The Rusev Dilemma


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is not just a problem for Rusev, but a problem in general for how guys like Rusev get booked.

Now don't get me wrong, unlike a lot of guys that get this push, I like Rusev as a performer. They've saddled him with an antiquated and very stale gimmick but he and Lana are making the best of it (even if it's more about getting a USA chant out of the audience than it is anything else). But here's where all of this comes to a head...

Undefeated streaks are pointless, unless you give us a reason to care about the person with said streak. They've done countless big imposing wrestlers with undefeated streaks to introduce them to make them monsters. They've put them over jobbers (even to the point of getting out no names which they only do these days for this purpose. Look at Ryback's climb to the obscurity) and told us these guys mean business. But ultimately it always leads to 2 questions:

1. What happens after they get beaten?
2. Am I invested in the gimmick?

Question 1 is almost always a reflection of question 2. If I'm not invested in the character beyond the absolute superficial, than at some point the character will get stale. Sooner rather than later in fact. And think of how many times the wrestler with said undefeated streaks go right to the middle of the card the moment the streak is done. Ryback, Great Khali and numerous others have been trotted out to us as the next big thing, given ridiculous win streaks and the moment they lose, they cease to be relevant because their characters became defined by an artificial streak.

Rusev is in a dangerous position right now because he's saddled with 2 proverbial albatrosses: A ridiculous win streak, and a gimmick with very limited value.

As I've said, Rusev is a good performer and should be given more to work with in terms of a character, because at present he doesn't have one beyond "I'm a Russian hero and no one can beat me". And this is literally all we know about him.

We're at a point where it's possible he will lose to Cena at WM and short of them having a rematch for the belt he will be lost. They've spent way too much time telling us no one can beat him, so who would you put him up against once he loses? How do you rebuild him once you take away the only thing that defines him?

Lesnar, as a counter example has a similar mystique, but it's actually based on a real career in and out of the WWE. He has a legit history that people remember and can either get behind or hate, but overall they're far more invested in who will or can beat him than they are with Rusev. Rusev is literally just russian # 15 with a beef against the US. It's worked better than Vladimir Kozlov, but that's literally saying nothing at all because the gimmick was an albatross for him as well.

Can the WWE find a way to break the cycle with Rusev, or will they even try?
Yeah, you're right. The problem with this gimmick, and most gimmicks for that matter, is that when they come to an end they mean absolutely nothing again. You have correctly pointed out a few wrestlers who have been put in the same predicament; Kozlov, Ryback and even The Great Khali to come extent. And what have these guys done since? Nothing. Well, perhaps it is a bit early to say for Ryback. But, truth be told, he has failed to capitalise on what the WWE gave him with that gimmick. Which, as you've pointed out, might not be the greatest thing ever.

Rusev, I would like to think, is going to be the exception to this rule. Perhaps it is the optimist in me that is holding onto hope but I really hope that the WWE takes him seriously. I still think there is some legs in the gimmick of being undefeated. I mean, if it can work for Goldberg, then it can work for anyone else really, huh? Rusev seems like he is going to be a main feature for the WWE over the next decade or so, hopefully. So it will be good to see how much stock that WWE put on him. They have already put him over the biggest face in the company, so it is looking good for the young man.

But as you've pointed out, this cannot last forever. The problem being that John Cena is more than certainly going to go over the Russian at WrestleMania and bring his streak to an end unfortunately. What I would like to see, is Rusev going over Cena in a clean encounter. Only then would I really get behind the Rusev movement. And who knows how long it could go on for? If the WWE wanted to, they could keep this streak going for years if they wanted to, eventually losing it to someone who they really wanted to legitimise. Look at what the win against Taker at Mania has done for Lesnar? At this point, I would urge the WWE to take Rusev seriously and really take this gimmick all the way. The have a guy who can really pull it off and it could be one of the most successful gimmicks in their history if they just get behind it.

