The Top 4 Heels & Faces On RAW


The United Kingdom Champion
Title explains it all,just who are the top 4 Heels and Faces on RAW I got this idea for when they was talking about it on CSR and I just wanted to know all of your choices. (This can't include guys out injured)These would be my choices:

Top 4 Faces
1.I have to go with CM Punk,this is a no brainer to me and he is red hot right now and has the best character in the whole company.He dosen't even need the title to look strong and is so entertaining.He can sometimes be sloppy in the ring but his great on the mic and since his heel turn back in 09,you always want to hear what he has to say.Every promo he cuts has a meaning to it and he backs up what he says,his merchandise sales are wild at the moment and his over with the crowd.Even the kids are starting to like him and his theme song goes exactly with his character.Definatly the top face.

2.This goes to John Cena,this is a obvious choice and is currently fueding for the title,his merchandise sales are obviously massive and gets a crowd reaction to everyone in the arena.Everything he does dosen't go un-noticed even if its him being boo'ed or cheered by the crowd.His over with the crowd and like Punk dosen't need the title to look strong,I feel he might be tweaking his character and is showing a more aggresive/no nonsense personal.You have to go with this one.

3.John Morrison,one of the most exciting young superstars on RAW and is currently stuck in the Mid-Card.He always gets a pop from the crowd and is entertaining in the ring at all times,I think he might a get US title reign in the future (thats a step back for him) because the Main Event scene is so crowded.There aint realy another face bigger than him on RAW apart from Cena&Punk.

4.Kofi Kingston gets this last pick.As soon as his music plays the crowd screams and has just won the tag titles.I feel as if he will get pushed up the card slighty as the tag champ and Has only got higher things to aim for.His been in the same place for the last 2 years now and is a solid face.I was thinking of putting Alex Riley as the 4th face but his momentum has died down since his fued with The Miz ended.

Top 4 Heels
1.Alberto Del Rio is no doubt the No.1 heel on the brand and is current WWE Champion.His being booked as a strong heel and has been doing beatdowns after matches to make himself look strong.His over with the crowd now and there aint another Heel realy that can beat him or getting a bigger reaction.(Apart from cena who is not even in a heel but...)

2.But.......This does to John Cena.Even though his mean't to be face the guy gets the shit boo'ed out of him everyweek! Apart from del rio there isn't a bigger heel than him on RAW and this to me was a logical choice and no doubt gets a bigger reaction than the other heels.

3.The Miz is the 3rd most over heel on RAW no doubt about it,his a great talent and im a big fan of his.His main evented wrestlemania and his been in the ring with loads of top starts.He always gets a loud crowd reaction and is a solid heel.His well above the mid card and should be back up in the Main Event very soon.

4.R-Truth is the 4th most over heel on RAW.He has a solid and entertaining character at the moment and has been entertaining and occasionaly funny since his Heel turn.His main evented a PPV this year and had a okey match,he might be winding down his carear as his approaching 40 but his over with the crowd.And like Miz his well above the Mid Card.

What Are you top 4 Heels&Faces on RAW?

CSR Much?

4.Ari - He is a much better face than Kofi
2. Cena
1. Punk

4. Ziggles
3. Truth
2. ADR
1. Miz
My top 4 Faces:

1. CM Punk/John Cena - Its a toss between these two. They both get similar reactions except Punk doesn't really get booed whilst Cena does. Cena is the ultimate fan favorite whilst Punk is a heel that is being used as a face. Reminds me of Rock and Stone Cold of the Attitude Era.

3. John Morrison - I had to go for John even though he's not really doing much but open Raw with losses. He's solid in the ring but really for me needs a change in character or a manager. I hated Melina but why not put them together again or something. 3rd top face without a doubt.

4. Miz/R-Truth - Without a doubt. Listen to the reactions on Raw when they first come out especially Miz. Nothing but cheers. BUT, they are really heels. Great on the mic and a great look. This will be a very interesting duo.

Bourne and Kofi just miss out because of the sudden attraction of Miz and Truth.

Top Heels:

1. Miz/R-Truth. I know what you're thinking but they get more of a reaction than Del Rio. Great on mic as I said they tore the house down with their funny quotes trying to shut up fans. And when they did fans came back with a hell load of heat. These 2 are the top heels especially Miz.

