The song that got you into...


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I was asked to bring both my thread series' into the prison but instead of doing them all in different threads I'm gonna keep them in 1. Here are the old ones in no particular order.


In high school I spent a lot of time at my friends house and he had music tastes that I wasn't really into before we became friends. One day he played this song for me and I was hooked. There's something about the bass line in this song that I just love and I'ma huge fan of animated music videos so add the fact that Gorillaz does nothing but Animated music videos and they have a high place on my list of favorite bands.​

Rush is my Dad's favorite band and Journey is my Mom's so both of them were playing a lot when I was little. This ong is my mother's favorite so it was playing the most when she was listening to music. Like Geddy Lee Steve Perry has some of the most unique Vocals I've ever heard and the rest of the band is awesome as well. When I heard Perry left Journey I was upset but when I heard Arnel Pineda's voice I was surprised they found someone that sounded even remotely like Perry which brings us to the second reason for this thread because if I don't mix these up I'll get bored with them and stop doing them.


Arnel has been the lead singer since 2008 replacing the man they first got to replace Perry. Since joining they prosduced there newest Album Revelations, went on tour in Arnel's home country of the Philippines as well as playing at the Super Bowl. Geat credentials in the first 2 years of being with the band but what surprised me the most (like I stated above) was his voice. The fact they were able to find someone that even remotely sounded like Steve Perry was great because if they didn't I'm sure many fans would have stopped listening. My choice would have to be Steve Perry. no disrespect to Arnel but Perry will always be the singer I associate with Journey​
Fun Factoids: P.O.D. stands for Payable on Death (meaning our sins) and they are a Christian Metal band. All members are born-again Christians and their faith takes a central place in their music.​


This song was the 2nd single off their album Satellite. It came out Dec of 2001 and with the Columbine Massacre only 2 years old and the shooting at Santana High Scool having occured in March of 2001 (both tragadies helped inspire them to write this song) this song got a lot of airplay on the radio which is where I first heard this song. I didn't know 100% what they were singing about it still brought a tear tyo my eye and now knowing exactly what it's about I'll admit I've cried listening to this song.​

Rush is my dad's favorite band ever so growing Rush was playing a lot in my house but I didn't really get into them until I was about 12 years old whenI was going through my dad's CD collection and I saw the 2112 sitting there so I grabbed it and putit in my CD player. The first song is 20 minutes long so I skipped it and this song was next and as soon as it started I was hooked. Since then I've listened to every Rush album and bought a few myself. Geddy Lee is one of the best and most unique vocalists I've ever heard and Neil Pert is great on the drums. Everyone in the band loves what they do and that can really be felt through their music.​

I was in middle school hanging out with some friends in an after school program we had and I had just gotten this CD. There was a CD player there and I decided to put in this CD to listen to it. Needless to say i was hooked. i bought Meteora and Loved it I could listen to both of them straight through and have on numerous occasions. I also have minutes ot midnight and that album was not good at all. I listened to it once and haven't had the desire to listen to it again. I wanna get the 4th one but I'm worried i may waste my money (Which is something I usually try to avoid).​

Unlike all the other songs I've posted in this thread series it was a movie that got me ito this band, American Pie 2 to be precise. I was watching the movie and the scene came up where the 5 main characters were dring to the summer house they rented on the beach and this song was playing in the background. I had no idea what it was or who was singing but lucky for me one of the special features on the DVD was a list of the songs and the ability to go right to the scene it playing in. So after I figured i got myself there first 2 albums (All Killer, No Filler & Does this look infected?). I kind of stopped listeningto thwem after i bought them but every once i a while I'll pop in one of them and lesten to it.

i know this isn't gonna get as many posts as my other threads in this series but if I can get a few people to listen to something they never would have otherwise I'm a happy man.I'll even give you a link to their other stuff if you're interested. Daft Punk Collection on YouTube

So me and my firend i lived with at the time were forced to smoke out in his car because his parents didn't want us smoking inside the house because his young nephew spent a lot fo time over there and they didn't want him to get a contact high as well as the fact they didn't want us smelling up their house. SO we were out in his car and he had an mp3 player and one of those hook ups that let you listen to it in your car. We clam baked for about 10 minutes and then He told me he had a song he wanted me to listen to and this is the song he played for me. I don't know why but this song struck a cord with me and I got on youtube the next day and I found the collection I posted the link to above. Daft Punk is definitely an acquired taste but I encourage everyone reading this to give them a listen.​
I got the idea to do this at work last night while I was listeningto this very song on my ipod and i figured I would make it a thread series doing a different band every week. Now that that's out of the way lets get down to business.

