The song that got you into...Eminem


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I'm going to be busy all day tommorrow and i would rather get this up a day early than a day late.


This song got me into the rap/hip-hop genre and I can remember where I was, who I was with and what we were doing when I heard this song for the first time.​

I was in Florida visiting my cousin over the summer right after this came out and her mother had bought her this CD and we were listening to music one night and she put it in and had me listen to it. I grew up and lived in upstate NY (which is very redneck) so I wasn't into this kind of music as other people but when i heard this song i loved it and while most rap/hip-hop I don't like Eminem will always be on my list of favorites even though I kind of stopped listening to his stuff after The Eminem Show.​
The song that got mew into Eminrm? Not quiet sure... I mean, I alwasy liked Eminem, but it wasn't until recently that I start to download Eminem songs.

However it's either one of these two: "lose yourself" or "the way I am". When I heard "lose yourself" I was blown away by both the rythm and the lyrics. Until that point I was a huge metalhead but I was really impressed with Em.

"The way I am"... I thought it was a really dark song that was perfect for critics of Eminem and well, famous people that doesn't sign for every single fan. Love the " I wish that I would just die or get fired
And dropped from my label and stop with the fables
I'm not gonna be able to top on "My Name is.." on the song! :D
The first time I heard Eminem was the "Real Slim Shady", it was one of the first times I had been exposed to hip-hop, and it was so catchy I couldn't get it out of my head for days. I think I ended up buying the single, and then getting a mate to copy me the Marshall Mathers LP.

After hearing "The Way I Am" (still my favourite Shady song to this day), and "I'm Back" I realised that Eminem is better when he is being more serious, rather than putting on stupid voices like "My Name Is" or "Just Lose It"
First song that got me into Eminem was when I was in about 4th grade and me and my dad were driving around the town and "If I Had" came on the radio. I loved it from the get go, and my dad was confused because before EM i always listened to Nirvana, beatles, led zeppelin, etc. Naturally he hated it, just cause he hates rap/hip hop in general, but I found the song to be really funny and my friend let me borrow the Slim Shady LP because well my dad wouldn't buy it for me as soon as he saw the "Parental Advisory" sticker. What was cool about it was that I was the only one out of all my friends up till high school to listen to eminem. I was still kind of the same way through high school, there were people who listened to a few songs, but I have his whole discography on my ipod and never get tired of him.

Unfortunately that all changed when he released Recovery with that "Love the way you lie" song. Then go figure because rihanna is in it people who never liked eminem or cared for his music fell in love with him because he released one song with one of the "Mainstream Queens". Oh well.
Without me.

Everyone was going mental and the rap craze was just kicking in at my primary school. and I had told my friend to shoot me if I ever liked any rap song. it would of only been a week later Hearing without me on the radio made me regret saying it. It was just something that I understood. I remember me taping it every night until I had the tape full of that one song.

But then again I remember hating cleaning out my closet because it knocked without me off the charts. So I guess the real song that actually got me listening to Eminem was Sing for the moment. I fucking related to that song so much it wasn't funny. Almost everything in that first verse summed my life up. I knew then that Eminem was my favourite singer/rapper.
Loved Em since day one. He hit TRL when I was in college and all the chicks were down with him, so it was hard not to play him at a party. I didin't mind either cause I thought he was pretty decent. But when "The Way I am" dropped, I was like DAMN he could be one of the best EVER. And sure enough he is on the top of almost anybody's list!
The song that got me into Eminem was "Lose Yourself". I was hanging out with a classmate after school and he played the 8 Mile Soundtrack. I was hooked after that. Now, I had liked Eminem from day one but I was just a casual fan back then. "Lose Yourself" was the song that made me a big fan of Eminem's because of how it fit great as background music for virtually everything and it was fun to try to cover it. I like "Stan" more, but "Lose Yourself" was definitely the one that got me into Eminem as a big fan.
Growing up and still living in Michigan, I have always love Eminem from the beginning. But the 2 tracks that really got me into his music was "Lose Yourself" and "Stan".

Lose Yourself was just amazing when it dropped and everyone loved it because of 8 mile. Stan is one of those dark and somewhat demented songs that gets into your head when you think of what they lyrics really mean. This 2 got me into him alot and I've always listened to him since.
My favorite Eminem song is "Without Me." Actually, I'm not a particularly big fan of Eminem or this style of music, but I absolutely love that song and the video is pretty funny as well.
It kinda depends in what way we're talking about getting into Eminem.

The first song that I heard from him was "My Name Is" and I thought it was just generally awesome. I also believe it was the first song of his to hit in Denmark. I was instantly hooked as a fan of Eminem, and remained liking all of the sings that continued to be released.

