The Smark Killers - Term 1 - "cheap heat"

Mighty NorCal

What a dumbass fucking thing to say. Get real. for a number of reasons

1. a heel is a heel, not a damn part of someones leg

A heels job is to get booed. Bottom line. I dont give a shit if its from talking bad about the home city, the home country, just being naturally fucking annoying, or from eating a live human baby. The point of the heel is to get the fans to want passionately to see them get their asses whipped. Whatever means by which this is reached, is irrelevant.

2. XPac heat

"they only boo that person becuase he is actually a fucker" um yea, dumb dumb. that PROBABLY WHY THEY MADE THEM A HEEL. Hello! heat is heat. I restate my original point. If someone is annoying as hell, you want ot seem them get the shit kicked out of them. As long as they receive a reaction, thats truly all that matters in this buisness.

Please refute this with some silly insidah logic. Id love it.
I totally agree. Miz and Morrison used so called "cheap heat" when I saw them in Chicago when they ripped on the Chicago Cubs baseball team. It got them more heat then probably anyone else that night, save JBL when he attacked Cena. Like you said, heat is heat.

As far as X-Pac heat goes, I give you Edge and Lita. Lita became heel for the first time in over 5 years, and Edge received huge heat and was even the recipient of a dig from Paul Heyman in a shoot promo because of it. Even since the news of Lita cheating on Matt broke, Edge has been heel, and it is no coincidence.
I hate it when people say a wrestler isn't really a heel because they get "cheap heat". It shouldn’t matter what that wrestler does to get booed. Their job is to get booed therefore they should be allowed to resort to anything that can get the crowd to boo them without anyone saying they aren’t really heels because they have to insult something or say something else in order to receive “heat. It just gets annoying that the only plausible argument people can think of is they had to do this and do that to get booed. Heel heat is Heel heat, at the end of the day the wrestler is going to get booed which is their main focus.
I agree 100%, A heel's job is to get heat, bottom line. Doesn't matter through what means. As long as they get a negative reaction out of you, they're doing their job. The term cheap heat as always bothered me because of this mindset i have. I always ask myself "how's it cheap?" "Because he/her are trying to get their job done through a easier way?" Shouldn't matter, at the end of the day a negative reaction is a negative reaction. You're gonna dislike them in some form either way.
It just gets annoying that the only plausible argument people can think of is they had to do this and do that to get booed.

and you you know WHHYYY people say that? Becuase their favorites are ballsack, and get zero reaction, so they need to try and rain on other peoples parades, to try and figure out excuses why their favorite hears crickets. Also notice smarky fanboy love for heels more of the time than faces. Ones that do flippys, that no one gives a shit about. So, they need to figure out why their favorites receive indifference, and the actual good heels get a reaction. "Oh, they just get cheap heat is all"

No, your favorite wrestler just sucks cheesy dong.
A Norcal thread series? Nice.

Gotta disagree with you unfortunately. Cheap heat most certainly DOES exist, I think what you are questioning though is why smarks criticize heels for using it, correct? I agree with you that it's silly to dismiss a heel for utilizing cheap heat, but it definitely exists. Going after, say, the town you're in is a classic example. It doesn't require any skill to come up with a promo hating on a local sports team.

Which is why people criticize heels who often use cheap heat. It's a legitimate reason to criticize a heel, because it doesn't require much skill. Are they still getting boos? Yeah, sure they are. Does it make them a good heel? No. A good heel could come out with a local sports team jersey on and still make the crowd hate him.
It's kind of ironic when you think about it. Some fans would rather right off heat as "cheap heat" and look like their too cool to be worked when in reality the wrestler pissing them off is doing their job well.
You know, I was going to come on here and state that I disagreed regarding "X Pac Heat".... But I really can't. I never realized it, but this is actually fucking true.

It actually reminds me of an instance I watched in a shoot interview with The Honkey Tonk Man. He talked about a time in which he was looking to get heat, so he kept his opponent in a sleeper hold. And he just kept him there forever. Of course, the crowd got pissed, and they started to boo. But you know what? Honkey got the damn reaction. And not only that, but he got a pretty damn good reaction. I mean, not good as in he got it the typical way, but the fans boo'ed him, and he got the heat. I take back all of my claims of X-Pac heat I've ever made.

I guess I'll put it this way... You're getting a reaction, and that's all that matters. It's better than no reaction, and it at least elevates the fan's irritation with you.
A Norcal thread series? Nice.