Wherever I May Roam (I'll usually embed the song but in this case embedding was disabled)​

I can remember exactly how old I was, where I was and what I was doing when I heard this song.

I was 8 years old and I was at my grandparents house for the weekend. I slept in the room with the computer in it so I was browsing through Napster at 2 am and after searching for rock music i clicked on this one and I loved it. For an 8 year old who had never really listened to this kind of musc before it was something new and actually opened my eyes to this whole genre and to this day Metallica is one of my favorite bands and this is one of my favorite songs.
You can choose a song from his Black Sabbath days if that's what got you into him.


I was in my early teens and bored on summer afternoon. There was nothing on the TV so I was rummaging through my father's CD collection and I came across Blizzard of Ozz. I asked if I could lissten to it and he said yes so I took it to my room and popped it inot my CD player. I don't know was #1 on the Album and it was good but didn't really do anything for me. Crazy Train was #2 and when it started I didn't move. Serioulsy I didn't voluntarily move 1 muscle the entire time the song and when it was over i listened to it a few more times before I listened to the rest of the CD. To this day it is the only song I have rocked out to in Air Guitar and is still my favorite song.​

The first time I heard this i was in 7th grade and i was in home room of all places. You'd think that you wouldn't be able to listen to a sing like this in school of all places but myn home room teacher was cool. Me and some friends asked if we could listen to this and she said yes. When my firend put this into the computer I couldn't help but think 'Holy Shit' this is pretty cool. Eminem may be the first Rapper I ever heard but DMX is the first Gangsta(ish) rapper i heard and while I'm as white as a Ghost DMX is one of my favorites.​

This song got me into the rap/hip-hop genre and I can remember where I was, who I was with and what we were doing when I heard this song for the first time.​

I was in Florida visiting my cousin over the summer right after this came out and her mother had bought her this CD and we were listening to music one night and she put it in and had me listen to it. I grew up and lived in upstate NY (which is very redneck) so I wasn't into this kind of music as other people but when i heard this song i loved it and while most rap/hip-hop I don't like Eminem will always be on my list of favorites even though I kind of stopped listening to his stuff after The Eminem Show.​

I first heard this song in the school fitness room. Me and my friends where in 8th grade and decided to work out after hours (you know when we weren't supposed to be there). There was a CD player and a bunch of CDs sitting next to it and my friend decided to put in Enema of the State and this song is the one he skipped to. This song didn't get me into the whole genre like the previous 2 I posted but I did and still do like it. That weekend i went out with those same friends and bought the CD and to this day every once in a while I'll put it in and listen to the whole thing but i always start with What's my Age Again?

Well that's all I got so far. I do one a week so right after I do it in the music section I'll update this thread as well. As for the day I get 2 days off a week and while it's never the same day 2 weeks in a row one day off I'll do music and the next day off I'll do movies. (Tuesday & Thursday this week)​
Rush - YYZ. This is one of the greatest instrumentals I've heard, pretty much ever. I love the, everything in it really. It's just great. Don't know what much else to say, but it's just awesome.

Ozzy Osbourne - Mr Crowley. What I believe is one of Ozzy's more underrated songs. It's genuinely wicked. I think it's catchy, and Randy's solo(s) are also awesome. I'm pretty dumb at writing about songs, but yeah. Mr Crowley.

Blink 182 - I Miss You. I think this is the GREATEST Blink song there is actually. Abso-bloody-lutely love it. It's got this haunting bit at the start, with the the low vocals, followed by the classic American Teen sounding bit which follows. Needless to say, the chorus is catchy, memorable, and it's simple.

So yeah, that's me. Again, keeping an eye out for what comes next.

Yeah that's right, the first time I heard a Rob Zombie song was when Edge was using this as his entrance theme back in the early 00s. i don't know what it was about this song but it helped me becaome a fan of both Edge & Rob Zombie. I started watchjing wrestling in 02 and the first time Edge came out to this song i was hooked. I didn't know who sang it but after a little research I found out it was Rob Zombie and I listened to other songs of his and I have to say since then he has been high on my list of Metal bands that I enjoy.
I had heard Rob Zombie before, like Milenko, as Edge's entrance theme Music, but it never really appealed to me. Then, one day, about a year and a bit ago now, I was watching Scuzz TV, and Dragula came on. It's got a shit-weird Music Video, along with a catchy chorus, which just pulled me in. Can't stop listening to Sick Bubblegum and it's not even his best song. I do love me some Rob Zombie, he may be old, but he's still good.


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