The Rock working with Vince McMahon on a temporary return to WWE

Ambiguous Turd

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Don't look for The Rock in a WWE ring any time soon.

But you can catch him, as Dwayne Johnson, on the big screen, starring in Tooth Fairy, which opens in theatres next Friday.

"The plan was for me to be the (Monday Night RAW) host (Jan. 11)," says Johnson. "But then I had to go to Mexico (to promote the movie). The idea of me going back to WWE is intriguing and exciting. I grew up in the business.

"Will I go back? Absolutely. The goal is to go back and do something special. I talked to Vince (McMahon) a couple of months ago and we're trying to come up with something.

"After I wrap (filming of action movie) Faster, maybe in the summer I can go back."

Now before anyone gets all excited over this, no where did it say anywhere in here that The Rock would necessarily be wrestling. It did say that he was planning "something special", however that could mean a variety of things.

For example, I wouldn't be in the very least surprised that he would take over as Raw GM for the summer, or something to that effect, since he stated several times in the past like Steve Austin, that his wrestling career was over.

Also, one has to keep in mind how many times these rumors have come up in the past, and how many times they have failed to come to fruition.

He did say "maybe the Summer", but that certainly doesn't sound to me like anything is set in stone for that ... and that rather, he simply is talking off the top of his head.

There's a lot of things to ponder here and therefore I have several questions to ask you, the posters.

1) Do you think there is a realistic chance that The Rock could return to the WWE in any capacity for more then one appearance?

2) If so, what do you actually forsee him doing? Who do you forsee him interacting with?

3) Do you forsee anyone on the current roster actually receiving a rub from interacting with The Rock, or do you think it will simply result in entertainment for the viewers while he would be there?

4) Besides what he may actually do, what would you WANT to see him do and who do you personally want to see him interact with?
1) Do you think there is a realistic chance that The Rock could return to the WWE in any capacity for more then one appearance?

Well, there's always a chance isn't there. Going on the fact that they're apparently planning 'something special', I think that could point towards The Rock possibly returning for more than one show. However, how are we to really know? I hear rumours all the time regarding The Rock's WWE return, with the latest being that Vince is working hard for him to come back and work a match as soon as Wrestlemania but obviously, the above dispells that notion. Add to the mix that there are always reports coming out detailing how The Rock has his mind firmly set on his acting career and that puts doubt in my mind that he will return for any extended period of time. I think the best thing to do here is wait and see.

2) If so, what do you actually forsee him doing? Who do you forsee him interacting with?

I think the most likely capacity I could see him in would be as the Guest GM of Raw, should that survive until the summer. If not, then I still think he'll show up on Raw and interact with none other than John Cena. Again, all this is dependent on how long he's going to hang around for.

3) Do you forsee anyone on the current roster actually receiving a rub from interacting with The Rock, or do you think it will simply result in entertainment for the viewers while he would be there?

If WWE want to experience any long term success from The Rock's return then they would have him put Cena over in some capacity, much in the same way The Rock was put over by Hogan at Westlemania 18 in a passing of the torch-type deal. The way I see it, The Rock can still be entertaining while also putting someone on the map in the process.

4) Besides what he may actually do, what would you WANT to see him do and who do you personally want to see him interact with?

I would like to see him interact with John Cena, first and foremost. Why? Because it's one of those things that needs to be done. You always hear of some real-life animosity between these two and I think that would be cool to see play out in the WWE. In addition, the promos would have the potential to be really entertaining and it would be a battle of an old fan favourite against the new fan favourite. A less obvious person I would like to see The Rock go up against in some form is Shawn Michaels as that is also long overdue...
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Now before anyone gets all excited over this, no where did it say anywhere in here that The Rock would necessarily be wrestling. It did say that he was planning "something special", however that could mean a variety of things.

For example, I wouldn't be in the very least surprised that he would take over as Raw GM for the summer, or something to that effect, since he stated several times in the past like Steve Austin, that his wrestling career was over.

Also, one has to keep in mind how many times these rumors have come up in the past, and how many times they have failed to come to fruition.

He did say "maybe the Summer", but that certainly doesn't sound to me like anything is set in stone for that ... and that rather, he simply is talking off the top of his head.

There's a lot of things to ponder here and therefore I have several questions to ask you, the posters.