Gotta disagree with you unfortunately. Cheap heat most certainly DOES exist, I think what you are questioning though is why smarks criticize heels for using it, correct? I agree with you that it's silly to dismiss a heel for utilizing cheap heat, but it definitely exists. Going after, say, the town you're in is a classic example. It doesn't require any skill to come up with a promo hating on a local sports team.

Which is why people criticize heels who often use cheap heat. It's a legitimate reason to criticize a heel, because it doesn't require much skill. Are they still getting boos? Yeah, sure they are. Does it make them a good heel? No. A good heel could come out with a local sports team jersey on and still make the crowd hate him.

You act like the shit the "good" heels pull off is less scripted than "cheap" heat. its not, I ssure you. Its all in the delivery. Take Jerich for instance. People HATE that motherfucker, and love whomever he goes against. What does he do? Talk to people like they are stupid? I do that to people every damn day. So what. Cheap heat IS a bullshit term, becuase the word "cheap" in and of itself, means "less valuble" or "not of high cost/value"

when it is of JUST the same exact value. Two of the hottest heels of the last 20 damn years merely just talked shit about either America (1997 Bret Hart) or to the fans themselves (Hulk Hogan). I guess those two were nothig but cheap heat mongers.
1. a heel is a heel, not a damn part of someones leg

A heels job is to get booed. Bottom line. I dont give a shit if its from talking bad about the home city, the home country, just being naturally fucking annoying, or from eating a live human baby. The point of the heel is to get the fans to want passionately to see them get their asses whipped. Whatever means by which this is reached, is irrelevant.

Well, sure. It's just that some people don't like it when a heel goes out and gets heat day after day by saying "Hey, I hate *blank local team*." It goes along with the same thread of "Cena only uses one way to finish the match" and "ZOMG, heels always cheat." Some people just get tired of the same stuff happening.

I don't mind, considering;

A) Some people can't get over as heels without it. And if creative told them to get over as a heel, they need to do what they can to do so. If that means dogging the local sports team, then so be it.

B) Jericho goes out every promo saying "You are just a bunch of hypocrites." If that's any better than hating on the local sports team or the greater state area, then you'll have to explain it to me. And people suck Jericho's dick all the time. Not that he doesn't deserve it. But don't criticize Miz or Benjamin for doing it if you turn around and praise Jericho.

2. XPac heat

"they only boo that person becuase he is actually a fucker" um yea, dumb dumb. that PROBABLY WHY THEY MADE THEM A HEEL. Hello! heat is heat. I restate my original point. If someone is annoying as hell, you want ot seem them get the shit kicked out of them. As long as they receive a reaction, thats truly all that matters in this buisness.

Please refute this with some silly insidah logic. Id love it.

Ummm....anyone ever hear of Edge? He was a heel because he stole Matt Hardy's girlfriend. Though I do like the irony in the fact that heels get booed because they're jackasses in real life but get criticized of it; while faces who get pops because they're good people in real life don't get criticized for it. There's gotta be something to that.

I mean, people are all over Edge for being a great heel. That's all fair, he's pretty good. But he got to where he is by jumping from the "I stole my co-worker's girlfriend" point. If that doesn't equal Xpac heat, I don't know what does. People are all over Jericho as a great heel, but he gets nothing but "cheap heat" when he's not punching HBK's wife in the eye or stealing masks. One thing can't be good for the main-event, but bad for the mid-card.
Ummm....anyone ever hear of Edge? He was a heel because he stole Matt Hardy's girlfriend. Though I do like the irony in the fact that heels get booed because they're jackasses in real life but get criticized of it; while faces who get pops because they're good people in real life don't get criticized for it. There's gotta be something to that.

I mean, people are all over Edge for being a great heel. That's all fair, he's pretty good. But he got to where he is by jumping from the "I stole my co-worker's girlfriend" point. If that doesn't equal Xpac heat, I don't know what does. People are all over Jericho as a great heel, but he gets nothing but "cheap heat" when he's not punching HBK's wife in the eye or stealing masks.

Loved the post, I made the same comment about Jericho.

I suppose then, Edge is worse off now than when he was getting booed out of his own hometown as a face? and when people were sitting on their hands during one of the most energetic entrances in all of the WWE? The fuck does it matter what the jump off point was. If anything, its better. People REALLY legit think Edge is a fucking bastard, and REALLY want to see someone whip his ass. Shit. MORE people should get XPac heat, is thats whats gonna work to that degree.
You act like the shit the "good" heels pull off is less scripted than "cheap" heat. its not, I ssure you.

