaker suffered a concussion during the match. I think he needs to give it at least one more go. He deserves to go out on a much higher note and assuming that he wouldn't get hurt again during the match, I think he's capable of performing like he did at WM29. It's a rematch I don't really want to see as I would much rather see him face Sting. But I think if Heyman is still rubbing it in pretty heavy around Elimination Chamber I would have to think a rematch is a strong possibility. I also keep in mind what Undertaker said in an interview last year where he said something along the lines of he feels like he'd be letting Vince McMahon down if he didn't perform at Wrestlemainia. There's also been reports recently of The Undertaker being back in the gym, true or not, I feel like he's going to try and come back.
Personally, I think a rematch between the Undertaker and Brock Lesnar is pretty near impossible, and I pray that I am correct in saying that. At WM30, I was very concerned about the Undertaker being able to put off a plausible match with Lesnar. Advancing age, physical deterioration, and a year of inactivity left me believing that the Undertaker was going to take a shit beating, kayfabe and in reality, from the beast incarnate, and that's exactly what happened. The match was terrible, Taker looked awful, and he ended up leaving in an ambulance and being in rough physical condition for months. And yet somehow, I'm supposed to believe that after another year passes, more rust accumulates, he becomes even more decrepit, and he is supposed to have a plausible match with a monster like Lesnar? Not remotely plausible, even in the kayfabe world of WWE. I think the Undertaker is done, I think he himself realizes it, and he does nothing more than call his legacy into question by continuing to go on beyond his physical capacity to do so. I have no interest in seeing him face Brock Lesnar. I have no interest in seeing him face Sting. He should be done, have an illustrious Hall of Fame career come to a close, and have a well deserved Hall of Fame induction next year.

So why is Paul Heyman continuing to rattle on and on about his client conquering the undefeated Wrestlemania streak? Apart from the fact that he has to continue to generate heat, and he has to keep his client relevant during his extended absence, I think it's important to remember that Heyman does have more than one client. Perhaps his other client gets a little tired of playing second fiddle to Lesnar in the mind of his advocate, and after a while, he lashes out. This sets up an interesting matchup between heel Brock Lesnar and face Cesaro, one which I would personally be very interested in.

Cesaro versus Lesnar, yes please. Taker versus Lesnar 2.0, no thanks, not interested.
The point of the thread is not to get people's opinion on whether or not the rematch SHOULD happen. The conscious is a no. I was asking people's it could happen, especially if Heyman and Lesnar are still talking non-stop about it come February. Personally, I think Undertaker has at least one more match if he's able because I find it hard to believe the one of the greatest wrestlers of all time would retire with such little fanfare. There's been no confirmation in any way shape or form from what I can remember that he's done.
I wouldn't be mad if I never saw another Undertaker match again, buuuuuut it would be a cool match for Summerslam, since it looks as if Brock isn't going to be anywhere near the title until Royal Rumble at the earliest because of his contract.

It would be kind of pointless though, because if Brock wins, you just kind of shit on the Undertaker's legacy further lol. And if Undertaker wins, you kill probably the most "powerful"/"unbeatable"/"legit" (all in kayfabe) heel since Andre The Giant to give a pat on a back to a legend who's already done.
I really don't want to see another Undertaker match ever again. I have tons of respect for Taker and one of the things I respect about him is that he has always felt that when the day comes that he cannot perform at a level that is okay with him, he will hang it up.

I genuinely believe that taker coming into WM30 wanted to give it 100% like he always does but was beat up, got injured in the match, and the rest is history.

The only way Taker should wrestle again is if he is 100% healthy (which may never happen), he can get his cardio back and come in good shape. To me it was a little sad seeing taker with those skinny arms and the beginnings of a pot belly, when you look back to how he looked just a year or so ago...

I think unless he can do all those things above (Be in shape, have no injuries, etc..) he will not wrestle again because he holds his own work very seriously....
If he seriously wants to wrestle again he needs to take HGH like Stallone. He doesn't produce the chemicals his body needs anymore to get the look and strength he needs.
Could it happen? I highly doubt it.

We're not talking about a kayfabe-ish Wrestlemania 27 to Wrestlemania 28 scenario, where Taker had to come back and prove he's still the man at Wrestlemania after taking a decisive beating at the previous Wrestlemania.

The Streak is gone now, and we all witnessed Father Time legitimately catching up to Taker at Wrestlemania XXX. For the first time in years (actually you could see the signs with the Punk match at WM 29, because the match was very tamed, when you compare it to the previous encounters with HHH and Shawn), Taker was slow, and he looked old and brittle. I would rather Taker retire for good before he takes a serious risk of damaging his health and well being beyond the point of no return, and tarnishing his legacy.

