The Rock and Triple H's Final match


I have to poop.
Last night on Smackdown, something I have been pushing for was teased: A Wrestlemania match between Triple H and The Rock. It was actually footage from after RAW went off the air but it's clearly an idea that has legs if they felt the need to plant the seeds officially by airing it on Smackdown's anniversary episode. Entertaining promo...check it out.

On this forum alone I have annoyingly injected my thoughts on these two needing to feud on multiple occasions. So much to the point that I'm surprised no one has hunted me down to ensure that I'd never ever mention this dream again.

Here's a sample of a dream match idea I had earlier this year regarding this subject:

I think the only thing worthy in the WWE of The Rock's time away from filming, would be a career-ending match against Triple H at Wrestlemania. It should be teased for months leading up to it and I'd want the match to be the end for both men. It should be an epic match with a ton of "WTF!!" spots and it should end in a draw without either man able to continue. The storyline should play up their history in the company and their past feuds in the Attitude Era. Their could even be a Survivor Series match between Degeneration X (Triple H w/ NAO) VS Nation of Domination (The Rock w/ Mark Henry and D'Lo Brown) The feud should also touch on how The Rock gained all of the fame in his career and how Triple H gained the business/industry. Stone Cold could work his way into their feud becoming the bi-partial special guest referee of their WM match. Seeing as how he has had a storied kayfabe past with both men.

So no, I don't want to see Rock VS Lesnar, Daniel Bryan, Cena, Sting, Undertaker, or anyone else other than Triple H. I think both men need and deserve a cool ending to their wrestling careers. If Edge got to leave on top, both of them certainly deserve to.

Also, I think it's so stupid to have that match in their back pocket and not capitalize on it.

Other examples of me not taking a play from Frozen and just "Let[ting] It Go":

SO yeah, I'm clearly in favor for this idea (and have FAR too much downtime at work...hope my boss isn't reading this). The sentiment is that both Triple H and The Rock have been enemies since their midcard days. They've crossed each other for the IC title back then, they've feuded faction vs. faction, they've feuded mano y mano more often than any other main eventers in the Attitude Era (99-2001/2002), and they've feuded team vs. team while trying to push Evolution(2004). Their history against each other is that of the most popular ongoing feud in the Era that they were in. Stone Cold was The Rock's greatest rival whereas Triple H/The Rock were each others' greatest enemy.

I'd like to see more top wrestlers get to end on top (like Edge) rather than leave putting over some new talent that might not pan out in the long run. The reason for that is because they can always job to a new talent and then end their career on a victory against someone they actually have unfinished history with. It's not about winning to me, it's more about a fitting end to a storied career. Like Ric Flair's "retirement" match vs Shawn Michaels or Michaels' final match with Undertaker. You can still lose and have a meaningful retirement match.

Do you think that the scale of Triple H vs The Rock at Wrestlemania warrants it being a career ending match between the two? If so, why? If not, why not?
Personally, I've got zero interest in The Rock & Triple H going at it again. I like nostalgia as much as anyone else, but I'm just at a point in my life as a fan where I'm more interested in seeing matches revolving around wrestlers that're the here & now and the future of the company. The build up for this match would probably eat a lot of TV time that could be used for other feuds that would be more currently relevant. There's nothing to be gained or lost for either of them, it's just two guys from the Attitude Era stroking their already overly developed egos. :shrug: I'm just over stuff like that at this point in time.

If the match does go down, a "career ending" stipulation doesn't do anything to add interest, at least for me. Triple H is all but retired anyway and the jury is still out on whether The Rock will ever wrestle again out of concern for the possible consequences to his lucrative career as an action movie star. The Rock "retiring" Triple H or vice versa means nothing to me, it'd just seem like another feather in the cap of someone who doesn't "need" it. I'd rather see someone "retire" one of them and have it be a boon to his career instead of it being just another thing done by a legend. It's the same reason why I've no interest in The Rock or Trips beating Brock Lesnar for the title. Both are guaranteed Hall of Famers, both have had careers most other wrestlers could only dream of having, so seein' them whip 'em out once last time sounds boring to me.

