The Return of Karen Angleerr, Jarrett!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
If you saw the Genesis Pay-Per-View, or you caught the Jarrett/Angle "MMA" bout, you probably saw the aftermath of the match where Jarrett not only screamed to Kurt, but to Taz and Tenay as well that this Thursday on iMPACT! there would be a retirement party for his MMA career that three people would be invited to — himself, Angle and "you know who".

Just minutes prior to the entrances, Angle was interviewed in the back and answered Jarrett's concerns over his "performance" by telling him to ask his wife, who we all know is Kurt's ex, Karen.

Suffice it to say, as TNA just confirmed as well, Karen be returning to iMPACT! this Thursday!


Thoughts on this?
Perhaps the most startling news coming out of last night's Genesis pay-per-view wasn't that Jeff Jarrett planned to announce his departure from MMA competition, but that he would do so this Thursday night on iMPACT!, with his wife, Karen by his side.

Jarrett taunted his long time adversary Kurt Angle when he declared, "finally, the three of us are going to celebrate together".

For those of you who are not aware, tensions between the two have been high for some time, to say the least, since Angle's divorce from Karen in 2008 and her subsequent marriage to Jarrett last August. Thursday's appearance marks Karen Jarrett's return to TNA after a long absence. A former personal valet, who eventually had her own segment called "Karen's Angle", left the show in 2008.

There is no question sparks are gonna fly as Jarrett told Angle of his plans and that, "Karen was going to come to the iMPACT! Zone, whether he liked it or not".

That was from the TNA website, so yeah she will definitley be returning.
It reeks of more desperation from a company that is desperate to stave off bankruptcy. The fact that Angle is willing to be part of this is sad. I get it! He loves the non-schedule, schedule, loves that he can do his painkillers and get away with it, and loves that he can take time off whenever he wants to. (the nuts running the asylum!)

So now we're going to cover this ground AGAIN, with Jarrett, Angle, and Karen. How original. Shows you how desperate Jarrett (that's Jeff) is to stay relevant and to keep himself on tv. Angle you can sell in any program for any reason. Jarrett, not so much. I'm afraid we're going to see Jarrett (if TNA lasts that long) in his 60's like Ric Flair, dragging his balsa wood guitar to the ring, with his sleeveless robe in tatters, and unable to make his peace sign due to arthritis still claiming he's The King of The Ring. (or maybe by then the King of the Retirement Community!)

Unless and until TNA gets the idea that they need young talent pushed to the forefront to build on they won't survive. Once JJ, Angle, Hogan, and Bischoff are all gone what next? You'll have young wrestlers no one has ever heard of because they've been posing as 'security' for 10 years.

Good move TNA.
SHIT JUST GOT REAL. I think that is Awesome news that they are going to bring Karen into this feud. The MMA stuff from Jarrett laid the ground for Angle to return because it was an Exhibition which means that Angle did not have to break his "promise" of never wrestling again. Now that Jarrett has retired from MMA this is an excellent step to make this feud more interesting with the increased drama of having Angle's Ex and Jarrett's current wife involved Karen has not been on Impact since 2008. This excellent news and can't wait to see the tension build between Jarret and Angle which will probably culminate at Lockdown. I think that this feud is going to be Awesome.
Am I the only one that though Kurt Angle was completely wasted when during the match and the interview before it? He was slurring his speech and just didn't sound like himself at all. Also (I was watching it on my phone), but I think I clearly saw him pull out the razor and blade himself with the camera directly in his face.
It wouldn't surprise me if he were out of it on painkillers. He had an issue with them before and it's the reason he has to take so much time off these days. He's dealing with nagging injuries that aren't going to go away unless he takes meds for them, creating the addiction to them.
I'm curious to see how this plays out since we haven't seen Karen, Kurt, and Jeff in the same ring together in years. It will be for some interesting television. I know it will be controversial since it bleeds into real life but this could be most realistic intense feud we have ever seen in wrestling or sports entertainment.
SHIT JUST GOT REAL. I think that is Awesome news that they are going to bring Karen into this feud. The MMA stuff from Jarrett laid the ground for Angle to return because it was an Exhibition which means that Angle did not have to break his "promise" of never wrestling again. Now that Jarrett has retired from MMA this is an excellent step to make this feud more interesting with the increased drama of having Angle's Ex and Jarrett's current wife involved Karen has not been on Impact since 2008. This excellent news and can't wait to see the tension build between Jarret and Angle which will probably culminate at Lockdown. I think that this feud is going to be Awesome.

You are aware that TNA has already covered this ground right? That they are rehashing a storyline they've already covered.

The fact Kurt and Karen are willing to do this shows just how desperate TNA is to try to remain relevant, along with JJ.
I've been outspoken about this before and I will continue to be outspoken about it. Bringing real life scenarios into wrestling is and will always be a stupid idea. It's one thing to use a family member every now and again to create a story on screen, but why wrestling promoters try to use people's real lives as storyline boggles my freakin mind. What it says to me is that they have absolutely nothing left in the tank.

I know, I'm going to get bashed for this because it makes it "real". Yes, so does good acting. This is another attempt at using real life on screen for absolutely no reason.