Sadly though, WrestleMania and John Cena will see it come to an unholy end.
You know I have to say this. I don't give a damm what happens to him and Lana. Didn't like them when they debuted and don't like them now. My son of course thinks I'm crazy cause he thinks Rusev is great, but neither of them do anything for me.

He's good in the ring with is kick boxing type skills, she's just a pain in the ass. I wish someone would beat him and quick and then he might get the hell off my TV. I've seen him at live shows and watching paint dry is more exciting. He has no personality at all, absolutely none. The gimmick only works in the US, they tried it up here and it fell flat. So yea it's a one trick pony.

I know I'm in the minority but I just can't stand him.
I like Rusev, but I think he should've been pushed more as the heel equivalent of Goldberg. I feel his technical losses have watered down the streak- especially when he was counted out by Ryback. The op has a good point, but longevity comes down to how long can they maintain our interest. Either Rusev will immediately become a jobber after he is defeated, will adopt a comedic persona, or maybe he has more mic skills than he's letting on. It's hard to say.

I think Rusev has been booked rather poorly as of late. His 'loss' to Ryback (whom WWE doesn't know what to do with) and being beaten by Roman too easily in the Rumble make no sense when he's about to take on John freaking Cena. You'd think WWE would want to make him look as strong as possible.
Side note I think Vince grand plan is to build Rusev up for Reigns to defeat somewhere down the line at Summerslam or something later this year when its streak vs championship, or who knows maybe they plan that for next years Wrestlemania. That or they think its a big deal for Cena to beat him at WM now.

But I don't like how they are making his streak more important than the US title, his streak isn't that impressive quite yet. Considering all his dq/countout finishes.

Now to what the op is saying, is right, the streak does nothing, and sooner or later it will come to a end, at that point the guys career really starts, cause its either going to sink or swim after he does get that first loss, and most sink because WWE has no idea what to do after they do lose.

And that might be the key problem, WWE only has ideas and writing up to his first loss, and after that they have nothing. I sure on some pad of paper somewhere they have it wrote out "Rusev first loss...... _____ (Cena or Reigns) at this event _____ (WM or Summerslam). And they have nothing past that, no plans, nothing. But at best I'll say if they have any plans its "Rusevs first loss...._____ then he loses at the next 3 PPVs to the same guy ____ (Cena or Reigns), with a couple of losses on Raw.

They just need good long term plans, wouldn't mind the streak just ending on Raw in some freak loss to someone like R Truth in a non title match, have a rematch and with Rusev getting a easy win. Then just make Rusev about being a good US champion on his run to a future WWE title shot.
Goldberg in more of an anomaly in this in my opinion. He was clearly very protected when he first started the streak and it was a slow burn to get him to the main event and the title. And he worked with talent that made him look like a million bucks. But Goldberg grew only out of necessity, and was a fish out of water when he got to the WWE, because he wasn't in the same position. The streak became a hindrance at that point even if they marketed it to boost his popularity.

Rusev has not really grown at this point and because the gimmick is still working hasn't needed to. And when he suffers his first pinfall of submission that will not help him. If he manages to thrive it will be because they had to change something about the gimmick to make it more relatable and relevant.
This problem is easily solved with competent booking. Look at Ryback, Koslov etc. and what happened to them after they lose their first match is that they were suddenly booked to go on a losing streak. It's like promoters think that this is the best way to use a monster heel/face once they have finally been slain.

Cena is beating Rusev at Wrestlemania, that ship sailed as soon as they made it a full on USA v Russia angle on Raw last night. But that doesn't mean Rusev has to turn in to a joke who can't get a win afterwards. Why not have him lose to Cena after putting up a great fight and almost beating him? There's no shame in losing to Cena, everyone has at some point, so how best to keep Rusev over as a legitimate heel threat is to book him as a legitimate heel threat after Wrestlemania.