That's not necessarily true Norcal, Mick Foley is the classic example of someone who never ever reads a scripted promo, but instead comes up with a few main points to bring up and then just improvises on the spot. The best promo-cutters always work that way, always.

Its all in the delivery. Take Jerich for instance. People HATE that motherfucker, and love whomever he goes against. What does he do? Talk to people like they are stupid? I do that to people every damn day. So what. Cheap heat IS a bullshit term, becuase the word "cheap" in and of itself, means "less valuble" or "not of high cost/value"

See, but I'm not dismissing the heat as though it doesn't count or matter. But if you compare the heat of someone dissing a hometown team, to say, a Terry Funk heel promo in the NWA, it's pretty damn obvious which party is the better heel. It's not a knock on cheap heat, it simply takes less skill and creativity to use than someone like a Foley or Funk does.

You can't really argue that cheap heat is easier to come up with than a thoughtful, intelligent promo Norcal. Which, by definition, would make it "cheaper" to come up with than a great promo does.
and in the end, they both get the exact same job done. Reference once again, my comparisons to Hollywood Hogan, and Bret hart. Veyr easy subjects they covered, and garnered the most white hot heat anyone could attain without getting physically injured. Its just as valuble as something out of fucking macbeth, therefore, not cheap. Ha.
What a dumbass fucking thing to say. Get real. for a number of reasons

1. a heel is a heel, not a damn part of someones leg

A heels job is to get booed. Bottom line. I dont give a shit if its from talking bad about the home city, the home country, just being naturally fucking annoying, or from eating a live human baby. The point of the heel is to get the fans to want passionately to see them get their asses whipped. Whatever means by which this is reached, is irrelevant.

2. XPac heat

"they only boo that person becuase he is actually a fucker" um yea, dumb dumb. that PROBABLY WHY THEY MADE THEM A HEEL. Hello! heat is heat. I restate my original point. If someone is annoying as hell, you want ot seem them get the shit kicked out of them. As long as they receive a reaction, thats truly all that matters in this buisness.

Please refute this with some silly insidah logic. Id love it.

I'm really confused as to the point of this thread, you're giving us information most of us allready know here on this forum. (Well, any one with half a brain really knows this) but I'll reply as to what I would do, if I were a heel anyways.

A heel is a heel, indeed. But I think a heel shouldn't really have to do all the cheap shit they have to do to get over these days. I hate seeing someone cheat in every single match, or try to. Look back on the Hogan, and Andre fued, Andre was a heel, he simply gave Hogan a feat, in that he couldn't slam the man. There weren't many dirty tactics involved, and if a heel did cheat, it truely meant something important just happened.

What I'm saying is, I believe a heel shouldn't have to bring out a chair, talk trash about the place they're in, or any of that other shit, but just go out there, wrestle a smashmouth style, and make it more realistic. The more realistic a character can play, the better. A slow wrestler, trashtalking, and just in your face style, like the old days, should be enough to get a heel over. Run-ins, chairshots, etc are acceptable, but I think they should only be used on very special occations, that way we know something truely unblievable just happened. That would make what we see as a normal heel tactic today, into something only the most evil person in the world would do.

The best example of this type heel working I can think of would be Killer Kowalski. He just went out there, wrestled, gave mean looks, talked some trash, outwrestled his oponent and won. Thats the way I picture the perfect heel to be, not all this hardcore chair shots, belt shots bullshit. This would also completely eliminate all the "Cheap heat" arguements and bullshit.
Loved the post, I made the same comment about Jericho.

I suppose then, Edge is worse off now than when he was getting booed out of his own hometown as a face? and when people were sitting on their hands during one of the most energetic entrances in all of the WWE? The fuck does it matter what the jump off point was. If anything, its better. People REALLY legit think Edge is a fucking bastard, and REALLY want to see someone whip his ass. Shit. MORE people should get XPac heat, is thats whats gonna work to that degree.

Totally. If it's good enough for the main-event, it's good enough for the mid-card.

I mean, JBL got over with nothing but "I'm richer than you, so I'm better than you" to the crowd everyday. Every wrestler does it when they're first starting out as a heel. You always hear in the "turn this wrestler" threads "Have him lose a lot, then come out and diss the fans." If it's good enough to TURN you from Face to Heel, it's good enough to keep the heat flowing.

