The return of mega teams.


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So for years we had people saying tag team wrestling is dead, that we should unite the belts etc etc etc....the belts get reunited and then bam...we have Jerishow, add to that DX and the rumoured reappearance of the Hardyz, people are once again interested in tag team wrestling.

These three teams are arguably six main eventers (with Matt/Show being the weakest) and things are getting a bit more exciting. Add to that though the raising up of the other tag teams that we have;

Cryme Tyme have really shot up a few notches by feuding with JeriShow
Legacy will get a hell of a rub against DX
The Hart Dynasty are improving and getting some nice reactions.
There was also the focus on Kendrick trying to get a tag partner before his release.

So I ask you the people if tag team wrestling has took a much needed step that we've not seen for years or will it fizzle and die once again?

I think it is very important for the three mega teams (assuming Hardyz will reunite) to give rubs to the upcomers...tag teams are essential the main eventers of tomorrow in the WWE and if not done correctly it could back fire (like we've seen in recent times).
I agree with you here. I think tag team wrestling is coming back. I started a thread on the possibility of Orton and Cena perhaps doing some time as a team as well. I know that is a one-off thing, but I imagine that mega teams result in mega feuds, and after they are done elevating every tag team, they can elevate the main event and everyone benefits.

You did forget one recent mega team, and that was Jericho and Edge. This was the beginning of the idea's comeback.

Tag team wrestling in the 80's was an amazing site to behold. There was ten competitive teams at all times, and it was an actual division. What raised it's profile was the Mega Powers. With Hogan and Savage teaming up, people noticed all of the other tag teams. It was amazing to see all of the other teams get the rub without even having to face the MP.

Jericho and Edge could have been that team. Two guys that were chasing and getting world championships focusing on that division was good for everyone in the division, and the addition of the Hardy's will only make it better.
I really think that this is what Tag team wrestling has needed for a long time. With DX coming back that will help this division out. Then if the Hardyz reunite we could have a credible tag team division again. I for one am tired of hearing people saying that ME guys shouldn't be involved in the tag division. It makes no sense for people to say that.

That's why I was happy when Edge, and Jericho were put together. As soon as that happened people on here were saying that it is a short term fix to a long term problem. Which I couldn't disagree with more. Look you put main event talent in the tag division is only going to elevate the division as a whole. I never heard people pissed when Austin and Trips had the tag titles, or The Rock and Foley had them. Look if anything these guys coming back is going to get these teams over. How would it look for the hart dynasty to get a win over the Hardyz? Or Legacy go over DX. It would be huge. Then you have JeriShow in a feud with Cryme time. It really is going to bring the division up. If you don't think that then you're crazy. The reason the division sucks to begin with is because there are no credible teams to begin with.
I think it is very important for the three mega teams (assuming Hardyz will reunite) to give rubs to the upcomers...tag teams are essential the main eventers of tomorrow in the WWE and if not done correctly it could back fire (like we've seen in recent times).

This is were I find the problem. It makes no sense to put the ME teams (like Hardyz DX ect) together just for them to give rubs to other people. Tag team wrestling has never been about the bigger main event guys putting over the actual tag teams, to me its been about the tag wrestlers having feuds with other tag teams and starting decent rivarlys.

The Hardy Boyz had Edge and Christian, the Dudley Boyz, APA, Too Cool,TNA and to an extent the Holly cousins and the poor DX of Road Dogg and Xpac to battle with over the course of their tag years and DX had the corperation and the nation to feud with. These days there is just no decent enough specialist tag wrestlers out there, they are all just thrown together teams who have next to no chemistry and the actual decent tag teams like Londrick and the Colons get split up. This is the problem.

Imagine if the Colons,MNM,Londrick/Cade and Murdoch were still together add in the Harts/Legacy/Cryme Tyme and you have a tag division that isnt dependent on old teams coming back to try and save it. This way you have a normal tag team vs normal tag team instead of a normal tag team jobbing to a Main Event tag team which is what we will probably see at Summerslam.
This is a cycle that happens in the WWE every 3-5 years, they build it up, and then it’s destroyed.

