The Songs Remember When


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This is NOT a spam thread, so be forewarned. This thread is about any song(s) that mean something to you, something so much, that they bring up memories of stories. Stories you’d like to perhaps share.

The idea, is to tell everyone what song it is. (artist and song title) Then explain why this song has meaning to you. (ie. Simply saying it was a graduation song, doesn’t cut it, unless there is a longer part to that story) Normally, when a song means so much to you, that you’ve listed it with a specific part of your life.. It typically means there is a very long, or slightly long story behind it. This is the newly appointed thread to discuss that story.

While most songs just so happen to conjoin with former flames, flings, love interests, or just the opposite sex in general, some may not always. I’ll list a couple that come to mind for me, to get the ball rolling.

“In The End” by Linkin Park:

This song was actually the song that was on repeat when I lost my virginity. Why, I have no fucking clue. It was down low enough that it could barely be heard, but it was on “repeat”. I never got that. Maybe it was a forewarning that this was “the end”. Who knows. All I know is, I truly can’t stand this song. :lmao:

I mean, the memory is great and I wouldn’t of changed it I don’t imagine, but the song is just so out of place, that I’m almost downright baffled at why it was even on to begin with.

“My December” by Linkin Park:

This song holds a very deep meaning to me, as it was pretty much the song that almost ended my life. I was going through a pretty rough time during 2002, especially the end of that year, and it came to a point where I was literally one step away from ending my life, with a knife at my throat.. Questioning whether it would even matter.

Obviously in the end, I worked out my issues, and my life has gotten a lot better than it was at that point, but this song will hold every bit the meaning of that part of my life, and the surrounding to the events leading to the point of almost taking it.

“Please Forgive Me” by Bryan Adams:

This song pretty much represented my heart breaking over Desiree’. I could go on in an entire thread, self-dedicated to myself and that part of my life, and it’d top any amount of posts anything else on this forum has to offer.

I went through a huge period of that time believing it had everything to do with something I did, on why things didn’t work out. I blamed myself for the fight we had at the wrestling event. I argued with myself on how I couldn’t figure out a way to fix it, or change it. And no matter how hard I tried, nothing altered, nothing changed. She just never found a way to love me.. The way I would always hold love for her in my heart.

Even to this day, this song will bring back one of the greatest pains of my life. But at the same time, one of the best memories from my past.

“Your Guardian Angel” by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus:

This will forever be the song I have dedicated to my Daughter, Gabrielle. The song itself, to me, is about someone who’s trying to be the great protector of someone. To me, it’s my way of telling my Daughter I will always be her great protector. And it’s true. I’d obviously risk my last breath to save her life, to stop her from even being hurt in any fashion.

The day my Daughter was born is perhaps the single greatest day of my life, next to getting married. Those two things were what I wanted in life more than anything, and accomplishing them both has made me feel like I have accomplished a huge deal in my life, and can now focus on giving them everything I have.. And refocusing on gaining even more in general.

My Daughter is every bit my reason for living, and this song is my dedication to her, to show a fraction of my love.

“Bawitdaba” by Kid Rock:

If for nothing else than a cheap laugh, this was the song that played for me on my way back to my friend’s house, from a disastrous outing for Valentine’s Day with Jamie. (that story is somewhere in the bar room, right now) I was so pissed at myself, that for some unknown reason, I sped all the way home, driving as fast as I could, finding speeds of up near 90 and 100.

A 30 minute drive, typically, found me where I needed to be in about half the time. Thankfully I didn’t hurt myself, anyone else, or get caught at that time.

“Wait & Bleed”, “People = Shit” by Slipknot + “Demoniod Phenomenon” by Rob Zombie: I’m adding these as well, mainly for no other reason than when I’m extremely pissed off, these tend to be the songs I listen to to get it out of my system. Whether it’s combined with punching the wall or floor, these songs and almost anything by Zombie in general, gets it out of my system before it can hurt any actual “person”.

“Tangled Up In You” by Staind:

This song pretty much holds every bit of how I feel for my Wife, Erin. While several other songs can be connected to her, and us in general, this is one of the most recent songs I’ve heard, that literally says everything.

Erin is my everything, she’s everything good to me, and I’ve done nothing but treat her like shit at times. Which makes me wonder why she’s even still put up with me, yet she has. I’ve become re”tangled” up in her love, completely as if it were like the beginning.

There is never, and will never be anyone like her. Even if my head or heart has tried to convince me otherwise, I always know in the end.. She is, forever more, the best part of my life, and she’ll always be the best female who’s ever entered, or will ever enter it. One of the lyric lines is “How long has it been, since this storyline began. And I hope it never ends, and goes like this forever.” That about sums it up, completely.


There are definitely a few key other songs that have great meaning to me, but saving the argument of some of them and their reasoning.. I’ll hold off. :lmao:

So, with those being examples of Songs bringing back past memories or emotions. What are some that bring up the past, to everyone else? Remember to explain why, and try to add as much detail as possible. Thank You.
I'm going to spare my fingers, and just list one for right now, because there are a ton of songs that hold a place in my heart. The first one that comes to mind is He Said Eternity by In This Moment.

It's one of many songs I have dedicated to my son. The lyrics are very well written, and each line seems like it was written specifically for the relationship I have with him. For most of the song, it's very clean vocals, but there's one part, where it's just sheer emotion, and she screams "I'd walk through flames...To light a way..." and it gives me chills every time.

I've seen them perform the song live, and every time it seems to mean more and more to me. It's a very heartwarming song, and is one of those songs that reminds you just why you love someone the way you do.
Mayonaise by The Smashing Pumpkins

*cliche alert*
It's really the song that's defined my teenage years. For the last 3 or so years, I've listened to that song at least once a day. It's the only song that can bring about 5 different emotions to my surface.

