The underrated games thread


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This thread is designed for you to recommend games to other users. These games are not those that everyone knows and plays such as FF/Zelda/Mario/GTA etc. but instead it is to recommend a game that you have played that not many people have. This can be for any console, PS3, 360, Wii, DS, PSP or even the older ones.

So I am going to recommend first of all Okami. Okami was originally released on the PS2 and was later released on the Wii, both times it flopped, however this is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played. It flows so well and just looks lovely, the music and everything just works together.

It is an RPG game where you're a wolf and have to restore colour to the world, sounds like a naff description.


I recommend this to all.
Wild Arms is another game thats really underated. Originally Released on The Playstation it was made by the same people who made Final Fantasy and was very simular albeit graphically inept. The Music goes well with the game and the gameplay is great, unfortunatly it was around the same time as Final Fantasy VIII came out and it just couldnt compete. Even if it was '' a poor mans Final Fantasy'' i would still recommend it to anybody
Parasite Eve II is one I would recommend if anyone can get their hands on it, had it for the PS2. A fantastic Survival-Horror game by Square Enix, but was eclipsed by the massive Resident Evil games. Because of that, not many people know what Parasite Eve is, but I really recommend that you grab a copy if you can, you wont regret it.
i dont think Parasite Eve II was released in the UK, i remember i got it copied, but couldnt find an actual release for it. it was a great game though. i remember i got stuck on a puzzle and couldnt do it for months. Came back to it at a later date and did it first time lol. It was an ace game.
Shadow of the Colossus.

This game was truly beautiful to play and look at and hardly anyone I know bought it! This game deserved to be played by everyone as it was such a well put together piece of art. The memory of taking on your first major boss in the game is one of the greatest memorys I have as a gamer. Truly awe-inspiring.
Shadow of the Colossus.

This game was truly beautiful to play and look at and hardly anyone I know bought it! This game deserved to be played by everyone as it was such a well put together piece of art. The memory of taking on your first major boss in the game is one of the greatest memorys I have as a gamer. Truly awe-inspiring.

Whilst we're on shadow of the collussus, we may as well go with the game that went before it Ico. What a game that is...if a video game was a piece of art, Ico would be the paintings on the Sistine chapel. It only sold 700,000 copies in the PAL region, yet was given rave reviews. I recommend this game to anyone.
Gunstar Heroes. This is one of the best co-op games I have ever played. I would highly recommend it. It's for Genesis, and you can download it on Virtual Console for the Wii.

It's full of frantic, fast-paced action, and has great concepts like weapon combining, the dice palace, and the minecart level.

My only complaint is that after playing co-op, single player feels a bit flat.

On that note, I'd also like to recommend Gunstar Super Heroes, the remake for GBA. While it isn't as good as the original (No co-op or weapon combining, my two favorite parts of the original) it's still pretty damn good. It serves up the original with a few changes and enhanced graphics, plus it's portable. A legal portable Gunstar Heroes. What more could you want?

Also, Gitaroo Man. Awesome, AWESOME music game. It has the perfect difficulty, catchy songs, and it's fun.
To me, the Ratchet and Clank franchise is very underrated. People think the game appeals more to little kids, but I disagree. The game is so fun, and it's probably in my top 5 favourite games of all time. Remember though, I wasn't around with the Sega era when all those apparent "fun" games were released. But Ratchet and Clank 2, is definately work a look at. So is number 3 actually.

It's a game that has a good storyline, and most of all, it's really fun to play. The large variety of cool and unique weapons is enough to attract almost anyone into the series. You can modify weapons, upgrade them, etc. But it's one of those games where there is just a shitload of enemies and you have to destroy almost every single one of them. It's an action/adventure game, and I would recommend it to anyone.

It's on the PS2 by the way. And there's a Ratchet and Clank game on PS3, but I haven't played that one yet.
I have a few and since I live in Australia and rarely look on the internet for reviews after I have actually got the game, you may disagree with me.

1) QOS (Quantum of Solace) Wii. Yes the Wii version is very underrated. I remember playing it at my friends house and then I wanted to see it's "score" on Gamespot and it got like a 6.1 or something. A very mediocer score for such a great game. It also said that you can complete the storyline in under 5 hours. Well ofcourse you can because you are playing easy. Seriously if you play a 00 agent (hardest gameplay situation) I will be impressed if you get pass the first level in under 2 hours. That is just how hard it is. Then you go onto multiplayer and it is fantastic. You can pick what "gunner" you want to be, e.g. Marksman (sniper), Defender (takes alot of damage) and a veteran ( is as good on defence as he is on offence) which is fantastic. Then when you play online it just gets even better. If you have this game on PS3/360/DS you cannont judge what it is like on the Wii because they Wii version has different levels and different situations.

