The Rock: Post Cena Fueds


Getting Noticed By Management
The Rock as everybody knows has announced that he is never leaving WWE permanently meaning he will be appear occasionally after his fued with Cena is at an end. Amidst rumours that he has already signed on for matches at Summerslam, Survivor Series and WM 29 I'm wondering who you would like to see him fued with next.

From sheer nostalgia value (Y2J, Taker, Kane, HHH), to dream matches with the elite of the current generation (Punk, Orton), to elevating and putting over promising young stars (Ziggler, Miz, Rhodes) it is obvious Rock can still play a very interesting if sporadic part in future WWE storylines, matches and the development of the company.

My personal choice for his next fued would be the Miz as I believe their promos would be absolute gold, they have history and unfinished business from WM 27 and they have a lot of respect for each other ensuring they would put everything into the fued. I really feel this could be the final push Miz needs to develop from a great upper mid card heel who is currently kind of lost in the shuffle to a relevant credible player on the level of Cena, Punk and Orton.

Who would you choose?
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I'm unsure of Rock's future. I really don't know if it will be in a wrestling capacity post WM. What I can tell you is I'm pretty sure he'll continue to be a guest on the show and hand out some Rock Bottoms and Peoples Elbows but I really can't see him wrestling past Wrestlemania especially if he losses. There would just be no point on his part other than pure nostalgia. I would love to see him continue to compete and I'm sure others would but I'm just not sure. Regardless I think a fued with Miz would be great. It could definitely help put him more over and he doesn't even need to win.
Im actually kinda hoping for a classic HHH/Rock segment or program. These two always worked extremely well together and have great chemistry in the ring and on the mic. Not saying the feud has to directly be rock and hhh but at least have them interact in some way

But i wouldnt be suprised if Rock vs CM Punk was already penciled in for Summerslam
I might be wrong (I stopped following WWE during this era) but I don't think Orton has ever worked a program with Rock. If so, they could have Orton go heel and bring back his "legend killer" gimmick and have him say he never ended the legend of The Rock an what not.

Otherwise, another match with Stone Cold would be cool to see. Or, he and Punk going back and forth on the mic would be pretty good to watch.
I might be wrong (I stopped following WWE during this era) but I don't think Orton has ever worked a program with Rock. If so, they could have Orton go heel and bring back his "legend killer" gimmick and have him say he never ended the legend of The Rock an what not.

Otherwise, another match with Stone Cold would be cool to see. Or, he and Punk going back and forth on the mic would be pretty good to watch.

He did kind of work a short program in 2004 I think, it was with Mick Foley leading to a Rock n Sock vs Evolution (Orton, Batista Flair) tag match which Rock and Foley lost. Having said that Rock was never pinned and it wasn't a singles match so it could definently still work. Cody Rhodes could use a similar with his victories over legends recently even having eliminated Foley in the rumble.
I can definitely see Rock vs Punk or Orton next due to Punk and Orton doing what Cena did in calling out the Rock. I think Punk would make more sense at this time, and a match with the Rock at Summerslam will be absolute gold. Cena's fans can think what they want, but the rock always destroys Cena in promos. Punk would be able to hang a lot more with the Rock and it would make for an awesome feud.

For old ones, I would love to see Rock vs Jericho again. This was one of my favorite feuds ever, and I would love to see one more program between these two legends.

For an up and comer, Im going to go Rhodes. Rhodes is a second generation superstar who does not care about any type of legacy (kayfabe of course). The Rock is proud of his heritage. This could create a personal feud, and honestly, Rhodes is the only up and comer who can keep up with the rock on the mic (maybe barrett).
There are a lot of possibilities. If The Rock were to be wrestling after this years wrestlemania, there are many wrestlers who he may feud with.

1. John Cena: If you don't think this'll happen then you need to think more deep. We had Hogan vs Rock at WM 18 but we also had their rematch on No Way Out. So I personally think John Cena vs The Rock is not a one match build or a feud.

2. Kane: One of the Kane's vignette had clips of Rock, Cena, Orton and Punk burning. Keeping this into consideration I think they will cross each other paths. Kane may go on feuding with all of them and finally with the Rock. Who knows? Possibilities are endless.