1) Do you think there is a realistic chance that The Rock could return to the WWE in any capacity for more then one appearance?

2) If so, what do you actually forsee him doing? Who do you forsee him interacting with?

3) Do you forsee anyone on the current roster actually receiving a rub from interacting with The Rock, or do you think it will simply result in entertainment for the viewers while he would be there?

4) Besides what he may actually do, what would you WANT to see him do and who do you personally want to see him interact with?

1. I think there is always a chance that The Rock will return for more than just various video vignettes. Look at how many times Hogan has left and come back during his career, even after it's been said that Hogan would never go back.

2. I'm not sure what I actually see The Rock doing. I've heard the possibility of being a guest host on Raw, but I don't see that as being enough. I liked what they teased with Orton taking out Bret Hart with the Legend Killer gimmick, maybe they do something there with The Rock after SummerSlam leading up to the Survivor Series.

3/4. I've read people saying that he'd make a great general manager. I disagree with that. A GM position to me doesn't fit The Rock's persona or charisma. However, if The Rock could be a mouthpiece for someone, or create a stable, sort of like the Heenan Family, that would be outstanding. Maybe a heel stable of cocky, brash wrestlers with limited mic skills on all three brands. If I had to set a roster for this stable it would be:

Jack Swagger
Priceless (yes, keep Dibiase/Rhodes as a team, but get rid of this second generation storyline, it's getting old)

Zack Ryder

Dolph Ziggler
Drew McIntyre
1.Realistically, i can see him in a Bret Hart-type of deal. Some appearences here and there, on monday nights.I don't see him however stepping in the ring for another match.That would truly be a shock to me.

2.Well, i can see him doing a few promos, to please the fans.That would be a *must* for me. Obviously he would interact with Vince; that's pretty much granted. And of course he'll be confronted by the *face* of the company, Cena. Well, that should be pretty entertaining.

3.On the current roster? It's hard to think of someone worthy enough of that *honor* - and no, i'm not joking -. I won't talk about veterans such as Jericho or Triple H, because they don't need the *rub*.

Neither will i talk about Cena or Orton, because they're already known by the fans and won't necessarily benefit or lose something from interacting with The Rock - although it would make for good tv - .

I would love however to see Kofi interacting with The Rock. Or maybe MVP. But alas, i think we'll probably see Rocky involved in some sort of unfunny backstage skit with Hornswoggle.

4.I'm going to think a little bit outside the box : how about we see Rocky confronted by The Miz? Miz is a well-known Rock fan, he developed quite nicely on the mic and he could really benefit from going toe-to-toe with Rocky. Hell, i could even conjure up a storyline with these two. AND, if Rocky goes through with it, we could see a few weeks of promos, berating each-other and backstage skits + a blow-off match that would elevate Miz immensely.
I still think there's a chance that The Rock will wrestle John Cena at Wrestle Mania. Despite what people say, Vince McMahon is not delusional. If - as reported - he is still holding out hope of booking The Rock vs Cena at Mania, then there's a good reason for him holing out hope.

I understand that Rock said his "return" might come in the summer after his movie finishes shooting - which would mean a post-Mania return - but this wouldn't be the first time that someone tried to swerve the fans by using the media.

I think a lot of people would agree that a Mania match would be the "something special" that Rock is talking about. He wouldn't even need to appear on Raw to do it - they could have Cena call out The Rock on Raw and then have Michael Cole read a statement from The Rock's "spokesperson" the next week saying that he accepts Cena's challenge at Mania. Then we don't even need to see The Rock until the big show.

It'd be a one-time deal. It'd create huge interest in the ppv. And it would be "something special" for The Rock that would require a minimum committment.
1) Do you think there is a realistic chance that The Rock could return to the WWE in any capacity for more then one appearance?

not if he doesn't wrestle no.. i don't see him fitting the general manager position for more than a guest host appearence quite honestly.

2) If so, what do you actually forsee him doing? Who do you forsee him interacting with?

if he returns for a one night appearence i would mostly expect him to interact with triple H and chris jericho.. perhaps john cena and randy orton, but mostly jericho and triple H because its what we're used to see, and it's most likely something the crowd would also like to see again, a jericho and the rock trash talk once more would definatly be a thrill if you ask me.