I will list more and more later.
timesplitters series was a fantastic game and they just kept getting better.

i believe the company that produced them or soemthing went into financial difficulties which is why there hasnt been a version for the ps3 released yet. ive herd its in the making now though.

it had a great unique game play with bonus multiplayer games such as virus and vampire which was fantastic. the story mode and co op was great and the diffrent difficulties you needed to complete to get 100% made it more challenging.

a shout out goes to rusty for ratchet and clank, my fave game of all time and hes got it spot on!
Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie are two platformers that people might dismiss because of the cute factor, but if you looked closer, a lot of great 3D platformer action is to be had. Makes you think a lot, but at the same time you have a lot of fun doing it.

If you didn't get a chance to play these games on the N64, BK is now up on Xbox Live and BT comes out next week.
Mega man legends 1 and 2: PS1
This was my absolute favorite game growing up. It was mega mans first time and in 3-d and I loved every second of it. The bosses were big and fun to fight, the special weapons were awesome, the overall fight system was great.
I would recommend this game to anyone who likes a good adventure game.

Klonoa 2: PS2

I had only had my Ps2 for a month or so when I first played this game.
Before this I hadn't played the Ps2 all that much and simply didn't care all that much about it. This game is what got me into gaming. Excellent graphics (for that time) 2-d style, (which I prefered at that time) a simply fight system, and awesome boss battles, I have never heard of anyone else playing this game, It's still under $10 at stores, so if you see it. I would reccomend picking it up.
Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie are two platformers that people might dismiss because of the cute factor, but if you looked closer, a lot of great 3D platformer action is to be had. Makes you think a lot, but at the same time you have a lot of fun doing it.

If you didn't get a chance to play these games on the N64, BK is now up on Xbox Live and BT comes out next week.

Um I don't know if that is really underrated. I mean alot of people played it and loved it. It has often be put in the catergory of top 10 games on N64, but I guess it depends were your from and what sources you look at.

Another one of mine would be PES, or also known as Pro Evolution Soccer.

Yes I picked PES because most people pick FIFA over PES. But I still fail to see why. I mean the Graphics and controls are better on PES I still fail to see what FIFA has over PES. I remember 4 Poms came in and asked for PES on the PS2. I looked and looked for it and couldn't find it. So I said to them that I don't think our store owns it and they reply "Oh thats a shame, Well looks like we have to play shitty FIFA now." and thats how I always see it as well.
Perfect World International

It's a MMORPG that's like World of Warcraft, except there are no monthly fees. You can play absolutely free. You can also choose to but some items with cash, but it is entirely possible to buy the same items from other players that bought them using the coins you get in game. I actually played this game before WoW, and like it better. Probably only because I don't have to pay to play......... you don't even have to pay to download the game.
Um I don't know if that is really underrated. I mean alot of people played it and loved it. It has often be put in the catergory of top 10 games on N64, but I guess it depends were your from and what sources you look at.

Another one of mine would be PES, or also known as Pro Evolution Soccer.

Yes I picked PES because most people pick FIFA over PES. But I still fail to see why. I mean the Graphics and controls are better on PES I still fail to see what FIFA has over PES. I remember 4 Poms came in and asked for PES on the PS2. I looked and looked for it and couldn't find it. So I said to them that I don't think our store owns it and they reply "Oh thats a shame, Well looks like we have to play shitty FIFA now." and thats how I always see it as well.

PES/Winning XI rocks my world. I have PES09 on the PC and I play PES 5 at work on all of my breaks on our playstation upstairs. It makes me laugh when Fifa marks say about real names etc but I find that adding the real names and doing the kits is nothing more then another awesome element to the game. I love the master league mode on PES, starting off with shitty players like Macco & Gierson (Although Castolo is awesome) and slowly building up your team.

As for underrated games....

Michael Jacksons Moonwalker (Genesis)
A simple 2d platfirmer which is just out and out awesome. I got a Genesis emulater with a shit load of roms a few months ago and this was the only game I was truely addicted too

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
This game put the awe in to awesome. I loved the awfully dubbed video scenes, the game play, the levels, everything - this game rocked
Another one of mine would be PES, or also known as Pro Evolution Soccer.

Yes I picked PES because most people pick FIFA over PES. But I still fail to see why. I mean the Graphics and controls are better on PES I still fail to see what FIFA has over PES. I remember 4 Poms came in and asked for PES on the PS2. I looked and looked for it and couldn't find it. So I said to them that I don't think our store owns it and they reply "Oh thats a shame, Well looks like we have to play shitty FIFA now." and thats how I always see it as well.

100% agreed Pro Evo beats Fifa with ease. To give Fifa some credit it has improved over recent years but still nowhere near as good as PES. PES gameplay,graphics and crowd sound better than Fifa and the season mode is better. Its just all around a better game
Outlaw Golf

I know a lot of people that play it, because it's fun, but it really is a good game. It's not a cheap "push a button and swing" golf game, and actually requires some skill, which makes all the videos and theatrics that much miore entertaining. It makes you feel like you earned something.
Mischief Makers

This was a 2D platformer released at a time when all people wanted were 3D games. It's for the N64.
I love this game. It's fun, challenging, and has a good sense of humor.
The innovations it has seperates it from the crowd.
Highly recommended.
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I don't know if people will agree with me but Chocobo Racing was a great and a very underrated game.

