The Rhode to Wrestlemania


Pre-Show Stalwart
With Wrestlemania only half a year away, we can start tossing our ideas for matches in, so in this post, I'm looking at the very real possibility in a Cody/Goldie singles match.

I feel that, if the "Best for business" angle keeps running unitl mania, have something like this happen:

Rhodes and Goldust are still champions heading into the rumble (either with this current reign lasting til then or , they eventually end up losing the straps either at rumble or at the Chamber. (I'd prefer the rumble as this would give the new champs enough time to build toward a solid mania program, unlike last year. (I'd like to see PTP heading into mania as challengers against a monster undefeated heel team that they ultimately overcome)

Anyway, Cody and Goldust are on great terms, both hugely over faces as they are now. They've constantly dodged HHH and his crew over the months and are sitting pretty (Despite not being champs).

Then comes the swerve, HHH can come out and declare that he is going to destroy the Rhodes family once and for all so at mania, it will be Cody vs Goldust with the loser being fired and should they refuse to fight, they'll both be fired HOWEVER, there is an added special stipulation, the special guest referee will be none other than "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes...

Imagine the go home show, Cody, Dusty and Goldie standing tall after fighting off HHH's crew standing in the ring, all united despite knowing very well that in 6 days time what will be happening.

I feel that this adds so much to an already well layered and well written story and this would result in a hugely emotional payoff for both the audience and the Rhodes family, who will finally have their mania moment as an entire family...

Thoughts? Suggestions? Now just toss in the whole "Jake Roberts leading the Wyatt Family" against the Shield w/ Vinnie Mac for power of the WWE and you've got gold at mania.
For me, a Goldust vs Cody Rhodes does not interest me at all.

If it were me, the proper match up would be The Rhodes Family vs. The Wyatt Family at Wrestlemania 30 in New Orleans. Just the possibilities of Dusty Rhodes and Bray Wyatt cutting nonsensical promos leading up to the match are worth it.
I have a couple of qualms. Firstly, it's the way it is presented, with both being faces. If Goldust is to ultimately put over Cody the best way for him to do that is to turn heel and shun the Goldust character to become Dustin Rhodes. So the story you presented although compelling I'm not certain will work. I would also have it be the World Heavyweight Championship match if they go the route of Cody/Goldust, purely because it's a feud and match that should and likely will get a lot of build so involving the title should ensure it does not get book-ended by bigger matches.
I think if Cody is wrestling Goldust at WM I would consider his rehire story a fail. They have massively built him up he is a huge face and more over than Bryan so if WWE doesn't capitalise on it with a major title it would be a failed push. He needs to get past Goldust before Royal Rumble and then win the Rumble and at Mania
If cody vs goldust, cody would have to win, or the feud would be pointless, i would love to see goldust pass the torch to cody rhodes, but at the same time what's goldust passing on to cody? cody rhode's seems to be better overall than goldust ever was, and cody is a 2 time intercont. champion, which is pretty good at his age, cody's got a career ahead of him, if this match really wants to play out i say let goldust shake cody's hand after the match, goldust shouldn't leave mad, but with a proud look on his face as he clap's for cody.
now i would really love if goldust won the whc at royal rumble, then cody wins the chamber to face goldust and cody wins the whc from goldust, goldust claps for him. afterward's which could lead to damien cashing in on cody. injuring cody, then have a goldust feud with sandow, just to have cody return and face sandow for the whc! i would be sold out on that, anyway to answer the question cody vs goldust makes sense, that's a dream match!
Cody would win, the reason for this matchup is to create a wrestlemania moment that will really overflow with emotion and drama. The way that this storyline has gone, Cody is on fire, Goldie is on fire and Dusty is always on fire, the angle will have that perfect catch-22 where the brothers and their father are all on the same page, they don't want to shaft each other but circumstances force it. Imagine the end of the match, after Cody wins, the entire family embraces, all crying, overcome with emotion, Dusty in the middle, raising the hands of both his kids, basically showing Trips and his corporation that, no matter what you put in front of them, they prevailed and stuck together as a family. Besides, the match that they would put on would be tremendous and it would really give Goldie a chance to go out at the biggest stage possible, fading into a backstage role with the E. (Train the young guys at NXT please!!)
Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust isn't a WrestleMania match. They might want it to be, but it isn't. It is, at best, an Elimination Chamber PPV match and a match that leads Cody into something more significant at Mania.

