The Seven Year Rule


Occasional Pre-Show
There's a concept in wrestling called the seven year rule. It is the idea that a storyline can be repeated after seven years. Obviously, it won't be the exact same storyline, but the general idea. Obviously what constitutes the repeating of a storyline is arguable. For example, the NWO angle ended in 2002. Therefore it would potentially be susceptible to the seven year rule. However, it could be construed that Nexus is a repeated of the NWO angle - a stable takes over, running roughshod.

Most, if not all, of us would like to see original programming, but recyling happens.

So, the question is: what angles that haven't happened for at least seven years would you like to see?
However, it could be construed that Nexus is a repeated of the NWO angle

I think a better example would be Immortal in TNA, that is a blatant rip off of the nWo angle.

I wouldnt mind seeing something similar to the McMahon-Helmsley regime angle, where a single wrestler takes control of the company, as Triple H did in the original. I cant remember exactly when this happened, was it in 2000 or 2001? Maybe someone can help me out with that.

I liked the idea of a heel basically running the show, giving preferential treatment to his associates and constantly screwing over the big-name faces. It really makes you get on the side of the face and increases the anticipation for when the face finally gets the chance to kick the heels ass, as happened with The Rock when he was feuding with Triple H.

I dont think this angle has been repeated in WWE since then, and if it was redone, it would be fresh as Steph, Vince and Triple H would not need to be involved. I would have suggested Randy Orton as the mega-heel who has taken control, but obviously he is a face now. However, I am not sure that with the current WWE roster, there is a big enough heel to play this role right now.....
I think a better example would be Immortal in TNA, that is a blatant rip off of the nWo angle.

I have never quite figured out how someone can "rip-off" their own idea. Re-do it, sure, but that isn't a rip-off. Its kind of amusing how people think just because vince's owns all the ideas in wrestling history, that they are his creations.

I like the general concept expressed in the OP but it probably needs to be qualified with the disclaimer that the idea in general hasn't been done a lot. I know one I have been intrigued by being brought back is the raven-sandman story. It would have been great if Mysterio and Punk had gone there and maybe just maybe this angle-jarrett thing does it. I do think it is annoying how the IWC complains about recycled ideas in any case where there is a remote similarity, even though they know everything has been done at last to an extent. Nexus isn't nwo etc. and to make these loose comparisons at ever turn just seem like people are looking for reasons to bitch about things.
How bout something along the lines of this...Santino is an absolute joke right now obviously. The guy is a total comedy jobber. He comes out one night and complains about it and says he's sick and tired of gettin that sort of treatment. Course, audience shouldn't take him serious, he doesn't seem too bright or angry of a fellow. Then have him go all out heel, maybe even with a developed stable of his own. Have him go on a terror streak, using weapons and anything he can to get people's attention. I'm talking something sadistic, like have Hornswoggle come out and Santino just annihilate the crap out of him. I mean cmon who in their right mind does that to a midget right? lol Bottom line is Santino should just go crazy like serial killer crazy and just terrorize the shit out of everybody.
I do think it is annoying how the IWC complains about recycled ideas in any case where there is a remote similarity, even though they know everything has been done at last to an extent. Nexus isn't nwo etc. and to make these loose comparisons at ever turn just seem like people are looking for reasons to bitch about things.

I get what you're saying, there are similarities where on stable is doing what they want while not technically apart of the organization. The main difference between the original NWO and Nexus ideas were that the NWO was supposed to be sort of a hostile takeover angle while Nexus were a bunch of young guys taking their respect. I think both angles would've worked/would work better if they kept it along those lines. I definitely could've gotten behind Nexus more if that was the case, now they're just WWE employees now.

Anyway, you're right, OP. It's really the same thing with Hollywood, a lot of the movies are essentially the same story. Compare "The Matrix" with "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, both are stories of prophesized saviours that will deliver his people out of the hands of their oppressors. "King Kong" is actually any love story, guy finds girl but can't have her until he takes the initiative. Let's look at it from a pro-wrestling standpoint, RKO vs The McMahons/HHH is actually Stone Cold vs The McMahons in reverse. DX vs Rated RKO was just Flair and Arn Anderson vs The Hollywood Blondes.

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