The rock at WM 24 ?, by the Wrestling Observer


Dark Match Winner
"Dave Meltzer reports that The Rock has agreed to work a match at WrestleMania 24, only if WWE can provide him a high profile match and put him over. Shawn Michaels' return is being rushed for this purpose. It's believed he will turn heel in order to feud with Rock in what The Rock wants to be his sendoff from wrestling. The possibility of Michaels walking into WrestleMania as WWE Champion has also been mentioned, though nothing concrete has come of it. WrestleMania 24 will take place in The Rock's home state of Florida."

I found it on the Internet, I don't know if it's real, because I haven't seen it yet on the Wrestlezone News Stories.
Intresting. Cant say I'm bothered about a Rock return though. WWE has coped just fine in the 3 and half years he's been gone. I dont think W.M. needs him. I always thought that his last match would be against Austin, Hogan or Foley.

Personally I cant see it happening. The Rock apparently hates HBK, and he doesn't need the money.
how can u say the wwe has done well without the rock?? there are no superstars anywhere near as good as him atm..hhh being the exception...he is a huuugggeee draw and personally id love to see him in a feud with keneddy or cena to utilise his mic skills
I don't see that happening at all.

Dwayne Johnson has reiterated time and again, that he is done with wrestling. In fact, he recently spoke about it in press junkets about his latest movie The Game Plan. He stated about how he didn't announce anything during WM20, because he "wanted to get out quietly".

I can't see an elaborate match at WM24 as "getting out quietly".

Johnson has said on more than one occasion, that he had and has no desire to work with Shawn Michaels, due to their relationship from the past. I can't imagine him coming back to wrestle HBK in his farewell match.

I won't rule out an appearance at Wrestlemania of some kind. Maybe an interview segment or possibly even as a special referee in a featured match, but as a wrestler?

I simply don't see it happening.

He's moved on with a new career, and we should be happy for him. He doesn't need WWE to further his film career and WWE doesn't need him to sell Wrestlemania.
how can u say the wwe has done well without the rock?? there are no superstars anywhere near as good as him atm..hhh being the exception...he is a huuugggeee draw and personally id love to see him in a feud with keneddy or cena to utilise his mic skills

I said they have COPED just fine without him. When was The Rocks last memorable match? Five years ago at Summer Slam. Now please dont tell me that Austi/nRock 03 was memorable. For a match with two superstars it's almost been forgotten. Can you honestly say that the last few Mania's have needed The Rock? I cant. Sure this years card was a bit week. But Austin was there. And he is by far a bigger wrestling star.
If this is true, if Meltzer actually reported that nonsense, he should be banned from ever reporting on anything involving wrestling again. What a moronic thing to say. Every single part of that makes no fucking sense whatsoever. First of all, The Rock has signed no deal with the WWE, because he's done with wrestling. Second, The Rock doesn't try to "go over" other people. Third, why the fuck would they turn HBK heel? They tried that against Hogan and it didn't work. And finally, why the fuck would they give the title to a heel HBK right after he comes back from an injury when he wants to wrestle part time so he can drop the title to the Rock in his last match? Like I said, I don't know if he reported that or not, but if he did what a moronic and irresponsible piece of reporting.
I think this could go either way. Obviously The Rock returning to wrestle one last match would sell big, because.. well, its "The Rock." But I'm siding with Jake on this one.. W.W.E. has done just fine without The Rock headlining any of its major events.

If The Rock thinks he has pull by saying "I'll do it if you put me over in a great match." Then he's just like Hogan. And for that, I lose respect for the man. I liked The Rock, & while at times I was just as pissed with him & the Championship as I am now with Cena & the Championship.. the fact is, I wanna see Rock wrestle.. but not if he wants to be a whiney baby about whether he wins or loses.

People complain about Ric Flair wanting one last chance to be in the spotlight, & go out on top. And people boo him for it, yet when Mr. "I'm too good for the company that made me" comes back, everyone is fine with him wanting to be put over.. & to H.B.K., no less. I mean, come on. Have Rock v. Randy Orton as a Mania match.. then it'll justify putting Rock over, but Rock going over H.B.K. has no meaning. I think it'd be a great match, but for Rock to win would only ruin H.B.K. more, as Rock has no intention on staying in the business.. H.B.K. still does.