I'd simply end his Cena feud at Wrestlemania and on Raw the next night I'm move him on a guy like Ziggler, someone he can beat down to get his heat back off the crowd and who he can ultimately defeat in feud. That would set him up for a run at Orton, Bryan or Reigns and now it can be a bit more interesting because he could trade wins & losses with them
If Rusev loses, they should try something like having him snap and go insane. Emphasize the viciousness and violence of his attacks. Even Lana can no longer control him.
I don't really like to jump on the WWE writer-hating bandwagon and detail my vision of how the wrestlers should be booked, but in this case, Cena vs. Rusev is so, so, so wrong. It's just, plain and simple, the worst possible booking decision that does absolutely nothing, NOTHING, for both guys. Unless, of course, Rusev wins. But I think we all know the likelihood of that happening.

You are right, Rusev is defined by his undefeated streak, and is in danger of fading into irrelevance once that streak is done. That wouldn't necessarily be the case if he didn't have the gimmick that he has - for example, wrestlers don't generally fade into irrelevance once they lose the WWE title after a long reign. I can only see the evil Russian gimmick continuing to work if he enters the WWE title picture some time after dropping the US title. Otherwise, it holds no meaning once he's defeated.

And Cena gets absolutely nothing out of this as well. He's back to square one - at WM20, he defeated the unstoppable Big Show for the US title. Now they're literally doing the exact same thing again, except demoting him to the mid-card title picture after being a 15 time world champ - whilst sabotaging a great talent in Rusev, and not giving an up and coming star the chance to beat Rusev (which will, admittedly, still not bode well for Rusev).

The only good things that could come out of this are Cena staying out of the main event picture for the time being, and the US title being given a little bit more prestige.
I'd simply end his Cena feud at Wrestlemania and on Raw the next night I'm move him on a guy like Ziggler, someone he can beat down to get his heat back off the crowd and who he can ultimately defeat in feud. That would set him up for a run at Orton, Bryan or Reigns and now it can be a bit more interesting because he could trade wins & losses with them

And while I think actually having feuds with upper midcarders is exactly what Rusev should be doing, since he's basically run through just about all of them, it would only underline the problem with having him undefeated for so long in the first place. They should have made his first real loss a big deal, but they also need to give him good long feuds with the midcard talent to develop him further. The closest we ever got to that was Swagger, and that hasn't helped because Swagger is sadly irrelevant and only reinforced the USA/ Russia thing that I think can only last but so long.

As the US Champion he should be taking on more competitors in the mid card and not just moving through them. If the mid card looks like they don't stand a chance, why would I care about watching matches with them against him?

Don't get me wrong it could be made to work, but it will have to done far better than it is right now.
Win or lose at WM31, I think Rusev's effectiveness can continue, more because of the way he works than anything else. He's a bad guy with a devastating wrestling style that's all his own.

Bad guys don't wrestle like him; a heel who systemically and methodically breaks down opponents doesn't really get featured in pro wrestling. Bad guys cheat....Rusev doesn't.

Yes, of course it's true he cheated at Fast Lane with a sneak kick to Cena's family jewels......but it seems almost that the tactic was an exception to the rule.....had he not been given the opportunity by Lana stepping into the ring, Rusev probably wouldn't have done it. At that time, I was wondering exactly how he was going to combat the possibility that his signature finishing hold was about to be broken for the first time; would he openly kick Cena in full view of the referee, knowing it would get him disqualified by preserving his undefeated streak? Lana sticking her skirt in the proceedings took that away from us, making the act a common heel practice. But it wasn't the norm for Rusev; I think that's significant.

If he loses to Cena, I think Rusev's career goes on, with him still a dangerous competitor. Maybe they'll need to add elements to what he's doing.....maybe they'll have to increase Lana's role..... but I say Rusev is too effective and unique a performer to drop from the ranks after he loses for the first time.

He ain't no Khali or Koslov, that's for sure.....he's a lot more.
Cena should have won the belt at Fastlane, setting up a Rusev "Ball kick and poor Camel Clutch" win at Wrestlemania. It would have given him heat, given the title some push, and it would have been worth it.