Remember back in 2006/2007 the last time we saw DX, when they feuded with Rated RKO (Edge and Orton) it helped establish both Edge and Orton as Main Event players.

Let’s hope if this is the case and they are in fact rebuilding tag team wrestling in the WWE they pair up Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov, and bring back The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and Undertaker), along with the teams already mentioned. They could have a pretty solid Tag Division spanning all 4 WWE shows.
Just think if we could get
The Hardyz vs the Brothers of Destruction, Legacy, Jerishow, Cryme Tyme
DX vs The Hart Dynasty, Legacy, Jackson and Kozlov, Jerishow
Brothers of Destruction vs. Legacy, Jackson and Kozlov, the Hart Dynasty
All of the younger guys would really benefit from being in feuds with such top talent. I think by using these top tier guys in the Tag Division it not only keeps them busy and brings back the interest in Tag Wrestling, but it also keeps them away for the Main Event, allowing other stars some room to move up, and everyone a breath of fresh air. This would help Swagger, Bourne, MVP, Morrison, the Miz, Kingston gain more Main Event time, building them into bigger stars, leaving the already established stars a chance to step in at a moment’s notice to main event
This is were I find the problem. It makes no sense to put the ME teams (like Hardyz DX ect) together just for them to give rubs to other people. Tag team wrestling has never been about the bigger main event guys putting over the actual tag teams, to me its been about the tag wrestlers having feuds with other tag teams and starting decent rivarlys.

The Hardy Boyz had Edge and Christian, the Dudley Boyz, APA, Too Cool,TNA and to an extent the Holly cousins and the poor DX of Road Dogg and Xpac to battle with over the course of their tag years and DX had the corperation and the nation to feud with. These days there is just no decent enough specialist tag wrestlers out there, they are all just thrown together teams who have next to no chemistry and the actual decent tag teams like Londrick and the Colons get split up. This is the problem.

Imagine if the Colons,MNM,Londrick/Cade and Murdoch were still together add in the Harts/Legacy/Cryme Tyme and you have a tag division that isnt dependent on old teams coming back to try and save it. This way you have a normal tag team vs normal tag team instead of a normal tag team jobbing to a Main Event tag team which is what we will probably see at Summerslam.

Tag team wrestling has changed and as a whole people aren't interested in it, would you want to see Cryme Tyme v the average fan, not really but DX v Legacy YES PLEASE. It sounds more appealling. Giving a rub is not making them job, it is making them credible, losing a match isn't jobbing, it's losing a match. Lets say Hardyz took on Cryme Tyme and after the match shook their hands to say yeh these guys are good, it would make the average guy say damn if the Hardyz say so then they must be. You have to remember the MARKet not SMARKet WWE is geared to.
So far, the responses are kind of balanced. I shall become the middle man & do the neutral post.

It is great to see Main Event caliber wrestlers of the likes of Chris Jericho, Triple H & Shawn Michaels injected into the tag team division as it allows to freshen up both this division & the Main Event. These guys have something to lose in terms of credibility & reputation that moving them away from the WHC/WWE contenderships allows for those wrestlers who sorely need the Main Event push a chance to shine, giving the chance for VKM & his team to get their wishes in creating new top tier talent more quickly. It also generates a spark into a division once dead by allowing wellknown house hold type names to enter a 'lower' division to compete for a 'lower' title. If these Main Event wrestlers compete for the tag titles, then those teams that aren't household as of yet compete against them, th inevitable rub will occur & create much more interest into the division. So, by moving guys that could easily pick up the victory for the WWE/WHC title into a lower division works positively for both divisions.

However, it is these mega power tag teams that can make or break the division at any given moment. During their stint of tag team wrestling, the must be able to show dominance straight off the bat by demolishing other tag teams. May sound like a burial of the division, but bare with me. After about a couple of weeks whilst the team established themselves, the tide must be quickly & quietly shifted to the actual tag team pairings, giving them the wins or giving them hard fought out matches where the end win result for the mega power team could be considered lucky. If this, or a similar rubbing technique for the other tag teams arent implemented soon after the formations, then you can kiss the division goodbye.

