The Rock, Cena, and The Importance Of Passing The Torch

Brahma Bull

Getting Noticed By Management
To the mods and admins, i know that there are many rock and cena threads, but i think that this one is different. This is more about the importance of passing the torch. If not, im sorry, and feel free to move it. Which of course you can since you control that, lol.

It is pretty well known that Cena is loved by many fans, and hated by many other fans. As the announcers always point out, cena brings out more emotion than almost any other wrestler in wwe history. His eminent match with the Rock at wrestlemania got me thinking about a reason why. Passing the torch is a long honored tradition for the old guard to get the new blood over. It has happened for as long as there as been wrestling. Hart passed the torch to Austin in their submission match, which is the match that solidified Stone Cold as a true star, and positioned him to become one of the biggest names of all time. Bob Buckland was one of the biggest names in wrestling before Vince took over and created hulkamania. The guy is a true legend, and hopefully will go into the hall of fame once he and vince work out their differences. He made Kevin Nash a main eventer instantly, when he let nash go over him in about 10 seconds. I read that it was Buckland's decision, because he wanted to establish nash. Macho man got DDP over huge by letting him win with the diamond cutter during spring stampede. DDP said that it was macho man's idea to do it that way. And lets not forget Hogan vs the Rock. Now the Rock was already incredibly over with the wwe audience. He was always just behind austin, or ahead of him at times. But i think what made him the man, is his win over hogan at wrestlemania. he defeated hulkamania, and established himself as a true legend. The problem with Cena, is he has not gotten that big a rub. Of course he has beaten HHH and HBK, two true legends of wrestling, and that has established him as the face of the wwe. But he has not gone over one of the three (in my opinion, others will disagree) true icons of the wwe, those being hogan, austin and the rock. I dont think that the torch was ever truly passed to him to be the guy. hbk and hhh made him the face, but i think that a win over the Rock will solidify him as a true icon. I think the reason that the wwe audience does not fully get behind him, or at least one of the reasons, is that he never got this torch. Hogan gave it to the rock, who gave it to lesnar, who then left. Cena never got the torch from the rock to become the next leader of the wwe, even though cena already is, and i think this makes him seem like a false leader in some people's eyes. Notice how it is the adult males, the fans of the wwe during the attitude era, that are against cena.

Of course it is not black and white. Austin never faced hogan, but he became one of the biggest. And HBK was a leader in the wwe. But i think one of the things that Cena is missing to become the legend in more people's eyes, is the torch from the rock, who got it from hogan. it is saying that the rock is saying "you are the new man."

Of course this is all assuming that cena goes over the rock clean at wrestlemania. Which, even though the rock is my favorite guy of all time, and I do not like cena (i do respect him for his love of the business, and as a great guy), is the way that the wwe needs to do this match for the best possible outcome for them.

So while the theory does have holes, what do you guys think? Is this the thing that Cena needs to become more established in some of the older guys' eyes, the people who usually hate cena with a passion? Is the passing of the torch from the Rock the thing that will finally help Cena get over with the other half of the audience, will it only make them hate him more, or am i completely wrong?
Cena does not need a touch passed to him. He stepped up and took the fucking spot light. He became the WWE. He made himself a house hold name. He doesn't need to beat the Rock to prove that hes is the biggest name currently in professional wrestling, and will continue to be in that position for several years to come.

The Rock walked away from the WWE, I don't think you can pass on a torch in being a complete pussy and walking away from the company/business/thing that made you famous in the first place.

The Rock was NEVER Hogan, and he was NEVER Austin. The Rock is the self proclaimed "Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment." He was never as big of a name as Austin or Hogan, while Cena has captured the hearts of children and adults in the same way that both Hogan and Austin were able to. Hell HBK, Taker, Edge and Jericho are all bigger names that stand out when it comes to profession wrestling than the Rock. Its probably due to the 4 of them not being complete *****es and leaving the WWE.

Cena vs Rock is still a complete waste of time IMHO. Ill be glad when the match takes place, and this entire event can be put in the past.

Cena > Rock
What are you kidding me? Trust me if the rock loses to cena at wm next year many people including myself will be so :banghead:! The Rock doesnt need to lose to cena.Fuck cena! He already is the face of the company and is looked by the wwe as the hulk hogan of this generation so why make him go over the rock.Cena already got over by beating guys like hhh and hbk at wm.
What i find funny is cena says the match between him and rock at wm will be the biggest match in history.Really? Didnt he say that when he faced hhh at wm22 or batista at SS 08.Anyways going back to what i was saying cena beating rocky at wm will be a huge slap in the face to all the loyal attitude era fans.
Cena does not need a touch passed to him. He stepped up and took the fucking spot light. He became the WWE. He made himself a house hold name. He doesn't need to beat the Rock to prove that hes is the biggest name currently in professional wrestling, and will continue to be in that position for several years to come.