2. Del Rio - Talented, great in the ring, has charisma BUT not really getting a proper reaction. The only time I recall him thoroughly getting booed is last weeks Raw when he did a Promo on Rey. He was being sarcastic in Mysterio's hometown so of course he'll get heat. But I will concede as WWE Champion you have to be a big player.

3. Dolph Ziggler - I also watched CSR and I found it hard to believe that Ziggler was left out or was he? Anyway, Dolph is pretty amazing right now. Has improved on mic and really deserves a World Title spot in my opinion after Cena/Del Rio ends. Don't like how he's being used in a segment with Jack Swagger who Dolph is on another level with.

4. This one is hard because i'm not picking Cena because he's NOT a heel for the last time. I'm not picking someone like Swagger. I'll settle for Michael Cole. Everyone still hates him (Except for me and a silent minority). He simply breathes charisma. He needs to become a manager that's the end of it. Put him behind McIntyre, Swagger and even Tyson Kidd and they will get more of a reaction.
Is this subjective or objective?
Objective it probably goes
1. Cena
2. Punk
3. Mysterio
4. Kofi

1. Cena
2. Vickie Guerrero
3. ADR
4. Truth
5. Miz (can be interchanged with Truth really)

I think it's funny that Cena will be on both lists. He's really good at stirring emotion. You CAN put him as a heel because he IS a heel to the smarks who hate muscle bound all american babyfaces. The audience isn't uniform, it's possible to get a totally different reaction from different segments of the audience with the same action. Saying Cena isn't a heel because he doesn't do heelish things is dumb. It's about the reaction. Cena really is Derek Jeter, people love to love or love to hate him.
Ok top faces on Raw include the following.

1. John Cena
2. CM Punk
3. John Morrison
4. I'd say Rey Mysterio but with injury...Alex Riley

Top Heels on Raw Include the following.

1. The Miz
2. Alberto Del Rio
3. R-Truth
4. Jack Swagger

Not sure if Ziggler will be heel much longer and I see Kofi and Evan going on a tag team run for a while.
1)Vickie Guerrero--No heel has more heat than Vickie. No one.
2)Micheal Cole--Who doesn't hate this guy? It's not good heat, its more of a go home we hate you kind of heat, but at least he gets a reaction. Unlike Del Rio, Ziggler, Swagger, etc.
3)Annonymous GM--Is this person still around? He, she, or it, has heat just by being associated with Cole. Thats how much people hate Cole.
4)R-Truth--He is the only wrestler on the RAW roster that gets any kind of a heel response. Little kids just hate him.

It is sad to say, but its true. A manager, an announcer, and a computer are the most effective heels at the moment. Sorry, but Del Rio, Swagger, and Ziggler are not effective heels. If we're basing this on who happens to be main eventing or getting a push at the moment regardless of whether they elicit a reaction from the crowd or not, then yeah you could put them on the list. But if it's based on who actually gets a response from the crowd, then no. You could hear a pin drop when these guys enter the arena. As for Miz, much like Sheamus, he's run his course as a heel and the fans now sort of like him. Its inevtiable that whenever he and Truth split up, Miz will be a babyface. So, he's in limbo right now.

1)John Cena
2)CM Punk--My personal favorite, but obviously he doesnt have quite as large a fan base as Cena
3)Rey Mysterio--He makes more of a connection with the crowd than the rest of the faces put together. He may be off tv for now, but he'll be back.

That's it. There is no #4. You could put Morrison or Riley or Kofi if you wanted to, but it would only be to pad the list to get it up to 4. Those guys dont get much of a pop at all.
Top Four Faces

1. CM Punk - I think it's pretty obvious that CM Punk has become arguably THE top face on Raw. It may not have been what WWE was originally going for but it's what's happened. Punk comes across as a rebellious, smarmy and even angry young guy that's against the status quo. Everyone loves a rebel when the character is done right.

2. John Cena - John Cena is, for the most part, the ultimate straight laced good guy. He gets lots of boos due in large part to the fact that we live in the Age of Smarks. Cena is still over with a huge number of fans and in spite of whatever propoganda the Cena haters would have you believe, not all of his fans are women and children.

