The Social Outcasts Or The Legion Of Losers


It looks as though we saw the formation of a new faction on Raw last night consisting of Heath Slater, Adam Rose, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas. With some minor degree of interference, Heath Slater picked up a big upset victory over Dolph Ziggler and, in a brief post match promo from all four, Slater called them the Social Outcasts.

It's obviously much too early to speculate on any degree of success or failure of this group but, at the same time, I do like that they're trying something with these four and they didn't come off like some cheap, comedy undercard jobber faction. However, it could still quite easily come to that in the weeks ahead.
I do think that these guys all have a decent amount of talent. Are they going to rival groups like Evolution or The Shield? I highly doubt it, but I'm glad some of them are getting the time to improve their stock, especially Bo Dallas and Adam Rose. Plus, I think they can play well off of each other. Dallas and Rose can be the spokespeople, Axel can be the "wrestler", and Slater can be the hindrance, much like Xavier Woods is for New Day.

Again, I don't see huge things in store for them, but if it keeps them on TV and gives young guys like Dallas a chance to re-invent himself, I'm all for it.
Anything that gets Heath Slater on my TV is fine by me. Undefeated in 2016 baybeh!

I don't expect much out of this group. Rose and Bo each got the NXT call up push, but neither really went far on the main roster. Axel was never able to capitalize on being a Paul Heyman guy and getting that weird feud with Triple H, and Slater has been forever a jobber since The Corre broke up. That said if this is a way to build them up as a "legit" threat before the Rumble, there are certainly worse ways to do it.
I'm very surprised that Slater got a win over Ziggler. A lot could be said about Ziggler at the moment but that's for another topic. I like that they did get a win over Ziggler though to be honest. IF you are going to put these guys together and give them some tv time then make it worth it. They now instantly become automatic losers to maybe just maybe they win. I don't mind each of the guys as well. I know they will never be high in the card but it will be interesting to see where they go with this.

I suppose Axel wont be continuing his never got eliminated thing from the Rumble. Unless they go with the other 3 guys building him up as some megastar in the next 3 weeks.
None of them will he WWEWHC or anything but I think if built well the tag team and mid card titles are an option. Or you know, it could be like 3MB all over again.

Whatever it is, I feel like someone is fairly high on Heath Slater. The dude started in the Nexus, had matches with multiple legends and had a prominent (jobber) group of his own followed by this new group...
I like it but I also know that Vince will lose interest within 2-3 weeks and they'll be destroyed in multiple segments by individuals like Roman Reigns whilst being used as the comedy acts at the Royal Rumble.
Amid all the speculation, surprises and whatever the shit happens with the Legion of Losers, am I the only one who's feeling sorry for Damien Sandow? Former Money in the Bank winner, the intellectual saviour of masses, who has been around for long while, didn't he even got what it takes to be a part of this Jobbers stable? I really feel sorry for him.
I imagine for those that don't have Twitter they were confused as to why the 4 of them showed up together. They were all in developmental it might be worth noting. I wish I could replace Axel with someone like Damien Sandow so that all four will have charisma. It's going to be intetested to see how they make this work. But Heath Slater picking up his biggest win of his career is a good sign.
This might not turn out to be so bad after all. These guys were basically doing nothing by themselves so why not try something different. Slater highly offended BSE last night on the LD thread by beating Ziggler, so they might be off and running to a good start already.

It will be interesting to see how they are used, and I will be disappointed if they are just a job squad. Strange that Sandow wasn't in the mix, would have like to see him get some TV time. Not only that he's be a much better spokesman for the group than any of the rest of them put together.
.... in a brief post match promo from all four, Slater called them the Social Outcasts.

I'd prefer calling them: '4 Wrongs Make a Right!'

Still, it might be a constructive way to do things; take four guys who have essentially failed as singles performers and put them together to see if the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Is this going to be another 3MB? It could be, given the verbal nonsense they were spouting after the match. Still, if the writers can learn from 3MB and avoid turning this: '4 Wrongs' into another joke team, maybe these guys can be useful.

Oh, and despite another poster describing Slater's win as a big upset over Dolph Ziggler, I can't help thinking that using Dolph as the victim in this debut furthers the de-push he seems to be suffering.

Hey! Maybe Dolph and Ryback can form a group called "De-Pushers" in which they come to the ring carrying syringes and......

Never was just a thought.
My first thought is that I hope this doesn't end like Slater's last group.