The thing about X-Pac heat is that how many people are true, shitastic people in real life? Edge stole Matt Hardy's girlfriend, X-Pac was a real dick. But how many other heels are going around doing such things? It's a rare commodity, really. If you have a chance to tap it, you should go for it. (That's what he said :p)

Oh. Another wrestler that generates (or at least used to generate) X-Pac heat. Orton. You used to not be able to take a step without hearing about how Orton snubbed a fan or yelled at someone out in public. He's a heel. If a wrestling fan walks up to him, he's going to be a bitch. It's what he does.
You can't really argue that cheap heat is easier to come up with than a thoughtful, intelligent promo Norcal. Which, by definition, would make it "cheaper" to come up with than a great promo does.

If a wrestler writes up a thoughtful, intelligent promo, then it's not bound to always work. "Cheap Heat" is bound to work nearly 100% of the time it is used. That's why a lot of wrestlers resort to cheap heat. Because it will more than likely work and they will get what they were told to get, a negative reaction.

I say good for those wrestlers who took their time and wrote a promo a thoughtful and intelligent promo and still accomplished their goal. But the fact of the matter is that everything they wrote they could still have accomplished by using the "easier" method.

I also want to point out that a lot of the greatest heels ever have resorted to “cheap heat”. So when people decide to criticize today’s wrestler s for using “cheap heat” they should call themselves hypocrites for going and praising those wrestlers who are considered great heels.
and in the end, they both get the exact same job done.

I know man, I never said they didn't.

Reference once again, my comparisons to Hollywood Hogan, and Bret hart. Very easy subjects they covered, and garnered the most white hot heat anyone could attain without getting physically injured.

And both were great heels. But they used cheap heat, that's what I've been saying. It doesn't make them bad heels, it's just cheap heat.

Its just as valuble as something out of fucking macbeth, therefore, not cheap. Ha.

Again, I'm not saying that just because you use cheap heat you can't be a good heel. I'm strictly talking about the word cheap heat.

It IS cheap because it's easier to attack a hometown sports team than it is to come up with an intelligent promo. By definition, it's easier (or cheaper) to just attack a crowd.

But again, I'm not saying this makes someone an inferior heel.
What I'm saying is, I believe a heel shouldn't have to bring out a chair, talk trash about the place they're in, or any of that other shit, but just go out there, wrestle a smashmouth style, and make it more realistic. The more realistic a character can play, the better. A slow wrestler, trashtalking, and just in your face style, like the old days, should be enough to get a heel over. Run-ins, chairshots, etc are acceptable, but I think they should only be used on very special occations, that way we know something truely unblievable just happened. That would make what we see as a normal heel tactic today, into something only the most evil person in the world would do.

The best example of this type heel working I can think of would be Killer Kowalski. He just went out there, wrestled, gave mean looks, talked some trash, outwrestled his oponent and won. Thats the way I picture the perfect heel to be, not all this hardcore chair shots, belt shots bullshit. This would also completely eliminate all the "Cheap heat" arguements and bullshit.

That would work, but we as the IWC ruin that. Every person who cheers Randy Orton, like me, prove that "cheap heat" is needed. He wrestles a classic heel style with lots of submissions and few flashy moves. He is also very heelish on the mic, with his slow, methodical talking style. He is a classic heel, but he still gets cheered a lot. That is why guys have to resort to calling out cities, sports teams, and the fans. It is a necessity in the internet and smark age.
Okay, NorCal - I agree for the most part with your first assessment. However, I have to disagree with the X-Pac heat.

You're more or less saying, because People hate the real life person - it makes the character he plays realistic. But it doesn't, does it? It makes nothing he can do even matter, because the flat out fact is NO ONE GIVES A SHIT. Which in the end, doesn't make him a good heel, or even a great heel. It makes him worthless, because no one wants to see him. Period.

A great heel is someone that can make you hate the character, but at the same time come to want to watch them, to see who's going to hand them their ass. Look how many people often got up and went to piss, or buy shit, during an X-Pac match. Its because they didn't care if he did or didn't get his ass handed to him - they just didn't care, period.

Edge, got actual heat because of the whole sleeping with Amy Dumas/behind Matt's back situation. But at the same time, played off a good enough character that people hated him for it - but wanted to watch more of him, at the same time.