3. John Morrison - I would have picked Rey Mysterio here but he's probably going to be out of action for, at least, the rest of this year. Morrison is someone that's remained consistently over with fans throughout much of the past 12 months. He's come a long way really since WM 26. He's gone from jobbing out in 3.5 minute tag team matches against ShowMiz to being a legit contender for the WWE Championship in 2011.

4. Kofi Kingston - Kofi has long since been over as a babyface. He's got tons of energy and the crowd has always responded to that. Kofi could actually be a decent force on the mic if they allow him any length of time with it as he does have some promo ability. I think putting the tag titles on him and Bourne could be a good thing because, for much of this year, it's just kind of felt like Kofi Kingston has been standing still.

Top Four Heels

1. Alberto Del Rio - Alberto Del Rio's heel character is someone that's so easy for fans to boo and dislike. Del Rio's character is the classic arrogant, wealthy heel that's been taken up another notch or so and it's always easy to hate the arrogant rich guy. Plus, take into account the fact that Del Rio cashed in his MITB contract and took the WWE Championship from CM Punk has only put that much more heat on him.

2. Vickie Guerrero - When it comes to just sheer audience heat, I don't think there's anyone in wrestling that's quite in the same league as Vickie Guerrero. The woman is a walking, talking furnace that just flat out makes it a ton of fun for fans to boo her. She has some elements of the classic wrestling heel manager coupled with ability to really interact with fans well. When she comes out and does her "excuse me" bit, the crowd boos so loudly that it's actually hard to her her sometimes.

3. The Miz - The Miz is someone that's really done a great job over the past few years. The IWC might hate him, which doesn't surprise me as it seems to become tradition to crap all over someone whenever they make it to that next level. Miz has worked hard and has established himself as a heel that people just like to boo. While his character isn't exactly original, it's still a classic heel character that Miz pulls off extremely well.

4. R-Truth - I was tempted to put Kevin Nash here but he's just not really there yet. Sure Nash has cost CM Punk the WWE Championship and that's all well and good, but Truth is someone that's really come into his own over the past 5 or 6 months. Along with Mark Henry, Truth is someone that's surprised me the most. Like Henry, I'd looooong since written Truth off as irrelevant filler but he's really done a great job for the past several months. I personally like how easily he can transition from being legitimately funny into a menacing figure within the blink of an eye.
Cena can't be on a heel list because well, his character is not a heel. Sure, he may be booed like a heel, but that doesn't make him a heel. It's not like he goes out there and tries to get heat like a traditional heel.
Top faces:
1) CM Punk: He is the top face in the entire company at this moment in time, before MitB a WWE audience would basically just be a sea of Red. Now, if you pay attention it really does seem there are just as many CM Punk "Best in the World" shirts as there are "Cenation" shirts. He is, however, similar to Cena, someone said he doesn't get booed, if you listen he still does a little bit but the people booing him are the Cena lovers, and as Punk's current program continues the boos are getting less and less, so in 2-3 weeks you won't hear a single boo.

2) John Cena: Kind of self explanatory, while he is the face of the company still and does have a larger fan base you just can't justify him being the top face when he was even in MASSACHUSETTS.. His home state and still arguably got more heat than anyone else. So, therefore, while there are a huge amount of people who love John Cena, there are also a huge amount of people who dislike him.

3) John Morrison: Before he got injured he was really on a roll, and he will work his way back up.. I, like someone else said do feel that he needs a gimmick change though... i'm not sure he needs to become a heel, eventhough I do feel he did great as a heel because he does so many spots that I think fans will find it hard to boo him, I just think he needs to reinvent his character.

4) Alex Riley: Since splitting off from the Miz he's really grown on me, I hope him and Ziggler get more time on each raw to continue their feud... Have no clue why Swagger is involved in it though..