I don't expect much in terms of gold but the comedy spots should be good from this group. I am quite interested to see how Axel will function here; he could be quite good as a comedic 'overly-serious' character.
Well, seeing that 3 guys went exaclly from nowhere to being 2 times WWE Trag Team Champions with almost same comedy gimick its no suprise that WWE is trying that. Dont have so high hopes for "Social Outcasts" but beats having 4 guys doing absolutely nothing.
Well I was shocked when Heath Slater defeated Dolph Ziggler...... It really was an big upset!
Speaking of the stable, I like the name Social Outcasts! Out of the 4 men out there, i like Curtis Axel, Heath Slater & Adam Rose! I dislike Bo Dallas a lot! I hope they achieve something after this major win and just dont serve as jobbing squad to any main-eventer!
Moreover I too am missing Damien Sandow too much! When he returned to RAW and told us that he will no more copy anyone and come back to his The Intellectual Saviour gimmick, hope arised in me that he might be pushed to atleast mid-card level but all in vain! He isnot even on Superstars these days! A talent too underutilized! :shrug:
Yeah, the League Of Nations are already a glorified J.O.B. Squad so I don't think there's much need for this stable. They'd have been better off keeping 3MB, at least they had their moments. Singularly none of these guys have anything going for them and even less as a group. Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel and Adam Rose together in one place actually makes me shudder.
I don't see this stable maintaining much relevance past the Rumble. WWE's got to remind everyone who doesn't watch Superstars or Main Event who these guys are. The name fits the members, and in a different time I'd see somewhat of a future in this. As it stands, though, I can't be convinced that this is anything more than what I just said: a way to get these guys in people's minds leading in to the Royal Rumble.
There probably just going to have match after match against dolph ziggler... In a strange way i feel like there trying to reestablish ziggler with the fans. And by him feuding with some heel jobbers might work. Its also a good rub for the 4 guys anyways because they haven't seen tv in months.
Got to give WWE props for at least giving these four another chance to find some success. All four are talented guys who just got lost in the shuffle. I had hoped we would see Slater, Rose, & Fandango reform 3MB, but this is just as good.

I'm sure in a few weeks they'll be a Superstars only faction, but at least they have some direction for now.
They'll be built up over the next few weeks to something resembling credibility, only to be smashed by Brock/Reigns/Cena in the Rumble. This is how the WWE is, they don't care about these guys as anything more than enhancement talent.
3MB rehashed. Might be semi serious for six weeks. Then comedy fodder.

Slater could do much more, but oh well. Glad they will be on tv being vauguely entertaining.
My first thought is that I hope this doesn't end like Slater's last group.


I do worry about these guys being future endeavored in May, as was the case with 3MB.

Being a Bo Dallas fan (one of the few) I am excited about seeing him and Heath back on TV again. Axel needs this break, and hopefully can excel as a singles star (midcard champ) from the assistance of his peers.

What happened to Adam Rose's Dirt Sheet/Gossip gimmick that was going on for the past little bit?
I'm not sure this is headed anywhere. These guys may eliminate someone of notoriety, but then they'll be eliminated one-by-one in the rumble and probably feud with the guy they eliminated heading into the Andre Battle Royal.
That was easily the worst segment on Raw in years. Seriously. I could imagine how Creative came up with it.

"Let's put together 4 jobbers that no one cares about (Slater, Rose, Axel, and Dallas)"
"Okay and let's them go over former World Champions and IWC fan favorites like Dolph Ziggler!"
"Yea and then we'll split them up after like two weeks, and no one will see them for like 3-4 months!"
"Oh man this is great!"

Dolph Ziggler should quit. He deserves so much better than this. First, he was forced to be in that ridiculous love triangle (square?) with Rusev, Lana, and Summer Rae. Then he jobs to Heath Slater clean on Raw. What has he done? He needs to just quit and go to ROH, Lucha Underground, or NJPW where Creative will actually care about him. At least he won't be forced to participate in love squares and job to comedy jobbers.
What happened to Adam Rose's Dirt Sheet/Gossip gimmick that was going on for the past little bit?

I would think someone in Creative finally realized there was nowhere to go with it. Every time I saw Adam Rose doing his report,' I was trying to figure how it was going to translate to action in the ring......and nothing seemed to fit. In the end, these people are wrestlers and anything they do has to involve fighting in scheduled matches somewhere down the line, no?

I equate Rose's gossip thing to the notion of giving Wade Barrett back his 'Bad News' speaking gig. If they do that, they're essentially ending his career as a ring wrestler which, unless his health demands it, is something no one wants to do.

Better Adam Rose should be fighting than talking, as this '4MB' thing will eventually have him doing.
I've never had a problem with any of them and I hope this gives them the TV time and exposure they need to get over with the Universe because right now no one really cares.

Slater: Seems to be the leader like he has been in every stable he's been apart of outside Nexus & Corre (so 1 really).

Axel: After last night he seems to be the loose cannon (monster type) of the group.

Dallas: Could go either way in a Tag Team with Rose or a singles guy. He's not a bad talker either.

Rose: Should be the main talker of the group as well as be in a tag team with Dallas.

I'm hoping this stable picks up speed as something the WWE has lacked is a lower tier stable to give not only these 4 but others a storyline as well. I'm very excited to see where this goes and afraid McMahon will screw it up.
i bet a dollar these 4 get squashed all at once by brock lesnar some time real soon, either next week on raw, before or even during the royal rumble. beyond that, who knows...

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