3) Do you forsee anyone on the current roster actually receiving a rub from interacting with The Rock, or do you think it will simply result in entertainment for the viewers while he would be there?

mostly entertainment, unless they do something like an attack on the rock (randy orton rko'ing him or something like that) or if they give the rock a chance to cut a promo and be interrupted like he was when jericho debuted on wwe.

4) Besides what he may actually do, what would you WANT to see him do and who do you personally want to see him interact with?

what i want to see him do.. simple.. one more match! - singles match.. not something like mike tyson did.. a true match, no silly interference and twists of teams.. no overpowered beatdown from a group like legacy.. just a proper match.

who do i personally want him to interact with... jericho ofcourse.. or a special appearance from stephanie mcmahon.. imagine that..
1, Yes I do. I have no idea why The Rock has changed his mind but it does sound like he will be coming back for more than one apperance, and maybe even a match.

2, I have no idea. Just for one night he would guest host Raw i'd imagine, interact with Cena, and give the Rock Bottom to someone like The Miz after Miz cuts an insanely awesome promo on him.
If it's for more than one appearance I think it will lead to a match, probably with Cena. I've read reports McMahon wanted it for Mania 26, maybe Mania 27 instead?

3, It depends. If someone like The Miz cuts a quality promo on him then yes I do, especially if The Rock got beat down. However, I don't actually see that happening, and I can see the segment ending with The Rock taking Miz down.

4, HELL YES. A match with Cena would be awesome. Promo with Cena would be quality, as would a promo with The Miz. Maybe Orton bringing back the legend killer gimmick and trying to kill the legend of The Rock would be a bit awesome too. And of course, Jericho and Rock going back and forth in a promo would make for pretty awesome TV.
I'd take any Rock return rumours with a pinch of salt, unless he needs a career shot in the arm. If he ever does return, it wouldn't be long term, as he's made it fairly clear that that is not his aspiration. I imagine what will probably happen, is that he'll have a short build to a programme with Cena either at Summerslam, or preferably WrestleMania centering around their film exploits. Cena should win if they want to ever move forwards from 1999, but it is probably more likely that The Rock will win and then they have a little handshake, as is the norm with such things.
He should have a match with CM Punk, Randy Orton or Cena. But i think he will be back as Raw host or even a temp GM.

If he gets injured it could affect his acting career so a big match wouldn't happen. maybe a street fight would be better like Bret Hart will probably do with Vince at WM 26.
Now before anyone gets all excited over this, no where did it say anywhere in here that The Rock would necessarily be wrestling. It did say that he was planning "something special", however that could mean a variety of things.

For example, I wouldn't be in the very least surprised that he would take over as Raw GM for the summer, or something to that effect, since he stated several times in the past like Steve Austin, that his wrestling career was over.

Also, one has to keep in mind how many times these rumors have come up in the past, and how many times they have failed to come to fruition.

He did say "maybe the Summer", but that certainly doesn't sound to me like anything is set in stone for that ... and that rather, he simply is talking off the top of his head.

There's a lot of things to ponder here and therefore I have several questions to ask you, the posters.

Good thread in my opinion.

1) Do you think there is a realistic chance that The Rock could return to the WWE in any capacity for more then one appearance?

I believe there is a real good possibility of this occurring this year. Rocky needs something, his movie career is kinda on the downhill slide for awhile now. He needs a shot in the arm and i believe this can give a small shot. Plus I think he misses the business and the live fan reaction.

2) If so, what do you actually forsee him doing? Who do you forsee him interacting with?

With what Vince has already said It is almost definitely going to be Cena.

3) Do you forsee anyone on the current roster actually receiving a rub from interacting with The Rock, or do you think it will simply result in entertainment for the viewers while he would be there?

The only young star currently on the roster that can receive a good rub is Miz. He has an uncanny ability on the mic and I believe a few spots with the Rock can only make him better. Another forseeable interaction could be with Orton, with his persona, I can see him coming out and talking to the Rock as if he is nothing anymore in this industry. Rock is the past and Orton is the future type thing.

4) Besides what he may actually do, what would you WANT to see him do and who do you personally want to see him interact with?

