The Rock's Movie Roles

CM Steel

A REAL American
Ever since Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson got his feet wet in Hollywood as an actor (from the wrestling ring). The Rock's/Dwayne's movie role parts have been critized by many in & outside the wrestling world. By wrestling fans, the internet, and the media about the Rock's acting career. The Rock is known for being an action star. Like action movies like...

1. The Rundown
2. Walking Tall
3. Doom
4. Faster

But on the other side the Rock has been on the "PG" end of family-friendly movies like...

1. The Game Plan
2. Race to Witch Mountain
3. The Tooth Fairy
4. Journey 2

The Gridiron Gang involved the Rock playing a juvenile hall camp footbal coach turns the juveniles into a strong united unit putting their netgive's aside. It had teenagers in the movie, but it served for a good purpose.

The Rock himself has slammed (no pun intended) the WWE's movie department about their films. Would it be a step back for the Rock to do a WWE movie justice and star in atlease one WWE flick? And what movie's should the Rock be starring/playing in mainly, the action movie's or the family-friendly movies??
It would definitely be a step back for the Rock to star in a WWE film. WWE has put out crap movies. WWE Films was started to counter the Rock, for Vince to try to make movie stars out of his wrestlers. He figured if Rock was able to make himself into a movie star, then Vince himself can make his wrestlers into movie stars too. He epically failed.

Rock should be in both action and family movies. I'd like to see him in a Roger Rabbit/ Space Jam type flick where he teams up with Bugs Bunny or maybe even Fred Flintstone.

Rock has said that he wants to try challenging, dramatic roles as well. It wouldn't be a bad idea to cast him as a homeless Iraq War veteran in a movie about post-war hardship. Or cast him as a villain in a Superman movie.

Good luck to him. He proved Monday that he's a good actor because he convinced people that he was actually flustered.
I dont think Rock wants to. It would be a huge step back in his movie career.
Rock starring in a soley WWE produced film will still flop. He knows that too. The guy is a D-List actor. He is not going to save WWE films.
It would definitely be a step back for the Rock to star in a WWE film. WWE has put out crap movies. WWE Films was started to counter the Rock, for Vince to try to make movie stars out of his wrestlers. He figured if Rock was able to make himself into a movie star, then Vince himself can make his wrestlers into movie stars too. He epically failed.

Rock should be in both action and family movies. I'd like to see him in a Roger Rabbit/ Space Jam type flick where he teams up with Bugs Bunny or maybe even Fred Flintstone.

Rock has said that he wants to try challenging, dramatic roles as well. It wouldn't be a bad idea to cast him as a homeless Iraq War veteran in a movie about post-war hardship. Or cast him as a villain in a Superman movie.

Good luck to him. He proved Monday that he's a good actor because he convinced people that he was actually flustered.

This. The guy has a movie called Snitch, Fast and Furious 6, G.I. Joe, and he will be playing Hercules, why should he do a WWE movie? WWE Films will be long gone by next year because they are not succeeding.

Also, I agree with your quote about Monday.
His career would take a massive step back if he did a couple of movies for WWE films. His name does sell movies, but only family friendly fare or violent action movies. I would point you to the chaperone to demonstrate WWE films inability to do either of those things
Weren't Walking Tall and the Rundown co-produced by WWE films? I think Walking Tall was but not sure about the other.

Anyway, no. WWE films should be saved for WWE superstars. If Rock was in one then it may do pretty well in it's special limited release for a week in cinemas before winding up in a bargain bin a couple of weeks later. However his hypothetical film doing well wouldn't guarantee the next one would do as well, or the one after that etc.

Let Cena, Punk, Orton and the like do some. Hell, if Ted DiBiase got to be in one then all bets are off. Rock has made it in Hollywood and wants to continue doing what he's doing there so leave the WWE film roles to the WWE guys.
Weren't Walking Tall and the Rundown co-produced by WWE films? I think Walking Tall was but not sure about the other.

Anyway, no. WWE films should be saved for WWE superstars. If Rock was in one then it may do pretty well in it's special limited release for a week in cinemas before winding up in a bargain bin a couple of weeks later. However his hypothetical film doing well wouldn't guarantee the next one would do as well, or the one after that etc.

Let Cena, Punk, Orton and the like do some. Hell, if Ted DiBiase got to be in one then all bets are off. Rock has made it in Hollywood and wants to continue doing what he's doing there so leave the WWE film roles to the WWE guys.

Yeah, Walking Tall was, and so was The Scorpion King. Scorpion King, by the looks of it, was the first film that WWF/E got involved in, at least in a producing sense, since No Holds Barred.
He was also in Too Cool and that weird ass movie with Sarah Michelle Gellar made by the dude who did Donny Darko... I can't remember.

He has done some terrible shit, but he has actually done some good movies and without doubt is a star.. not an A-Lister but he is a legit movie star.

