The Undertaker Is Working Through Injuries...How Should WWE Handle This Situation?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that The Undertaker is working through a lot of pain yet again. We have received several reports from readers who have attended house show events noting that 'Taker has been seen limping following matches and appearing as if he has legitimate pain in his back, hips and legs. When The Undertaker had hip surgery last year, it was thought to be a last ditch effort to repair nagging injuries before he eventually has full blown hip replacement surgery. Reports are also indicating that 'Taker is expected to work a very limited schedule after Wrestlemania 26, but this has been going on for about 10 years now and his schedule is always fluctuating depending on his injury status.

So this would explain why we haven't seen Taker wrestling that much over the past couple of months, and why he doesn't appear on Smackdown that often. Undertaker's current WHC reign hasn't been good, but as we now see, injuries to The Deadman are playing a HUGE part in that.

I have a series of questions to ask:

1. Do you think it's necessary for Taker to drop the belt to Rey Mysterio this sunday, so that Taker can be taken of TV completly for the time being, and be ready for Wrestlemania 26?

2.How should WWE be using Taker leading up to Mania? Do you think the way WWE is using him right now is good or bad?

3.If Taker is too banged up, do you think it would be wise for WWE to go ahead with the much anticipated re match against HBK?

First off, I think it wouldn't hurt for Rey to win the WHC. I've said this before,and I'll say it again, the World Heavyweight Championship doesn't need to be on the line in the potential HBK/Taker re-match. Those two going at it again is all the mystique that match needs.

Secondly, I think we should see less of Taker leading up to Mania. Remember, Taker's character is mysterious enough to garner hype for a match. There could be a series of vingettes and video promos in the month of February, and this would give the Deadman time to heal.

If Taker is to banged up to compete at Mania, I DON"T think the re-match with HBK should happen. WWE has put so much stock into building this match, it would be a total let down if it didn't live up to the hype. Maybe Taker could have another opponent at Mania?

What are your thoughts?
I think the benefit of Undertaker's gimmick allows him to take time off to keep the essence of his character going without having to be in the ring. I think the main problem I felt when it came to this match didn't come about regarding Rumble or Wrestlemania, but rather the PPV inbetween, Elimination Chamber. Now they can either have the World Title defended in it or have a Number One Contender decided through this. Now I cannot see Taker going into the Chamber without him suffering a big set back meaning he'd perform badly at Wrestlemania or miss the show at all.

Based on last Friday's Smackdown, we can see that Batista is more than likely to play a role in the World Title Match, now if there was a good time to get the belt off Taker to allow some time off in the build to Wrestlemania, this is it. Even if Rey is a transitional champion or Batista (or someone else) interferes to the point where it takes out Taker to give us his Wrestlemania opponent. In a creative stance, they need to make sure Taker avoids the Chamber, simple logic really.

How to handle his build up, well if they made him lose the title via interference, they got a perfect setup with Taker's revenge via subliminal messaging during the Rumble Match all the way up to Mania. Essentially, they could easily do what they did with Kane at WM20, but naturally with a better match. As for HBK, I don't think them two facing off will happen at all, I naturally think something else will happen outside of this match.

This is ideally for someone like Batista or Sheamus in the monster role, however one is on the other brand and the other faced him already. It's a complex situation they're in but I think Taker will need to drop the belt if he makes it to Wrestlemania.

As a personal note, I hope he is around for the UK Tour that happens a fortnight after, going to Smackdown and I will be bummed if he can't make it :(
I disagree with Taker not appearing as much before WrestleMania. In order for this match to have a different feel than last year's, I think the feud really needs to become more personal. The emotional factor and general dislike between HBK and Taker should be jacked up on screen. I don't think they should have a match against each other before WM of course as that would just ruin the whole thing, but I would like to see them possibly interfering in one another's matches, cost each other some big victories maybe, etc.

The best way of setting it all off is to have HBK cost Taker the WHC at the Royal Rumble only to have Taker make an appearance during the Royal Rumble match itself and eliminate Shawn Michaels. It gives each of them a reason to hate: Taker loses the WHC and HBK loses his chance to main event WM for a world title.

As for Taker's reign, I haven't had many complaints about it really. I've known for a while that he's been working through injuries and, while I think he should at least make an appearance on SD! once a week just to cut a promo if nothing else, I think he's been a good champ. He's wrestled some good matches as champ and he's brought needed stability to the title after a year of the WWE playing hot potato with it. Taker doesn't wrestle all that much on Smackdown but, as he's the WHC, it does sort of make good business sense to have pay for world title matches most of the time instead of giving them away for free on television. My only real complaint about his title reign is the lack of promos, although the few he's cut have been really good. I think a wrestler needs to be visual when he's a champion, even if that doesn't mean wrestling a match. Cutting promos is a perfect way to do that when you're working through injuries.

