The Standing 10 Count Rule


Pre-Show Stalwart
As everyone has seen, but no one has ever paid much attention too, wrestling matches have 10 count rule when both competitors are down on the mat.

Personally, I have seen more matches ruined by Hogan pulling blatantly staged ending than anyone beaten by a 10 count.

However, with wrestling getting more and more stale. Does the 10 count have any potential?

For example, I could see some major match with two large guys, or power houses laying each other out simultaneously and a Rocky 2 movie type ending with both wrestlers clamoring to get up after the blow.

Or you could potentially have a boxing style stipulation where knockout is the only way to victory and invoke the 10 count as the measurement.

Obviously you wouldn't want this to be the norm, but like the Submissions only match, it may be a nice change up to the monotony on now.
This idea would work perfectly with Wade Barrett if they actually let him wrestle matches and knock his opponents out..This would tie in perfectly with Barrett's bare-knuckle fighting background and Barrett could gloat about his victories over his opponents because none of them could survive a 10-count Challenge Match against him.
Obviously you wouldn't want this to be the norm, but like the Submissions only match, it may be a nice change up to the monotony on now.

There are matches like that. They are called "Last Man Standing" matches. The Standing 10 count really would be pointless in a regular match, because why risk having your opponent get up around the 9 count when you could just easily pin your opponent with a 3 count?
This idea would work perfectly with Wade Barrett if they actually let him wrestle matches and knock his opponents out..This would tie in perfectly with Barrett's bare-knuckle fighting background and Barrett could gloat about his victories over his opponents because none of them could survive a 10-count Challenge Match against him.

I like that. It's something unique that fits with his background and could help him get over. Kind of like King Kong Bundy's 5 count.

Otherwise for the OP, it's a nice spot to use in grueling match to emphasize how physical the match actually is, while giving the performers a good rest spot.
I think so they are named "Last Man Standing Matches" and a standard 10 pin count is a tradition going on and Rocky was just a movie, remember? WWE is real time.

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