WWE films however are all crap. I didn't mind the one with Stone Cold that was a rip off of that Japanese movie set on an island with Teenagers. That was okish.

The Marine was on tv here the other night... it really reminded me how terrible Cena is. It's likely storyline, but I think he really is jealous of the Rock deep down. I am sure if he could have Cena would have gone off to Hollywood too.
Oh,it would be a HUGE step back for The Rock. To go from major studio productions to a WWE Film production. Then again,WWE managed to get Danny Glover and Patricia Clarkson to do Legendary,so who knows? Realistically though,The Rock stands to gain nothing from doing a low-budget movie with a terrible screenplay which goes straight-to-DVD. He has the safety net of Disney,so he'll never have to do a WWE Film-produced movie. All he has to do is put on a tutu or maybe fairy wings and go act like a tough guy,because that's comedy gold,I tells ya.

But if,for some strange reason,Mercury crashes into Pluto and Neptune starts singing Whitney Houston songs and The Sun implodes and The Rock does a WWE film,I'll bet my ass he'll be doing an action movie so he can show off how much of a tough guy he is. To be honest,I'm surprised that Faster wasn't produced by WWE Films,because it sure as hell looked like it was produced by WWE Films.
i think for the most part, the rock makes very entertaining movies. i enjoy most of them, especially grid iron gang where the rock shows that he is a pretty damn good actor. a lot of emotion and anger etc. for him to do wwe films would definitely set him back because he has seen some success with his movies. if he did do a wwe film, then that script better some grade A shit but thats unlikely.
First of all Dawyne Johnson has done two movies for WWE Fims. The Rundown and Walking Tall were both produced by WWE Films. Secondly you guys make it sound like he's this great actor when the truth is he can't carry a film by himself. Just because I'm bored and want to prove a point here is a list of Johnson's movies with how much thier budget was and how much they made in box office reciepts

The Mummy Returns B: 98m BO: 433M (Small Part)
The Scorpion King B: 60M BO: 165.3M 91M Domestic
The Rundown B: 85M BO: 80.9M
Walking Tall B: 46M BO: 57.2M Worldwide 46.4M Domestic
Be Cool B: 53M BO: 95.2M (Small Part)
Doom B: 60M BO: 55.9M
Gridiron Gang B: 30M BO: 41.4M
The Gameplan B: 22M BO: 150M (Disney)
Get Smart B: 80M BO: 230.6M (Small Part)
Race To Witch Mountian B: 50M BO: 106.3M (Disney)
Planet 51 B: 70M BO: 105.4M (Family)
Tooth Fairy B: 48M BO: 112.4M (Disney)
Faster B: 24M BO: 35.5M
The Other Guys B: 100M BO: 170.4M (Small Role)
Fast Five B: 125M BO: 626.1M (Small Role)

Now the term blockbuster is defined as a movie that makes it's money back way beyond it's budgeted amount. While it is true he has had small parts in various blockbusters his acting really didn't make or break the movie as well. If you look at the movies where he has had the lead role he really hasn't fared too well at the box office. His Disney movies and the 2 movies he's done for Dreamworks did very well because they are family movies plus Disney movies always make a ton of money no matter who the lead is because Disney just knows how to market thier movies to thier audience and so does Dreamworks for that matter.

Now with the exception of the afforementioned Disney and Dreamworks he has only had one movie that was truley a blockbuster. The movies he has been the lead in have only made 10-15 millon in profits. Everybody says The Rundown was a box office hit but it lost 5 million so how is it a box office hit. My point is if Dawyne Johnson is the lead of a movie that isn't a family film nobody really cares. The problem with him is he started off bigger than he actually is.

He should have gone the route that Stone Cold Steve Austin and John Cena went. Austin did one theatrical movie where he was the lead and it only made about 8M at the box office but did well in DVD sales and Austin decided to do movies that went direct to video and they have each had respectable sales numbers becasue unlike The Rock, Austin knows his limitations as an actor and every time he has a movie come out direct to video he gets a little better. Cena has done the same thing as he did two theartrical movies The Marine had a budget of 20M and made 22.1M at the box office so Cena's first lead movie actually made a profit.

12 Rounds was made on a 20M budget and only made 18.1M at the box office for a loss of 2M and then he started making direct to video movies as well. Triple H has done the same thing along with Edge and Bautista and RVD. The reason these wrestlers do direct to video movies is because it offers a great way to improve thier acting skills and studios don't make a big finincial investment either. Now the difference between Johnson and all the wrestlers I just mentioned is Cena and Austin actually have acting skills while Johnson is always over the top and is wooden in his acting.