I don't think he should wrestle very many matches prior to WM as it'll just give him some more time to heal up. He should still make appearances on SD or even Raw in order to help keep the feud going, but I'd keep actually wrestling matches down to a minimum.
Yet another reason why they should of never took the WHT off CM Punk, until WM that is.

1. Do you think it's necessary for Taker to drop the belt to Rey Mysterio this sunday, so that Taker can be taken of TV completly for the time being, and be ready for Wrestlemania 26?

It's not necessary but it would be a welcomed change to freshen things up.

2.How should WWE be using Taker leading up to Mania? Do you think the way WWE is using him right now is good or bad?

Simple, Have him start doubting himself only for Cena to challenge him to see if he still "has it" He doesn't need to Wrestle a boat load of matches and wont anyway but having the supposed Franchise challenge a vulnerable Undertaker would make for some awesome tv.

3.If Taker is too banged up, do you think it would be wise for WWE to go ahead with the much anticipated re match against HBK?

I really never thought that was gonna happen anyway, I really think their gonna do Taker/Cena.

Like Ive stated before I dont even think it's necessary to have Taker compete at WM 26, although The E might panic and fear a drop of buy rates because of it, and that could very well happen. Taker will of been here 20 years this coming Survivor Series and just let that soak in, that's a long ass time for this day and age, and with the ADD audience WWE has that's just a marvel what he's done.

I'm in hopes that John Cena will be the next victim to the Undertaker at
WM26. I think what they should do is have a mysterious mask dude come out of nowhere & do something to Taker with the Ref not looking. By the way this is at the Rumble. Taker loses the world title there & then they can give him time off up till the Elimination Chamber PPV where he can come back & compete in the Chamber. That could be his rematch claws & an automantic spot in the chamber. Maybe in the middle of the match the mask dude shows up again and distracts Taker & then Taker gets eliminated. Better yet Taker could be one of the last 2 & the final to be eliminated & at the end the mask dude reveals himself to be non other then John Cena.
Taker and Cena for Mania would be cool. However, I don't have the highest opinion of Cena's in-ring skills, and with Taker injured, could Cena carry a match of this magnetude if he was required to do so? I doubt it. I also notice that nobody seems to think Mysterio will come out of the Rumble w/the title. I say that Batista interfears at the Rumble and, being as he's a heel and thinks he stands a better chance of beating Rey than 'Taker, hands Rey the belt. Therefore, Taker rests up for Mania, and Batista and Mysterio chase each other round for a couple months. Get all that, good.
1. Do you think it's necessary for Taker to drop the belt to Rey Mysterio this sunday, so that Taker can be taken of TV completly for the time being, and be ready for Wrestlemania 26?

Not really. If they need to take the belt off Taker then it should be Batista or Jericho who win it, not Rey. We can't have a cruiserweight holding the heavyweight belt, as I have stated in many other threads. (It's not that I don't like Rey. I do support him getting another world title reign, but with the WWE title instead since it's not a heavyweight belt).... Jericho would be the best option to put the belt on since then the feud with Edge will be ready for Wrestlemania. Taker losing the belt to Batista on the first smackdown after the rumble is more likely to happen though.

2.How should WWE be using Taker leading up to Mania? Do you think the way WWE is using him right now is good or bad?

If he's hurting that much, then he needs to only do taped promos up until perhaps Elimination Chamber so he can recover a bit. No matches for a little while so he doesn't risk getting hurt worse. Heck, give him a little more time off. They need him at Wrestlemania if possible.

3.If Taker is too banged up, do you think it would be wise for WWE to go ahead with the much anticipated re match against HBK?

They run the risk of Taker getting too injured if they go through with the rematch. Taker and HBK took the entire summer off after the match, if I remember correctly, last year because they were so banged up from it. Taker is apparently ALREADY hurt. They should still do an undefeated streak match, but not one that would be as likely to hurt him as an epic rematch with HBK would. I'd let someone else challenge him, but someone they know wouldn't need too many high risk spots in the match. The problem is, I can't really think of anyone off the top of my head. Luckily, WWE has around 2 months to figure it out before things must be set in stone. They will come up with something good I'm sure of it.

Worst case scenario would be no Taker match at Wrestlemania, if that happens then they better do a fantastic job with MITB and the two world title matches (or give us Cena VS The Rock) because they need Taker! A lot of fans tune in for the undefeated streak matches.
1. Do you think it's necessary for Taker to drop the belt to Rey Mysterio this sunday, so that Taker can be taken of TV completly for the time being, and be ready for Wrestlemania 26?