3. The Miz: They have somethings in common. Like their name THE Rock and THE Miz. Similarly, Miz has a definite catchphrase just like The Rock. They also have that arrogant heel character in same. They had a mini-feud going on before WM 27 so I think they can put up a good program.

4. Triple H: Restart of one of the greatest feuds ever. HHH and The Rock were feuding with one other from mid card title to the WWE title. It was what a feud should be. It included some great matches and promos.

5. The Undertaker: Rock has never faced The Undertaker at WM. So it may happen. The Undertaker will have one more BIG name added to his list. I don't know how they'll make Rock look like he can defeat The Undertaker though. LOL

6. Cody Rhodes: The present Cody Rhodes seems to be targeting the legends. He's been constantly bragging how he eliminated all the legends at this years rumble. He fueded with Booker T and now with Big Show. They both are legends in their own. So I think he will keep going on this storyline and possibly have a match with The Rock. Who knows?

7. Wade Barret: He's another good heel who has made a name out of himself. He could go and talk smack about The Rock and possibly have a feud or so. It'll be great to see an up coming heel vs one of the biggest babyfaces.

8. Rock vs CM Punk: With the attitude CM Punk has now I think this may happen. Especially when CM Punk said in his shoot that the fact Dwayne is in the main event and he's not makes him sick does indicate Punk's beef with him. I cannot think of a better match than this.

9. Rock vs Who ever gave that message: If WWE wants to build a reality era, let the man be disclosed. Disclose the identity of the man who talked about The Rock not being there ,not putting stars over etc...etc.. Possibility is less but who knows?

10. He may not wrestle at all. He may just be involved in kind of matches as an enforcer or a referee as same as he did at WM 27.

Just my 2 cents.
Considering the money this is costing Vince I'd be willing to bet he doesn't step in the ring again (Atleast for a very long time) after his feud with Cena. When he says he's never leaving again (Horrible thing to say btw) it's like me telling my Grandma I'll visit her again real soon. Soon meaning "when I can, no promises, hopefully some time before you die."

Also I don't really see the appeal in other possible match ups. Rock vs Cena seems kind of special because the Rock isn't an everyday wrestler. And other than Cena there isn't anybody worth coming back to face.
Him and Cena will likely get turned into a best of 3 or something. I wouldn't be surprised if they wrestle each other at Summerslam. They could even do a rematch at WM 29.

The only two other guys Rock could work with our Orton and Punk. Orton could turn heel and bring back the legend killer. Not sure if Punk makes sense because he only turned babyface recently.

Other than that no one on roster could work with Rock. Look what happened to Miz and R-Truth. They basically turned into glorified jobbers for Rock. No 1 took them seriously as legitimate opponents.
I doubt he'll wrestle again after WM28. If he does, it won't be against a legend or any 90's star. I'd like to see The Rock put CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, or Sheamus over. ^_^
The Rock is gone after April 2nd.
He's home, and never leaving, but you won't see him til Raw's 30th anniversary show after he thanks us, promotes his movie, and jumps on a plane back to Hollywood the night after Mania.

As far as current roster stars I'd like to see him compete with?

I agree with you on Miz, they showed some chemistry and I think the Miz/Rock show can cut amazing promos, and nobody cares about the actual match, just their buildup.

CM Punk for obvious reasons as well, the buildup alone would be worth it.

Y2J, Ya, we saw this before, but I'd love to see Jericho's WWE career go full circle, and end in the ring with the same person that his WWF career began with.

Alternatively, I would love to see Austin vs Rock at WM29, and just kill off the attitude era, so they can stop trying to rekindle it.
Most likely is John Cena again. Their rivalry is pretty Worldwide now and John Cena out of all the WWE full time superstars has the biggest global fame. People who have never watched wrestling will have probably head of Cena whereas i don't think so many would have heard of CM Punk or Randy Orton.

He could fight Triple H or The Undertaker, but that's if WWE just want to make money. I think they will more likely use The Rock in matches to put other Superstars over / increase their Worldwide popularity.

My dream match would be The Rock vs Brock Lesnar. This is if Brock returns of course, which is perhaps considered unlikely.
Yeah I agree with a lot of people on here that Rock/Cena will extend past wrestlemania and probably onto Summerslam, possibly even culminating at WM 29. But I mean after the actual fued not just WM 28 who would you like to see him run a prgram with next.