Such a shame that the Pumpkins have become a self-parody now.
Puff Daddy-"I'll Be Missing You"

This song takes me back to an event that happened my freshmen year in High School. That event that took place was a car accident that killed two of my friends. This song was played at a memorial my school held for them.

Staind-"All I Want"

This song is the song I chose that reminds me of my relationship with Will. Ever since I laid eyes on him, he's all I ever wanted. I somehow knew this before I was ever introduced to him. I met him through Mr. Movies. The very first day I set my eyes on him he's all I ever wanted. My ex-boyfriend is the one that introduced us.

Sugarland-"All I Want To Do"

This song is the song that Gabrielle sings whenever she hears it. Granted she can only sing a certain part. But every time it's on the radio, I hear her singing in her car seat. Makes me laugh every time.

Red Hot Chili Peppers-"Give It Away"

:lmao: This song is great! It's the song I tease Will about. The reason on that is because when we went to this pool hall, Will was singing karaoke and I picked out a song for him to sing, which was this one! It was hilarious! He sucked so bad!

Red Hot Chili Peppers-"Californication"

This song is a memory of my very first Rock concert...Chili Peppers! I was a freshmen in High School when this took place. I bought 3 main floor tickets. I took two of my friends with me. Scary experience on the main floor. Since I had never been to a rock concert before, I didn't know what to expect. I thought we were going to be able to sit in chairs and watch the concert, well I found out the hard way. Everybody was standing and moshing. We couldn't breathe through the crowd. Anyways, it turned out to be a great concert. Foo Fighters opened for the show.

Guns-N-Roses-"November Rain

I almost forgot about this song. I love this song because I was born in November. Therefore, I pretty much dedicate this song to me. Granted the meaning of the song has NOTHING to do with it just being the month of November. The meaning of the song is sad. It's about Axel Rose getting married and his wife ends up dieing. I have no clue if it's because the wedding took place in November and something to do with the rain in November having something to do with killing her or the funeral took place in November and it was a sad rainy day. No matter the meaning, I still dedicate this song to myself.

BuckCherry-"Too Drunk"

This just became a new song to put on my list. It's on here because I know how much NSL LOVES this song! :lmao: He actually can't stand the song, but I love the song so therefore I keep sending him parts of the lyrics, hoping to get the song stuck in his
Red Dirt Road: Brooks & Dunn

I never really liked the song(or the band for that matter)but it holds a very special memory. A few weeks before one of my best friends moved to Alberta, 2 years ago, we decided to get drunk together.

We listened to a bunch of songs but then this song popped on. We were both pretty hammed so when the song started she changed the lyrics to make the song about me. I was fairly drunk but I can still remember one of the lines she sung "On that old dirt Road(I use to live on a dirt road), it's where we drank our 5th beer, it's where I found Justin" that's all I really remember all I know is when I hear the song everynow and then I think about that night and her :(
I'm glad my girlfriend isn't here to see this one, even though it was long ago:

Breaking Benjamin ~ Rain

Let me set it up first...

I was going to see them headline their homecoming show in Scranton, and was there hours ahead of time. Outside the place was a huge party, and it seemed everyone was there to chill before the doors opened. I was there alone, and was in a very depressed state of mind. I ended up chatting it up with a group of about 5 people. 2 couples, and their single friend. She was about the same age as me, and I wasn't stupid enough to ask. we hit it off, and ended up going in together, and standing near eachother for most of the show.

The opening bands were 10 Years and Smile Empty Soul. Very energetic show, with tons of craziness in the crowd. I usually find myself involved in the craziness, but something was different. I was just kind of off to the side with this girl.

Then, Breaking Benjamin came on, and the place erupted. Their set was amazing. They walked off stage at about 1040p, adn when they came on, we figured one encore, and the show would be over. We were wrong. They ended up staying on until about 1a, and were pretty much taking requests as to what songs to play. I believe they really played their entire album of songs.

The girl I was with the whole night, then shouted out for them to play "Rain". They obliged. I had heard the song once, and didn't get why she reuqested it. Then, she turned around, and kissed me. Not just some cheesy little peck, or a 2 second smooch. This was a full on kiss, fireworks and all. we ended up making out for the whole song. Not dirty making out, but romantically making out.

It's a very slow song, and is generally a melancholy song. They played one more song, and then were told they needed to wrap it up, it was getting late, and it was a school night.

we walked outside kissed again, and went our own ways. As I got to my car, I realized the mistake I made. I never got her name, gave her my name, or exchanged numbers.

I haven't seen her since, and everytime I hear the song, I see her face vividly in my mind.

The songs that remind me of past times in my life would be...

Son of Dork - Ticket Outta Loserville

This song pretty much sums up my relationship with my ex and it still brings back memories, some good, some not so good of the relationship. Basically, the dude in the story asks out a girl, she says yes and to him, he sees her as his 'ticket outta loserville', loserville referring to the place he was mentally before being with her, single and alone and then eventually, she gets bored of him and cheats on him and he's devestated because he didn't know anything was wrong etc. Basically my ex and me right there.

Motorhead - Line in the Sand [Evolution Theme Song]

This song will always be special for me because for my year 12 formal, my friends and I hired out a nice black limo and arrived with this song out the front with everyone standing there looking at our limo and when we drove in the gate we turned it up really loud and it was pretty cool and it's special to me because now that school is over, everyone's gone their seperate ways to different Unis, moving away etc so yeah, sentimental value because I don't see them now and yeah.

If I think of more, I will post them later.

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