The song that got you into...System of a Down


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

Toxcicity came out in 2001 when I was 14 years old. Back then my main source of music came from the Radio. My favorite station at the time was 95.1 the nerve which was a hard/ classic rock station. I can't remember exactly what I was doing when I first heard this song but I can say I was hooked. It doesn't happen often that an album's first single gets me hooked but in this case it did it's job very well.​
I'm thinking it was "Aerials". It was either that or "Toxicity" but I'm 95% sure it was "Aerials". That intro with the descending bass line and the way he just launches into song like he's right in the middle of it blows me away. I'm not a huge fan but I haven't heard a single I don't like and I think I've listened to a couple of their albums all the way through. Love to see them live, too bad they don't have any U.S. dates so far. I did see Serj Tankian and he put on a great show despite some sub-par music. It was o.k. but nothing spectacular, without his awesome delivery it would have been horrible.

My first three songs were actually the two above me and Toxicity. I actually heard them all driving home with some friends in my youth group after a retreat, and fell in love with SOAD after that.

It would have to be Chop Souey, as that song is the one that really made System well known in the UK. It was all over Kerrang! TV for months when it was released. I really did not like it the first time I heard it, as it was just incredibly bizarre and I had never heard anything like that before.

However, it did grow on me and I ended up liking it alot. I am certainly not a big SOAD down fan, unlike many of my friends. I do not really like Serj's voice when he starts shouting but on songs such as "Aerials" and parts of Chop Souey you can really see his singing talent. I would prefer him to sing like that all the time, and if he did I reckon I would really get into System. However, it hasnt really happened yet
The song that got me into System of a Down, wasn't even a System of a Down song lol. The Zelda parody that some people thought was by System of a Down got me into them because listening to that led me to check out the songs that REALLY are done by them.


Even though this isn't really System of a Down, this is what started it for me. I heard this, then heard it was by System of a Down (even though it isn't) and proceeded to check out their songs, starting with:


This was the first legit System of a Down song I heard, and I have remained a fan ever since. I like all of their cd's, especially Mezmerize and Hypnotize.
For me 'twas this classic...


Oooh I do love me a bit of System. Honourable mention to Chop Suey, first time I heard that I felt it. Aaaah, the folly of youth!

This song right here ("Lonely Day") will alway get the credit for getting me into System of a Down. Despite being just a casual fan and not diehard I still enjoy their music. I was able to fin other great pieces like "Chop Suey" and "Toxicity". But it was all because I heard this song on a radio once that got me to search up SoaD in the future to find more tunes I enjoy. It's a great song to listen too when in certain moods, it usually adds to the atmosphere that they create and believe me I've been there.
Honestly, I couldn't tell you what song it was, because was really early that day and I wasn't at the concert to see them, but it really was the whole set that they performed at Ozzfest '99 (Yes, before Toxicity hit). They just had an amazing live sound.

No love for Cigaro? This may be the funniest song by a band outside of Lonely Island I have ever heard. it was just so goofy that I really enjoyed it. I began listening to SOAD after hearing this song and than stopped. Chop Suey got me back into the band for a while, but Cigaro truly started me on the band. The song I listened to after Cigaro was Sad Statue. A really great song. I haven't listened to them lately but than again, I don't listen to much outside of Avenged Sevenfold.
the song that got me into system of a down was chop suey. i heard it on the radio way back when, bought the toxicity cd and then fell in love with even more of their songs. been a fan ever since, all their albums are great
I'm still not a real fan of SOAD , but I have loved them on a Singles basis since "Chop suey!"

My favorite song by them is "Question!"

I have tried to go look into them on a full albums basis but it sounds like their non-single songs are actually pretty stupid and comparativley awful (Vacinity of Obscenity , Cigaro , Etc)

It was Chop Suey.

I was like 12 when I heard it first and was obsessed Big time.

.. Then saw Aerials on TV once and I remember getting totally creeped out. LOL.
I think I had heard Sugar a few times before, but Chop Suey is the one that really brought them to my attention. I've been a big fan of theirs since then, and I hope that this recent reunion of theirs leads to a new album. I've liked all their past work, especially Toxicity, so I know they'll come up with something great.
Back when I was thirteen a friend played the song "B.Y.O.B." while we were in computer lab. I found it catchy and remembered the artist for later. Found 'em to be pretty bitchin' and bought the album Mesmerize. I loved the songs "Cigaro", "Lost In Hollywood", and a few others. I listened to their song "Chop Suey" on their official site and liked the song a lot, so I bought Toxicity. Best album ever in my opinion (at the time), save for the songs "Science" and "Shimmy", depending on my mood.

...So yeah, it was "B.Y.O.B". for me.
First off, WWWYKI777 for saying "Question"... great mention dude.

For me it was "Spiders" ... off of their first album. I'm very surprised no one has said "Sugar" yet. Maybe I'm just old haha.
WWWYK777-Dude Questions is such an epic song it is one of my favorites too. Not a lot of people I know dig it as much as I do.

System of a Down is a good band to listen to. Haven't heard em in a long while as of now. I didn't like them when I first heard them either. But the song that got me into SOAD was FOREST!!! By god the riff in that song an the whole song in genrale is amazing. I remember hearing the song an calling in the radio to figure out the name of the song. I like all SOAD just Hypnotize and Memerize were okay. My favorite albums are STEAL THIS ALBUM and Toxcity. Sucks that they aren't together for now Serj's solo stuff is awful.

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