The Rising?


Championship Contender
So during this weeks episode of Impact Wrestling, we saw the formation of TNA's newest faction The Rising. During the X Division title match between Spud and Low Ki, Drew Galloway came down to ringside and caused a distraction which allowed Spud to pick up the victory and retain the X Division Title. This enraged the Beat Down Clan, who challenged Drew to step foot in the ring with them. Gallows accepted and as he entered ring he was joined by two to guys who entered thru the crowd. the three men quickly sent the BDC running to the back leaving the newly formed faction standing tall in the middle of the ring

For those of you who dont know, the two men in question happen to be former WWE Superstars Shaun Ricker and Camacho, Who are now going by the names Eli Drake & Myka and along with Drew Galloway will form the Stable The Rising and look set to go toe to toe with the BDC. Personally I think signing these two was a great move by TNA, they are both great workers and with them mostly appearing in NXT, I don't see them getting tarnished with the same brush as other former WWE wrestlers do. Also having them go head to head with the BDC can only help get them over with the fans and give them plenty of time to show everyone what they can do.
These guys must have been around long after I stopped watching WWE programming, because I hadn't a clue who either was when they debuted or even when I read about this weeks ago when the spoilers were released.

I'm gonna withhold judgement just as I would with anyone else (like Galloway) to see these men actually compete, and perform here in TNA before I say one way or the other, but what I can say early is — ugh, another stable? It's tiresome, even if Galloway has momentum and has the early appearance of giving TNA a positive result.

I said it in the LD last night — "respect" and stables are the two most overused and abused staples in the TNA diet that I could really, really, really do with less of. The best feuds in this company right now require the minimum number, give or take, of involved parties. Bram/Magnus [Mickie], EY/Roode, Matt or Jeff Hardy/James Storm, etc.

I'm all for new blood, because it always provides a shot of excitement to the company, but frankly, I'm sick and tired of stables.
I'll tell you this Eli Drake(shaun ricker) is the signing to watch. I don't know how much he'll get the opportunity to speak, but the dude is one of the most charismatic men who haven't made a main roster. He wants to be the Rock (spent time on the rocks reality hero show). To me he comes off a little bit like Dusty Rhodes. He's no Daniel Bryan in the ring but he's pretty good to watch. I saw him a lot in Championship Wrestling from Hollywood. look him up. He got some pretty good pub in NXT even though he never made it to the tv roster. He got a concussion and said a few remarks on twitter that helped him find his way out the door. Otherwise, I think he'd be a weekly feature on NXT.

In CWH, he had Percy Pringle as a manager. He's got the look and the talent to quickly rise in TNA. I hope he gets a fair shot to show what he can do. I hate that Brian Cage is in Lucha Underground, because the tag team Ricker and Cage had in CWH was awesome.

Either way, I am happy he's on my TV. Now...pass me the gravy...DUMMY.
the Rising kinda reminds me a bit of the Shield, will they keep reminding me of them is unknown, but i do like all three. the ex Camacho has talent in the ring, i do love Galloway's in ring ability (just not his ability to speak) and i dont know much about the former Shaun Ricker, but if he can speak, then i think he (not Drew) needs to handle the promos. some people like to compare TNA with WCW, but one major difference with TNA and WCW is that TNA usually hires ex WWE guys who still have potential to be stars if given a chance and that's something i always want to see....if those ex WWE wrestlers can be stars in another company.
I'll tell you this Eli Drake(shaun ricker) is the signing to watch. I don't know how much he'll get the opportunity to speak, but the dude is one of the most charismatic men who haven't made a main roster. He wants to be the Rock (spent time on the rocks reality hero show). To me he comes off a little bit like Dusty Rhodes. He's no Daniel Bryan in the ring but he's pretty good to watch. I saw him a lot in Championship Wrestling from Hollywood. look him up. He got some pretty good pub in NXT even though he never made it to the tv roster. He got a concussion and said a few remarks on twitter that helped him find his way out the door. Otherwise, I think he'd be a weekly feature on NXT.

In CWH, he had Percy Pringle as a manager. He's got the look and the talent to quickly rise in TNA. I hope he gets a fair shot to show what he can do. I hate that Brian Cage is in Lucha Underground, because the tag team Ricker and Cage had in CWH was awesome.

Either way, I am happy he's on my TV. Now...pass me the gravy...DUMMY.

Right on the money. Ricker was quite a talent in Hollywood Wrestling; dude is good on the mic and is decent in the ring. But I also feel that all these stables that come and go had been done to death. I know TNA wants to get the new blood involved, but mixing it up with the BDC is really gonna lead nowhere. At this point without Lashley being with them and Joe leaving the BDC are just there.
I actually think it's fine that he mix it up with the BDC. I don't even think they're the/an issue. The issue for me is that this is another faction war in a long list of faction wars that the company never seems to be willing to let go of. It's not that it's not an effective story to tell (it is), it's that I've heard this story too often to care right now.

I'd be so much more into this if it were "The Rising" debuting to help Galloway as a tag team who then move into their own feud with Low Ki and Kenny King (who would also be a tag team), for example. Where Galloway and MVP are feuding on their own as well. A little cross-over here and there, fine, but this shouldn't be "my boys versus your boys" again. It should be "me versus you" and "us [The Rising] versus you [King and Ki]".
Right on the money. Ricker was quite a talent in Hollywood Wrestling; dude is good on the mic and is decent in the ring. But I also feel that all these stables that come and go had been done to death. I know TNA wants to get the new blood involved, but mixing it up with the BDC is really gonna lead nowhere. At this point without Lashley being with them and Joe leaving the BDC are just there.

Eh that can always be fixed. Turn a big face heel, do a "mystery new member" storyline and they're back on track.

I have zero issue with any member of each faction. I have an issue with the fact that it's a faction war. Done with them. On the plus side, this doesn't seem to be a Main Event storyline. Before, facton wars were top of the card and it took most of the show. This one seems like one of the many mid-card storylines right now which is fine. And by fine I mean skippable.

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