Mostly answered in 3 but Jericho would be awesome to see again. Those two can bring the house down when on the mic in the ring together.
I'm not too sure you people have picked up on the Rock stating he said "he would return in the summer", and WWE
is starting to make Summerslam on par with Mania as far as quality of the card goes, over the last two years they've tried to do something big.

Now IF that were the case, imagine The Rock returning to Summerslam to wrestle? why waste that on Mania, you already have Mania the name, Bret/Vince, Edge/Chris Jericho, HBK/Taker II, on this card having Rock/Cena wouldn't make any sense in the fact that Cena will probably be paired with Batista with Cena going over and moving on to the 2000's dream match, Cena Vs Rock, this would get WWE A LOT of buy rates they crave.

It wouldn't be the first time WWE used a legend to promote Summerslam, 2005 and 2006 they used Hulk Hogan at that particular event, so I could see them doing the same thing with The Rock.

I'd like to see The Rock return for the summer for one last run, then say a retirement match/HOF at Mania 27, with someone like The Undertaker or Miz/Morrison if he's going to give them the rub.
I just dont personally think he should job. People dont wanna see him come back to lose in the majority no matter what some ppl say. I can understand why ppl think torch passing is needed, but I dont see Rock needing to put Cena over, why not someone already there, why him? There are others who could

I wouldnt want Taker to put Cena over at Mania either, thats stupid. I like Cena but the one back in 2003 that was better than what we get today

Another thing, it's not like when Hogan lost to The Rock, I mean he always comes back. Rock may be in a ring one last time why lose? What ever happened to "send the ppl home happy" and the ppl wont be happy unless he wins. And to be honest you can put someone over and still win the match, it's happened before, look at Bret vs Austin when Austin passed out

Also Rock is coming back likely for one last match, I'm not a big fan of wrestlers losing their final match. Austin, JBL, & others have done it. But some of you will disagree, but it really does suck. It shouldnt always have to be that way despite it being predictable. And Rock lost last time he was at WrestleMania putting over Orton & Batista with Foley, so why the hell do Cena too?

He doesnt need that, he needs to get his shit together and use what made him a star, and he's not using that. Cena could be way better than he is and he use to be.

Rock coming back one more time should be a victory. It's just best for the fans, just like Undertaker shouldnt lose at his final WrestleMania

Shawn & Triple H both put Cena over and he's been built to mimick The Rock (promo wise which he failed & they are putting him in most movies to do something where they can say both guys have done the same things [via pre-match video highlight]) and he's been built to be like a new era Hogan

Cena has been made to look invincible then loses (even though it was questionable and atleast was an ok way to lose to him because it was by chance) to Sheamus, how can Rock just lose to Cena after that shit?

It's ridiculous, Cena can win some other time like he will anyway, if you're gonna bring back The Rock, he should win and the fans should go home satisfied.

Every legend doesnt lose when they make a return, The Rock's return should be like that
I just dont personally think he should job. People dont wanna see him come back to lose in the majority no matter what some ppl say. I can understand why ppl think torch passing is needed, but I dont see Rock needing to put Cena over, why not someone already there, why him? There are others who could

I wouldnt want Taker to put Cena over at Mania either, thats stupid. I like Cena but the one back in 2003 that was better than what we get today

Another thing, it's not like when Hogan lost to The Rock, I mean he always comes back. Rock may be in a ring one last time why lose? What ever happened to "send the ppl home happy" and the ppl wont be happy unless he wins. And to be honest you can put someone over and still win the match, it's happened before, look at Bret vs Austin when Austin passed out

Also Rock is coming back likely for one last match, I'm not a big fan of wrestlers losing their final match. Austin, JBL, & others have done it. But some of you will disagree, but it really does suck. It shouldnt always have to be that way despite it being predictable. And Rock lost last time he was at WrestleMania putting over Orton & Batista with Foley, so why the hell do Cena too?

He doesnt need that, he needs to get his shit together and use what made him a star, and he's not using that. Cena could be way better than he is and he use to be.

Rock coming back one more time should be a victory. It's just best for the fans, just like Undertaker shouldnt lose at his final WrestleMania

Shawn & Triple H both put Cena over and he's been built to mimick The Rock (promo wise which he failed & they are putting him in most movies to do something where they can say both guys have done the same things [via pre-match video highlight]) and he's been built to be like a new era Hogan

Cena has been made to look invincible then loses (even though it was questionable and atleast was an ok way to lose to him because it was by chance) to Sheamus, how can Rock just lose to Cena after that shit?