This also shows the holes in "booking a streak" of any sorts. It becomes larger than the gimmick.

The problem in this situation, though, is the fans. The ones that believe that John Cena pinning a wrestler in a feud means the other wrestler's being buried. The ones that believe the only way to get a rub from a big name talent is a clean win in the ring. The ones that believe that John Cena should not even be fighting a midcarder like Rusev.
Its because WWE books guys like Rusev same year after year. Anybody remembers Kozlov? How about Tensai? Its just build heel who cannot talk english well and then after he takes first loss from Cena or someone stronger book him to job to almost anyone.

But I have more faith in Rusev. Because that heat him and Lana are producing with mentioning Russia and Putin is good for at least midcard matches. Lets face it, there are not too much credible heels in midcard so he can be really credible there. But deont think WWE is that smart. After Cena beats him they are gona job him like crazy.
Zero interest in his gimmick since we have seen it tons of times the past thirty years. What would have made him stood out is if he threw the US title in the trash. He would have instantly been the top heel in the company.
Zero interest in his gimmick since we have seen it tons of times the past thirty years. What would have made him stood out is if he threw the US title in the trash. He would have instantly been the top heel in the company.

First of all, Vince would've never allowed that to happen. Secondly, if he did, all he'd be doing is the physical manifestation of many fans' opinions that the mid-card titles mean nothing and would therefore be cheered for doing what a lot of people wanted to see.
One thing that annoys me about Rusev and his gimmick in particular, now I come to think on it. Is that, if he is such a nationalistic piece of shit; bringing out Russian flags and running down the American populace, then why does he kiss the US Championship every time he wins a match with the belt on the line? I know that the idea of a super-nationalistic heel does a lot for the fans (USA! USA!). But it doesn't seem natural that he loves the belt that much, given that he hates what it stands for.
I for one am behind Rusev and Lana.. I want this streak to continue for a bit,it still has steam behind it and face it Rusev has got more athletic ability in his pinky than Kos and Khali had in their bodies combined IMO. I understand when the streak goes so goes Rusev and where does he go from here?

Why not have Rusev continue to CRUSH the competition? I honestly see no reason to end the streak any time soon. He is making it work him and Lana of course..

But as Dave pointed out sadly at WM John Cena will end the streak at WM and beat Rusev. I agree with him,in the sense I want Rusev to beat Cena cleanly and go on to conquer the WWE for years to come.. We all know the rematch will happen it shouldn't but it will at WM. Imagine if Cena puts his career on the line and loses to the Russian national Hero? Wow
This is not just a problem for Rusev, but a problem in general for how guys like Rusev get booked.

Now don't get me wrong, unlike a lot of guys that get this push, I like Rusev as a performer. They've saddled him with an antiquated and very stale gimmick but he and Lana are making the best of it (even if it's more about getting a USA chant out of the audience than it is anything else). But here's where all of this comes to a head...

Undefeated streaks are pointless, unless you give us a reason to care about the person with said streak. They've done countless big imposing wrestlers with undefeated streaks to introduce them to make them monsters. They've put them over jobbers (even to the point of getting out no names which they only do these days for this purpose. Look at Ryback's climb to the obscurity) and told us these guys mean business. But ultimately it always leads to 2 questions:

1. What happens after they get beaten?
2. Am I invested in the gimmick?

Question 1 is almost always a reflection of question 2. If I'm not invested in the character beyond the absolute superficial, than at some point the character will get stale. Sooner rather than later in fact. And think of how many times the wrestler with said undefeated streaks go right to the middle of the card the moment the streak is done. Ryback, Great Khali and numerous others have been trotted out to us as the next big thing, given ridiculous win streaks and the moment they lose, they cease to be relevant because their characters became defined by an artificial streak.

Rusev is in a dangerous position right now because he's saddled with 2 proverbial albatrosses: A ridiculous win streak, and a gimmick with very limited value.