And if anyone says then how is it okay for a younger star in Randy Orton to drop one to The "Great One." I never said it'd be okay, either.. but Orton can do his "Legend Killer" gimmick, just like with Hogan.. & put on a nice match, only to let The Rock win.. thus allowing fans to remember the Rock.. "as a legend, who didn't die."
I dont feel that The Rock thinks he's too good for the company. And I also think that he'll put over whoever he faces. He did put over The Hurricane. But I dont think he's needed by WWE. And he certainly doesn't need WWE. He's made millions over the past few years. Why risk injuring himself in a dangerous sport. It's likley his timing will be off. It will be 4 years since W.M. 20 by that time. Personally I think it's more likley that Luther will become admin, than Ther Rock having another match.
I rather watch rock vs Kennedy. That way Kenendy would be skyrocketed maybe to the desired Shawn Michael Levels.
and The Rock wanting to get over? mhhmm...I just don get it.
Anyway, I see this as a never say never, but frankly, Highly unlikely. Both hate each other, something like Hogan and austin, no one will want to lose this one.
The money wont be a problem, but Do the rock really needs this? I say no, Im fine without the Rock, thank you.
No one in the wrestling world would be happier than me to see THE ROCK make one last comeback to the WWE for one final run. But like he's been saying, The Rock is "DONE" with wrestling.

I do however remember reading internet rumors a couple years back of him wanting to work with Sting at WM 21. Idk if they were true. However that does justify the claim that Rock won't come back for anything unless it is "worth it".

And yes, it would be a great idea to Put Orton vs. Rock, that would def. sell.
Austin vs. The Rock rematch. Only this time is a retirement match and they end it in a double DQ and both have to retire. If they can't get them the Hogan vs. Flair same outcome.
WWE needs The Rock more than he needs them. I think that report is false, he's making more money doing films and plus he's closer and closer to dropping 'The Rock' from his name with each film.
Hmm... I'm split into two parts over this.

The Sensible Part:
The Rock won't come back. Honestly, what does he have to gain by this? To tell the God's honest truth, he sucked at wrestling, he knew three moves, if he faced John Cena in a shoot wrestling match, Cena might actually win. He's now a Hollywood star, more famous for movies than he is for wrestling, so why on Earth would he want to relate himself back to wrestling? In his view, it would probably be a step backwards, and thus it aint gonna happen.

The Mark Within:
Lets face it, we've all got a little mark within us. That's why most people start watching wrestling. The five people who I've gotten into wrestling, I've used the same match for all three. TLC II at WM17. Because we all have some mark to begin with, even if we end up extinguishing it. So, I freely admit: if The Rock turned up at WM24, I'd love it. I'd be smiling, and it would be worth the price of the PPV alone.
was recently watching "Jim Rome is Burning." and Dwayne Johnson was on it and said that he quietly retired and didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

People saying that if he wrestles, he will some how get hurt. well on that same episode he mentioned that during a QB drills to be prepared for his next movie he actually tore something in his shoulder.

will the rock come back? no. highly highly doubtful because it will be just another step back for the WWE in my opinion. WWE needs to be pushing new, younger talent not bring back in someone who is done with the company. the rock had his last match and it was terrible! him and mick foley taking on evolution and loosing.
Okay, I am on the fence with this issue. Lets face it, the Rock doesn't need the WWE, in fact, he doesn't WANT them! Despite the possibility of injury, he doesn't need the money! He quit wrestling, and as an actor, he is making much more money than before, without all the risks. Sure, he ruptured his Achilles Tendon, but there is risk for everything.
I say it won't happen, even though I would love for it too. WWE has had some problems with superstars, steroids, and injuries, and they could contact the Rock if they got desperate enough to try and bother him, but I strongly feel that if that were the case, he would turn them down. Dwayne Johnson doesn't need wrestling, and with his retirement already set in stone, if Dwayne went back to wrestling, it could be seen as either: A.) Charity work for WWE, which the company wouldn't want, or B.) A step back for Dwayne, which could make him look bad in future managers' and directors' eyes.
Either option is bad for the opposing party, therefore neither wants it to happen. For these reasons, I don't believe it is capable of happening. Sorry marks, but we probably will never see Dwayne Johnson in another wrestling ring ever again.
Yeah I agree that The Rock dosn't need the WWE. I think if he does come back it will be to help out the WWE and he will be doing it for the fans. Ididnt appreciate The Rock when he was around...but I have learned toappreciate him more as a performer.
Meh, I wouldn't mind seeing it, but I can't see the Rock taking off two months from hollywood to build this feud up properly. I would love to see it, simply because there is real life legit heat between the two that I have no idea what is about. Anytime there is real heat, the match is more interesting, simply because you never know when someone is going to go stiff on someone. I for one would love to See HBK completely make the Rock look like an idiot in this match, but I don't think the match will happen.