It's ridiculous, Cena can win some other time like he will anyway, if you're gonna bring back The Rock, he should win and the fans should go home satisfied.

Every legend doesnt lose when they make a return, The Rock's return should be like that

One of wrestling biggest traditions(for want of a better word) is that wrestlers should go out on their back. Austin lost to The Rock at mania to pass the torch to him. Rock and Foley lost at Mania to Evolution to pass the torch to them. If a wrestler is on his way out he should lose to put someone over. It's as simple as that, and that is why it happens. McMahon wanted Hart out of WWE on his back but Hart didn't want to in Canada.
That is the business for you, if the older guys don't out over younger talent then the product won't last.

It really isn't about the fans being satisified. Rock beat Hogan at Mania to pass the torch, if you wanted the fans to be happy you'd have Hogan go over.

So if Rock came back he could, for example beat Cena at Summerslam, and then lose to him at Mania. But he just can't come back and beat Cena, or anyone for that matter, because they would lose credibility. A guy hasn't wrestled for 7 years and he comes back for once match and beats Superman in his prime. It just doesn't make sense. If he did beat Cena I'd expect Cena to eventually go over him and Rock go out of WWE on his back.
One of wrestling biggest traditions(for want of a better word) is that wrestlers should go out on their back. Austin lost to The Rock at mania to pass the torch to him. Rock and Foley lost at Mania to Evolution to pass the torch to them. If a wrestler is on his way out he should lose to put someone over. It's as simple as that, and that is why it happens. McMahon wanted Hart out of WWE on his back but Hart didn't want to in Canada.
That is the business for you, if the older guys don't out over younger talent then the product won't last.

It really isn't about the fans being satisified. Rock beat Hogan at Mania to pass the torch, if you wanted the fans to be happy you'd have Hogan go over.

So if Rock came back he could, for example beat Cena at Summerslam, and then lose to him at Mania. But he just can't come back and beat Cena, or anyone for that matter, because they would lose credibility. A guy hasn't wrestled for 7 years and he comes back for once match and beats Superman in his prime. It just doesn't make sense. If he did beat Cena I'd expect Cena to eventually go over him and Rock go out of WWE on his back.

I get that, but he eventually beat him at No Way Out the following year, he came back for a run, this would just be a one time thing, so he should win.

And how can you say two guys who are on the same level could pass a torch to one another? Rock/Austin-WM19, I dont think so, besides how can it be passed more than once
if you ask me it was Hogan who did that at WM18
1.) I definitley think we're going to see the Rock back for more than one appearance. Simple as that. How can a one-time appearance be "something special?" To me, it can't. If that was the case, Bob Barker was something special, Jeremy Piven was something special, Shaq was something special, or those GD race car drivers were something special. A simple guest hosting gig would be nothing special at all. That would be more of a kick in the balls.

Skipping 2 and pairing it with 4.

3.) He's definitely going to interact with Cena. You know he will. Plus, if he didn't, then that would also be nothing special. Personally, I believe the only person that will get any kind of rub or boost from the Rock and interacting with the Rock, will be one man. That man... is The Miz. You know those two along with Cena could go back and forth on the mic all day long. If you put Cena, the Rock, and Miz in the ring together for 2 hours without interruption, I would watch with my eyes glued to the set for that 2 hours. It would be amazing.

2 & 4 are the same answer. What I see him doing and what I want him doing are the same thing. Match. With. Cena. It has to happen. One more match. It's the only dream match that's even halfway possible in the minds of any wrestling fan right now with the exception of Cena/Taker. I like what Sid said about having the Rock GM over the summer. Scenario is this: The Rock runs his mouth as we all love about how he was one of the best ever, Cena comes out and says he has something to prove and that he can beat the Rock. Cena brings up the way the Rock left the WWE in the first place by coming back for just a couple months at a time, followed by weeks at a time, until he finally just stopped being on Raw. Cena says he owes it to himself, he owes it to Cena, and he owes it to the fans to step in the ring one more time with Cena. Build-up until Summerslam. Match at Summerslam. Who cares how they build it? As long as they work the stick each week by taking jabs at each other, they could be wrestling over a powdered sugar doughnut for all I care. It's a match I want to see. It's a match everybody that turns on Raw wants to see. Hell, Vince himself even wants to see this match. You know he does. Pay the Rock a buttload of money to GM for the summer, build up the feud with Cena, have the match at Summerslam. Done.
Could the Rock be returning for more than one appearance? Maybe. The chances of that happening are very small, I think it will depend on what he meant when he said he has "something special planned". I honestly hope it ends up being a Wrestlemania dream match against Cena. Countless fans want to see that match happen.