Also, if a Wrestlemania rematch happens, you're defeating the whole purpose of Brock ending The Streak in the first place. IF a rematch happens, Taker has to win, or there's no point in Brock and Taker wrestling each other again. And you're asking Brock to take it easy again. Lesnar is at his best, when he's the ferocious and hard hitting beast in the ring, but Taker can't handle those poundings anymore.

On paper, a rematch could work, and I'm sure the fans will rally behind Taker going after Brock for revenge. But in the end, it's a lose-lose situation with negative outcomes either way you look at it. You're risking Taker's health, you're taking a chance on an underwhelming and poor quality match, and you're defeating the whole purpose of Brock ending The Streak in the first place. You don't have someone end one of the most memorable and historic streaks in the history of professional wrestling, and have a rematch one year later to have the loser win.
No. Any match Undertaker could ever have now is meaningless. Without The Streak, his WrestleMania matches would be completely pointless, and he's simply too old to wrestle more than once a year. The match with Lesnar ended his career, not due to age and injury, but simply because there's no point to it continuing now.
I really don't want to see another Undertaker match ever again. I have tons of respect for Taker and one of the things I respect about him is that he has always felt that when the day comes that he cannot perform at a level that is okay with him, he will hang it up.

I genuinely believe that taker coming into WM30 wanted to give it 100% like he always does but was beat up, got injured in the match, and the rest is history.

The only way Taker should wrestle again is if he is 100% healthy (which may never happen), he can get his cardio back and come in good shape. To me it was a little sad seeing taker with those skinny arms and the beginnings of a pot belly, when you look back to how he looked just a year or so ago...

I think unless he can do all those things above (Be in shape, have no injuries, etc..) he will not wrestle again because he holds his own work very seriously....

Personally, I felt he looked more overweight last year. Obviously if the man doesn't think he can have a safe match then I don't want him to come back. But as great as he's been and as long as he's been there doesn't he deserve to go out in a better way? Especially if he personally feels he can put on a better performance? I think you're right Taker is pretty honest with himself so if he feels he can put on a better performance then I agree with him. He's earned the right to make that call. If Taker doesn't get hurt again in a rematch I think it would be money. Lesnar is good in the ring but he's not a very good in-ring general where Taker is, if that makes sense. While the loss of The streak is a huge blow to the creditability of him continuing to wrestle, he's more than The Streak.
I have no interest in another Taker VS Brock match whatsoever. I didn't even want to see it at Wrestlemania 30, let alone a rematch. I gave it a chance and the streak ended whether we like it or not. The streak was the main reason Taker came back the last few years, without it a Wrestlemania match for Taker does not interest me. He has nothing left to prove and will NEVER be believable in defeating Brock now if they had a rematch. What would the point be? So Brock can squash Undertaker? I say he should retire while he still has the opportunity to make that decision on his own before injuries or age force him into retirement. This rematch would be useless. Let's just move on with our lives.
As we all know Paul Heyman mentions The Streak ending every time he gets a mic.(as he should) But I wonder that assuming Heyman continues to mention it throughout the year and then into Wrestlemainia season next year, are they building toward a rematch?

I think we all can imagine Heyman saying "My client Brock Lesnar conquered the streak" then we hear the gong. The build could be similar to WM28, with The Undertaker saying he won't stand for letting this year be how he is remembered.

So does anyone else think a rematch is a possibility or is it just me?

I'd love to see a rematch between the two, just not at WrestleMania, a Royal Rumble or Summerslam would be cool.

I wasn't a fan of their match at WM XXX, maybe the rematch could top it. They had good chemistry in the past.
Could it happen?
Sure everything is possible, except the USA winning the world cup. However, I really doubt that the Deadman has anything left to give in his tank and any more matches between him and Lesnar would have to be a fight to the death match (literally for Taker).
If he could pull off another near 5 star match, I would love to see Brock v Taker II at Wrestlemania... I don't see it happening tho. Now a lot of people say the Brock-Taker match this year was terrible, but I don't think so. It wasn't great, but no way in hell was it terrible. Taker is known for giving match of the year matches every year, and tbh out of the nominees last year, Taker-Punk deserved MOTY. This year Taker's match won't be nominated. That kinda sucks. If he can give one last great match next year, I would love to see him return and defeat Brock at Wrestlemania thus ending his career. Whilst this year's Wrestlemania moment of Taker's is pretty cool as the last time we saw Taker, I think there's something missing and if he returns next year, he can win and have a grand sendoff. He deserves it probably more than anyone
I'd love to see a rematch between the two, just not at WrestleMania, a Royal Rumble or Summerslam would be cool.

I wasn't a fan of their match at WM XXX, maybe the rematch could top it. They had good chemistry in the past.