One last thing, Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson did not pave the way for wrestlers to be actors. Hulk Hogan and Rowdy Roddy Piper were doing that long before Rock was even a household name. Rock may have made it the "cool" thing to do put he certianly didn't pave the way.
The Mummy Returns B: 98m BO: 433M (Small Part)
The Scorpion King B: 60M BO: 165.3M 91M Domestic
The Rundown B: 85M BO: 80.9M
Walking Tall B: 46M BO: 57.2M Worldwide 46.4M Domestic
Be Cool B: 53M BO: 95.2M (Small Part)
Doom B: 60M BO: 55.9M
Gridiron Gang B: 30M BO: 41.4M
The Gameplan B: 22M BO: 150M (Disney)
Get Smart B: 80M BO: 230.6M (Small Part)
Race To Witch Mountian B: 50M BO: 106.3M (Disney)
Planet 51 B: 70M BO: 105.4M (Family)
Tooth Fairy B: 48M BO: 112.4M (Disney)
Faster B: 24M BO: 35.5M
The Other Guys B: 100M BO: 170.4M (Small Role)
Fast Five B: 125M BO: 626.1M (Small Role)

You can criticize The Rock's movies all you want but the movies he has been a lead role in have made more than the budget at the box office except for Doom and The Rundown. However, Doom has made 28 mill in dvd sales and I'm sure The Rundown has made the same or more. When you say small roles, the Other Guys and The Mummy Returns were small roles. However, he was featured throughout the movies Be Cool, Get Smart, and Fast Five, almost as much as the main characters. Don't forget Journey 2 is a starring role and G.I. Joes is a starring role and from the looks of the end of Fast Five, it looks like his role will be expanded even more in the next film.

The Rock may not have paved the way but he the one who has succeeded the most.
It wouldn't be a step back. I don't see any reason why The Rock couldn't throw WWE a bone and act in one of their movies. Sure, he's a bigger name actor than anybody else on the roster, but he's no Al Pacino. Hollywood casting directors aren't going to discredit him as an actor, just because he does a WWE movie. Regardless of those around him, it would really come down to his performance -- that would be the only thing (a shitty performance) that could cause him to step back.

Now, do I think he'll ever do a WWE movie? Not likely. He's got plenty of other acting jobs going for him and I don't see him bending his schedule around just to do "17 Rounds: The Marine 64." I can see a small appearance as a possibility, but I doubt he'd be the lead. Then again, I don't know if The Rock's ego would allow him to NOT be the lead in a WWE production. I don't think for one moment he sees WWE as being on his level, even if it wouldn't affect his stock in Hollywood. I could be wrong though.

For the sake of the questions asked, if Rock was to ever do a WWE movie, I'd think it would be something that they would try to appeal with a more mainstream audience with or maybe give him an action role, as he seems to be at his best there. It would definitely be a more family friendly movie, but I'd think his role would be something like John Cena is given or like he has had in prior movies like "Walking Tall" and "The Rundown."
You can criticize The Rock's movies all you want but the movies he has been a lead role in have made more than the budget at the box office except for Doom and The Rundown. However, Doom has made 28 mill in dvd sales and I'm sure The Rundown has made the same or more. When you say small roles, the Other Guys and The Mummy Returns were small roles. However, he was featured throughout the movies Be Cool, Get Smart, and Fast Five, almost as much as the main characters. Don't forget Journey 2 is a starring role and G.I. Joes is a starring role and from the looks of the end of Fast Five, it looks like his role will be expanded even more in the next film.

The Rock may not have paved the way but he the one who has succeeded the most.

You compleatly missed the point. The point I was trying to make is that The Rock can't carry a movie as a lead. When I said small role I should have said supporting role.
It wouldn't be a step back. I don't see any reason why The Rock couldn't throw WWE a bone and act in one of their movies. Sure, he's a bigger name actor than anybody else on the roster, but he's no Al Pacino. Hollywood casting directors aren't going to discredit him as an actor, just because he does a WWE movie. Regardless of those around him, it would really come down to his performance -- that would be the only thing (a shitty performance) that could cause him to step back.

Now, do I think he'll ever do a WWE movie? Not likely. He's got plenty of other acting jobs going for him and I don't see him bending his schedule around just to do "17 Rounds: The Marine 64." I can see a small appearance as a possibility, but I doubt he'd be the lead. Then again, I don't know if The Rock's ego would allow him to NOT be the lead in a WWE production. I don't think for one moment he sees WWE as being on his level, even if it wouldn't affect his stock in Hollywood. I could be wrong though.

For the sake of the questions asked, if Rock was to ever do a WWE movie, I'd think it would be something that they would try to appeal with a more mainstream audience with or maybe give him an action role, as he seems to be at his best there. It would definitely be a more family friendly movie, but I'd think his role would be something like John Cena is given or like he has had in prior movies like "Walking Tall" and "The Rundown."