There was a mention of well-established tag teams being eradicated... Leeds Guy. Well, it is a two street here. MNM were a highly successful tag team that won multiple tag team championships & became over with the crowd. Once they became dominant as a team with a believable role in beating whoever came to challenge them, they were split. They did reform for an epic feud with the Hardyz & break away soon after. It might have been a bad decision to break a great tag team with chemistry as they brought interest into the division, but it was an overall ploy by the WWE to bring in an experience ring vet Joey Mercury to train the next two superstars of the respected divisions Melina & Nitro. Once Mercury was no longer needed for his wisdoms, the team was let go & given the chance for the two to go into singles competition.

Then you have other teams that have been split that shouldn't have just because all the value they have is being a tag team like Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins. Seriously, they weren't over as a face tag team when they arrived. They had some success as heels, due to the association factor of being with Edge. After La Familia, it was a here & there tag team that got split. Curt hasn't been seen for a while whilst Zack is over on ECW doing a very moderate job at best as a singles wrestler. Here, they should have kept the team for name value & somebody to go over for new establishing tag teams.

The problem that has arisen is the fact that somewhere along the line, WWE decided to only give a damn about the main event scene, where the other three divisions were only given serious thought if related to the Main Event scene in some fashion. They are contracting wrestlers that are mainly singles stars & the only way to create tag teams for the WWE at the moment is by pairing old couples together or placing two people with tag team knowledge together & hope for the best.

Let's just hope to see if the WWE can utilise the mega power tag teams to revitalise the division, garner some more fan interest & bring back its prestige the same way they have done for the IC & ECW titles.
Tag team wrestling has changed and as a whole people aren't interested in it

And why arn't they interested in it? is it because there is no chemistry between teams being shoved together are people getting bored of decent tag teams getting split up and released? Think of it this way before Wrestlemania people were eagerly anticipating the Colons vs MNM2 unification match because it was 2 actual tag teams going at it afterwards nobody has given a shit because there isnt any decent tag teams to feud with as most have been split up or released.

would you want to see Cryme Tyme v the average fan, not really but DX v Legacy YES PLEASE. It sounds more appealling.

But it only sounds more appealing because we all know DX are going over and Legacy are going to be buried just like they have been all year round when contesting with HHH (barring the handicap match).

Giving a rub is not making them job, it is making them credible, losing a match isn't jobbing, it's losing a match.

But losing a match after being effectively dismantled and dominated by Big Show is pretty much the same as jobbing to me. I'd wager that 70% of WWE fans know that Cryme Tyme doesn't stand a chance here and are only in this match to make the Jerishow look dominant. which if this happened in singles competition would be considered jobbing would it not?

Lets say Hardyz took on Cryme Tyme and after the match shook their hands to say yeh these guys are good, it would make the average guy say damn if the Hardyz say so then they must be. You have to remember the MARKet not SMARKet WWE is geared to.

I agree that would be 'giving the rub' but not much more than say Cryme Tyme going over Legacy after a feud would do. At least then they would have earned it instead of some of the older teams coming and pretty much saying ''please like these guys''
The bigger killer to the colons and miz and morrison was not MnM2 splitting up, but the fact that the tag match was dropped off Mania completly. That was a huge shame, now look at it...with Edge and Jericho winning at the bash the focus was on the tag belts for the next month, and then once Big Show was added to the fray the focus was on once again. Now we also have DX and legacy feuding (ie a tag team feud) something we've not seen in a while. Also when was the last time you can remember the tag belts being defended on three PPVs in a row?! I think with the current climate that main event tag teams are needed as a whole, whilst I know you disagree Leeds Guy, you have to remember as a whole me and you are a different market to what the WWE are pushing for at the moment.