I think that if/when The Rock returns he will be interacting with Cena or Orton. If the dream match against Cena doesn't happen, then Orton is the next best bet for a short feud because he could temporarily bring back his Legend Killer persona since The Rock is one of the few legends he never had a chance to defeat. (I'm not counting the Evolution VS Rock & Sock match, I'm talking about one on one matches here.) The promos leading up to a match with the Rock VS either Cena or Orton would be amazing no matter which one of the two it ends up being. It would also be interesting to see The Rock interact with The Miz.

I don't see him returning to do more than be a Raw guest host, and maybe one dream match at a PPV. I do not think he will end up doing anything else. It depends on what "I have something special planned" ends up meaning. We'll have to wait and see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that match with Cena or Orton.

I think that if he does have a match with someone, then that wrestler would be receiving a rub from interacting with The Rock. Seeing him pass the torch to Cena (or maybe Orton but preferably Cena) would be an awesome moment. It would also be the right thing for The Rock and WWE to do because The Rock is done with actual wrestling and probably will never wrestle again unless its for a dream match. Whether a match happens or not, it will absolutely be entertainment for the viewers when The Rock will be there because he is never boring.

To answer Sidious' final question.... What I truly want is for that dream match to happen. It might not happen, but for Cena to get put over by The Rock is something I would love to see and what I truly want to happen if/when The Rock returns because an official torch passing would be such a great moment for fans of both wrestlers to see.

Some people think "The Rock shouldn't job". He wouldn't be jobbing if he was booked to look just as strong in the match as Cena. That way he can pass the torch without "jobbing". Then there's even stranger comments I've been seeing. Things like "If Cena beats The Rock I'll quit watching wrestling forever". My response to that (like I said in another thread) if that's the way you feel, then go ahead and quit. The rest of us will enjoy the awesome moment and keep watching afterward.
If The Rock came back in ANY capacity I would piss my pants with excitement and scream like a little girl........

However if I could be serious for a minute - There are three fueds I would like to see, these would be against Orton, Cena or HBK.

Orton would be a great opponent - people say he has some Austin traits (I am not too sure I agree but hey), but Orton v The Rock is instant money. Two guys who have 'the look', can wrestle and talk (Orton's promos are underrated at times - would be a great contrast to The Rock on the mic).

I don't really need to go into Cena or HBK as they have pretty much been covered not only in this thread but across the board in general.

The Rock could also interact with Triple H who was probably his number one enemy over the course of his career (Austin/Rock is more 'glamorous but Triple H and The Rock have feuded since the days of DX and The Nation).

Would also like to see The Rock interact with Santino - that could be instant comedy gold!!

If The Rock decided to return full time (IF being the operative word), then he could quite easily fued for an IC/US title to give starts like The Miz, Morrison and MVP credability, or if he was to stick around full time go for the WWE/World titles, he is a 9 time World Champion after all.

This could be very good for the WWE, the most popular wrestler perhaps of all time returning.....can't wait.
I don't really believe a word The Rock says anymore, its not really an industry he cares about anymore. His return would spark a bit of a boost in the WWE ratings, but I don't know any former fans who aren't still taking part in the world of Wrestling who would turn in. But the Rock does have a benefit in coming back to the WWE for guest appearances/short term storylines, and that is because of the growth of the child industry. His movies and current WWE storylines are dedicated to the same people, so The Rock could take advantage of that.
I just had an epiphany...I don't care anymore!

The Rock is the greatest stick worker of all time. The Rock was a huge draw, and was the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. If he were to come back for a guest appearance...what would it really mean?

It would mean cheap pops, catch phrases, repetitive commentary, over selling of the appearance, and constant Raw Rebounds on each and every show for 4 months. With the current state of the WWE would he even really matter? Really think about that. No he would not. The WWE needs to focus on building characters and storylines. They need to focus on being entertaining again.