As I've said, Rusev is a good performer and should be given more to work with in terms of a character, because at present he doesn't have one beyond "I'm a Russian hero and no one can beat me". And this is literally all we know about him.

We're at a point where it's possible he will lose to Cena at WM and short of them having a rematch for the belt he will be lost. They've spent way too much time telling us no one can beat him, so who would you put him up against once he loses? How do you rebuild him once you take away the only thing that defines him?

Lesnar, as a counter example has a similar mystique, but it's actually based on a real career in and out of the WWE. He has a legit history that people remember and can either get behind or hate, but overall they're far more invested in who will or can beat him than they are with Rusev. Rusev is literally just russian # 15 with a beef against the US. It's worked better than Vladimir Kozlov, but that's literally saying nothing at all because the gimmick was an albatross for him as well.

Can the WWE find a way to break the cycle with Rusev, or will they even try?

Of course he has potential outside of this... you're just buying into what they are selling now.

The man behind Rusev has arguably the most untapped storyline potential of ANYONE on the roster, or indeed the business... a guy who grew up in the shadow of the USSR (even if Bulgaria was free in his lifetime, it wasn't in his parents), who has come to America, been hated for having his "parent's values/Russia" or indeed cos he loved a girl who will inevitably and horribly turn on him (you just know it's coming... either she goes "Americanised" or he does...more likely she/face as she is American...

So that's a lot of story potential they are not using right now... We never got to see what happened to Ivan Drago after Rocky 4 (although hopefully the Creed film will tell us) but I always imagined the guy defecting, even getting on the same plane back as Rocky and winning the title etc... only to find it hollow... his wife left him, maybe his kids hate him back in Russia and "The American Dream" wasn't what he was sold... Rusev even now is that tale... Equal opportunity for all? Unless the country hate's your leader/hero for example...

If anything he's the Muhammed Hassan that could have been. When the inevitable face run comes, his style is friendly to that, he can be as dominant as a Kane or a Big Show... these are the roles he is being groomed for, not to hold the company on his shoulders ala Cena...he can't, he's not American.

But the reality is WWE is very good at this kind of angle long term... Vince Sr and Jr. built the WWWF/WWE on ethnic stars like Bruno, Pedro, Nikolai, Putski and long term Rusev is one of those... but any non American has to serve their "time" and once it's done, they will become a hero... That's the American Dream WWE sells and it will work for Rusev.
I'm not sure why people are making more out of this "streak" than it is. Hasn't the guy lost a few times via countout, dq? Are we really looking at him or supposed to look at him as undefeatable?

I've never seen much in Rusev. I don't think WWE sees much in him either. He has exceeded my original expectations thanks to Lana, a unique ring repertoire, and cutting promos in a foreign language but I don't think he was ever destined for main event level booking. He is just a guy in an elongated initial push, not someone set to take the company by storm. I'm pretty sure that once WWE sets him up to take that first loss they fully intend on using him to elevate others for as long as he can.

It is basically what a guy like Big E did for him.
I'm not sure why people are making more out of this "streak" than it is. Hasn't the guy lost a few times via countout, dq? Are we really looking at him or supposed to look at him as undefeatable?

I've never seen much in Rusev. I don't think WWE sees much in him either. He has exceeded my original expectations thanks to Lana, a unique ring repertoire, and cutting promos in a foreign language but I don't think he was ever destined for main event level booking. He is just a guy in an elongated initial push, not someone set to take the company by storm. I'm pretty sure that once WWE sets him up to take that first loss they fully intend on using him to elevate others for as long as he can.

It is basically what a guy like Big E did for him.

I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you, man. Well up until a point.

You are 100% right when you say that Rusev has gone above and beyond what everyone expected of him. But he has! He has gone into the gimmick like a Champ and he has made it work really well. I think his whole look is exactly what the WWE are looking for in a monster heel. He reminds me a lot of Umaga, believe it or not, the similarities are actually striking.

