The Ultimate Tough Enough?


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So I got to thinking while watching NXT the other night...Tough Enough was a way better show because it showcased the reality of the wrestling life. And I hear there's speculation that Tough Enough will in fact be returning. Now what could WWE do to make this show a hit? They blew it with NXT. How could they turn things around? I want to hear some good ideas. Here's mine:

...First off, we start things off with a ALL-STAR cast from the past:
..We have tryouts where these living legends and HoFamers hold tryouts (like Ultimate Fighter does) and from the prospective contestants, each legend chooses a team of four wrestlers to coach.
...These 8 teams all compete with each other in various matches and challenges, one good one being that they must fully recreate one of their respective coaches classic matches of the past, move for move.
...Have one of WWE's current top stars (like Miz, Cena, Orton) assistant coach for one legend.
...Winner of the contest receives a contract and one hell of a training experience with top superstars.

What do you guys think?
um dude its okay, it just seems a little far-fetched, i mean rock? hogan? angle? taker as a pro? um maybe, but the whole"re create there mentors match move for move" that is R-E-T-A-R-T-E-D! aorry but that idea could work if:
1. use people that could actually be pros EX: john cena, nexus, etc.

only have maybe 2 team captians like ultimate fighter, and yea have 2 teams of 4, so yea
I would set it up just like Ultimate Fighter (if they're legally allowed to do that). Have 2 teams of maybe like 8 each and have a coach for each team. Let's use John Cena and Randy Orton for instance. So you have Team Cena vs Team Orton for the season with 3 random judges each week. So the show starts out with a bunch of guys going through tryouts, etc, then the teams are made. Now, we all know that matches are scripted so to add "realism" to the judging, so let's have the contestants be judged on match performance rather then who "wins". Have the finale be held with the 2 finalists going at it, have the coaches have a match on the finale, and have a few of the talent from WWE have some matches and make it like a "PPV feel" for free.


Match 1: Past contestant vs Past contestant (Fan vote)
Match 2: WWE Superstar vs WWE Superstar
Match 3: 2 past contestants vs 2 past contestants (Fan vote)
Promo: Finalists have one last opportunity to impress the judges.
Match 5: Coach vs Coach
Match 6: Team Cena finalist vs Team Orton finalist

During the season have "Training sessions" just like ultimate fighter where it shows the contestants training and being helped by the coaches. Show the contestants in the house they stay in and everything.
I mean think about this situation realistically. There is probably zero chance the Rock, Kurt Angle, Austin, and Hogan would do anything with Tough Enough. While I like Tough Enough, it's just a reality show and nothing more. Chances are guys that would be coaches as suggested in other posts would be current roster guys and there would only be a few of them. So as far as a myriad of legends showing up to Tough Enough, I'd say the chances of that are slim and none. If the WWE could get all these legends on the same program don't you think they'd reserve it for something a little better than being judges on Tough Enough?

Second of all if each of those legends chose a team of 4 there would be way too many contestants on the show. On a reality show you only want about 8 to 10 contestants. Otherwise people get confused and don't know who any of the cast is since there are just too many of them. I agree with setting it up in a style like the Ultimate Fighter. Maybe two coaches and two teams if they want to even do teams at all.

As far as the format outlined it doesn't really describe much. I mean I think people realize there's going to be challenges and the winner would get a contract. And like other editions of Tough Enough I'm sure top WWE superstars will make appearances. But they can't do it every week as an assistant coach. Top stars are on the road way too often to spend 8 weeks filming Tough Enough. It's just not feasible. Other than that you don't really outline the show at all. I mean how would the contestants be judged? How are they going to be eliminated? I just don't see too much of an idea here. The main focus of the idea is to gather a bunch of legends together as judges for tryouts but that likely won't happen. And without the legends and the exception of recreating a match, everything you outlined sounds like NXT.
Tough Enough would work way better then WWE NXT has, but the way you showed it is terrible. The names you put on there, just no. Shawn Michaels, nope wont come back for Tough Enough. The Undertaker, hes a Deadman it would brake his gimmick to be a coach. Hulk Hogan, TNA. Stone Cold, possible, but not probable. Kurt Angle, see Hogan. Triple H, the most likely of them all. And finally, The Rock, maybe, but no probable either. Bret Hart I doubt it, hes old and crippled as is.

So right there of your 8 coaches, 2 are in another company, 3 are retired, 1 is working as barely on-screen character and another is injured but is way more probable and the other one is also injured but his gimmick wouldn't really help with show seeing as how McMahon is anal about staying in gimmick.

The other fault is the whole recreating there coaches match move by move, that's just ridiculous. Wouldn't work and just no, no.

However I do like nbieclk91's idea of two teams, just not the matches concept. If you're going to make coaches it makes way more sense to have 2, 1 vs 1, heel team vs face team, maybe throw in a face on the heel team to have a story in there, or something, but 1 on 1, team vs team works way better then 8 teams.

Your coaches should be guys in the mid card, older coaches even, guys with a good personality and good on the shtick to have good promos, guys like Christian, Edge, The Miz, Triple H fit that mold, even guys like Morrison, R-Truth would be good coaches. Hell if you wanted to have really "All Star" coaches go with was said before, John Cena and Randy Orton would be great at it too.

I'd do something a lot like the UFC's Ultimate Fighter, have them fight in qualifying matches then the coaches pick there guys. Then each week have a fun challenge to watch and the winner picks the match up for the week. Throw in a wild card and go elimination style. Last man standing wins a Title Shot and Contract. Simple as that.
However I do like nbieclk91's idea of two teams, just not the matches concept. If you're going to make coaches it makes way more sense to have 2, 1 vs 1, heel team vs face team, maybe throw in a face on the heel team to have a story in there, or something, but 1 on 1, team vs team works way better then 8 teams.
I didn't mean 8 teams. I meant 2 teams, just like Ultimate Fighter. I meant 8 contestants on each team.
I like the two-team idea, that could work, Ultimate Fighter has shown that,

But recreating a match move for move...are you freaking kidding me??? LOL

That would not ever work, and is completely ridiculous to even suggest something like that dude.

Tough Enough does need a makeover for its return, it was looking dated. I think Bret Hart should have something to do with it, as one of the trainers/coaches. Also, they should work on their promo skills more, not just their in-ring ability as being able to talk can make or break a young wrestlers career.

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