While I certainly wouldn't mind a match between the two, the WWE doesn't need to permanently close a door which should be available in the future. The Rock and Triple H should always be options as active wrestlers to use in the future. Given the WWE's young roster, the talent will eventually need to be put over stronger/more established talent. For example, last year Triple H faced Daniel Bryan is what could possibly be match of the night. It was a huge step in Bryan's eventual climb to the top. Ending The Rock and/or Triple H's career would leave a huge void in big money draws for WWE's biggest show of the year, WrestleMania.

While I certainly wouldn't mind a match between the two, the WWE doesn't need to permanently close a door which should be available in the future. The Rock and Triple H should always be options as active wrestlers to use in the future. Given the WWE's young roster, the talent will eventually need to be put over stronger/more established talent. For example, last year Triple H faced Daniel Bryan is what could possibly be match of the night. It was a huge step in Bryan's eventual climb to the top. Ending The Rock and/or Triple H's career would leave a huge void in big money draws for WWE's biggest show of the year, WrestleMania.

Great point. I'm not insinuating that it needs to happen right now or even soon. Also, I mentioned that they "...can always job to a new talent and then end their career on a victory against someone they actually have unfinished history with." Read, then comment.

Personally, I've got zero interest in The Rock & Triple H going at it again. I like nostalgia as much as anyone else, but I'm just at a point in my life as a fan where I'm more interested in seeing matches revolving around wrestlers that're the here & now and the future of the company. The build up for this match would probably eat a lot of TV time that could be used for other feuds that would be more currently relevant. There's nothing to be gained or lost for either of them, it's just two guys from the Attitude Era stroking their already overly developed egos. I'm just over stuff like that at this point in time.

You're speaking from the perspective of someone who is already (at least) somewhat invested in the current product. The obvious purpose of doing something like a final feud between The Rock vs Triple H is to bring awareness back to the product. The irony in your perspective is that a "Final Match" implies that they'd be gone from in-ring wrestling forever. This is actually what you claim to want as well. Two legends gone from wrestling that would allow "a lot of TV time that could be used for other feuds that would be more currently relevant".

Also, it's not about their egos as much as it's about the majority of WM buyers who actually eat this stuff up. They love the nostalgic matches and feuds that lead up to WM. I'm in that crowd and trust me when I say that there's a lot of the people watching who voice opinions online and don't who want these nostalgic matches than there are people like yourself who simply want to see "new" stuff like Miz vs Dolph or Wyatt vs Reigns, or Bryan vs Ambrose (I kinda like that one though). It's a smart business move take yourself out of the equation and you'll see that.
Great point. I'm not insinuating that it needs to happen right now or even soon. Also, I mentioned that they "...can always job to a new talent and then end their career on a victory against someone they actually have unfinished history with." Read, then comment.
Believe me, I did "read then comment". That's my point though. There's always going to be newer talent coming in that will need putting over. If you're saying they need to have their final match against one another, I tend to agree with you there. One last hurrah against someone on your level in an outright classic will always be better than the typical retirement match against a younger talent. But my point earlier, I don't ever see the need to officially end either career of The Rock or Triple H in case they're ever needed again. I'd much rather see either one just sort of fade out from wrestling.
Believe me, I did "read then comment". That's my point though. There's always going to be newer talent coming in that will need putting over. If you're saying they need to have their final match against one another, I tend to agree with you there. One last hurrah against someone on your level in an outright classic will always be better than the typical retirement match against a younger talent. But my point earlier, I don't ever see the need to officially end either career of The Rock or Triple H in case they're ever needed again. I'd much rather see either one just sort of fade out from wrestling.

That's fair. I on the other hand, don't think a 50+ year old Rock or Triple H facing off against guys in their 20s and early 30s, sounds like much of a rub. It's the exact type of thing I don't want to see. It's better to burn out than fade away (or whatever that quote is). Also, I'm a firm believer that past stars don't need to come back to put newer guys over. It's nice when it happens but it's not necessary. If you're talented enough, you can get over own your own steam. Rubs are mainly just done as a big marquee event type of match to sell tickets, PPVs, or in this case, WWE Network also. I don't think it's about helping the younger talent as much as the veterans and newbies tend to think. It's pretty much only just a business decision (hence why those matches are usually placed at special events). Of course that's just my own opinion..
Some ridiculous comments here, both Triple H and The Rock can still go to very high level and when people constantly keep talking about 'putting over' new talent you're talking like you're bookers, got news for you, you're not.