Although I have already mentioned Miz as my first choice my other main preferences would probably be:

Dolph Ziggler: I think he is doing great just now as a heel, he is cocky brash great in th ring and good on the mic. A fued with the Rock would be fascinating and could cement Zigglers place as one of the elite of the new generation.

Cody Rhodes: Pretty much the same as Ziggler plus Rhodes currently has the whole legend killer-esque thing going atm he even eliminated Foley at the rumble. Could be the perect start to a fued with Rock saying he wants to kill the biggest legend in the WWE today or something.

HHH- One of my all time favourite rivalries, great chemistry on the mic and in the ring. If they ever want to turn HHH into the heel authority figure what better way to draw heat than with a short fued with the Rock.

Orton- Another dream match and clash of generations both Orotn and Rock are phenomenal athletes and very gifted in the ring would result in a great, unpredictable fued.

Punk- Good chance we could see this due to Punks comments about the Rock in the media, would make for some fantastic promo segments and an interesting fued considering Punk Austin seems unlikely to actually happen.

Y2J- Who wouldn't want to see that again?
I do not want to see Punk vs. Rock. Its weird because Punk is (and has been since HBK retired) my favorite wrestler in WWE. I want to save Punk for a feud with Stone Cold. I think if he goes against Rock, it would devalue the possible SCST vs. CM Punk match.

To answer the thread, I personally want to see a Rock vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania 29 or even 30, i mean they could always do a HHH/Taker 4 but yeah...
I would also like Rock and Orton in a long program. I think Rocky could bring out the best of Randy.
His matches will be against Cena. Cena is the only current regular that can hang with the Rock in terms of drawing power. Besides, it's quite evident that The Rock's job in this whole feud is to put Cena over, and in the process, put the Attitude Era to bed. I say Rock probably wins WM this year, Cena wins Summerslam, and to put the feud to rest, they'll have an iron man match or hell in a cell or something at WM next year, which Cena will win, and The Rock will shake his hand and all that jazz after the match .

In the odd event Cena gets injured or something, I'd guess Sheamus steps in as the opponent to be put over.
His matches will be against Cena. Cena is the only current regular that can hang with the Rock in terms of drawing power.

Are you saying that guys like Orton and Punk couldn't keep up with Rock?
Dwayne isn't causing much of draw when he is around. Yeah, he gets the wrestling fans excited. But, not many people watch just because of him.

I certainly think Orton and Rock could be just under Cena/Rock.
Are you saying that guys like Orton and Punk couldn't keep up with Rock?
Dwayne isn't causing much of draw when he is around. Yeah, he gets the wrestling fans excited. But, not many people watch just because of him.

I certainly think Orton and Rock could be just under Cena/Rock.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. In the grand scheme of causal fans, Orton and Punk are merely a pimple on Cena's ass. The casual fan, you know, the ones who actually drive the WM buyrates don't care nearly as much about Orton and Punk, hence why Punk is at least two fights from the top of the card, and it's questionable if Orton is going to be on the WM card (although he's injured, so that's why).

Not to mention, it's painfully obvious Cena is the man taking the WWE into the future. The reason The Rock is even back is to eventually put Cena over. Guys like Orton and Punk will always be second or third fiddle. The WWE isn't going to waste The Rock on building guys that are pretty much as popular as they're ever going to get when they've already invested over a year on building an epic Rock/Cena feud.

Besides, it's been mentioned quite a few times that Punk will probably eventually get put over by Stone Cold. Having him feud with The Rock would devalue a potential feud with Stove Cold.

I have a feeling that Brock Lesnar will pop up in the next year to put Randy Orton over. Brock wasn't/isn't quite as big a star as The Rock, but it's an intriguing matchup nonetheless. Both guys are pretty terrible on the stick, though, so the build would be tough without lots of physical confrontations.
Punk v Rock at summerslam would be good but it would be face v face again which I can't see happening again.