Top Heels (i'm not going to include Vicky or Cole as they're not wrestlers)

1) The Miz: I really don't get why they put Alberto Del Rio as top face on CSR and I don't get why people are now putting him as the top heel. Sure he probably does get the most heat now, but it is cheap heat. When he used to go out you could hear crickets when he was talking. The sole reason that he has as much heat as he does is because he screwed Punk out of the title. Fact. Anyway onto Miz, before he got demoted to midcard he was the most over heel in the company, and all it will take is once the current program is finished for him to go back up. One problem Miz is having is the same thing that happened to Orton and to a certain extent Punk... He's a heel but fans like him so cheer for him.

2) Kevin Nash: He is feuding with the top face in the company. He is getting heat now, but as this program continues he will get a TON more heat. The more he screws Punk, on raw this week he'll get more of a reaction than he did last week simply by screwing Punk again against Cena of all people (speaking of which i get how people put cena as a high ranking heel but i'm not going to include him as I said he's a face who gets a lot of heat).

3) R-Truth: This is a hard one because I find it hard not to cheer R-truth.. he's doing the best work of his career in my opinion and is very funny and likeable.

4) Ziggler: Just starting to get over and is improving on the mic, only problem is it seems in this whole A-ry, Swagger, Vicky program that Ziggler will be turning face soon.
My Top 4 Faces and heels
Faces: Goldust, Primo, Scott Stanford, JTG
Heels: Tyler Reks, Curt hawkins, Santino Marella, Jim Ross
Top 4 Heels =

4) Dolph Ziggler - I think zigglers personality defines him being a heel also his in ring abilitys doing whatever he can to become the winner, he also has vickie boost his hatrid against him also his fued with the edge made him a top heel.

3) Alberto Del Rio - Del Rio also personality boils up the crowd because his so cocky, but he can perform with excellence inside the ring, also having his announcer Ricardo help him pull off wins gains him the hate of us fans.

2) R-Truth - R-Truth has recently turned heel after a year or so of his "whats up" gimmick which was awful and has turned into a mental case, but his segments are great, he also can perform well in the ring and his fan interaction with little jimmy and the whats make it alot more entertaining to watch him.

1) The Miz - For the passed year The Miz has turned into a future big name for the WWE and is one of the best on the microphone at this time, again amazing wrestler and he also can pull off great segments and promos, he also reminds me alot of chris jericho who in my opinion one the best heels of all time.

Top 4 Faces =

4) John Morrison - Always gets great pops from the WWE, fun to watch in the ring, his not so bad when it comes to the microphone skills and appeals to what i would say more to the older/younger side of the fan base of the WWE.

3)Rey Mysterio - Rey Mysterio has been a strong face for the WWE for awhile now, he interacts with the younger WWE fans that wear the Mysterio Mask, he gets strong pops from the audience and he makes a living defining the story of David and Goliath which the fans love.

2) CM Punk - CM Punk is the definition of Anti Cena, The older male fans love him and admire him for sticking up for the voiceless of the WWE Universe, he is awesome on the microphone, he can cut one hell of a promo, great in the ring and in time i'm sure he will rise above John Cena as the Face of the WWE.

1) John Cena - It is a tough decision between him and CM Punk but i see John Cena still as the face of the WWE until around the end of the year, he will try his best to be in the spotlight, always wanting title shots, been the WWE superhero for the passed couple of years, the younger generation of fans love him.
Top four faces :
1 - CM Punk : The guy doesn't get booed at all.. And all the fans are behind him in his feud against Kevin Nash and HHH.

2 - John Cena : Even though he gets booed out of the building sometimes the WWE are still building him up as the top face even though Punk has surpassed him.. So he's number 2 I guess.

3 - Alex Riley : The top midcard face on Raw.

4 - Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne : The tag champs really know how to get the crowd behind them.[/b]
I would add John Morrison but he's jobbing out right now.

Top four heels :
1 - Alberto Del Rio : Undisputed WWE champion and he gained so much heat for cashing in on Punk.

2 - The Miz : I don't need to explain why he's the brand's second top heel.

3 - R-Truth : Same as The Miz.

4 - Dolph Ziggler : The top midcard heel and the United States champion. Plus he has Vickie "heat machine" Guerrero as his manager.
Top Heels- 1) Miz 2) R-Truth 3)Vicky Guerrero 4) Michael Cole 5) Del Rio Top Faces- 1) -CM Punk 2) John Cena 3) Rey M. 4) Johnny Morrison 5) Kofi/Bourne
It's hilarious how many of you have convinced yourself that CM Punk is the number 1 face.

