The Rock vs. cena or the rock vs. miz


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well obviously we all know about the main feud of raw heading into wrestlemania namely cena vs miz vs rock. not saying theres gonna be a match between the three.


there were some things tht i noticed about this feud. we all know abt the rock vs cena. dont get me wrong fruity loops, barneys turd, guy in the purple shirt, i bring it via satellite all these jokes were fun.

but when the miz made his statement by doing his first anti rock promo and then doing the ppls elbow, and the rock responded next week i noticed something.

first comes rock vs mini cena. entertaining but directed at children mostly. then the rock strts on miz.

now correct me if im wrong but tht short segment when the rock speaks against miz. tht was more like the rock we used to see all those years ago. no jokes, no smiling, no crowd cheering. the crowd was paying attention while the rock spoke. he delivered an epic speech tht was not as entertaining as his other two promos but still electrifying nonetheless. and right after tht miz comes out and follows up with an equally awesome promo. and following up after the rock isnt an easy thing to do. then later tht night he comes out as the rock and makes a statement literally decimating cena.

so wat im saying is tht the rock vs miz is turning out to be more credible and believable than the rock vs cena which is turning out to be a childs game of tag. we all wanted to see rock vs cena for years and now we are but seriously its not like what i expected.

your thoughts ??
You do know the reason why Rock's addressing the Miz right? So that Miz wouldn't be left out. Don't get me wrong I like Miz, but Miz vs Rock isn't the focus over here even if they're trying oh so hard to make it so. Mania when it comes down to it will sell based on the speculation that Rock and Cena face off not Rock and Miz. As of now, Miz needs to look strong while he jobs and he's been doing great. One day, maybe by Mania 35 Miz vs Rock would be a dream match but not now, he's barely started.
for all the TNA complaints about their booking, I am honestly surprised that no one has called WWE out for this angle.

The Raw main event is John Cena vs.Miz for the Heavyweight Title, but with the booking you would never know this. If you want to do a Cena/Rock angle, I am fine with it, but get Cena out of the heavyweight title match because right now they are completely ignoring the heavyweight title bout and that is a slap in the face to the Miz and to wrestling fans.

Can you truly think of a major WWE PPV where the heavyweight championship match has been so blantantly ignored and forgotten about? I remember Cena telling Miz on Raw, before the Elimination Chamber, that no one wanted to see Miz vs. Cena because it won't draw people. There is some great storytelling and way to build an angle and allegedly important match.

This is the kind of angle WCW did when they were dying and unless TNA does this you are not going to call anyone out on it
Obviously if Rock only has one match left, while Miz could certainly use the rub more, there is absolutely no doubt it would have to be Rock v Cena. Ultimately the goal is to sell PPVs and seeing as Rock represents his era of mid 90s to mid 2000s and Cena picked up the mid 2000s to current, these are arguably the two faces of their respective eras in wrestling. While we all enjoy the Miz's work he still has a long way to go to be on Cena's level in terms of recognition and popularity.

bottom line: Cena v Rock would draw, Rock v Miz wouldn't bring in nearly as big of numbers.
With the number of people downloading the PPV's illegally,this may be the most downloaded PPV in history.

I agree tht Cena/Rock can draw, but the point would be to let those 2 draw fans and get Miz a contender and focus an angle around the title. Besides, Rock has said many times his wrestling career is over as far as he is concerned, so if he is not wrestling then WWE is really screwing the fans over implying that they will.
I can't believe people think this fued is disappointing. We have known since it started(with Cena making those comments in interviews) that Rock isn't going to wrestle again(here's hoping he has got a passion for it again and maybe wants one more match). So how can anyone say The Rock's return to WWE has been a let down? It has been truly awesome and laugh out loud funny. And in response Cena has rapped(I like the first, the second not so much), and his rap character was what got him over in the first place.

And to top it all off, we have Miz, who must be having the time of his life imitating his childhood hero, and doing a damn good job of it.

This has to be the best fued ever that isn't going to result in a match with all three of them, and I cannot wait to see what The Rock does next.

