The song that got you into...HIM


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

Yeah 100% emo rock. I have Razorblade Romance & Dark Light and I enjoy listening to them both. I first heard this song on THUG 2 for the gamecube. It was when near the begining when you had to choose what Skate team you wanted to join. They all had the main stars of every team skating to different songs and when you got to Element it had Bam Margera skating on Philly rooftops with this song in the background. I thought it was good but didn't give it much thought. Fast foward abbout a year and me and my friend driving down the road in his car and he puts in Razorblade Romance and this song was #3. I immedietly knew the song and I was happy I finally knew who it was. For christmas that year I got the 2 albums I mentioned and I still have them.​

Yeah 100% emo rock.

...No, 100% not emo. At all. They're alternative if anything with slight gothic rock undertones and cheesy metal guitars. Not even remotely an emo band dude.

Never was a fan of this group, mainly because of how much Bam Margera pimped them out and how much of a raging cunt he looked like rocking out to their songs. They had two songs I liked I remember though, that "Right Here in My Arms" song wasn't bad and they had some other song that was pretty good on the soundtrack to the Haggard movie. Other than that though, I hate this band.
Never was a fan of this group, mainly because of how much Bam Margera pimped them out and how much of a raging cunt he looked like rocking out to their songs..


Smae here. HIM is decent. Bam kinda made me not wanna get into them. He looked fucking ridiculous. Every chance he got, HIM played. I love "Right Here in My Arms" and "Razorblade Kiss." "Soul on Fire," Endless Dark," and a few others are nice. Never been a big HIM fan, but I never hated them.
I was never and will never be into HIM. On the contrary I like Bam and his love of weird international bands.

I do have a fave song though:

I would watch fucking Bam Margera's TV shows and these guys would be talked about quite often. Very good band even though I am not that into them. They aren't really my favorite style of music so it is a compliment to them for me to say I like them, and believe they produce quality music. Really, I have heard about three songs that they have made, and I know I will sound generic by choosing their most popular song, but it needs to be done.

Wings of a Butterfly I will not post a video because Arlo took the liberty of doing that already. Wings of a Butterfly is really the only HIM song that I have ever listened to on a consistent basis. I wouldn't even say I really like the song, but it is a catchy tune that sometimes will pop on my ipod. Good band, just not my favorite style of music.
I have never really got into HIM, but big respect to Gaping Anus for finally doing another of these threads, I love them.

I am gonna have to go along with some of the other posters and say Wings Of A Butterfly is the first HIM track I ever really liked. I had already heard "Funeral Of Hearts" which my younger brother loved, but WOFB is the one that did it for me.

I have a few of there songs on my ipod, about 5 or 6. They are ok, I like those few songs but alot of their stuff doesnt do it for me.
I do believe, as many have said before, the song that made me favor HIM was "Wings Of A Butterfly", but probably because it was one of their only songs that I heard get any radio time. Other songs I liked since then are "Buried Alive By Love" and "Join Me In Death", but I admit I'm not particularly partial to them. Dig the Heartagram though.
Ineresting choice, as H.I.M isn't really a mainstream type band, Milenko, at least in my area. Around 7 years ago, I was looking for music that asn't exactly mainstream, as I was sick of the same old. I was on a steady diet of the Cold's, Disturbed's Seether's and Staind's of the world, and I was plenty sick of them at the time. So when I discovered Lacuna Coil and H.I.M., it was a refreshing change. H.I.M. played at a 2004 summer festival on a side stage that seperated "newer" acts(even though they weren't), and that's when they really grabbed my attention. They claimed Pittsburgh was their first stop in the US on the tour so they really wanted to blow us away, but I got the feeling that they had said that before, and would at every stop.

It didn't matter, because true to their word, they blew us away. The opener was masterfully done, as their banner came down as they were playing it. There wasjust something special about it, and it may have been my single favorite song of the entire festival of the 10 or so bands I saw. What song? As much as Wings of a Butterfly was a great closer, Funeral of Love was an epic opener. While I had heard Wings before and liked it, it wasn't enough to truly get me into the band. Funeral of Love was different, as it truly made me appreciate the band, and want to hear more from them. I also never watched Bam Marjera's show because he annoyed the crap out of me, so I wasn't overexposed to them. So, Funeral of Love was definitely the song that got me into HIM.

The three best songs are "Right Here In Your Arms", "Killing Loneliness", and "Wings Of A Butterfly"

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