I just got back from a house show like....7 hours ago. I saw a few Punk shirts, all worn by older people, I didn't see a single Punk shirt on anyone other than adult men. I saw Orton and Cena shirts on people of all ages and a fuckload more of them. It was a Smackdown house show.

Don't kid yourselves. Punk caters to YOU but that doesn't mean he's the most over babyface or the number 1 babyface.
Top 4 Heels and Faces

1. Alberto Del Rio - gets a lot of heat, current WWE Champion, has that cocky smile and wink, love his gimmick even though his destiny promos are endless and boring.

2. John Cena - Controversial pick but he does get boo'ed a lot and he was seen as the bad guy in his feud with CM Punk

3. The Miz - Great mic skills, shows a lot of emotion, pulls his character off very well, i don't know if they're gonna put him and R-Truth in a tag team (hope they don't). Not a big fan oh his in-ring skills but nevertheless the sky's the limit for him.

4. R-Truth - Thank god he turned heel, great move by the WWE, some people find his promos pointless but i enjoy him and i find it pretty amusing as well, especially the one with jimmy hart at summerslam.

1. CM Punk - Who else could it be? Very popular right now, over with fans huge way. Best talker in the business right now, promos are very entertaining and he could be the face of the new 'Reality' Era.

2. John Cena - Just like they said in CSR he goes both ways, one for the kids and one for the smarks, and i even put him 2nd in heels pretty ironic how he's on both but thats John Cena for ya.

3. John Morrison - One of my favourite WWE superstars, impresses me in the ring nearly every week, hope he improves on his mic skills because I'm hoping he becomes WWE Champion atleast by the end of 2012, the little kids love him as well.

4. Alex Riley - Wow, turning on the Miz really has got him over with the fans, he's a bit shabby in the ring, thought they were gonna put him up against dolph ziggler for US Title as Summerslam but they didn't and now he seems tangled up in the middle of this Swagger/Ziggler storyline.
For faces i'd pick

1. Cm Punk
2. John Cena
3. Alex Riley
4. Kelly Kelly

Heels i'd go with

1. Alberto Dorito
2. Miz
3. R truth

No doubt about it, but John Cena is by far the number one face of RAW, the WWE, & the wrestling world (sorry Hulk Hogan, your glory days are over). But with that being said, let me explain here.

1. John Cena: "The Champ" has amassed a cult following, with a sea of red (or green, orange, neon green, whatever damn color he is wearing at that time) shirts in the crowd as he runs down the ramp to the ring where the whole crowd explodes! Half the arena cheering his appearance & the other half booing him as if he was Casey Anthony. He is the most talked about WWE Superstar (sorry, Miz) & probably professional wrestler today. He is mentioned everywhere, from forums, to people's Facebook statuses to tweets with hashtags supporting their citizenship on the Cenation. He has more fans on Facebook (over 1 million) than The Rock & CM Punk, more followers on Twitter & is the role model that parents want their children to look up to & theres actually alot of adults who are a big Cena supporter, myself included. He's also right back in the WWE title picture again & WWE is high on Cena & wants him to carry the WWE & wants him in the top storyline. Guys, he's at the end of the opening credits & in the WWE intro for a reason.

2. CM Punk: "The Second City Saint," boy how this man has gone from one of the top hated heels in the company to the 2nd top face in the company (somewhere Randy Orton is shaking his head in disappointment). CM Punk is not, as many as you may think, the top face on RAW or in the WWE. He is number 2 because he does not have as many shirts worn in the crowd & despite having many more people cheer him than John Cena, Cena's reaction he gets from the crowd is still louder (people want Cena to hear their boos). He is in the number 2 top storyline right now (as much as you may think the Nash-Punk angle is the biggest, it's not as the WWE looks at the Cena-Del Rio feud as the biggest angle right now).

3. Rey Mysterio - yes, he is injured right now, but no denying that while still performing, he has been the "masked John Cena" of the company (let's not bring up the whole Juan Cena gig please). Kids love him, adults love him, the self-proclaimed IWC however hates him though. Anyways, he's always finding himself in a top stpryline & finds the arena full of replica masks & t-shirts. If John Cena was injured & CM Punk wasn'tt so over (or a heel or injured), Rey would no doubt be the top face on RAW.