If he was to face a heel then it could be any from Ziggler, rhodes and the Miz. My personal choice would be Ziggler as he is really impressing me right now. Rock go do wonders for Ziggler and a match would be great between the two. I don't want Ziggler to still be associating himself with Vickie by then (he should have moved on) but that could be very funny with the Rock making fun at the expense of her.
Seeing as he is rumored to be playing Hercules in a soon to be made movie about, um, Hercules I'm gonna go and say Hades will be Rock's next big feud. I don't think he will be gone from WWE tv for seven years again but there is no way he's going to do anything like a full time schedule. If anything he will further/finish his feud with Cena at next years Wrestlemania where he is probably going to be the "main event" of the hall of fame.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. In the grand scheme of causal fans, Orton and Punk are merely a pimple on Cena's ass. The casual fan, you know, the ones who actually drive the WM buyrates don't care nearly as much about Orton and Punk, hence why Punk is at least two fights from the top of the card, and it's questionable if Orton is going to be on the WM card (although he's injured, so that's why).

Not to mention, it's painfully obvious Cena is the man taking the WWE into the future. The reason The Rock is even back is to eventually put Cena over. Guys like Orton and Punk will always be second or third fiddle. The WWE isn't going to waste The Rock on building guys that are pretty much as popular as they're ever going to get when they've already invested over a year on building an epic Rock/Cena feud.

Besides, it's been mentioned quite a few times that Punk will probably eventually get put over by Stone Cold. Having him feud with The Rock would devalue a potential feud with Stove Cold.

I have a feeling that Brock Lesnar will pop up in the next year to put Randy Orton over. Brock wasn't/isn't quite as big a star as The Rock, but it's an intriguing matchup nonetheless. Both guys are pretty terrible on the stick, though, so the build would be tough without lots of physical confrontations.

I agree that Rock needs to put over Cena, but will he? Its the Rock. He sure doesn't have too, but he does need to.

And you said Punk vs. Rock would devalue Punk vs. Austin. Go a few post back, i said the exact same thing.

Looks like we are on the same page here.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. In the grand scheme of causal fans, Orton and Punk are merely a pimple on Cena's ass. The casual fan, you know, the ones who actually drive the WM buyrates don't care nearly as much about Orton and Punk, hence why Punk is at least two fights from the top of the card, and it's questionable if Orton is going to be on the WM card (although he's injured, so that's why).

Not to mention, it's painfully obvious Cena is the man taking the WWE into the future. The reason The Rock is even back is to eventually put Cena over. Guys like Orton and Punk will always be second or third fiddle. The WWE isn't going to waste The Rock on building guys that are pretty much as popular as they're ever going to get when they've already invested over a year on building an epic Rock/Cena feud.

Besides, it's been mentioned quite a few times that Punk will probably eventually get put over by Stone Cold. Having him feud with The Rock would devalue a potential feud with Stove Cold.

I have a feeling that Brock Lesnar will pop up in the next year to put Randy Orton over. Brock wasn't/isn't quite as big a star as The Rock, but it's an intriguing matchup nonetheless. Both guys are pretty terrible on the stick, though, so the build would be tough without lots of physical confrontations.

I get what your saying but I don't think someone necessarily has to be on Rocks level for him to fued with them. He has fueded with plenty of talent which was not on his level and given them a boost in credibility a random two which spring to mind would be Shamrock and the Hurricane.

So while superstars like Orton, Ziggler, Rhodes and Miz may not necessarily be on Rocks level that doesn't mean they can't deliver an interesting fued which elevates them onto a similar level to Cena. The next generation needs a figurehead and who better to help solidify one than the Rock? Also I believe PPV buys for a Rock singles match would still be high regardless there is a large crowd of casual attitude era fans (many of my friends) who no longer watch the product but are simply buying it because the Rock is wrestling they don't care who its against, he had a significant impact on the buyrates for WM27 and he was just the host.

After the 3 series match with cena I believe Rock will return sporadically there is a lot more he can contribute to the WWE and I think both he and Vince know it.
I want to see Punk/Rock and Orton/Rock for sure in the future, other than that perhaps something with Undertaker again at a Summerslam.

I'd go along with The Miz, of course he would have to be rebuild a fair way to be worthy.
I get what your saying but I don't think someone necessarily has to be on Rocks level for him to fued with them. He has fueded with plenty of talent which was not on his level and given them a boost in credibility a random two which spring to mind would be Shamrock and the Hurricane.