Also regarding Legacy, I don't think they have been buried, they still look a legitamate threat to guys and that is not being buried, being buried is losing every week and it having the impact that you're a loser. Most people don't notice.
I'll give you the main reason people aren't interested in the Tag Team category anymore. This is an era where it's all about one's self. It's not about a team oriented win, it's about the glory of winning a singles title. Many don't realize how precious tag team wrestling is. It's tougher to do, in that it's FOUR people in a match, with a move set for each person and with two people in the ring, it's tougher to call a match with two sets of people to go against at the same time. Basically, it's the difficulty of doing it and most of the newer wrestlers have never done anything like Tag Team wrestling on a normal basis. SOME of the tag teams have been doing the tag teams for ages. Rock 'n Roll Express, Midnight Express, and the Freebirds wrestled the majority of their time in a tag team environment.

Now, I can name a handful of people that made their niche in tag wrestling that are still active today. HBK is one. Morrison is the other. There are probably more, but these are the ones I can think of that debuted in a tag team setting. A mega tag team would be great, but it would have to be something that has to work between the two people involved. Orton and Edge. HHH and HBK. And others worked, but it takes experience and special skills to work.
Tag Teams have been used in the past to give us a future main eventer and the other usually squandered in the midcard until they were released

Tag Teams Brought us the successful careers of:

The Rockers (HBK)
Hart Foundation (Bret Hart)
E & C (Edge)
The Hardy's (Jeff Hardy)
TWGTT (Shelton Benjamin)
MNM (John Morrison)

just to name a few, the problem now is the main event is stacked and theres no room for main eventers while we already have the next batch in place to take over when the current stars start to retire

CM Punk
John Morrison
Dolph Ziggler
Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
The Miz
Jack Swagger

The only need for tag teams right now are for nostalgia sakes (DX, Hardy's, Brother's of Destruction) or for up-and-coming superstars they have alot of faith in such as second generation stars (Legacy and Hart Dynasty)

Tag Team wrestling will come back but not until after DX, Undertaker, and Batista retire and we get the next batch of maineventers

Back on topic I for one was a big fan of the attitude era's amazing tag division and think that DX, Hardy's, BOD, and Y2Show could give a good push to Dynasty, Legacy, and Cryme Tyme
A tag division would be great again. It's a good way to use a lot of newer guys. Think about this...fewer story lines they have to run. It could help.
I was always a bigger fan of the wrestlers that clawed their way through the ranks. If they make it to one of the world titles it makes it that much more dramatic.
Good tag team wrestling is just fun. Unified titles are a plus as well.
This is a crazy idea that will never happen but I want to see and I think will improve the tag team division:

-Chris Jericho & The Big Show retain the tag titles in controversial fashion. Either by countout, disqualification or an illegal pin/submission. This can push Cryme Tyme as a serious team.
-DX def. Legacy but only just. This pushes Legacy but gives DX their return push if thats the right word.
-The Great Khali def. Kane and destroys him after the match.
-CM Punk wins the World Heavyweight Championship from Jeff Hardy. I don't know how, could be interference ect.
-John Cena vs. Randy Orton, doesn't matter who wins

Breaking Point (All matches are submission matches even if not correct)
-Chris Jericho & The Big Show vs. Cryme Tyme for the Unified Tag Team Championship: Jericho & Big Show retain fairly.
-DX vs. The Hart Dynasty: The same as Legacy, DX give the Dynasty a push and barely pull out a win
-The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali: Undertaker comes back on SmackDown telling Khali that he will pay for what he did to Kane and that he is standing in the way for what Undertaker wants to achieve. Taker comes back like a heel but it is Khali that displays the heel tactics such as attacking his "brother" Ranjin Sighn. Taker def. Khali, afterwards Kane returns and they deliver a double chokeslam to Khali reuniting the Brothers of Destruction. They then say that they want the Unified Tag Team Titles at the next PPV inside the devils playground, Hell in a Cell
-The Hardy's vs. Legacy: Matt & Jeff win with Jeff acting like he is still suffering from the TLC match. The Hardy's push Legacy.
-Randy Orton vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship: Rematch of SummerSlam. Doesn't matter who wins.
-CM Punk defending the World Heavyweight Championship against John Morrison