Sean Waltman wasn't even mildly entertaining to 90% of people. He was to me, because I always liked Waltman, but he was most certainly not even moderately concerning to hardly anyone and everyone else. So to say he got great heel heat - is a lie. He didn't get great heel heat. He got actual I hate this fucking moron and wish he'd die, so he'd quit taking up television time and wasting mine heat. That doesn't even make him worth a damn. And thats one of the reasons he got released. Because the Companies that carried him, realized that they couldn't market him or use him, because the fans gave ZERO regard for him. Good or bad.
Would Vickie Guerrero not be the epitomy of 'cheap heat'? While not the type of mocking a hometown or punking a favorite athelete, she got over on two words, "Excuse Me". However, she may have been the most over heel in the past years, drawing soo much heat for almost no reason. She fits point number two to a tee. People boo'd her for just being alive and taking up TV time.

I get why people call it cheap heat. Not because it is 'lesser' than other drawn reactions, but because of the simplicity. Thus, some regard it as 'cheap' just because it takes less work apparently. I don't get this. A heel is a heel for a reason. They wouldn't be good at their job if they didn't find a way for the crowd to hate them.

Unfortunately, there aren't as many faces that are too over with the crowd like there were in the 80s and 90s. Since the primary way for a heel to draw heat is to match up against an over face, it is much harder to gain a massive heel reaction. I mean, only so many people can jump Jeff Hardy or John Cena at the same time. Fewer over faces = more heels that have nowhere to draw a pop from = a reason to use 'cheap' heat tactics.

However, this doesn't make a heel any less of a heel.
Okay, NorCal - I agree for the most part with your first assessment. However, I have to disagree with the X-Pac heat.

You're more or less saying, because People hate the real life person - it makes the character he plays realistic. But it doesn't, does it? It makes nothing he can do even matter, because the flat out fact is NO ONE GIVES A SHIT. Which in the end, doesn't make him a good heel, or even a great heel. It makes him worthless, because no one wants to see him. Period.

A great heel is someone that can make you hate the character, but at the same time come to want to watch them, to see who's going to hand them their ass. Look how many people often got up and went to piss, or buy shit, during an X-Pac match. Its because they didn't care if he did or didn't get his ass handed to him - they just didn't care, period.

Edge, got actual heat because of the whole sleeping with Amy Dumas/behind Matt's back situation. But at the same time, played off a good enough character that people hated him for it - but wanted to watch more of him, at the same time.

Sean Waltman wasn't even mildly entertaining to 90% of people. He was to me, because I always liked Waltman, but he was most certainly not even moderately concerning to hardly anyone and everyone else. So to say he got great heel heat - is a lie. He didn't get great heel heat. He got actual I hate this fucking moron and wish he'd die, so he'd quit taking up television time and wasting mine heat. That doesn't even make him worth a damn. And thats one of the reasons he got released. Because the Companies that carried him, realized that they couldn't market him or use him, because the fans gave ZERO regard for him. Good or bad.

Ok, so did they have zero regard for him, or did they hate him? I dont disagree with you about him per se, just the term, as people use it generally, is bullshit. I think we should change the term to "Vickie Guerrero heat" and what is right now your telling me is XPac heat, cna be changed to Charlie Haas heat.

Regardless of WHY they hate him, they still would enjoy seeing them get the shit beat out of them. Which would eb the point.
Well, first of all, cheap heat is not just limited to heels. It goes for faces to. "Heat" is not alignment specific. However, I'll only talk about cheap heel heat, since it's obvious that's what everyone is referring to.

Here's my problem with cheap heat. I don't mind that wrestlers use it, but I DO hate that it's the ONLY thing that works. And I blame promoters and fans for it.

Used to, a heel could come out, say mean things about a face, attack them from behind, and fans would boo. However, thanks to the 90s and the wrestling wars, heels went from cowardly evil people, to the cool people everyone wants to be. Perhaps it was a societal thing as well, but there's no doubt that it changed heels. People began to cheer for the cool heels...leaving nothing for the faces to get cheered for. Now, people expect the cool faces to do dirty stuff like that, and to get people to cheer faces, promotions have faces act that way...but what does that leave for the heels to do to get booed? Very little. These days, about the only type of heel heat that wrestlers can generate is what would be called cheap heat. And since that's really the only type of heel heat there is, that's what they do.