The Rock walked away from the WWE, I don't think you can pass on a torch in being a complete pussy and walking away from the company/business/thing that made you famous in the first place.

The Rock was NEVER Hogan, and he was NEVER Austin. The Rock is the self proclaimed "Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment." He was never as big of a name as Austin or Hogan, while Cena has captured the hearts of children and adults in the same way that both Hogan and Austin were able to. Hell HBK, Taker, Edge and Jericho are all bigger names that stand out when it comes to profession wrestling than the Rock. Its probably due to the 4 of them not being complete *****es and leaving the WWE.

Cena vs Rock is still a complete waste of time IMHO. Ill be glad when the match takes place, and this entire event can be put in the past.

Cena > Rock

so the rock is a pussy because he was smart and found a way to make MORE money with less wear and tear on his body.i cant hate the rock for not wanting to end up hardly able to walk like hogan while looking after his kids future as well.also to say the rock was never a big name like Austin or hogan.i mean really i cant believe you said that.when people hear the rocks name they think of wrestling.hence why he started going by Dwayne Johnson in the movie industry.because when you hear the rock you think wrestling so he wanted to break away from that.i swear some wrestling fans take it to serious blasting a guy for wanting to earn a good living and protecting his body.any legend would tell you they would have done the same thing if they could.
Cena has had like 8 straight wrestlemania main events (which imo is way way way too many but that`s another issue), he doesn`t need any torch passing. Torch passing to Cena should have been done years such thing is needed now, Cena is well established.
As for calling Rock a pussy for walking away from wrestling, that is typical knee jerk reaction not event worth discussing. Get a life.
I`d like to see the Rock beat Cena next wrestle-mania, for the surprise factor and the potential character depth a defeat vs. the Rock would offer to Cena. And let`s face it ,most people want to see the Rock win.
Cena has had like 8 straight wrestlemania main events (which imo is way way way too many but that`s another issue), he doesn`t need any torch passing. Torch passing to Cena should have been done years such thing is needed now, Cena is well established.
As for calling Rock a pussy for walking away from wrestling, that is typical knee jerk reaction not event worth discussing. Get a life.
I`d like to see the Rock beat Cena next wrestle-mania, for the surprise factor and the potential character depth a defeat vs. the Rock would offer to Cena. And let`s face it ,most people want to see the Rock win.

you hit the nail on the head.cena vs rock is pretty much billed as a dream match.even though its nothing i want to see.wwe failed to give me Goldberg vs Austin when they had the chance to do it.
Cena does not need a touch passed to him. He stepped up and took the fucking spot light. He became the WWE. He made himself a house hold name. He doesn't need to beat the Rock to prove that hes is the biggest name currently in professional wrestling, and will continue to be in that position for several years to come.

The Rock walked away from the WWE, I don't think you can pass on a torch in being a complete pussy and walking away from the company/business/thing that made you famous in the first place.

The Rock was NEVER Hogan, and he was NEVER Austin. The Rock is the self proclaimed "Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment." He was never as big of a name as Austin or Hogan, while Cena has captured the hearts of children and adults in the same way that both Hogan and Austin were able to. Hell HBK, Taker, Edge and Jericho are all bigger names that stand out when it comes to profession wrestling than the Rock. Its probably due to the 4 of them not being complete *****es and leaving the WWE.

Cena vs Rock is still a complete waste of time IMHO. Ill be glad when the match takes place, and this entire event can be put in the past.

Cena > Rock

French Kiss, I know that you do not like the rock, but you cant deny that he is one of the biggest names of all time. He still gets cheered like crazy from the fans. This thread is not about what people think about cena and the rock. That can be debated to no end. I already acknowledge that Cena is the face of the company. This question is different. The question is if the attitude era males (most, not all, of whom boo cena like crazy) dont accept cena as the man, because he never got the torch from the rock, who got it from hogan, and austin in their last wrestlemania match).
Again guys, i know that cena is established as the face of the company, and has gotten huge wins over hbk, and hhh, two of the biggest ever in the industry. The question is if attitude era males do not accept cena as the face because he was never passed the torch from the guy who it was last passed to, the rock.
Again guys, i know that cena is established as the face of the company, and has gotten huge wins over hbk, and hhh, two of the biggest ever in the industry. The question is if attitude era males do not accept cena as the face because he was never passed the torch from the guy who it was last passed to, the rock.