I like the idea though.
I think that Goldust vs Cody at WM30 may well be the pay-off from this storyline. That was somewhat foreshadowed a few weeks ago when Steph mentioned how Goldust was a failure and neglected. Moreover, it would allow Dustin Rhodes a final big match against his brother which is something he would probably be keen on.

While I don't think Cody/Goldust is the best option, I can see it happening. I would personally prefer Cody going after the World Heavyweight Championship but a match with Goldust could be done very well indeed.
I think that Goldust vs Cody at WM30 may well be the pay-off from this storyline. That was somewhat foreshadowed a few weeks ago when Steph mentioned how Goldust was a failure and neglected. Moreover, it would allow Dustin Rhodes a final big match against his brother which is something he would probably be keen on.

While I don't think Cody/Goldust is the best option, I can see it happening. I would personally prefer Cody going after the World Heavyweight Championship but a match with Goldust could be done very well indeed.

Who's to say we can't have both? In the past couple of years, the World Heavyweight Championship matches at Wrestlemania have been underwhelming at best. Having Cody and Goldust fight for the title would be a great match for that title but also for the brothers as they'd get a main event match out of it (which means they'll get the time to work).
Cody vs Goldie isn't a Mania match???? Crack called, it misses you. Some recent Mania matches: Legacy vs each other; Snooki?; Taker vs Bossman; taker vs Bundy; Mabel vs anyone; you get the point?

The brothers Rhodes going at it has a great story. Dustin can still go. Cody looks good. A long tag title reign leading to friction and a Rumble split followed by a Mania match with Dusty refusing to pick a side but standing ringside. After Cody wins, Dustin gets up and raises his hand, Dusty gets in the ring and as they're all hugging, and people think "Mania moment", Cody and Dustin give Dusty a beat down, turning Cody heel as a challenger to the WHC, hopefully, Dolph.
I like your idea but the focus of this idea should be to get Cody even more over. I would keep all the details you provided but would change a few things. Instead of both being face, I would have Goldust turn heel and shun the Goldust character and become Dustin Rhodes and allign himself with HHH. This angle would play on the fact that when Dustin was growing Dusty was never there for him and neglected him. While Cody had the complete opposite and was the fortunate son. Say that the reason Dustin Rhodes died and Goldust was born was because of Dusty actions. Sort of a jealousy of the brother and his success angle if you will. Say that HHH gave him a choice to be himself be Dustin Rhodes and he took it. Begin this angle around Royal Rumble where Dustin first eliminates Cody then cost them the tag team championships at ec. And then build the match onto wrestlemania and have Dusty as the ref and the job on the line stipulation. This imo would make for some good entertaining tv.
I just cannot se another 26 weeks of television happening before this match has its payoff. I see this match happening at Royal Rumble at best..Goldust being active week to week for another 6 months, I think the nostalgic run will have rubbed off long by then. I dont have a problem with this match happening down the track, I just cannot see it being entertaining enough to continue to Mania. The only way this works is if Goldust is written off tv for a while and returns maybe at the Rumble after being "kayfabe" injured and off tv for 3-4 months. He returns at Rumble, eliminates Cody and the resentment seed is sewn. Goldust will never be booed again, he is too over and loved by the fans, Cody would have to turn again and would pull the jealous little brother;Owen Hart style, off very well. But I also see Cody as a major face looking to the future, so booked properly they can both shine and leave this feud with both their goals taken care of
The obvious direction is that the WWE are setting up for an eventual split, it's probably too soon to be discussing this however, I do think this lead to a Goldust vs Cody Rhodes match at WrestleMania XXX. If not 'Mania then the Royal Rumble.
I actually like the OP's idea instead of the straight forward face vs heel approach, but my guess is they will have Dustin go heel and use the bitterness card based off their real life relationships with Dusty.

Both guys can pull it off as the promos, at least on Dustin's side of things, will be mined from a very real source. I don't think this will be tied into the Authority angle as they've already won their jobs back so more career threatening stuff would be repetitive.