He doesn't even need to be off TV. Remember when Austin broke his neck in his match with Owen? HE was STILL on TV for the entire time he was recovering from that injury. Taker doesn't have to wrestle to be on TV, he only has to do promo work and the occassional run in. And no, Mysterio should not be taking the title. This really should be a triple threat (i know, i know, it's been done to death) with Batista, where one of them can win it, and they can have the WHC match at 'Mania. Nobody is going to believe that Rey Mysterio could beat the Undertaker in anyway shape or form. Taker'd crush him. Rey would do a springboard move and get caught in mid-air for a chokeslam or Last Ride, and then Taker would have to hit 2 more moves and that'd be it. If Rey won clean, there'd be a mass 'THIS IS BULLSHIT' chant in seconds.

2.How should WWE be using Taker leading up to Mania? Do you think the way WWE is using him right now is good or bad?

Don't put him in the EC match. Just don't do it. Either don't have an EC for the WHC or take the belt off of him if they are that worried. That's how he's in the shape he's in now, taking stupid bumps in stupid gimmick matches. I find it miraculous he can do what he does at this point, let alone the future. He doesn't need to wrestle, he simply needs his presence to be felt on TV.

3.If Taker is too banged up, do you think it would be wise for WWE to go ahead with the much anticipated re match against HBK?

So long as they don't do the 'suicide dive into the camera man' spot again, then they should be fine. When they did that and i saw the angle that Taker's head snapped back, i thought that was it for him right then and there. Taker didn't really take a whole lot of abuse to his back in that match, so if it's planned out to mimic the previous match, then the rematch shouldn't suffer due to Taker's health. He should just forgo the suicide dive this year, because if he fucks it up again, that WILL be it.

First off, I think it wouldn't hurt for Rey to win the WHC. I've said this before,and I'll say it again, the World Heavyweight Championship doesn't need to be on the line in the potential HBK/Taker re-match. Those two going at it again is all the mystique that match needs.

But by adding different elements to the angle, it'll seem less like the Creative Team are doing a half assed job of it. Plus why not give us something new? We've seen Taker win the belt at Mania, but we've never seen him defend it. Why not do it this year?

Secondly, I think we should see less of Taker leading up to Mania. Remember, Taker's character is mysterious enough to garner hype for a match. There could be a series of vingettes and video promos in the month of February, and this would give the Deadman time to heal.

Very few matches, maybe even appearing in a managerial role every now and then i.e. he could be in Punk/Gallows corner when they take on DX for example, playing mind games with HBK. I think that's how Taker should be used, but he should at least appear on TV every week. He's the WHC for god sake. We see Hornswoggle every week on RAW, so why aren;t we seeing the WHC every week?

If Taker is to banged up to compete at Mania, I DON"T think the re-match with HBK should happen. WWE has put so much stock into building this match, it would be a total let down if it didn't live up to the hype. Maybe Taker could have another opponent at Mania?

WWE put a lot of stock into a lot of things that end up ruined anyway i.e. Jericho and Christian's returns, and sometimes matches are let downs i.e. Goldberg v Lesnar, that's a risk you run with every match, but i think that Taker and HBK are amazing enough to be able to put on a great match without beating the hell out of each other for 40 minutes straight. Story telling and ring psychology will help them to create a great match as well as moonsaults off the turnbuckle and suicide planchas.
They'll handle it the same way they usually do. 'Taker's going to work through it for as long as he can (i.e. until he physically is unable to do so), at which point he'll drop the belt, heal up and then come back too early. It's what he normally does.

But if I were in charge, I'd cut down on his appearences. have him work mainly in tag team matches (to reduce the strain on his back) if he has to wrestle on TV but have him do more video promos (so he can spend more time healing), and keep him the fuck out of high risk matches if possible (if the chambers are for his title there's no choice, but have him in the final pod to open (claim he has a champion's advantage. or unearthly luck)). Before he rolls into 'Mania and drops the title to an up and comer and I hand him a pink slip. UT can still perform at a high level, but at the cost of half a year of sitting on his ass rehabing. He's great but not worth doing nothing for half his salary and being an idiot by coming back too early (he's consistent in a few things, he consistently pulls off his gimmick, consistently gets a massive pop, and he consistently comes back from injuries too soon). If WWE wanted a popular wrestler who was an idiot with his body, they'd have kept Angle's contract.
I think it is time for Undertaker to hang up the boots. He only works for a couple months out of the year right now and the months he does work he is always working through some kind of injury. There is no need for him to jeopardize his quality of life after wrestling and take up a spot that a younger guy, such as John Morrison or R-Truth, could hold in the main event picture. It has been a very good run, but it is time for the Undertaker's career to rest in peace.
My first post, and I actually joined the site to talk about this subject. Unfortunately, I believe its time for my all time favourite performer, the Undertaker to retire.