However, it wasn't until his "When I'm gone" single got released that I truly got into Eminem. I had been a fan for years obviously, but this song just clicked with me. While it wasn't anywhere near the one I like the most, it still managed to drag me into becoming a bigger fan of him. I bought all of his albums due to this song, but started with Curtain Call obviously.

So, I would say the primary choice would be When I'm gone is the song that got me into Eminem.
Eminem was the second hip hop artist I ever really listened to in depth and at age nine once I heard "My Name Is" I was hooked. He has been my favorite artist ever since that point and while I like songs of his more then My Name Is, it was that first big single that got me into him.
The song that got me into Eminem was 'When I'm Gone.'

I Heard it on TV and soon had in replying in my MP3.

Loved his unique way of rapping and been hooked ever since.
Eminem was the second hip hop artist I ever really listened to in depth and at age nine once I heard "My Name Is" I was hooked. He has been my favorite artist ever since that point and while I like songs of his more then My Name Is, it was that first big single that got me into him.

Same here, it actually took me awhile to get into Em. When I first heard him I didn't really like his sound, but my fiance is a massive Shady fan and she was set on making me a fan too. She made me several mixes of Eminem's best stuff and the first one to catch my attention was My Name Is. I would say the moment I really became a hardcore fan was when I heard Going Through Changes, I absolutely love that song and that is without a doubt what made me a true fan.

It's hard to remember...I've been an Eminem fan since I was about 10 years old and I have a terrible memory, but I remember one of the first songs I ever heard was I Think My Dad's Gone Crazy and I started listen to Eminem a little, but then a few years later when Mockingbird dropped, I think that's when I really became a fan. It was a different side of Eminem than the one I had heard in the past. I had never heard any of his more emotional songs, only his crazier ones, and when I heard Mockingbird, I was impressed. I remember being in the car on the way to Barnes and Noble with my friend and her step-sister. That was the moment I became a full fledged Eminem fan.
Well that's an easy one, "My Name Is". I remember it perfectly because that was literally the first rap song I ever liked. For years and years as a kid me and my friends hated rap, we were rockers, we listened to Green Day, Blink 182, Limp Bizkit, Korn, all of those mid-90s alt rock and nu metal stalwarts and we would always say "Rap is Crap", though I'm not sure if we got that from WCW or not. That all changed when I heard "My Name Is" when it first came on the scene as a single all the way back in 1999. I had gone somewhere with my best friend Rob and his family, don't remember where but it was something out of state and we were driving on the way back. Rob's stepdad was a young guy who loved hip hop so we listened to alot of it in the car, and when we heard "My Name Is" on the radio for the first time that day both Rob and I realized not all rap sucked, and we became huge Eminem fans like every other kid on the planet did in 1999-2000. Now it still took me a couple of years to get REALLY into rap when I discovered Dr. Dre and Notorious B.I.G., but Eminem started it all with that one song, My Name Is. Great song, even if it's been overplayed to death over the years. It's one of those songs like "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or "Stairway to Heaven" that was played to death on the radio for years to the point where everyone basically never want to hear them again.
7th Grade... My Name Is. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I already liked rap at that point. When I was a kid, I was into shit like MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice. Then a little after that Bone Thugs released Crossroads, and Coolio came out with Gangsta's Paradise. Then a little after that No Limit and Cash Money started blowing up. Going to black schools my whole life... I had pretty much no choice but to like all this shit. And I did like it, a lot actually.

Anyways, I know I said I liked Vanilla Ice, but still... after a year of Ice Ice Baby, the dude became an absolute joke. So, there were no white rappers anyone could latch on to. Beastie Boys, maybe, but they weren't for me.

So, when Eminem came out with My Name Is... I immediately loved it. I actually first heard it at school, a classmate played it for me and told me he was white. I thought it was going to suck, but as we all already know... it was awesome. I immediately got my mom to buy me The Slim Shady LP, and to this day, close to 15 years later, I am still a die-hard Eminem fan and I always will be.
Eminem was the first rapper I have ever listened to and stayed as the only rapper I listened to up until high school. I remember my Mom wouldn't even let me listen to most of his songs just because of the sheer vulgarity it contained. She couldn't protect me for long though and eventually I listened to his entire Eminem Show album. "Cleaning Out My Closet" was really the song that got me into Eminem. The sheer emotion presented in that song was unreal. Another song that really stuck out to me was "The Way I Am" I find that song to be fucking fantastic, just like nearly every song he puts out. I took a little hiatus from rap until Recovery came out and then I listened to that for weeks straight. 25 to Life is probably my favorite song from the album, but the album itself is just amazing. Really loved it.

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