4. This is a tough one, because there isn't alot of main-eventing faces on RAW. However, a few guys look to be breaking into the main-event slowly, but surely, so I'm going to have to say it's Kofi Kingston. This was a tough one for me to decide because John Morrison gets a huge reaction & with Evan Bourne his tag-team partner now, it makes it hard to decide. But, Kofi is the number 4 guy because he found himself in countless title matches (even for the WWE title at Elimination Chamber), Money in the Bank matches & now wears the big gold pennies proudly with Mr. Air Bourne. He looks to be the guy to break out into the main-event & he gets such a great crowd reaction & has gone as far as possible in the mid-card territory with multiple IC, U.S. & tag title reigns.


1. Alberto Del Rio: Before WWE Champion, I would've had The Miz up here but Del Rio gets this position because he won MitB & the WWE title & is now in a feud with John Cena (The Miz was once in this position). However, he is due for a gimmick change, like John Cena said, how is driving out with a new 6-figure car every week believable? You don't own 500 cars Alberto!

2. The Miz: WWE has booked Miz as the top heel of RAW since his MitB win last year & he gets more TV time than any other heel in the company, look, the WWE loves this guy & Vince is high on him (not as high as RVD is over in TNA though).

3. R-Truth: Before his heel turn & conspiracy theory, he was one of the top 5 faces on RAW, maybe even in the WWE (maybe). Now he's found himself breaking out of mid-card, entering main-event, competing in MitB, in a WWE title match & has even beat John Cena twice (once via count-out, once through a table). Now that he's paired up with The Miz in his MizSpiracy team, there's more to come from this man & I for one thing can't wait! I love him!

4. Dolph Ziggler: He's managed to still keep the U.S. title around his waist, but hasn't seen as much TV time as before & now has Jack Swagger getting involved in his angle with Vickie Guererro, so it could be a matter of time before Swagger takes his spot & maybe even his title. There's not much to say about Ziggler at this point in time (there used to be a time when Ziggler was always talked about), but he is the reigning U.S. Champion, so he locks the number 4 positiom here.

1. Cena - Not sure how anyone can suggest otherwise. Yeah he gets boos but these are outweighed considerably by the cheers. Not only does he get a massive reaction when he comes to the ring, he knows exactly how to keep getting babyface heat when he wrestling or cutting a promo. Nobody is close.

2. Punk - Only just. He's only just turned and many of his actions are typically those of a heel. Unless HHH comes out of the current angle as the guy who has screwed Punk all along - I'm actually staring to have sympathy for him. That's saying something. Still, he garners a reaction, mostly a babyface one and he is extremely popular.

3. Kofi Kingston - The guy gets a huge reaction as a singles wrestler. Every time he comes to the ring he gets a huge pop. They don't give him the mic very often but he still draws heat when he does. Just look at his promo on RAW before MITB. He is by far the most clear cut face in the company right now if you ask me.

4. Rey Mysterio. He can be injured for the next year and still be in the top four, and higher if he booked as relevant like he was recently. Has been a top babyface for years now. Not sure he could ever be anything else!


1. The Miz. By quite some margin. Doesn't even need to resort to getting cheap heat the crowd hate him so much, yet he is watchable and it's not even go away heat. He is aggressive, condescending, arrogant and sly - all the things you need imo. He isn't even in the main event and is still the most booed guy in the business.

2. Truth. His recent work has been tremendous and he is genuinely booed by most of the crowd. Teaming up with the Miz has given him even more heat.

3. Alberto del Rio. Still not gaining much heel heat in either his entrance or his promos but still a rather unlikeable figure. He gains plenty of heat when he is giving a post match beatdown and thats becoming something he does quite often now, but he's still a long way from being a top heel.

4. Jack Swagger. Not really given a decent programme for a while now but still hated when he gives promos and knows how to draw heat when in the ring. Booked very weakly as WHC on SD but he always gained heat. Underused in my opinion, and still a better heel than Ziggler.

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