I actually think that WWE do see a lot in him. Otherwise why would they be matching him up with the biggest face in the company? Unless it is to stroke the considerable ego of John Cena? I don't think that's right. I think that the WWE can see what he can have along career at the top. Maybe not the very top like some people have been talking about. But booking him in a good way here will set him up for life. He could be what Umaga should have been.

I have hope for him in all honesty. I should know better as a WWE but I am glass half full kind of guy.
Rusev's first "real" loss needs to come against someone the fans love and respect in a great match.....Daniel Bryan would seem to fit the bill.

If it happens in a classic, close match to a great wrestler, it won't hurt long as they keep booking him strong.

Think Samoa Joe-Kurt Angle. Joe's first loss came to Angle, and that loss did not hurt him at all.

What hurt Joe was all the other losses to Angle.....and then his booking after. If they would've made it a 50/50 feud, and then kept booking him really strong, he would've been fine.
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you, man. Well up until a point.

You are 100% right when you say that Rusev has gone above and beyond what everyone expected of him. But he has! He has gone into the gimmick like a Champ and he has made it work really well. I think his whole look is exactly what the WWE are looking for in a monster heel. He reminds me a lot of Umaga, believe it or not, the similarities are actually striking.

You could be right. I don't know how Vince or HHH think about guys and I especially have no insight in to what they see or originally saw in Rusev when he debuted.

I just look at his debut in WWE in the Rumble ('13) where he didn't seem to be there for much more than to catch Kofi and put him on the barrier and then the long stretch where I don't remember seeing him again. I feel like (and again this is just a feeling) the gimmick he was provided was more about having to attach someone to the tremendous talent they had in Lana. Since they don't have an actual Russian who fits the image they wanted they decided Rusev was the closest thing and had him change his loyalty from Bulgarian to Russia.

I actually think that WWE do see a lot in him. Otherwise why would they be matching him up with the biggest face in the company? Unless it is to stroke the considerable ego of John Cena? I don't think that's right. I think that the WWE can see what he can have along career at the top. Maybe not the very top like some people have been talking about. But booking him in a good way here will set him up for life. He could be what Umaga should have been.

Giving him Cena is clearly a sign that they do see something in him. I just think they didn't see much in him two years ago and I'm not sure how much they see in him now. This Cena story just kind of fits in the always close to completion Cena puzzle where they constantly seem to struggle finding someone fresh for him to work with. Rusev may just be the getting this never been pinned or submitted push because management had nothing else for Cena to do at Mania. Again, just like with Lana, Rusev feels like a guy who is in the right place at the right time.

I have hope for him in all honesty. I should know better as a WWE but I am glass half full kind of guy.

I haven't been a glass full guy in regard to WWE lately. I've been pretty bored, disinterested, and disappointed too often lately. I hope for the best for Rusev. His ring skills are pretty good and I am pleased with his promos. I used to suggest that Del Rio should cut his promos in Spanish. I think using a foreign language is a great way to get heel heat. I also think his reaction to the Russian flag malfunction was terrific.
Of course he has potential outside of this... you're just buying into what they are selling now.

The man behind Rusev has arguably the most untapped storyline potential of ANYONE on the roster, or indeed the business... a guy who grew up in the shadow of the USSR (even if Bulgaria was free in his lifetime, it wasn't in his parents), who has come to America, been hated for having his "parent's values/Russia" or indeed cos he loved a girl who will inevitably and horribly turn on him (you just know it's coming... either she goes "Americanised" or he does...more likely she/face as she is American...

So that's a lot of story potential they are not using right now... We never got to see what happened to Ivan Drago after Rocky 4 (although hopefully the Creed film will tell us) but I always imagined the guy defecting, even getting on the same plane back as Rocky and winning the title etc... only to find it hollow... his wife left him, maybe his kids hate him back in Russia and "The American Dream" wasn't what he was sold... Rusev even now is that tale... Equal opportunity for all? Unless the country hate's your leader/hero for example...