i agree..the torch being passed will be the attitude era passing the torch to the PG in term it makes will pretty much be the rock saying to the older fans.hey move on the attitude era is gone.
Austin already passed the torch to Cena at his hall of fame ceremony when at the end, he gave Cena a symbolic beer. No one else got one (that I remember). Sure, it wasn't in the ring, but, it means just as much if not more. Wish he could've given that beer to someone else, though.
Cena does not need a touch passed to him. He stepped up and took the fucking spot light. He became the WWE. He made himself a house hold name. He doesn't need to beat the Rock to prove that hes is the biggest name currently in professional wrestling, and will continue to be in that position for several years to come.

The Rock walked away from the WWE, I don't think you can pass on a torch in being a complete pussy and walking away from the company/business/thing that made you famous in the first place.

The Rock was NEVER Hogan, and he was NEVER Austin. The Rock is the self proclaimed "Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment." He was never as big of a name as Austin or Hogan, while Cena has captured the hearts of children and adults in the same way that both Hogan and Austin were able to. Hell HBK, Taker, Edge and Jericho are all bigger names that stand out when it comes to profession wrestling than the Rock. Its probably due to the 4 of them not being complete *****es and leaving the WWE.

Cena vs Rock is still a complete waste of time IMHO. Ill be glad when the match takes place, and this entire event can be put in the past.

Cena > Rock

ROTFLMAO! Edge and Jericho were bigger names than Rock? Well, there goes your credibility. Rock was a bigger name than Hogan and Austin, forget about Edge and Jericho. Rock's already explained why he left the WWE, so I realize it's a complete waste of time to try to explain it to blind fools like this clown, so I won't.

What are you kidding me? Trust me if the rock loses to cena at wm next year many people including myself will be so :banghead:! The Rock doesnt need to lose to cena.Fuck cena! He already is the face of the company and is looked by the wwe as the hulk hogan of this generation so why make him go over the rock.Cena already got over by beating guys like hhh and hbk at wm.
What i find funny is cena says the match between him and rock at wm will be the biggest match in history.Really? Didnt he say that when he faced hhh at wm22 or batista at SS 08.Anyways going back to what i was saying cena beating rocky at wm will be a huge slap in the face to all the loyal attitude era fans.

Is this a joke??? "He already is the face of the company and is looked by the wwe as the hulk hogan of this generation so why make him go over the rock."???????? BECAUSE HE IS THE FACE OF THE COMPANy!!!! You answered the second part of that sentence with the first part!!!!

Rock beating Cena would be a complete waste and an idiotic move. He's not even a full time wrestler and Cena is the face of the company. Rock beating Cena would be one of the worst booking decisions in the history of pro wrestling. They might as well have David Arquette come in and win the WWE title on the same show.
What are you kidding me? Trust me if the rock loses to cena at wm next year many people including myself will be so :banghead:! The Rock doesnt need to lose to cena.Fuck cena! He already is the face of the company and is looked by the wwe as the hulk hogan of this generation so why make him go over the rock.Cena already got over by beating guys like hhh and hbk at wm.
What i find funny is cena says the match between him and rock at wm will be the biggest match in history.Really? Didnt he say that when he faced hhh at wm22 or batista at SS 08.Anyways going back to what i was saying cena beating rocky at wm will be a huge slap in the face to all the loyal attitude era fans.

Wait, the Attitude Era fan's? I don't think Vince really care alot about the Aittude Era fan's anymore, much to the sense that he think's most of them probably moved on from wrestling, or watch it with thier family.

Anyway, yes, Cena will win at Wrestlemania, it's like when Rock faced Hogan at Wrestlemania. Why would the young guy who's gonna be around much longer lose to the older guy who is gonna leave after the match? How much sense would that make? None at all.

The Rock is nostagical act now who, while I may be a fan of him, cannot for the life of me see him winning at Wrestlemania against WWE's current top face. What does that say to the fans, that the current top guy could'nt beat this guy who hasn't wrestled for 7 year's, how's that gonna make Cena look.

It's a passing the torch senario, John Cena would be solidifed as a bonofide top 10 of all time if he can beat The Rock, he's done pretty much everything else.