Did you not read my post. He has already been in two WWE films. The Rundown and Walking Tall were produced by WWE Films. So please stop saying he has never done any movies for WWE Films because it makes people look stupid and ignorant.
Did you not read my post. He has already been in two WWE films. The Rundown and Walking Tall were produced by WWE Films. So please stop saying he has never done any movies for WWE Films because it makes people look stupid and ignorant.

They were co-produced by WWE Films, just like the Scorpion King. Ever since then, WWE has been producing movies by themselves. That's a huge difference. The Rundown and Walking Tall, in essence, weren't WWE productions as they had two other studios carrying the load. He really hasn't done those movies for WWE, they basically tagged along for the ride with him.

People are trying to say he'd probably never do a solely produced WWE movie. A WWE Studios production and a film that had WWE Studios involved in a small capacity are not the same thing, that's my point.
Let's not forget most actors can't carry a lead in a movie and let alone make a profit. The list is very small so lets not all hate on the rocks acting career. He is actually doing quite well for himself considering he came from wrestling. He is having the best run in his acting career currently with fast five last year, GI Joe this year, fast six next year and Michael bays new movie next year as well.
You compleatly missed the point. The point I was trying to make is that The Rock can't carry a movie as a lead. When I said small role I should have said supporting role.

He doesn't have to carry a movie on his own--the Rock is a bonafide movie star. People will pay money to see him in movies; his film career has been extremely successful. You can spin it however you want with your platitude of numbers. He's left wrestling and can stay away from wrestling because what he is doing in Hollywood is working and people want him in their movies. If they didn't, he would have returned to WWE full-time a long time ago and been in one or two of their terrible projects.

You said in your other post that the Rock should have followed the route of Austin and Cena? Are you nuts? I don't know the numbers, but I'm pretty confident Rock has made a little more money than those guys by going the route HE went.

And obviously Rock didn't set the trend of wrestlers going into movies, but he's had the most success by far of any wrestler to do it. Don't even bring Hogan and Piper into this; who cares if they did it first? Rock's obviously had the best track record of any wrestler to cross-over.

You might not like his movies or the fact he left wrestling, but this is a really stupid argument to say he's not been successful or not as "good as people thought he was." People dissing the Rock here seem as jealous of him as certain wrestlers in the back right now do.

First off The Rock has never appeared in any DreamWorks films.The Movie Planet 51 was distuributed by Sony Pictures.Secondly, The Tooth Fairy is not a Disney film that Movie was distributed by 20th Century Fox.The Rock has only been in two Disney Films which are:The Game Plan and Race To Witch Mountain. And he has also appeared on Disney Channel shows such as Hannah Montana, Cory In The House, And Wizards of Waverly Place. And last of all you may not like The Rock's movies but they are hits.And who cares if his biggest box office sucesss comes from family films, is that a bad thing?And by the way in case you think I don't know what I am talking about in regards in which Studio which financed each film here is a link:
Ever since Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson got his feet wet in Hollywood as an actor (from the wrestling ring). The Rock's/Dwayne's movie role parts have been critized by many in & outside the wrestling world. By wrestling fans, the internet, and the media about the Rock's acting career. The Rock is known for being an action star. Like action movies like...

1. The Rundown
2. Walking Tall
3. Doom
4. Faster

But on the other side the Rock has been on the "PG" end of family-friendly movies like...

1. The Game Plan
2. Race to Witch Mountain
3. The Tooth Fairy
4. Journey 2

The Gridiron Gang involved the Rock playing a juvenile hall camp footbal coach turns the juveniles into a strong united unit putting their netgive's aside. It had teenagers in the movie, but it served for a good purpose.

The Rock himself has slammed (no pun intended) the WWE's movie department about their films. Would it be a step back for the Rock to do a WWE movie justice and star in atlease one WWE flick? And what movie's should the Rock be starring/playing in mainly, the action movie's or the family-friendly movies??

Considering WWE movies are only in select movie theaters in the US and are out for like a week before they are released on would be a HUGE step back for The Rock. It would be almost borderline assanine to do that.

The movies he does now actually have build up and global coverage in theaters and you have to wait more than a week before it comes out on DVD.
A movie selling is mostly marketing. The Transformer movies are generally seen as shit, but they sell a lot.

Daniel Day-Lewis is a million times the actor Dwayne is, but he's not as big of a "star" really.

On the scale of "acting" Dwayne's pretty low. On the scale of being a star, Dwayne is about where Vin diesel is. That being "o yea that's that one guy who....". Dwayne is a C lister I'd say. Being in summer blockbuster action movies doesn't make you a good actor or a star, you're just a semi-marketable face.

If Rock did a WWE film, maybe it'd be a step down. WWE's film department doesn't have the man power to make a ton of money. They can't go out and hire Michael Bay to take a brand and blow shit up and produce eye candy for 2 hours.

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