The Ultimate Booking for the Ultimate Wrestlemania


Dark Match Winner
We now have 27 wrestlemania cards. All with huge matches and huge names. If you could create the ultimate wrestlemania (about 8-10 matches) what would your matches be, using matches from the past 27 manias only.

(Try not to use the same name in multiple matches. For example, having HHH/Taker then having HHH/Cena)

For me, they would be as followed.
1. Rock/Hogan
2. Austin/Hart
3. HBK/Taker
4. Cena/Batista
5. E&C/Dudleys/Hardys (TLC Match)
6. The Battle of the Billionaires: McMahon (Lashley) vs Trump (Umaga)
7. Rey Mysterio/Eddie Guerrero
8. Angle/Jericho/Beniot

Honorable Mentions:

The reason I chose these 8 matches was for these main reasons. Match quality, Superstars names (How big they are in the WWE), and the mainstream media.

If I could resuse names, all of HBK's matches would be in there as well as Rock/Austin

What do you guys think about what would you do?
It would have to look something like this.

1. Hogan vs Andre

2. Undertaker vs HBK (the 1st one)

3. The Rock vs Austin

4. Bret vs Owen

5. Hardys vs Dudleyz v E&C (TLC)

6. Angle vs Lesnar

7. Mick Foley vs Edge (Hardcore)

8. Eddie vs Rey

It is extremely difficult to find 8 great matches featuring different superstars, as so many (Hogan, Rock, HBK, Undertaker etc) have been in several legnendary wrestlemania matches against each other. I have given it a shot, there are likely to be others I cannot remember but that is a taster of what I would go for.
I'm thinking of lining up my 'Mania under the OP's regulations like this:

1. Randy Savage v Ricky Steamboat - Singles match (WM III) Widely regarded by many as the best 'Mania match of all time. Definately one of my favourites, so it's a given at my 'Mania supershow.

2. The Rock v Steve Austin - No DQ (WM X-Seven) I know a lot of people will go for the Rock/Hogan match at Wrestlemania X8, as it was an iconic moment and a match for all ages. But it was a one of match. This was the middle of a Wrestlemania main event trilogy between these two, and arguably the best of the three matches. Their era spanning feud comes before a one off match on my card.

3. Hulk Hogan v Andre The Giant - Singles match (WM III) In my opinion this is THE defining moment in Wrestlemania history. Hogan slamming Andre signified the passing of a torch of sorts between the two men behind the scenes. On screen, although Hogan was the top man and reigning champion, Andre was THE man and a real threat to Hogan's 3 year reign as champion.

4. Bret Hart v Shawn Michaels - Iron Man Match (WM XII) Bret was involved in many 'Mania moments. His match with Austin at Wrestlemania 13 is one of my favourites of all time. But having already select Austin/Rock on my card, the next obvious choice is this masterclass between two of the best.

5. Edge & Christian v Hardy Boyz v Dudley Boyz - TLC (WM 2000) This will be another popular choice I'm sure and deservedly so. Three teams who actually cared about the tag team titles and were willing to put it all on the line in order to reign supreme.

6. Brock Lesnar v Kurt Angle - Singles match (WM XIX) I was struggling to select classic matches from the later more recent events. This one stood out for me. A good, solid match up, between two gifted natural athletes...and an impressive, albeit botched, shooting star press by a near 300lb, 6 foot 3 inch, monster.

7. Undertaker v Kane - Singles match (WM XIV) I know, I know...not Undertaker's finest match...not even by a long shot. Those were clearly against HBK at the last two 'Manias. But I've used Shawn Michaels' match against Bret Hart already. I know we can't have a Wrestlemania without the Undertaker present, so I've opted for this one; the first Wrestlemania meeting between the Brothers of Destruction. The turbulent relationship between the two is still fresh today as it was back then.

8. Edge v Mick Foley - Hardcore match (WM 22) I'm kind of cheating with this one as I've used Edge in the TLC match. But I thoroughly enjoyed this match and well, it had a flaming table in it, and a spear through said flaming table. Got to be in there for that alone in my eyes.
Wow cool thread! and VERY hard!!

Okay so i will start mine with an actual lineup with the first match being the opened and the last the closer!

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Randy Savage for the IC Title WM 3
One of the best wrestling matches i have ever seen and truly a great start to a Huge event

E&C vs. Hardys vs. Dudleys for the WWF Tag Team Titles WM 17
One of the best Tag Team matches i have ever seen in my life! This ladder match showcased these guy's talents and it was so awesome! Jeff's jump off the ladder was one of the coolest moments ever..and then the spear by Edge to Jeff hanging onto the belt was classic! So Awesome

Angle vs. Lesnar for the WWE Title WM 19
What a wrestling clinic these two men put on! This was one of the best wrestling matches i have seen! Loved it!

HHH vs Batista for the World Title WM21
HHH needed to be on this list for me personally and since HBK is used for later i cant have his WM 20 match with HBK and Benoit so i chose this one because of the whole storyline of Evolution finally being desolved and Batista finally gaining the title from his teacher. Good build.

The First Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania 21
Now this match was so awesome because of the stipulation with the Briefcase above the ring that held a shot at a World Title at any time or place!
Edge Vs Chris Jericho Vs Kane Vs Christian Vs Chris Benoit Vs Shelton Benjamin
This was the first ever MITB and it brought in a new era of wrestling! This match was just awesome!

Hogan vs. Andre WM 3
This match was not for a title, it was for man vs. man because the world wanted to see Hogan lift Andre and beat him! Hogan did the impossible and slammed Andre and then the leg drop for the 1, 2, 3...Great match, terrible wrestling but seriously this is one of the most memorable moments in the 1980s and in WWE

Rock vs. Austin WM 17 For WWF Title
The best match between Rock and Austin imo. I think they both put everything they had in this match and it showed. Rock would not give up and Austin would not stop beating Rock. No one knew who was going to win! Vince shocked the world when he helped Austin beat on the Rock and then Rock kicked out!!!! Austin finally got the win however and it was the formation of the McMahon/Austin regime!

HBK vs. Taker WM 26 Career vs. Streak
This match ended a career and an era of HBK! I really didnt know if they would have Taker end the career of HBK and it took Taker everything he had to actually beat the HBK!! I think that this match is one of the best of all time and rightfully deserves the main event slot at the Ultimate Wrestlemania!

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