For those of you who are bitching about Rock not being there every week... It is because Rock's appearance at Mania would be downvalued, and wouldn't be as special if he is appearing live on RAW everyweek.
Are you fucking kidding me, lol? You must be one of those blind Cena haters that cry about "5 moves of doom", etc. etc. I would much rather see Rock vs Cena any day of the week. If your opinion is that Miz vs Rock would be better, then good for you bud but I'd bet way more of the WWE universe would side with me in that Cena vs Rock would be icon vs icon. Miz isn't even the best heel in the business, CM Punk is. Why waste the Rock in a match with an average performer when you could have him against the current face of the company, Cena?
for all the TNA complaints about their booking, I am honestly surprised that no one has called WWE out for this angle.

Oh yeah, cause its such a bad angle especially when a wrestler turned movie star returns after five years and talks shit about the face of the company and makes the best promos in like five years...

Its a truly shitty angle when a guy you want to build up is stuck between a legend and a future legend. Such horrid booking :blush:

The Raw main event is John Cena vs.Miz for the Heavyweight Title, but with the booking you would never know this.

Have you seen half of the Rock's interviews outside 'E? He said he didn't want to fight. That's why we have Cena/Rock/Miz.

If you want to do a Cena/Rock angle, I am fine with it, but get Cena out of the heavyweight title match because right now they are completely ignoring the heavyweight title bout and that is a slap in the face to the Miz and to wrestling fans.

As I said before, Rock doesn't want to fight. So what would they do? Have Cena and Rock go back an forth at Mania? Great Idea. :)

that is a slap in the face to the Miz and to wrestling fans.

Have you seen Miz's interviews? The guy's a Rocky fanatic. If you watch Raw he's CLEARLY enjoying this in real life. In kayfabe, yes it is a slap in the face.

and to wrestling fans.

:banghead: Right cause...y'know, wrestling fans don't WANT to see a confrontation between Rock and Cena.

Can you truly think of a major WWE PPV where the heavyweight championship match has been so blantantly ignored and forgotten about?

...You do know its still a title match right?

I remember Cena telling Miz on Raw, before the Elimination Chamber, that no one wanted to see Miz vs. Cena because it won't draw people. There is some great storytelling and way to build an angle and allegedly important match.

Clearly you haven't been paying attention :shrug:

Miz's gimmick is someone who's an asshole, who got lucky. Cena insinuated that Miz is a guy who got lucky, and he isn't worth fighting. If Miz didn't draw 'E wouldn't give him the title now would they?

This is the kind of angle WCW did when they were dying

No, WCW had a 40 something year old with an over inflated ego going up against Kevin Nash in what was supposed to be a great Main Event..

Oh wait, but it wasn't...

and unless TNA does this you are not going to call anyone out on it

Yes, cause we're such TNA haters. Y'know what 'E should do? Let Miz get shitfaced right before Mania and Cena roll him up in like a minute.

Oh wait...
You Have A Valid point there , but now look , im sure whats going to happen , the rock and cena are gonna eventually meet , everyone expecting a big verbal spat or a big fight , mizerable turns up and then the both of them suddenly become friends and pound the miz into flour paste . its just a promo to further promote cena , and his damn ( sick of) cenation . would it really really hurt WWE to just make mizerable vs cena at a raw episode happen , and give cena the title , before wrestlemania , and actually making cena vs the rock for the same ? the miz is something that just burped out of nowhere , he quite frankly looks like a kid , he is a joke .
Neither Rock vs Miz or Cena vs Rock would be entertaining for me one bit unless Cena performed the way he did last year at Mania against Batista. Cena week to week has never been very entertaing unless it has been a pay-per-view. And Rock was the same way when he was in the WWE.

If it were Miz vs Rock the Promos would be simply outstanding, they would hype the match as if it were the start of World War III. If given a month to give promos the Miz and the Rock would gather massive heat and loud pops respectfully. However there would be an issue of "Over-hyping a match" case in point would be WCW when they "Over-Hyped" Sting vs Nash and that blew up in their face.
I honestly would rather see The Rock vs. Miz at this point. I mean at first Cena/Rock was exciting but I'm rather bored with it already

The Miz seems to be able to hold a better fued with The Rock (verbally) over John Cean anyday & wouldn't that make a better match then Cena rapping all the way to Summersalm or even WM 28 for a match against The Rock.

Plus with the WWE trying to desperately build main eventers would they benefit more off The Miz going into a soild match against The Rock and actually winning clean instead of Super Cena coming out the winner like always..

Just my thoughts..

Unless John turns heel in the process I say The Rock vs. Miz

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