The Top 5 College Football Conferences


Getting Noticed By Management
Its quite simple rank the Top 5 College Conferences in the order you think and give a reason as to why you rank them there. Here is mine

1. SEC - This is easily the Best Conference in Football. 6 teams in the Top 25. The past 5 national champions have came from this conference. Home to quite possibly the two best coaches in football (Nick Saban & Urban Meyer). What else is there to say?

2. Big Ten - Again simple answer. 6 ranked teams in the top 25. How many times has Ohio St. been to a National Title? alot. Two Words...JoePa. Two Heisman hopefuls Denard Robinson and Terrell Pyror...oh and did i mention Nebraska comes next year?

3. Pac-10 - 5 ranked teams in the Top 25 (for now). Oregon offense can drop 50 on any team on any given Saturday...Stanford maybe the toughest team in the conference with a great coach...Arizona steppin up to the spotlight beat title contender Iowa!...Oh and Utah is joining as well...and it seems im forgetting a certain team from it the one that beat Texas this week or the team who has owned the last decade?

4. Mountain West - 2 ranked teams. TCU is the best team in Texas! If it wasnt for utah where would the Boise's be? And Air Force looked mighty good against the Sooners...Yes Utah and BYU are leaving...but they gain Fresno St., Nevada (to very good teams) and some team from Boise, Idaho?

5. Big 12 - 3 ranked teams. Texas is overrated this year but can constantly post 10 win seasons...Oklahoma i think as well overrated barely beating Air Force and a slumping Bearcat team from the weak Big East. About the only truly not overrated team is Nebraska who beat up a Washington team who was a sleeper pick for Pac 10 champion...and most the time you have a random Texas Tech/Kansas/Missouri ranked highly at times...but with Nebraska leaving its a conference of Big 2 and 8 other guys
1. Big Ten- Most years it's the SEC but this year I think the Big Ten has more depth. You've got OSU, U of M going back to being an elite team, Wisconsin, Iowa, Penn State, Michigan State is playing well, Northwestern should win 7 or 8 games. Overall the Big Ten has it this year.

2. SEC- This is a down year for the SEC depth wise which is why I have them at number 2. Bama is great, Florida, Arkansas, and LSU are all very good, but the depth isn't where it usually is.

3. Pac 10- This is somewhat of a down year for the Pac 10 but they are still an elite conference. Arizona, Oregon, Stanford, and USC are looking to have big years. UCLA, Oregon State, and Cal all have solid teams as well.

4. ACC- Some people may disagree but this is a very solid conference. NC State has looked tremendous thus far. Va Tech has gotten their shit together since the James Madison loss. Miami and Florida State are both very good teams, North Carolina will be a good team once everyone gets back, and Georgia Tech is solid as well.

5. Big 12- They are having a down year but they still round out the top 5. Texas is highly overrated and the conference doesn't have a ton of depth but it's still solid. Oklahoma is very good team, Nebraska is great, Kansas State has looked good thus far and Texas is still a solid team.

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