Best of all, it's a dream match. I never though we would see this match, but it's happening, barring catastrophe. The fan's will love it and only the nogastical people like yourself will be the one's pissed off at the end result.

You may be a mark for the Rock, or love the Attitude Era star's, but there is no logical sense in The Rock beating John Cena at Wrestlemania 28.
Cena doesn't need the torch, he made his own.
He's above any type of torch passing, he's been the face of the company for around 5 years or so. His career is past the torch. I'd almost say Cena is close to needing to pass a torch, but he's put Sheamus and Miz over most recently, along with many others. Cena is going to win this match, it's pretty much obvious, wrestlers especially world champions who hold the belt for 11 months, won't lose to celebrities. Making Cena look weak makes the entire WWE look inferior to the tooth fairy.

To whomever put The Rock above Hogan and Austin - that's a little biased. Hogan is the biggest name and draw ever, and Stone Cold is the biggest star from the Sports Entertainment eras. The Rock is a legend, but he isn't above Hulk/Austin
I really do think that passing the torch is a big deal. Hulk Hogan wouldn't be who he is today without Andre the Giant. HHH wouldn't be The Game if he never beat the Rock and Stone Cold. And Chris Jericho would be nothing if it wasn't for the fact that he beat Rock and Stone Cold to be the first Undisputed Champion.

Two people that never really passed the torch are Goldberg and Lesnar. Sure they both eventually lost their titles, but did they ever lose clean? In my opinion, Lesnar's health takes him out of the picture and shouldn't come back for his own sake. But Goldberg needs to put his ego aside like many people did for him and come back for at least one last match. I heard he's teasing one last comeback so his kid can see him in action... which practically throws him losing out the window. But it's what the business needs, pro wrestling made him a household name and allows him to use his crappy acting skills to make crappy movies, and now he needs to give back.

I wouldn't say Bret Hart ever actually put any one over either. Well Shawn Michaels, but that wasn't his choice. Sure the submission match against Austin solidified Austin, but I don't think Stone Cold ever actually beat him. The people that put over Austin were Jake the Snake, Michaels, and the Undertaker. Bret Hart gave him a big spot light feud but never put him over.

Which brings me to a sad and probably controversial fact. Only way Undertaker can ever actually pass the torch is at Wrestlemania. I know he's a total pro but the streak is a big part of his legacy. Only thing I can think is that his winning streak become an undefeated streak by having a double count out or double knock out ending with most likely Cena (only because he's really the only choice)... unless some other mega star and company man pops out for the WWE. Maybe Orton, Miz, Punk, or Christian, but I think it needs to be another big man just not Big Show, Kane, or Khali. But some Hulk Hoganesque type of star that can carry the company.
Hello Wrestlezone. It is I TheRealAwesome1 here to bring you ground-breaking linguistics and here I have read all the Cena/Rock WM28 Threads. But no one has yet to mention the hidden secret that the number "8" has at Wrestlemania. Ya see rewind to the main event of WM8 With Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan. On paper these two smoke & mirror WWE Superstars it was labeled a "Dream Match". But fast-forward to TEN YEARS LATER WM1(8) Hogan defeated Flair at WM8 which gave him the "torch" as i will refer to it. He wrestled The Rock at WM18 and Rock defeated Hogan and therefore Rock has recieved the torch. The torch that the Rock has had for Ten years, and come next year at WM2(8) he will give the torch to Cena to defend at WM3(8)! Get My drift? 8 is the number of the torch and remember to Take Care. . . Spike Your Hair! Woo Woo Woo I'm pretty sure I know it!
To the real awesome 1.....Hulk Hogan wrestled Sid and Ric Flair wrestled Macho Man at WM 8.....Just saying....
As for the torch, I would say Cena doesn't need it because time has passed for Cena to need the torch. The torch was always passed from the older to the young... Not that cena is not young is just that he doesn't need it anymore...he's been on top since WM 21, if anything he "got" the torch when he defeated HHH at wrestlemania 22 becuase since 02 to 06 he was the man....
IMHO I don't care who wins between Cena or the rock....neither guy needs the rub and it doesn't really hurt cena to lose.... The Rock isn't a crippled old man like Hogan was 10 years agot
Cena does not need a touch passed to him. He stepped up and took the fucking spot light. He became the WWE. He made himself a house hold name. He doesn't need to beat the Rock to prove that hes is the biggest name currently in professional wrestling, and will continue to be in that position for several years to come.

The Rock walked away from the WWE, I don't think you can pass on a torch in being a complete pussy and walking away from the company/business/thing that made you famous in the first place.