We drool and drool over the mention of the Rock, but he can't help us. You want to be entertained by The Rock go watch his movies, or go on YouTube. I think him on WWE television would be completely anti-climatic and wouldn't have a "big historic" feel to it. He would just be another "guest", and wouldn't add any change to the product once his commitment is over. I hope I'm able to articulate my point well here. Because what I'm saying is, I don't want The Rock to come back for a quick stint or a guest appearance.

Unless he returns full time or for an extended period of time and works some angles that actually help move professional wrestling and the WWE product forward, it is pointless to bring him in. He would need to be an active competitor for it to really mean something. Since that's not happening, he can stay home. I don't want to see backstage segments with Santino coming in dressed as him saying stupid catch phrases. I don't want to hear every person on television mention his name to the point of overkill....because that's what will happen. Complete and utter overkill. Jesus H. Christ I can already hear and see Michael Cole ruin it.

A piece of gold buried in a sack of dog shit is not worth digging for. The Rock would be fun to watch, but everything around him wouldn't be entertaining and wouldn't contribute to fixing the problems that the WWE faces right now from an entertainment standpoint.
I think that WWE would've done anything they could to make sure that The Rock will wrestle a match during his return, they would've paid him pretty much any amount of money. So I'm guessing we'll see the Rock wrestle at Summerslam. It's definitely a possibility.

But for the rest of his time in WWE, I think he'll be in a GM position because there isn't really any other positions for him. Maybe if they did some angle where he owned a part of the WWE, but that's been done a few too many times, so I think they'll stick to a GM role for a while. Yes, I do think he'll make more than one appearance, because that's what WWE would push for. I think the fact that he was so vague about his return shows that he'll probably be returning for a couple of months.

Interaction wise, it's gotta be Cena. He's the man in the WWE, just like The Rock used to be. It will be Hogan vs Rock all over again but on a lesser scale. Cena vs Rock won't draw as much and it'll probably be at Summerslam, but it's still gonna be a big deal. There isn't really anyone else that I want him to interract with, unless he's wrestling more than one match. Cause I wouldn't mind seeing him face Shawn Michaels. Or maybe if he did something with Triple H, that'd be very cool.
Meh. What would be cool is to see a heel Rock return. Don't tell me it couldn't work. The Rock's like Y2J. Give him a mic and 5 minutes and he can have a stadium full of people that were ready to suck his dick throwing shit at him like crazy. The guy really is that good. All he'd have to do is go on about his film career, how he fucked around the with the fans, used the WWE just to make him money...instant heat. Suneeboy's right. A face rock return would suck. But a heel rock return might be interesting. It would mean no Miz interaction, unfortunately, but I could see some nice promos with Cena and Morrison. If Vince is still gunning to get him back for Mania then Cena it will be. Otherwise a random "guest host" appearance would be shit: he should do a Bret and return to work a proper program.
The Rock returning to the WWE is just going to show how much the company is in dire need of a character/ entertainer that can keep everyone on the edge of their seats week in week out because i know i used to tune in every week just to see who The Rock would completely ruin while cutting his legendary promos, on the mic The Rock is second to none that's when WWE will realise hey why can't our current guys do that. Now do you smell what im cookin'
The Rock won't return unless it's on a memorex tape and they can place it upon the Tron. Seriously, he couldn't even show up on Smackdown, the show that was 'named' after him so him appearing on Raw, yeah that'll be the day. He'll talk smack, hit a few punches, land the elbow and call it a day. Will it start Cena/Rock, no, why? Because sadly, unlike Cena, Rock has no passion for the business anymore. As much as anyone can say, Dwane Johnson has no need for it.

Should he come back it would be either a part time thing or a one night only thing, though don't expect him to really make much of an 'impact' on the show. He's Mr. Hollywood now and Wrestling doesn't pay his bills, therefore, again, no real sense in going back. Honestly if he truly desired to be back in WWE, instead of 'promoting' his movies which by the way, the commercials that are put out do more than enough of, he would have done so already.

Case in point, Rock is too busy making movies than to be bothered to come on a two hour show that helped create what he is today. If he does come back, in the flesh mind you, then I would seriously, be surprised.

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