I think the simple route of Cody losing the fall when they lose the tag titles will start things off. Cody could then go on to get a shot at maybe the WHC that Duistin will cost him, citing that Cody is selfish and cost him his chance at another good run because he wanted to go in search of singles gold.
I was thinking that when I seen Goldust return to RAW after Cody Rhodes was fired and both of them came out of the crowd to go after the Shield. After seeing that part I was thinking that this would be the way for the match to happen.
If WWE wants this match to go down, then they're going to have to give the Rhodes boys consistently strong booking going forward. Fans are into them right now, one reason being that the heels have been great in the program and fans have rallied around the babyfaces. Fans are also into them because they've been booked to look strong consistently since their return rather than coming off like a couple of mid-carders who managed to get lucky one time.

If Triple H & Stephanie McMahon are still on television by the time WrestleMania season comes around, then I think it will be because they're going to go back to the power struggle angle with Vince playing the role of babyface. I think that will be where most of the focus of Trips & Steph lies 6 months from now. As with Bryan, I don't think that WWE can keep the power regime storyline going all the way through WrestleMania without it really, really starting to drag its ass at some point.

If the two of them do have a WM program, then the true goal should be for Cody Rhodes to be the one coming out of it on top. By the time WM XXX comes around, Dustin Rhodes will be about 1.5 weeks away from his 46th birthday. He's still got the juice inside the ring and he's probably in better overall physical shape now than he was 15 years ago, but the peak years of Goldust's career are far behind him. Cody Rhodes is only 28 years old, giving him much more of an upside. Fans are behind Cody Rhodes right now and I think the simplest way to go would be the best way.

As has been mentioned, Goldust is kind of the black sheep of the family, the screw up, the one that's made bad decisions in his life, etc. How long's it been since there was a good betrayal storyline featuring brothers in WWE? Was it back in the mid 90s with Bret & Owen Hart? There was an attempt at doing it with Matt & Jeff Hardy years back, but it was pretty much a flop because neither of them could cut a decent promo if their lives depended on it. WWE could book the Rhodes brothers strong heading into the February and, along the way, Cody is the one who seems to be getting most of the credit for their success. After all, he's younger, he's got the better look, he hasn't made the sort of mistakes that Dustin has, etc. while Dustin is treated almost like he's a sidekick or something. He isn't treated badly, but he isn't being lauded over in the locker room or getting endless praise from his old man; or at least that's how HE comes to see it. In a tag title match, Dustin could turn on Cody and beat the snot out of him to allow the other team to score the win, he could simply walk out and refuse to allow himself to be tagged in, then he could come back in to deliver a beating after Cody's been beaten. It's not the most original way, but it's good clean storytelling.

As for my interest in seeing this feud go down, I can take it or leave it. It's not exactly a barnburner in my eyes, but that could change if the build for the match is good. Plus, it'll be a means of giving Cody Rhodes something relevant to do for WrestleMania until a spot opens up in either the World Heavyweight or WWE Championship scene.
Whoever thinks this isn't a Mania-caliber match is crazy. It's brother vs brother, that always makes for a great story. Especially with all the real-life drama there's been between Dusty and Dustin. If they get Dusty involved and make him the guest referee, it will be a feud and match we never forget. If they come even close to Bret and Owen's story leading up to WM10, it'll be money.

Cody and Goldust should remain tag champs til the Rumble. I'd have them drop the titles to Rowan & Harper. This way, it works out if you wanna have Goldust become a member of the Wyatt Family (he'd obviously fit right in). Goldust talks about how nothing he ever did mattered to Dusty, that Cody was the only son who mattered. He says he was an embarrassment to Dusty and when he was trying to get back into WWE after cleaning his act up, Dusty wouldn't give him the time of day and put in a good word for him because he was too busy putting all his time and energy into helping Cody get his foot in the door at just 22 years old.

Cody tries at all cost to make up with Dustin and avoid having to fight him. Dusty tries to talk sense into Dustin and also tries to help his sons reconcile a handful of times, but every attempt blows up in his face. If they can somehow bring Terri (Marlena) into the story, it would be perfect. She tries to remind Dustin of all the good things his brother and father have done for him. Even when she gave up on him and filed for divorce, those 2 still believed in him. Dusty says he won't have any part of his sons fighting, but he finally has enough and says if there must be a match, then he will be there to make sure it gets called straight down the middle to prove there's no favoritism. Maybe the last straw will be Goldust (or the Wyatt Family) abducting Cody's wife who's sitting ringside at an event. Just throwing ideas out there.