If anything he's the Muhammed Hassan that could have been. When the inevitable face run comes, his style is friendly to that, he can be as dominant as a Kane or a Big Show... these are the roles he is being groomed for, not to hold the company on his shoulders ala Cena...he can't, he's not American.

But the reality is WWE is very good at this kind of angle long term... Vince Sr and Jr. built the WWWF/WWE on ethnic stars like Bruno, Pedro, Nikolai, Putski and long term Rusev is one of those... but any non American has to serve their "time" and once it's done, they will become a hero... That's the American Dream WWE sells and it will work for Rusev.

I'm not buying what's being sold, I'm reflecting on the lack of success of the gimmick in the past and how it doesn't bode well for Rusev overall.

Overall many people that have responded have had more faith in the WWE and their intentions for Rusev, and that's fine. All I'm saying overall is that their track record with 'Russians' in recent years is very poor (old school cold war era 'russian' wrestlers nothwithstanding). Rusev is indeed making the most of the gimmick but I don't see the life in it many here are indicating. I don't see the interest because Rusev as a character is despite his skills largely one dimensional. I don't trust that once the streak ends they will know how to handle him, because once again their track record with that is abysmal.

If they make it work, I'll be the first to admit it. But right now I don't see it. WWE has squandered lots of great talent in the past, so doing it with Rusev is not the unlikely scenario some are painting.

We shall see.
Rusev is great. If he can retain his heat after his first loss then he needs to be on the road to the WHC. He is the only true heel on the roster, he actually gets know that's what heels are supposed to do. He's not out there to make jokes or to entertain but "crush" his opponents. You don't need a perfect record to be booked like the super-athlete Lana says he is.

Winning, or undefeated streaks, are usually more of a hinderance than anything. Once he is free of that the real struggle begins. He doesn't get heat for being undefeated either so it's not like the streak is the sole reason he is over, he is over because he beats America's heroes. He can continue to do that without the streak either.

Fast Lane sold me on Rusev, he doesn't need anything but solid booking to maintain his current place.
Everyone complaining about Rusev possibly losing to do realize this is a soap opera, that bad guys are created to wreak havoc on the good guys and ultimately the good guys triumph in the end, otherwise the audience hates the product and quits watching.

The fact WWE gave Rusev a win over Cena at FastLane is a huge bonus for him, and give Cena credit, he's a company guy who loses when asked (think Hulk Hogan gives that loss ). Yes, it's to build to a W-Mania match with Cena winning but you have to see the forest for the trees.... 1) Cena's match will be among the four biggest on the card, likely tied with Taker-Wyatt and just underneath Sting-HHH & Lesnar-Reigns in terms of importance to the card's promotion 2) If you are working with Cena in that scenario and are allowed to have a strong showing even in a loss it's a great thing for you.

fans get so hung up on wins and's how you are portrayed over all in the storylines and how competitive the match itself is that matters, much more than actually winning. Otherwise Randy Savage wouldn't be a HOFer, he'd be a slightly more memorable version of George South, the prominent career jobber in the NWA and AWA, after all, Savage spent most of his first two years in WWE getting beaten by Steamboat and Hogan, at least in match results, yet he was portrayed in such a way that he was ELEVATED in the minds of the audience. Same with Sting vs Ric Flair, Sting became a sensation and hugely popular star based largely on the fact that he came really close to beating Flair in great matches without actually winning. Think about that for a minute. It was years before he won a meaningful match vs Flair and in the end lost more high profile bouts between the two than he won, yet that feud made him a superstar.

Edge's work with John Cena took him from tag team guy and mid carder to full blown lead heel and main eventer, a major elevation for him as a legit top tier singles star, although he lost most of their matches.

If Rusev is promoted strong going into the match and after the event and especially if he is given the chance to have a strong showing in their actual Mania bout he will get a huge boost from this, even if he loses to Cena.

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