I remember reading somewhere, either in a book or online, Jake Roberts discussing being a heel. He said the way to be a bad guy is not to break the rules. It's to openly flaunt the fact you know the rules and are following the rules. It's getting your ass kicked an entire match, only to retain a title through trickery. It's about making your gimmick something people hate, not making people hate you. If wrestling, and its fans, could go back to something like that, then the overall product would improve so much.

But, then again, how dare I try to tell wrestling fans who to cheer and boo.
Would Vickie Guerrero not be the epitomy of 'cheap heat'? While not the type of mocking a hometown or punking a favorite athelete, she got over on two words, "Excuse Me". However, she may have been the most over heel in the past years, drawing soo much heat for almost no reason. She fits point number two to a tee. People boo'd her for just being alive and taking up TV time.

I get why people call it cheap heat. Not because it is 'lesser' than other drawn reactions, but because of the simplicity. Thus, some regard it as 'cheap' just because it takes less work apparently. I don't get this. A heel is a heel for a reason. They wouldn't be good at their job if they didn't find a way for the crowd to hate them.

Unfortunately, there aren't as many faces that are too over with the crowd like there were in the 80s and 90s. Since the primary way for a heel to draw heat is to match up against an over face, it is much harder to gain a massive heel reaction. I mean, only so many people can jump Jeff Hardy or John Cena at the same time. Fewer over faces = more heels that have nowhere to draw a pop from = a reason to use 'cheap' heat tactics.

However, this doesn't make a heel any less of a heel.

and WHAT did the WWE do when they wanted to ENSURE that someone was going to get 100% positive face reaction?

Why bah gawd, they put them in a program against Vick Guerrero. Against her, people will love you, relate to you, Look to you. Which is a heels job, to get the face over.
A heel is a heel, indeed. But I think a heel shouldn't really have to do all the cheap shit they have to do to get over these days. I hate seeing someone cheat in every single match, or try to.
Then they're doing their job.
Look back on the Hogan, and Andre fued, Andre was a heel, he simply gave Hogan a feat, in that he couldn't slam the man. There weren't many dirty tactics involved, and if a heel did cheat, it truely meant something important just happened.
Alright, but that's because Andre was a giant. His heel gimmick still exists in Khali and Big Show, it works for them cause of their size. Smaller heels need to rely on their heads to get over. Like Piper, and the Million Dollar Man.
What I'm saying is, I believe a heel shouldn't have to bring out a chair, talk trash about the place they're in, or any of that other shit, but just go out there, wrestle a smashmouth style, and make it more realistic. The more realistic a character can play, the better. A slow wrestler, trashtalking, and just in your face style, like the old days, should be enough to get a heel over. Run-ins, chairshots, etc are acceptable, but I think they should only be used on very special occations, that way we know something truely unblievable just happened. That would make what we see as a normal heel tactic today, into something only the most evil person in the world would do.
You see Milk, as you pointed out, that was in the old days. Wrestlers that you just described would be over today as a face. A "slow wrestler, trash talking, and in your face style" Describes wrestlers like Triple H, and Austin. Who are both extremely over as "edgy' faces. They both had the occasional weapon run if I'm correct, Trips with his Sledgehammer. Austin with a chair.
The best example of this type heel working I can think of would be Killer Kowalski. He just went out there, wrestled, gave mean looks, talked some trash, outwrestled his oponent and won. Thats the way I picture the perfect heel to be, not all this hardcore chair shots, belt shots bullshit. This would also completely eliminate all the "Cheap heat" arguements and bullshit.
Kowalski wrestled way back then, different generations. His heel style worked for back then, but now it takes a different heel style to be successful today.
and WHAT did the WWE do when they wanted to ENSURE that someone was going to get 100% positive face reaction?

Why bah gawd, they put them in a program against Vick Guerrero. Against her, people will love you, relate to you, Look to you. Which is a heels job, to get the face over.

Well, that would be my point, which is essentially just your point again.

Being a character that is just a heel because the people don't like you is marketable. The WWE will use that. The WWE did use that with Vickie. She started with sympathy because of Eddie, then went heel and never looked back.

People felt like they knew her, then just went with the heel factor. SHE wasn't liked. SHE drew heat. Anyone against her would be instant-face and instant-over. The WWE isn't stupid, and will/did use that to elevate some people.

I don't think marketing these people is a bad thing, just a profitable one. If people know/think they know someone, and know/think they know that they don't like them, then they will boo. That doesn't make the heat any less genuine.

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