When I watch Wrestlemania I want to see Hogan, Sting, The Rock, Undertaker, Goldberg, Jericho etc... and even better against each other.

Would rather see Rock v Triple H than...

Triple H putting over Rollins and than Rock putting over Rusev.

I want to be entertained and Tripe H v Rock or Sting that does it for me and that's what makes me buy the product, it's not the veterans job to worry about putting over talent, they can do the job but they also still have to protect themselves, if a star is a star they will eventually shine through.
A few thoughts:

1. If creative put as much thought into each televised show as they did for WrestleMania, their ratings might actually increase.
2. There are 6 months until WM...are all the other shows just a waste of time? Raw already is filled with filler content, and Smackdown is a complete waste of time.
3. "WrestleMania moments" can't be made by those (i.e. - all the young wrestlers) who don't get the chance to be in the ring (other than a normally useless battle royal on the pre-card), while HHH continues to book himself as both a suit and an in-ring performer. No one gets a special entrance now except for HHH; coincidence? I don't know what WWE is going to do when Cena is done. And Orton is now decreasing his appearances...they need to devote the time now (and take the ratings hit in the short run) to pushing new stars, for better or worse.
Okay, first, I have to go against the grain and do the rare thing of disagreeing with Jack and Hamler, which is like there's a freaking blue moon in the sky. I would LOVE to see another Rock/Helmsley match as they can both still go in the ring a while. Not as a main event, but as a late-midcard PPV affair. Yeah, this would be cash money. Attitude Era nostalgia fanboys could love it too. Ride that hype train!

As for a retirement match though OP, eh, I feel like "career vs. career" doesn't really fit these two together. They're both sort of drop-in-and-out as wrestlers now anyway so a big last match is inevitably not the last match. It almost never is these days, as "I'm coming out of retirement!" is a big money angle in itself. Save it for Mania and probably Triple H doesn't ever need a retirement match as he is going to figure in as an authority character for years to come most likely. Rock maybe, but then he had a 7-year hiatus or however long it was, who can trust the retirement thing sticking?

But yeah I could go for another match between these two. Just as long as they don't drag it out. Do a one-month job on it and get it out the way at some otherwise lacklustre PPV. One at around this time of the year would be ideal actually. No need to put it on at Mania (although it would be cool) as Mania should have enough going for it. This can spice up something like Survivor Series or whatever the hell the December PPV is this year (TLC?)
Meh, given that the Authority storyline has continued on for so long, I can see Ambrose/Reigns being more realistic opponents for Triple H at Wrestlemania with a proper built-up backstory behind it.

However, if Reigns ends up facing Lesnar, and Ambrose can also get himself a worthy opponent at Mania also, then I have no problem with him facing the Rock once the Authority storyline that 'restarted' post-Mania 30 is finished and Triple H 'needs' a place on the card and a worthy opponent.

At the end of the day, what the past few weeks have shown is that WWE is short on Star power, and with Sting also in line for a match(once Taker is fit, Sting will definitely be his opponent at Mania,lMO)... WWE needs to 'usher' a new generation of stars to take the company forward for the next decade, give or take. Hence, guys like Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins will need Top Level opponents at Mania, and given that HHH is a Top Heel currently, he is one of the top choices as an opponent for those guys at Mania.
Im all for an hhh/rock match at wrestlemania, it will generate alot of money for wrestlemania.
Both can still go in the ring. I wouldnt be against it. I dont see why people don't wanna see a match like this at mania. Its never been done at mania.