If people don't know what Chocobo is I suggest you wiki it or google it. Anyways it is just about chocobo getting a new invention from his professor and going out and racing other people with these gems? ( I forgot what the shiny thing was) and you challenge other monsters/animals to help you along the way etc etc. Anyways the graphics may have been average but the gameplay was just awesome and it always kept me intrested. Infact this game was really not that good of a game but it just keeps you intrested, so if you still have a PS1 then i suggest you buy this awesome game.
Shadow of the Colossus.

This game was truly beautiful to play and look at and hardly anyone I know bought it! This game deserved to be played by everyone as it was such a well put together piece of art. The memory of taking on your first major boss in the game is one of the greatest memorys I have as a gamer. Truly awe-inspiring.

100% agree with this. The way that this game is done just makes it truly epic and makes you feel like you are in the game. Every boss is just plainly fun to fight, trying to figure out what you have to do to expose the weak spot, and then figuring out how to attack that spot is an experience everytime and every fight. Something else that I really look for in a game is any sort of replay ability and this one def has one. I might have had more fun playing this game the second time than the first.

timesplitters series was a fantastic game and they just kept getting better.

i believe the company that produced them or soemthing went into financial difficulties which is why there hasnt been a version for the ps3 released yet. ive herd its in the making now though.

it had a great unique game play with bonus multiplayer games such as virus and vampire which was fantastic. the story mode and co op was great and the diffrent difficulties you needed to complete to get 100% made it more challenging.

Timesplitters 2 is my favorite multiplayer game ever. The thing that is great about these games is that the single player story mode is as great as the co-op story mode and both of those are as great as the multiplayer. I can not tell you how many times that I have played threw the mexican mission level with 100 lives and a room full of friends playing as a giant cactus and a floating whale. The game is not only fun but it's funny.

One game that I don't think went under the radar but I do think was underrated was NFL 2K5. I know that any game that is a football game, let alone a NFL football game is going to do good, I mean I remember that NFL street fanchise did well and those games weren't that great. But when NFL and video game is thought of in the same sentence the conclusion is usually the Madden franchise. Now don't get me wrong I love the Madden games and play them all year, every year and if you take Madden 09 and compare it to NFL 2K5 Madden is better. But when it was 2004 and both of these games came out NFL 2k5 had everything Madden had and more. The thing that really got me was that 2K5 had the whole crib thing that you could customize, which had alot of things to unlock and buy and set up and just doing that could take longer than a game. They also had paper football, darts, and air hockey mini games. The best extra though was having all the match-up/player trophies and game situation trophies to unlock.

If there wasn't NFL 2K5 then Madden would not be half the game that it is today.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

Very underrated game. It was prolly the best 1st person RPG, On the Xbox. The story was alway's twisting, And turning. It even takes you back to how Riddick got his eye shine. In the game you have to be smart when attacking, You need to learn how to use stealth, And the enviorment to your advantage.
The entire Star Ocean series.

By ign it is rated an 8 I think. It deserves at least a 9, as it is one of the most challenging, fun games i've ever played. Till the end of time took me 5 months just to get to the final dungeon. I am now onto the next game in the series and so far The Lost Hope has not dissapointed in the slightest. It is amazing, and difficult, and with it's breathtaking graphics it is fixed to be my favorite game ever. Not to mention it is 3 freakin discs, making it incredibly long, fun, and difficult.
Minority Report

In my mind at least, for the Playstation 2 platform. It was based off of the movie, and while it really wasnt a success as a game at all, I quite enjoyed it. The levels entertained me, it was sneaky, and kept you on the edge of your seat constantly. I would say thats pretty good for a game that I picked up in a random bin at Wal-Mart for $10.
Fatal Frame 3

This game, infact the entire series has been over-shadowed by other survival horror games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil. But in many ways, this is actually scarier than both SH and RE. It dosen't need blood and gore to make it scary, it's just so chilling and eerie to play that you can't help but feel terrified. Plus, when your aware of the fact that the only thing you have to repel the ghosts and spirits is a fucking camera, that makes your heart beat that little bit quicker. Chilling, superb and underrated stuff.
Jaws Unleashed

This game is chock full of terrible glitches, camera problems, stupid missions, terrible controls, and about a half a dozen other issues. However your in control of a massive shark whose sole purpose in life is to eat... and eat... and eat... You can tear into boats, lunge out of the water to grab a helicopter, and of course literally rip people limb from limb. Seriously you bite someone's leg off they scream bloody murder and blood pours out of them...Then you grab another appendage and rip that off.... Great game to relieve stress and overall very addicting despite it's issues. Certainly underrated as upon first glance the game looks like it never got past beta testing. Once you hurl a person through the air and catch them again.... You'll understand...

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