The "Shit On An Actor/Actress" Thread

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
Basic concept. Basically, you just think of an Actor or an Actress that you hate and tell us why. It could be for any reason, their actions in their personal lives, their acting,etc. Also, if you feel that someone is unfairly critical of their selection, feel free to defend them. This could be fun if we get enough people to participate. Here's my selection:


Ashton Kutcher, everything about you irritates me. I don't really know whether you're a good actor or not because I haven't seen anything you've done since Punk'd finished up. You played Kelso very well on That 70's Show, but due to the way you carry yourself in public, I can't help but find you annoying as shit. You think you're just a hilarious guy, but you're not. You're as funny as your script wants you to be.

Fuck you, Ashton Kutcher.
John Belushi.....Hollywood's monument to excess.

Excess drugs, excess sex, excess food, excess ego.

If you're looking to find a way to feel sorry for this asshole, don't read "Wired," his biography written by Bob Woodward because it amply demonstrated what a shithead Belushi was. The author reveals that he never met Belushi, which was probably a good thing in that it enabled him to write the book without becoming physically ill at the behavior of his subject.

You can see the progression of Belushi's life as his body size grows along with his opinion of himself. He received scripts requiring his services as an actor; they were perfectly good scripts when they were submitted, but this fat load of parrot shit decided he was going to revise them (which no one had asked him to do) and change them into stories that were totally unusable. The scripts and the projects wound up being discarded after this moron added his "input." Still, he saw himself as an inspired playwright who could alter work done by others and make it better.....which proved delusional. Movie studios wound up refusing to work with him even though his name was still big box office.

You could also see his personal downfall in the films he made as he went along. In "Animal House," he was still straight enough to realize that his best destiny was allowing himself to be portrayed as the fat, carefree slob who runs roughshod outside the basic premise of the screenplay, making fun of himself and everyone else. By the end of his short career, though, he was making movies like "Continental Divide" with Blair Brown to depict himself as a leading man in a love affair movie. The fat shit was so miscast that the movie turned out to be a joke in Hollywood......but Belushi couldn't see it because he was incapable of envisioning himself as anything but perfect.

Still, I wish he hadn't died. Instead, it would have been great if he had lived so I could write him a letter telling him what a flaming asshole he is.
I hate Eva Angelina. I hate that she ruined her perfect natural breasts with those watermelons that she's now trying to pass off as attractive. Sure, I still love the rest of her. But I will never forgive her implants and the part of her that decided they were a good idea. As a result, I would definitely shit on her. Moreover, I'd shit on her while a buddy of mine records it and you pay me for the privilege of letting you watch the recording. I would have explosive diarrhea all over her and I'd let her marvel at the warmth of the feces she's bathing in. And I'd let her know that I'm shitting on her like this because I hate her. I hate her for what she's done to herself. A perfectly good career cut down too soon.
Katherine Heigl


I can not stand Katherine Heigl. She always plays this VERY stuck up and pretentious bitch. This character can be highly annoying, and she always manages to drive me nuts. It's the same story in all of her recent films. No man is good enough for her, but she usually ends up with the slob/alpha male at the end of the movie. Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd are two of my favorites, and they are the only reasons why I didn't hate Knocked Up. Heigl is not a good actress. She plays the same character in almost every movie, and I can't stand to watch another one of her shitty romantic comedies.

Also, when it comes to Ashton Kutcher, Nate is right. He is terrible. The Butterfly Effect is a favorite of mine, but Kutcher's terrible performance really drags that movie down. Kutcher tries to be this funny guy most of the time, but he doesn't amuse me at all. I love Natalie Portman, but Ashton Kutcher is one of the reasons why I stayed away from No Strings Attached.
If there is one actor i hate it's Jack Black.


I thought he was funny at first but he just does the same character in every movie giving that same old "rock on man" or "the gods of rock unite for one final battle of awsomeness" i mean he talks like a ten year old kid in most of his movies/stuff in tenacious d.

I remember watching king kong and cringing every time he came on screen.
I thought he was good in school of rock but he just kept bringing out the same character for most movies after that. So yeah damm you Jack Black for your repetative crap.
Will Ferrell


I do not find him funny in the slightest. All the films I have seen him in he's not funny. I despised him in Zoolander, couldn't stand him in Anchorman (I stopped watching it because the comedy sucked) and generally find that the rest of the cast have to carry him through the film and they are generally more funny than he is.
I am going to save everyone the eye-ache and not post her pic.. I fucking cannot stand Maggie Gyllenhaal. This emotionless gargoyle is the worst part about any move she is in. No energy in what she does and is as funny as finding out your dog died. What makes it worst is that she is usually cast as a love interest. Someone call Cody Rhodes on her ass.

I don't know if she did any more movies, but thank a fictitious gawd that Alicia Moore (Pink) was killed in the movie Catacombs. Fucking butch asshole.

And Alex already said Will Farrell. I hate him too. He isn't funny, his movies all blend together, and damn him for making that piece of shit with the dinosaurs because that is my niece's favorite movie.

Two of my least favorite "actors" right here. Kutcher doesn't get as much TV time these days, so my disdain dwindles in his case; but Heigl on the other hand is probably my least favorite actress going today. Mitch sums up her onscreen annoyances to a T, but she's the same pretentious bitch in real life too. I always hear stories about her bitching, which I guess doesn't surprise, since she's clearly the same pretentious bitch in real life that she normally portrays on screen.