Rather see this match than the current stars of this era. IMO
It's no secret that I'm not the biggest fan of The Rock's... it's even less of a secret to know that I'm a big fan of HHH. At least it should be. And yet, if we're being 100% honest here, the feud between HHH & The Rock is my absolute favorite. From day one, these two have always been the perfect match up for each other. HHH, in my eyes, has been the top heel since taking over DX and was close to being the top heel when he was a mid-carder. Him and The Rock battling back and forth just showed how much chemistry they had. And even better, it showed how longevity in rivalries can last a life time.

So I would be lying to myself if I didn't mark out for a potential final showdown between these two. I mean let's face it, the only WrestleMania match with these two in it at the same time is WrestleMania 2000 and that was a shitty Four Way Elimination. These two need the proper chance to show what they can do at WrestleMania. And as long as they keep the WWE Championship away from this program, I'm all for it.
Some ridiculous comments here, both Triple H and The Rock can still go to very high level and when people constantly keep talking about 'putting over' new talent you're talking like you're bookers, got news for you, you're not.

When I watch Wrestlemania I want to see Hogan, Sting, The Rock, Undertaker, Goldberg, Jericho etc... and even better against each other.

Would rather see Rock v Triple H than...

Triple H putting over Rollins and than Rock putting over Rusev.

I want to be entertained and Tripe H v Rock or Sting that does it for me and that's what makes me buy the product, it's not the veterans job to worry about putting over talent, they can do the job but they also still have to protect themselves, if a star is a star they will eventually shine through.

Yes they can still go, but it is also their jobs to ensure that the wrestlers of today become tomorrow's superstars. That does mean putting the younger generation of wrestlers over.

Are you telling me that HHH reforming Evolution and letting the Shield beat them in two back to back PPV's didn't help put the Shield over. Well it did. I mean they were already over, but that helped immensely that three future Hall of Famer's thought that these 3 guys were good enough to let them win, twice in a row.

Now i'm not saying that HHH and the Rock wouldn't be a good match, but like Jack-Hammer said, I'm more interested in seeing the wrestlers of today shine. If I want to watch the Rock/HHH I'll go and find some matches and watch them when they were in they're prime.

Personally I would love to see the Rock against his cousin Roman Reigns. The promo's would only been good on one end, but the match with both men being of almost equal size and strength might be something to see. HHH I could see against Ambrose. Maybe in a couple of years have the Rock/HHH in a retirement match, not now, it's too soon for either of them.
The future stars now aren't really appealing IMO. They are really boring. Not all of them but most.

I would love too see an hhh/ rock match. It will serve my interest.

Stars now. Are too cookie cutter. dont really draw money. Or interest most fans.

WWE needs to do a better job creating stars of tomorrow
I'd have literally zero interest in the match sincerely, I can still enjoy Triple H but if it has to be his last match I don't see why not put some young talent over rather than fight another retiring guy. And honestly, yeah I might pick up a bit of hate for this but I've never been a fan of The Rock and his mic shtick.

So yeah, snore. Altought doesn't this matchup basically confirms Lesnar v Reigns as main event (double snore)
I'd be fine with these two wrestling again. Sure, nostalgia plays a part but, simply put, it would be an entertaining match and feud. The Rock and HHH are two of my favourite wrestlers of all time. They are both legends of the business and can still put on a match at a decent standard.

The WWE will obviously do everything they can to get Rock at Mania. A match with Brock would be fine but I'd prefer if he wrestled HHH and other than those two there are very few options. As for HHH, while there are many names he could wrestle (Ambrose, Wyatt, Batista) a match with The Rock would be a far bigger deal.

One of the greatest babyfaces of all time vs one of the greatest heels. There is a backstory and it will be a draw. It just makes perfect sense all round.
I don't think so. As big as The Rock and Triple H, there's still more WrestleManias that you could use them for.

The Rock - could put over Reigns, face Brock, or put over a younger talent in a retirement match.