So while superstars like Orton, Ziggler, Rhodes and Miz may not necessarily be on Rocks level that doesn't mean they can't deliver an interesting fued which elevates them onto a similar level to Cena. The next generation needs a figurehead and who better to help solidify one than the Rock? Also I believe PPV buys for a Rock singles match would still be high regardless there is a large crowd of casual attitude era fans (many of my friends) who no longer watch the product but are simply buying it because the Rock is wrestling they don't care who its against, he had a significant impact on the buyrates for WM27 and he was just the host.

After the 3 series match with cena I believe Rock will return sporadically there is a lot more he can contribute to the WWE and I think both he and Vince know it.

Shane Helms as the Hurricane was able to make the feud interesting. He could play off The Rock's style extraordinarily well. They had great chemistry, and that's what all great/fun/interesting feuds are built from.

I should re-phrase the word level, I suppose. I just don't think Orton or Punk will be able to play off of The Rock real well. Especially when I don't see the WWE turning The Rock heel.

Punk is good enough on the mic to hang, but his whole schtick will sound almost exactly like Cena's current stuff. Unless he changes his character some, it's nothing really new.

Orton would be in over his head, unless they gave him a manager or something. The Rock would eat him alive on the mic, it wouldn't even be pretty or fun. Besides, he's injury prone, any feud with The Rock is going to take a lot of time because of the movie schedules and what not and having Randy get injured yet again after a 6 month or whatever build would be disastrous.

I tend to agree that both Vince and The Rock will see value in a more permanent part time schedule going into the future, but The Rock sells big now. If he is going to be around more, the nostalgia will wear off and people will want to see him in interesting programs. The guys he feuds with are really going to have to be the guys they see carrying the company into the future, and I don't think they see guys like Ziggler or Rhodes being that guy. Maybe The Miz would be cool. He could at least hold his own on the mic.
Besides, it's been mentioned quite a few times that Punk will probably eventually get put over by Stone Cold. Having him feud with The Rock would devalue a potential feud with Stove Cold.

This is so ignorant to say, how does a match with the rock devalues any match against stone cold for punk? thats why people get so upset with wwe because they have ideas in their empty heads of how things should be. please explain why it would devalue it!

as to the topic cm punk is the other feud i would like to see the rock have but i think cena v rock II will be the one we'll see.
Shane Helms as the Hurricane was able to make the feud interesting. He could play off The Rock's style extraordinarily well. They had great chemistry, and that's what all great/fun/interesting feuds are built from.

I should re-phrase the word level, I suppose. I just don't think Orton or Punk will be able to play off of The Rock real well. Especially when I don't see the WWE turning The Rock heel.

Punk is good enough on the mic to hang, but his whole schtick will sound almost exactly like Cena's current stuff. Unless he changes his character some, it's nothing really new.

Orton would be in over his head, unless they gave him a manager or something. The Rock would eat him alive on the mic, it wouldn't even be pretty or fun. Besides, he's injury prone, any feud with The Rock is going to take a lot of time because of the movie schedules and what not and having Randy get injured yet again after a 6 month or whatever build would be disastrous.

I tend to agree that both Vince and The Rock will see value in a more permanent part time schedule going into the future, but The Rock sells big now. If he is going to be around more, the nostalgia will wear off and people will want to see him in interesting programs. The guys he feuds with are really going to have to be the guys they see carrying the company into the future, and I don't think they see guys like Ziggler or Rhodes being that guy. Maybe The Miz would be cool. He could at least hold his own on the mic.

Yeah I'm not totally sold on a Punk/ Rock fued either I think that would work better with Austin, its just whether Austins fit to compete. As for Orton I actually think he has already had his ideal fued with one of the old guard from the attitude era in HHH, the cerebal assassin character and his current viper persona are pretty similar so it could pay off more revisiting that. Having said that i would definently still be interested in an Orton/ Rock match from a personal point of view as theyr two of my favourite superstars, I think Rock could carry the fued on the mic whilst Orton would help him to put on a great match.

But yeah Miz/Rock would be awesome I actually thought Miz did pretty well in his limited mic involvement going into 27, considering it was clearly meant to be all about Rock/Cena. They are two of the best on the mic period and the back and forth promo work would justify the fued in itself. They also are similar in the sense that Miz is quite mainstream and kind of a celebrity in his own right through the Real World and the numerous talk show work he does that could make for an interesting angle and I think Miz would be great at selling the fued to the mainstream media.

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