The Rock was NEVER Hogan, and he was NEVER Austin. The Rock is the self proclaimed "Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment." He was never as big of a name as Austin or Hogan, while Cena has captured the hearts of children and adults in the same way that both Hogan and Austin were able to. Hell HBK, Taker, Edge and Jericho are all bigger names that stand out when it comes to profession wrestling than the Rock. Its probably due to the 4 of them not being complete *****es and leaving the WWE.

Cena vs Rock is still a complete waste of time IMHO. Ill be glad when the match takes place, and this entire event can be put in the past.

Cena > Rock

I'd say based on what hes sold in the theaters to this point that the Rock is a bigger name than Austin to non wrestling fans. Matter of fact I'd say hes on par with Hogan. And as this generation gets older and a new one comes in, the rock will surpass hogan. The new generation isnt going to know hogan as well.

Him and Vin Diesel are the 2 names that has made Fast 5 sell tickets at record breaking numbers.
Just because an established star loses to someone further down the card does not mean they "passed the torch" - That phrase refers to an big time main eventer, your biggest star, putting over the guy who is now taking over as the face of the company.

Hogan didn't pass the torch to The Rock, Rock was already a established main eventer, top draw, multi time champion. Rock gained little from that victory. That's like saying Ric Flair passed the torch to Undertaker. It's a nice niche on Taker's career and one of his more entertaining WM winning streak matches but Taker was already a huge star at that time, he wasn't elevated much by the victory.

You can argue Hogan passed the torch to Goldberg, validating his winning streak and rise to prominence with his Georgia Dome victory, proving that The Streak, built largely against mid carders, was credible and his popularity was a force to be reckoned with. just as Hart elevated HBK with their Iron Man Match, finally HBK was champion and no longer a step below Hart. Harley Race passed the torch to Flair at Starrcade, establishing that Flair's run as champion was legit and that he now was the face of the company. Flair did the same for Sting.

Cena has already achieved huge status in WWE, he's a multi time champion and right now the only guy besides HHH or Taker who coulkd wear that belt and sell big time tickets and merchandise. Few stars move merch like Cena. If he faces the Rock Cena should get the win based on the fact that he's a full time guy and Rock would be coming in for one match, one show. Unless that changed and Rock decided he wanted to stick around for awhile, Cena should get that win. Rock already got his WM moment when he finaly defeated Austin after years of coming up short vs him in big matches a few years ago.
As great as the Rock was in the Attitude Era, WWE nowadays is "The John Cena Show". John Cena IS the top guy right now.

But in spite of status as "top dog", Cena has A LOT of detractors, who say he only has 5 moves and panders to the kiddies too much. A win over the Rock at WM 28 may help win over some of those critics.

Hulk Hogan was the top guy in the WWF in the 80's, bar none. He was a huge star, but beating Andre the Giant at WM 3 took him to a whole new level.
Cena does not need a touch passed to him. He stepped up and took the fucking spot light. He became the WWE. He made himself a house hold name. He doesn't need to beat the Rock to prove that hes is the biggest name currently in professional wrestling, and will continue to be in that position for several years to come.

The Rock walked away from the WWE, I don't think you can pass on a torch in being a complete pussy and walking away from the company/business/thing that made you famous in the first place.

The Rock was NEVER Hogan, and he was NEVER Austin. The Rock is the self proclaimed "Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment." He was never as big of a name as Austin or Hogan, while Cena has captured the hearts of children and adults in the same way that both Hogan and Austin were able to. Hell HBK, Taker, Edge and Jericho are all bigger names that stand out when it comes to profession wrestling than the Rock. Its probably due to the 4 of them not being complete *****es and leaving the WWE.

Cena vs Rock is still a complete waste of time IMHO. Ill be glad when the match takes place, and this entire event can be put in the past.

Cena > Rock

Jericho, HBK and Edge are bigger than the Rock? Nope. Sorry. You're wrong....big time.

The Rock is by far the biggest name professional wrestling has produced in the last two decades. He's the first to leave the business and become a HUGE success in Hollywood too.

Seriously, I like Jericho, HBK and Edge just as much as the next guy, but to straight faced say they're bigger than The Rock is just ridiculous. An argument could be made for Taker, in terms of being "just a wrestler", but if we're talking success as a whole, Rock is bigger than Taker far.
Cena does not need a touch passed to him. He stepped up and took the fucking spot light. He became the WWE. He made himself a house hold name. He doesn't need to beat the Rock to prove that hes is the biggest name currently in professional wrestling, and will continue to be in that position for several years to come.