Hell in a Cell (All matches are inside the Hell in the Cell even if not correct)
-Chris Jericho & The Big Show vs. The Brothers of Destruction for the Unified Tag Team Championship: Jericho and Big Show retain after the Masked Imposter Kane returns (with Festus playing him again) with The Great Khali & Paul Bearer and rip off the Cell door like when Kane first debuted and attack the Brothers of Destruction.
-Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase vs. John Cena & DX for the WWE Championship: Who ever makes the pinfall is the champion. I have no more storylines for them after Hell in a Cell.
-The Hart Foundation vs. The Hardy's & a mystery female tag team partner in a 6 person intergender tag team match: The Hardy's say that their tag team partner is making her debut and you haven't seen her compete. At the event Jeff says that the TLC match made him forget and she is actually making her re-debut and you haven't seen her compete since Survivor Series 2006. Lita returns and Team Xtreme pick up the win pushing the Dynasty once again.

Bragging Rights (Interactive PPV even if not correct)
-Chris Jericho & The Big Show vs. The Hardy's or (DX or Legacy) or (Cryme Tyme or The Hart Dynasty) for the Unified Tag Team Championship: Don't know who, I will just tell you the storylines after Bragging Rights
-Michelle McCool vs. Melina or Natalya or Lita for the Women's Championship: Lita wins the title.
-The Great Kane (Masked, Imposter Kane) & The Great Khali w/ Paul Bearer vs. The Brothers of Destruction in some kind of match: Don't know who, I will just tell you the storylines after Bragging Rights

Storylines after Bragging Rights
-Lita is involved in a Divas Survivor Series Match and then feuds with Divas she's never faced. Around No Way Out, Melina turns heel and wins the women's championship. At Wrestlemania. Lita wins the women's championship in a retirement match like Trish Stratus. After Wrestlemania, Michelle destroys everyone before after a couple of weeks, Melina makes the save thus turning her face again. At Backlash, a six-pack challenge for the vacant Women's Championship: Melina vs. Eve vs. Maria vs. Layla vs. Natalya vs. Michelle McCool
-At some point, Team Xtreme holds both the Women's and Tag Team Championship's. They have a long feud with Chris Jericho & The Big Show and at Wrestlemania have a TLC for the Unified Tag Team Championship after Edge returns as a face: (Doesn't matter who's champion) Chris Jericho & The Big Show vs. Edge & Christian (faces) vs. The Hardy's in a Triple Threat TLC match for the Unified Tag Team Championship. Possibly an Edge and Christian win to help push Christian to the SmackDown main event and a feud with Chris Jericho & The Big Show. This is also Jeff Hardy's last match in the company for now and Matt takes his spot in the main event.
-The storyline for the Brothers of Destruction is this although they could possibly have a tag title reign. Paul Bearer reveals that Festus is the Great Kane and that he used to be a crew member for the WWE and the masked magician (My Network TV association). He says that inside the concrete was a secret breathing tube and the concrete was not proper concrete and it was an illusion. It was an illusion much like the ones Undertaker uses. He reveals that he helped Festus train and he was the one behind the imposter Kane the first time. He knew Festus as a child when he used to know Kane in his childhood (the storyline in 2007 with Kane knowing who it was) However, Kane tormented Festus leading to his state were he awakes when the bell rings. He says that he then took him back to his home were he was looked after by his former best friend Jesse. He says he carried the urn to scare The Undertaker but it really controls a bell inside The Great Kane's mask to awaken him when necessary. I haven't yet thought of how the feud ends but it can lead to Paul Bearer being released from his contract, I don't know about Festus but Khali could disappear finally returning saving a face from a heel beatdown. Kane could also turn heel again quite easily.

These are just crazy ideas but I'd like to know what you think about them.

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