The WWE doesn't need the Rock, and whoever thinks that is just sad. The WWE needs to worry about making younger stars instead of letting guys like Triple H bury the midcard all in one match. That is bullshit. The Rock is a has been and hasn't made a good movie yet, and hasn't been in a good match in 5 years, and that was thanks to Brock Lesnar, not the Rock.

Like I said, I would love to see it, simply because I would love to see a 45 year old HBK make a 35 year old Rock look like complete shite in the ring.
Yeah, I'm going to say this is complete B.S.

First of all, why would The Wrestling Observer say "Dave Meltzer reports", when Dave Meltzer is the one who writes the Observer? That's silly.

Secondly, Rock has time and again stayed away from wrestling, and with the big steroid controversy, and the lingering effects of Benoit, there is no way he would, in his right mind, touch the WWE.

Thirdly, Shawn Michaels was being rumored to return around Survivor Series. Why would they "rush" his return for a PPV 5 months later than the one he is scheduled to come back to?

Finally, a match with Shawn Michaels? A match that is supposed to be a "dream" for so many, but Rock has turned down many times?

I'm calling B.S. on this report.
Yeah, I'm going to say this is complete B.S.

First of all, why would The Wrestling Observer say "Dave Meltzer reports", when Dave Meltzer is the one who writes the Observer? That's silly.

Secondly, Rock has time and again stayed away from wrestling, and with the big steroid controversy, and the lingering effects of Benoit, there is no way he would, in his right mind, touch the WWE.

Thirdly, Shawn Michaels was being rumored to return around Survivor Series. Why would they "rush" his return for a PPV 5 months later than the one he is scheduled to come back to?

Finally, a match with Shawn Michaels? A match that is supposed to be a "dream" for so many, but Rock has turned down many times?

I'm calling B.S. on this report.

defenitely theres no way he will even consider a return and with Shawn Micheals? like you said if the Rock really wanted to wrestle him they would have already had their dream match. so far this story looks like Bs but if its not it could be pretty interesting to see how it plays out.
I hope this is true but i doubt it. This match is one of the only true dream matches that hasn't taken place. It would be a huge draw and would no doubt steal the show. The build up promos alone would be a fanboy's dream.

Unfortunately The Rock seems comfortable pumping out one kid football movie after another.
I dont see The Rock coming back at WM, to have his one last "send off" match, thats just crazy. He's lost alot of his muscle mass since he's been out, and besides what kinda feud would he/could he have with HBK? I can see with Foley or Austin, but HBK? thats crazy!
i think it would be great if he did return for 1 match, i guess if he ever did have 1 last match this might be it. but i thought that about wrestlemania 21 in hollywood, and he wasnt there. any who lol rock vs hbk at wm24 would be great, heck rock vs hbk ever would be great.

but id put my money on it never goin down, least not after the benoit & roids stuff.
There is no need for the Rock to do a match at WM24 as the WWE has moved on and why have Rock for one match just makes no sense. I rather see Cena/Batista then Rock vs anyone. So i have to say this is just a damn lie as the Rock has even said he's done. But even if its kinda true no need for a Rock match sorry but no need.
To see The Rock perform one more time would be awesome IMO. Becoming a wrestling fan during the Attitude Era I have always seen The Rock as somewhat of a wrestling God. People would buy this PPV just to see him perform, it could be just what WWE needs to get back on track, they don't exactly thrive on star power now do they?

Having said that, I consider this report to be absolute bullshit.
I'm with everyone else in that this report is complete crap

Now with that said I would mind seeing him one last time, but only if he were as good as he was in his prime, which is unrealistic, I think with Ric Flair retiring at WM24, that having Rock come in as his opponent would be great, but honestly I like the idea of Rock vs. Orton better, HBK vs. Rock would never happen and both guys are so far past their prime that their is no way that match could ever live up to the hype, but in the end this will never happen so it really doesn't matter

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