The Rock walked away from the WWE, I don't think you can pass on a torch in being a complete pussy and walking away from the company/business/thing that made you famous in the first place.

The Rock was NEVER Hogan, and he was NEVER Austin. The Rock is the self proclaimed "Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment." He was never as big of a name as Austin or Hogan, while Cena has captured the hearts of children and adults in the same way that both Hogan and Austin were able to. Hell HBK, Taker, Edge and Jericho are all bigger names that stand out when it comes to profession wrestling than the Rock. Its probably due to the 4 of them not being complete *****es and leaving the WWE.

Cena vs Rock is still a complete waste of time IMHO. Ill be glad when the match takes place, and this entire event can be put in the past.

Cena > Rock

I really don't understand what people think about when they write the things they write. First, the Rock is a WAY bigger wrestling star than HBK, Edge or Jericho. Whatever made you say that i don't know but it's ignorant. Second, the Rock didn't leave WWE Vince gave him no other choice. Vince would not let Rock own his name in new contract negotiations and wanted Rock to attach WWE/Vince McMahon as executive producer to ALL his movies. Basically Vince wanted to own Rock's Hollywood career. THAT is why Rock left not because he was some kind of pussy. Was Jericho a pussy when he left to write his book and tour with fozzy? Idiots out here talking about shit they have no idea about.

Oh and by the way, in 1999 the Rock broke Steve Austin's incredible 1998 all time largest gates in the history of wrestling record(Autin broke Hogan's 1986 all time record)

The Rock the proceeded to break his own record the very next year in 2000. Guess what? That record still stands as Cena hasn't come no where near breaking the Rock's record and in fact it just may not ever be broken.

That's a bit of information for anyone that says Rock was never Austin or Hogan. The Rock owns the all time pro wrestling record for gates in a year. That means he drew the biggest crowds in the history of wrestling. Keep in mind also, Steve Austin worked all of 2001 as champ and headlined Wrestlemania 17 and still didn't beat the Rock's record.

If you don't like the Rock just say you don't like him! Don't make up shit to back your argument.
Cena already has the spotlight but he doesnt deserve the torch passed because his wrestling ability is just weak. he gets whooped for 15 mins and then does his little 6 move comeback n wins. its pathetic. thats why half the fans hate him. he doesnt deserve all the glory and yet vince still pushes us to believe he is the best. yeah he is popular but its a new wwe world and in ring ability is more important than your gimmick, even though cena doesnt have one and tries to be funny like the rock (epic fail there). you have to really earn it in your in ring performance if you want the torch passed. if cena wins then its just going to show that vince doesnt give a shit about the fans that havent accepted him.
Cena already has the spotlight but he doesnt deserve the torch passed because his wrestling ability is just weak. he gets whooped for 15 mins and then does his little 6 move comeback n wins. its pathetic. thats why half the fans hate him. he doesnt deserve all the glory and yet vince still pushes us to believe he is the best. yeah he is popular but its a new wwe world and in ring ability is more important than your gimmick, even though cena doesnt have one and tries to be funny like the rock (epic fail there). you have to really earn it in your in ring performance if you want the torch passed. if cena wins then its just going to show that vince doesnt give a shit about the fans that havent accepted him.

Do you remember Hogan? Exact same thing he used to do and he's STILL the biggest name in Pro Wrestling today. Wrestling ability only counts for so much, charisma and mic ability honestly count for so much more. While I'm not huge on Cena and do think he could improve his moveset, to say he doesn't deserve to be on top because of his lack of wrestling skill is ignorant. So many people have been on top with what seems like charisma alone.
Sure, Cena isn't the best wrestler around...but he is better than Hogan was. Maybe he doesn't have the wrestling ability that Orton, Christian, Edge, HBK and those kind of guys do. But the thing is, he's over. He shifts the most merchandise, and he's the biggest draw in WWE right now. THAT's why he's where he is in WWE.

Not quite sure what I'm meant to say in response to the OP though. Rock has been great for WWE even when he didn't work for them. Enough said?
For whoever says that Cena doesn't need to beat Rock...uh, you're wrong. When Rock faced Hogan it was the same position. Rock was firmly soidified as one of the top guys in the company, but he still needed to beat from of the greatest from back then to prove that he did deserve to be the current top guy in the company. And that's exactly what's going to happen when Rock faces Cena. Cena officially becomes the top guy in the company after being passed the torch by the top guy from the previos era.

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