Actually I would prefer them to face somewhere besides Wrestlemainia as well. But since Undertaker doesn't seem willing/able to have a match at anywhere else, I figure that's the only place the rematch could happen. Honestly I'm not sure a rematch at any other PPV would have the same meaning. To me it feels like a Wrestlemainia moment. I have no doubt that as long as Taker wouldn't get hurt during the rematch they could top this years match.
No. Their match at WMXXX was horrible. We don't want to see something like this again. And even if it happens, who do you have win? Taker? His streak is broken and it can't be taken back. Make him win in order to show that Lesnar isn't better? That makes Lesnar look weak, which shouldn't. No, it's just wrong.

first and foremost most of taker's fan want to see rematch at wm31.Thats why you see brock being brought earlier at SS.according to wwe plan taker will cost brock's title at elimination chamber or even earlier.leading to match at WM31

presently taker is pretty banged but good news he is back to gym since last month.even if streak is broken so what but still 25-1 is not bad idea to retire on good note.
As we all know Paul Heyman mentions The Streak ending every time he gets a mic.(as he should) But I wonder that assuming Heyman continues to mention it throughout the year and then into Wrestlemainia season next year, are they building toward a rematch?

I think we all can imagine Heyman saying "My client Brock Lesnar conquered the streak" then we hear the gong. The build could be similar to WM28, with The Undertaker saying he won't stand for letting this year be how he is remembered.

So does anyone else think a rematch is a possibility or is it just me?

if you are taker fan,yes, rematch is highly recommended
1.Taker has never won a ppv against brock.
2.possibility of bringing back brother love as manager of the undertaker,if paul heyman can yell why not brother love saying "the darkness shall prevail and brock shall be enlisted as 22nd victime because that the destiny of brock" something like this.....
3.taker said it on radio show after streak defeat "he wants to perform as long as he can.taker has been one of the loyal employees to vince and there is no way vince gonna refuse.
4.If taker remains healthy and works out 3-4 wrestlemanias.there is no reason wwe will be planning on 25-1 blu ray dvd merchandising stuff,you could imagine the sell outs.a fantastic way to retire at age 55.
The most unusual aspect of the entire Brock-Undertaker event at WM30 was that we haven't heard a peep from Mark Calaway since. Does anyone realize how strange that is? I would have thought he'd have a few words for us in the days that followed....and whatever he said would be of interest to every wrestling fan, no? After all, his Streak had ended and it would have been terrific to hear what he thought of it all.

Instead, he's gone and we don't know whether or not it's for good. In fact, he might not know, either. To that end, if he feels better in the months to come and decides he wants to go again next year, a quandary is presented: the logical opponent for him to face is Brock Lesnar......yet, wouldn't Calaway be crazy to go through it again if Brock hurt him as much as it seemed he did?

In the months leading up to their match, I was one who thought having a brittle-boned veteran like Undertaker thrown in the ring with a monster who knows how to fight "for real" like Brock would be unwise.....and if the damage to his body is what we suspect, it might have turned out exactly as many of us feared.

Of course, there's one more quandary: If they do clash again, we would be witnessing 'Taker's revenge on Brock, right? What would be the sense of having them meet just to see Undertaker beaten again? A 'Taker victory would be anti-climactic, imo. On the other hand, what we would expect to see might still make a can't-miss great would it be to see 'Taker clean Brock's clock and take his achievement into blissful retirement under the hot Arizona sun?

Well, speculation is fine, but we know nothing until we hear from Mark Calaway....and I'm really surprised it hasn't happened by now.
I don't know how anyone who watched that match could want to see the Undertaker wrestle ANYONE ever again.

The fact that Lesnar actually won that match and ended the streak, took attention away from how awful Taker looked throughout the course of the actual MATCH.

If Taker won that match as was expected, there would be more people talking about how he should retire. Since he did lose, that gets ignored, and people talk about who/when he will wrestle next.
I don't know how anyone who watched that match could want to see the Undertaker wrestle ANYONE ever again.

The fact that Lesnar actually won that match and ended the streak, took attention away from how awful Taker looked throughout the course of the actual MATCH.

If Taker won that match as was expected, there would be more people talking about how he should retire. Since he did lose, that gets ignored, and people talk about who/when he will wrestle next.

I completely agree with you..After watching Taker vs Lesnar at Wrestlemania 30, I'd rather not see Taker come back at all besides being inducted into the Hall Of Fame. I never thought I'd say that I hope Taker doesn't wrestle at Wrestlemania, but I think that if he showed up at Wrestlemania 31, there'd be a damn good chance that Taker might crack his hip or blow his knee out. I've been a Taker fan since i watched his debut at the 1990 Survivor Series and to see Taker coming back for another match at Wrestlemania(which is pointless since his streak's dead) is just going to land him on another stretcher to another hospital for another wake-up call to retire from wrestling.

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