The man has been a legend in this business, and will continue to be one, however working through yet more injury is not healthy ( obv ), and it's selfish of us as fans to want or expect him to do this.

He should never lose the streak, but having his last match, so long as it's a victory, at Mania would be very fitting for such an athelte and performer.
I almost agree. Maybe it is time to go home. I'd still like to see him do an appearance though. Say like Foley udsed to do . Work one or two PPV's a year, as well as the TV's to go along with them. And he should keep the WM streak, as i don't think there's anyone in the company this year that he hasn't faced already that's worthy of that honor.
If he needs a hip replacement, that's pretty much it for his career I think, the amount of rehab required after that just means he's going to be gone for so long and then he'll be really old and slow. I think they need to keep him out of the ring except on PPVs. His gimmick means that he can get away with just appearing every show for five minutes or so, and nobody would think anything was strange. It's too late for him to miss Mania now without the company looking shit, so they need to nurse him through till then. After Mania, they should give him as much time off as he needs to recover, and if he can't they should give him the surgery and hope he's back in time for WM27 to retire.
Looking at all the Undertaker/HBL threads..... I've decided this is the best one to post this in. Everyone's talking about HBK/Taker and everyone has their reasons for or against it. Still there are also heavy signs a foot that say HBK will take on HHH, something I wouldn't mind seeing. Taker's hurt, there's no way around that, and they won't have him keep the title cause ending the streak alone is bad enough compared to losing it. So to compensate Taker's injury, since Taker/HBK 2 could not live up to the first.... why not a triple threat match?!?

Look at the roster, Cena is tied up with Batista. There's strong reason to believe Edge will fight Jericho. Mysterio verse Punk has been discussed. Randy Orton has fought all three too many times to. Sheamus??? Too obvious who the winner would be. So the only match that all 3 of them can have that will live up to WM is to put all three in one match. That way, Taker can keep it light, HBK and HHH can fuel up their feud onto Backlash and Taker can save his streak, either by winning or somewhat by not being pinned. The match has gold written all over it. Then Taker can have his retirement match next year vs prop Cena, and let's hope that WWE lets Taker win it rather than give another humongous push to Cena.
Why not a triple threat match?!?

Look at the roster, Cena is tied up with Batista. There's strong reason to believe Edge will fight Jericho. Mysterio verse Punk has been discussed. Randy Orton has fought all three too many times to. Sheamus??? Too obvious who the winner would be. So the only match that all 3 of them can have that will live up to WM is to put all three in one match. That way, Taker can keep it light, HBK and HHH can fuel up their feud onto Backlash and Taker can save his streak, either by winning or somewhat by not being pinned. The match has gold written all over it. Then Taker can have his retirement match next year vs prop Cena, and let's hope that WWE lets Taker win it rather than give another humongous push to Cena.

While it's a decent and good idea, I've already been against the idea of a triple threat with the added element of Triple H in it. Why? It has been noted in the past that Trips backstage wants to end the streak in revenge for his loss at WM X-Seven, while naturally Shawn is doing it for the entertainment element. A triple threat would work on some level to keep the Undertaker's injuries from playing up and being able to work a match, but I just think the element of Triple H in there would not bode well and he'd somehow politic his way into ending the streak, even if it's by pinning HBK.

It's a good benefit match for Taker's injuries, but a dangerous idea to bring Triple H into the match, regardless of Taker's reputation and high amount of respect he gets, I'm pretty certain Trips would only wrestle Taker at WM if he's guaranteed to win!
Undertaker needs to drop the title as soon as possible really. That's the only thing the WWE can do at this point. They've let him have his final run with the title, but it's time for them to let him go and give him a long deserved break. It's actually painful to watch matches with him these days, just because you can feel every ache and twinge of pain when he takes a bump. You can see him limping early into a match. It's a credit to his ability that he's still going and can still turn it on, but it really is time for him to retire.

When we look back on The Undertaker's career, I think we should be able to look at the Phenom and still be awestruck. He certainly still has the presence. But I don't want to have to watch the decline of The Undertaker before my eyes. I don't want to see this otherworldly figure reduced to an old man. Worse still, I don't want to see him suffer a serious injury in the ring that could end up doing some serious damage. I want to see The Undertaker go out on top, so we can remember him for the legend that he was and is.
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