Now, onto a few more.

Justin Long - He's not funny, not in the least bit. You'd think the endless amount of bombed comedy's would hinder the amount of work he gets...You'd think.

Drew Barrymore - Tops my all time list of people I can't stand on my screen, she's basically a talentless hack who continues to get work. She's also a total boner killer too, I think her nudes where the first time I ever lost wood while looking at a nude chick.

I saw this and thought, "Man, I bet Hollywood is just itching to get these 2 hacks in a film together. Ha." Then I went on about my business. Then as the day went on, for some reason the image of those 2 together was just stuck in my mind. Then, I started having flashbacks. I was in a movie theater with my girl and her parents. We were watching a movie, and while everyone in the theater was laughing hysterically, I was completely silent with a look of horror on my face. The picture was fuzzy at first but eventually, it started to clear up. As luck would have it, I saw fucking Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl on a movie screen at the same time. That's right, I had such a terrible movie experience that my mind tried to shut out the memory entirely.

The movie was called The Killers and it is easily the worst movie I have ever went to see in a theater. Her parents loved it so much and to this day, I have absolutely no respect for either of them. God awful, terrible, shit, there are literally no fucking limit to how many negative adjectives to describe this movie. I've never hated a movie so much that it brought out legit anger, but this fucking abomination did it. Fuck you so much Ashton Kutcher. Fuck you and everybody who looks like you.

I go with Mark Wahlberg!
I dont have a good reason, i just hate this guy...
Fuck he is so cocky in live interviews, this mothaf****!
I hate him, i hope he doesnt get in a movie in a long time...
I hate this stupid smile and his stupid acting!!
I definitely have to agree with whoever mentioned Jack Black. I've never seen what the appeal with him is and don't think I ever will. Personally, I don't find him funny, entertaining, nor mildly amusing. Additionally, there are times when I think he tries way too hard to be funny to the point where it feels like he's trying to force it upon people and that to me is a huge turnoff.

Overall, I think he's a terrible actor for the most part and I don't see what everyone else sees in him.
I am 110 % with you guys on Heigl and Kutcher, the worst part is that theyre in so much that I like that i'm constantly having to deal with them and a hate it! Especially Heigl, she has made great movies like Knocked Up and The Ugly Truth and even Bride of Chucky that much worse.

However the actor that makes me twist, turn and cringe in my seat from his horrible performances is the one and only Keanu Reeves. I know alot of people like him and I respect that but I personally cannot stand his goddamn monotone voice in every single movie, if he played a stoned surfer in every movie he'd be spot on. His voice bugs me and I do not understand how women could find him attractive. Point Break and The Replacements were great movies but they could have been so much more without him.


And to Smooth Sexual Chocolate- My dick did a freakin 180 when it saw that Barrymore pic :wacko:
Damn, I was going to say Katherine Heigl too. I might get heat for this, maybe not. I can't stand Cameron Diaz. I used to be in love with her from one of her earliest flicks, The Mask with Jim Carrey. She is really annoying and neurotic in every movie she is in. I don't even make a point in watching any of her movies, but my wife has shit tastes in movies I have to suffer through. I could probably throw in Katherine Heigl, Jennifer Lopez, and Drew Barrymore as annoying neurotic ***** that are in the same roles in the same movies, Ignorant single women that have no idea who they are or what they want.


Next would be this little cock lick right here: Jaden Smith


I have seen corpses as better actors. Apparently he made 1 to 3 million on the new Karate Kid movie. My hat goes off to Will Smith for pimping out his kids to make the money. This kid has a chip on his shoulder and will continue to have as long as people keep sucking up to him.

Other honorable mentions go to Vince Vaughn and Kevin James for playing the same role in every movie. Dumb middle aged neurotic guy and dumb overweight middle aged loser guy. Also, any new Adam Sandler or Eddie Murphy movie in the past 10 years is usually garbage.
Firstly to Eboney, if you don't like Maggie in her love interest roles, check her out as a skanky mum trying to do good in Sherrybaby, very good film.

Personally, I cannot stand this glum-faced, monotonous douchebag who my friends all insist is the best actor ever


For "a joke" my friend bought me Broken Flowers for christmas 2 years ago thinking I would crack and watch it. How wrong he was, it's still in in the plastic wrap.

Bill Murray makes me ill, Murray


This bitch. She is so basic and unappealing it hurts. But what really ticks me off about her besides her mediocre acting ability is the shit she spews out of her mouth in nearly every interview or appearance. Like this, for example:

I don't really have drunk friends. My friends are kind of adult; they have a drink. But they hold their liquor. I think it's incredibly embarrassing when people are drunk. It just looks so ridiculous. I find it very degrading. I think, ooh, you're really degrading yourself right now, to be this pissed out in public.

And there are plenty of gems just like that available for your perusal!

She's so incredibly condescending and full of herself ALWAYS and I don't get what she's done to feel so entitled. She constantly talks about how she hates how intrusive the paparazzi are yet she bathes in the attention she gets from them. It sucks that she's in some movies that I love and I need to endure her existence.

If you're still not sold, I leave you with this:

I love the English lifestyle, it's not as capitalistic as America. People don't talk about work and money, they talk about interesting things at dinner. I like living here because I don't fit into the bad side of American psychology. The British are much more intelligent and civilized than the Americans.

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