HHH - could put over Reigns, face a young talent like Ambrose/Cesaro etc, maybe even have the match that was supposed to happen in Survivor Series '99 (HHH vs. Austin vs. Rock)
I wouldn't say no to watching a Rock/Triple H match one more time, I disagree with career ending though as I still Think both wrestlers have the occasional part time match left in them and wouldn't want either one to completely retire just to hype a ppv match.
HHH and The Rock don't need to put over any younger talent. I hate when people use that dumb excuse and suggest matches like Rock vs Rollins/HHH vs Ambrose. Rock and HHH wrestle at 1 ppv, the rest of the roster has 12 ppvs to make a name for themselves. Wrestlemania should be the best of the best, if you're not on the level than you aren't on the card or you face an opponent on your same level, its that simple. I'd rather see star vs star over star vs nobody and I'm pretty sure that 99% of WWE fans would as well. Both HHH and Rock put people over in their last WM matches. They can't lose every year to some random wrestlers that people on this forum have wet dreams about. Last year HHH had to lose to DB, this year he loses to Ambrose/Rollins, the next year it will be Sami Zayn...this is a never ending cycle of crap.
Great post above.

Agreed, it doesn't matter that Triple H or Rock let Sami Zayn fake win against them, if they are wrestling younger wrestlers all that matters is the performers of the new blood.

Can't agree more about the weird fantasy bookings.

"Triple should out over Reigns and Rock should put over Rusev"

I would get no extra pleasure from seeing that I just want to see a great Wrestlemania match and have no extra satisfaction by seeing Rusev fake win against Rock so I can feel better as of I'm some kind of booker.

I watch it to be entertained and if that means Rock and Triple H one more time than so be it.

Rusev deserves nothing less than to be squashed by The Rock.
HHH and The Rock don't need to put over any younger talent. I hate when people use that dumb excuse and suggest matches like Rock vs Rollins/HHH vs Ambrose. Rock and HHH wrestle at 1 ppv, the rest of the roster has 12 ppvs to make a name for themselves. Wrestlemania should be the best of the best, if you're not on the level than you aren't on the card or you face an opponent on your same level, its that simple. I'd rather see star vs star over star vs nobody and I'm pretty sure that 99% of WWE fans would as well. Both HHH and Rock put people over in their last WM matches. They can't lose every year to some random wrestlers that people on this forum have wet dreams about. Last year HHH had to lose to DB, this year he loses to Ambrose/Rollins, the next year it will be Sami Zayn...this is a never ending cycle of crap.

:lol: I agree 100%. HHH and rock dont need to put over any young talent at the moment. Most of the young talent now, have yet to prove themselves to be on the same level as hhh and rock.
I rather see hhh vs rock than a match involving a young talent.
HHH vs rock is what people wanna see. Not a match involving them putting over a young talent. Saved that for another ppv. Not at wrestlemania.
Wrestlemania is place where the biggest stars shine.

I hate when the iwc uses the young talent excuse. Its stupid.
HHH and The Rock don't need to put over any younger talent. I hate when people use that dumb excuse and suggest matches like Rock vs Rollins/HHH vs Ambrose. Rock and HHH wrestle at 1 ppv, the rest of the roster has 12 ppvs to make a name for themselves. Wrestlemania should be the best of the best, if you're not on the level than you aren't on the card or you face an opponent on your same level, its that simple. I'd rather see star vs star over star vs nobody and I'm pretty sure that 99% of WWE fans would as well. Both HHH and Rock put people over in their last WM matches. They can't lose every year to some random wrestlers that people on this forum have wet dreams about. Last year HHH had to lose to DB, this year he loses to Ambrose/Rollins, the next year it will be Sami Zayn...this is a never ending cycle of crap.

Thats what Ive been saying for years. So many sore pusses online right after WM 28 when the Rock went over Cena. Give me a fuckin break...thats what should have happened!
If these guys constantly lose to up and coming stars their value will diminish and beating them will mean fuck all.

Wrestlemania is the one event that brings the casual, die hard, old school and smarks together for the biggest must see show if the year.
Unless its something completely obvious where the new bright star MUST go over (ie. Austin WM 14) then people need to shut their mouths.

I, for one, would love to see a HHH/Rock final match at Mania. To me, that eould mean alot more than Rock/Brock. All the history between the two would add so much emotion to the match.
Perfect send off for both stars... And one of the greatest rivalries in history.

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