The best feuds are the ones with elements of real life in them. Plenty of material to work with in this case.
The Rhode to Wrestlemania?
i see what you did there, well goldust and cody is rumored to want to have a Match at wrestlemania 30. But i would much rather see them in a championship match then a non title match.
For goldust and cody to really make the fan's interested in watching it then there's got to be a "Special reason" to the feud and not the usual "Jealousy" that normally destories tag teams.
So either a championship get's in the way OR a woman could come into the picture but since cody is married and is married kayfabe too then this should be ruled out. So with that being said the most likely logical choice is for a championship to get in the way of the brothers. and spark's "not jealousy" but instead "Passion to be The Champion"
It could absolutely be for the IC Title and them arguing over who's the better IC Champ since they've both held it numerous times, but I don't think it needs to be for a title by any means. They're brothers. Family friction/drama makes an excellent storyline. Like I said in an earlier post, anytime there's an element of truth to the angle then it's going to go over well with the fans. You get Dusty involved and even make him the ref, then it's gonna be a very memorable opening match for Mania. I'm thinking along the lines of Bret and Owen from WM10 all over again.

Goldust needs to be the heel in this. Cody goes over and it should springboard him on to bigger and better things. If this doesn't get Cody over as a babyface, nothing will.
With Wrestlemania only half a year away, we can start tossing our ideas for matches in, so in this post, I'm looking at the very real possibility in a Cody/Goldie singles match.

I feel that, if the "Best for business" angle keeps running unitl mania, have something like this happen:

Rhodes and Goldust are still champions heading into the rumble (either with this current reign lasting til then or , they eventually end up losing the straps either at rumble or at the Chamber. (I'd prefer the rumble as this would give the new champs enough time to build toward a solid mania program, unlike last year. (I'd like to see PTP heading into mania as challengers against a monster undefeated heel team that they ultimately overcome)

Anyway, Cody and Goldust are on great terms, both hugely over faces as they are now. They've constantly dodged HHH and his crew over the months and are sitting pretty (Despite not being champs).

Then comes the swerve, HHH can come out and declare that he is going to destroy the Rhodes family once and for all so at mania, it will be Cody vs Goldust with the loser being fired and should they refuse to fight, they'll both be fired HOWEVER, there is an added special stipulation, the special guest referee will be none other than "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes...

Imagine the go home show, Cody, Dusty and Goldie standing tall after fighting off HHH's crew standing in the ring, all united despite knowing very well that in 6 days time what will be happening.

I feel that this adds so much to an already well layered and well written story and this would result in a hugely emotional payoff for both the audience and the Rhodes family, who will finally have their mania moment as an entire family...

Thoughts? Suggestions? Now just toss in the whole "Jake Roberts leading the Wyatt Family" against the Shield w/ Vinnie Mac for power of the WWE and you've got gold at mania.

I like your idea. Everybody else likes to suggest a Goldust heel turn, being the bitter brother in a feud against Cody, but I think that would be a bad move. Both Cody and Goldust need to be faces right now. Goldust is probably retiring soon, he needs to retire with the fans supporting him, not booing him. And Cody gets a lot more reaction from the crowd now as a face than he ever gained in the past as a heel.

When Goldust is ready to retire, I would set up an angle like the one with Ric Flair in WM 24:

- A few weeks before Mania, HHH says that Goldust is too old to wrestle and needs to retire. Goldust says he still can wrestle, and HHH says he needs to prove it winning against three wrestlers (The "Triple" H challenge) that he will handpick in the next weeks on RAW. If he loses to any of them, he will have to retire.

- Goldust win cleanly against some strong midcard heel first, like Ryback.

- Then HHH picks a top heel, like Randy Orton, to face Goldust. The referee is knocked down in the middle of the match, Cody shows up with a chair, the Rhodes Brothers give Orton a 2-on-1 beatdown, Cody leaves, the referee wakes up, Goldust pins Orton for the win.

- HHH says he could ban Cody from the WWE for what he did, but he will give him a chance to redeem himself. He forces Cody to be the third wrestler Goldust will face, the match is set up at Wrestlemania. Dusty Rhodes is called to be the special referee.

- Cody wins the match, and the whole Rhodes family hug in the end.

- A feud between Triple H and Cody is set up: Cody wants revenge because HHH forced him to retire his brother.

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