To be honest, I don't care if I do get shit on for this, but it's not a good idea. Heck, it's not even remotely clever. I cringed last night when Angle made a comment about it, because I knew then that Karen was being brought back to TV. It's not clever, it's not compelling, it's just exploitation to try and further a feud that isn't great to begin with. Kurt Angle got screwed over by Jeff Hardy and Hulk Hogan (who had backed him in his quest for the title). That's who he should be gunning for, not Jeff fucking Jarrett. The only reason they are doing this is because they think it's much cooler to do this real life storyline. It never is and it never should happen. I have disagreed with 95 percent of "real life to wrestling" stories over the years so this is nothing new for me. Get a fucking creative team together that can write and doesn't have to hope that wrestlers do something stupid in their personal lives so they can create a story from it. Learn how to write so that we don't have to watch this bullshit.
I can't wait to see this Thursday night on Impact. I have been wanting them to move this way for quite sometime. I think it can be a very personal feud that will get Jarrett a lot of heat. I bet it will be a little awkward behind the scenes but once this plays on television it is going to be gold. I want to see Kurt lock in the ankle lock on Karen. If TNA uses this right then it should be very interesting and who knows maybe bump the ratings up a little bit. I think TNA will go up just a hair in the ratings this week and this segment will be part of the reason. I wander if sometime in this feud if it will involve Kurts kids on tv.
I've been outspoken about this before and I will continue to be outspoken about it. Bringing real life scenarios into wrestling is and will always be a stupid idea. It's one thing to use a family member every now and again to create a story on screen, but why wrestling promoters try to use people's real lives as storyline boggles my freakin mind. What it says to me is that they have absolutely nothing left in the tank.

I know, I'm going to get bashed for this because it makes it "real". Yes, so does good acting. This is another attempt at using real life on screen for absolutely no reason.

To be honest, I don't care if I do get shit on for this, but it's not a good idea. Heck, it's not even remotely clever. I cringed last night when Angle made a comment about it, because I knew then that Karen was being brought back to TV. It's not clever, it's not compelling, it's just exploitation to try and further a feud that isn't great to begin with. Kurt Angle got screwed over by Jeff Hardy and Hulk Hogan (who had backed him in his quest for the title). That's who he should be gunning for, not Jeff fucking Jarrett. The only reason they are doing this is because they think it's much cooler to do this real life storyline. It never is and it never should happen. I have disagreed with 95 percent of "real life to wrestling" stories over the years so this is nothing new for me. Get a fucking creative team together that can write and doesn't have to hope that wrestlers do something stupid in their personal lives so they can create a story from it. Learn how to write so that we don't have to watch this bullshit.

And on some level I agree, but as far as I'm concerned, pro-wrestling needs to evolve to exist — the same recycled story lines and logic simply won't carry over from the 20's to the 2020's, because the battle over "good" and "evil" blurs with societal influence. Establishing a federation in the US means that line blurs incredibly, almost to the point of ambiguity.

It also takes fans closer than they've ever been prior. Fans feel as though they're "in the know" with this kind of a work, and because of that they may actually develop a stronger bond with the actual feud — see the "birth" of Matt Hardy a la Adam Copeland and Amy Dumas.

Frankly, as long as all three parties agree to the exposure of the angle, what harm can come of it?
And on some level I agree, but as far as I'm concerned, pro-wrestling needs to evolve to exist — the same recycled story lines and logic simply won't carry over from the 20's to the 2020's, because the battle over "good" and "evil" blurs with societal influence. Establishing a federation in the US means that line blurs incredibly, almost to the point of ambiguity.

It also takes fans closer than they've ever been prior. Fans feel as though they're "in the know" with this kind of a work, and because of that they may actually develop a stronger bond with the actual feud — see the "birth" of Matt Hardy a la Adam Copeland and Amy Dumas.

Frankly, as long as all three parties agree to the exposure of the angle, what harm can come of it?

Here's the problem as I see it. I'm not talking about keeping it simple with good and evil. What I am saying is that successful writers are able to create storylines that COULD happen in real life but aren't. As such, those stories are also given a wrestling twist since we are watching a wrestling program.

Wrestling is often called "male soap opera", so I pose this question: has a soap opera ever taken one of the character's real life problems and weaved it into their saga, stopping to make sure that people realize that it's "real" and not "staged"? Not that I watch a ton of soap operas, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. However, they create a product that is drama filled on a daily basis with REAL issues that are scripted to happen. The women on the show aren't actually cheating on their real husbands (at least I hope not), but that's a scenario that could happen.

What I'm saying is that you can use life as a basis for storytelling. We no longer live in an age where voodoo magic will work in a wrestling program (well, except for the Undertaker for some reason). People want a product that tells stories that they can relate to. This myth and stupidity that the lines of fiction and reality have to be blurred because fans need to believe it is real is the stupidest statement wrestling fans make. The BEST thing we can do, because we all fucking know it's fake, is to accept that and watch the show for what it is: athletic actors carrying out a story that is solved within a squared circle. If we can do that and stop trying to hold on to that last thread of "it's real", wrestling will finally evolve.

It's situations like this where a real type story (Kurt vowing to retire if he lost before gaining the championship) is absolutely wasted because the writers couldn't figure out a good way to progress it. Instead, they decided to use Kurt's real life situation on screen to take the focus off of the fact that this story and Hogan's betrayal of Kurt which forced him into retirement, is completely ignored. You had a great story there which is not real, but a wrestling storyline, and instead we have to get "the days of Kurt's life" which has no relevance to wrestling at all. It has taken Angle further away from where he should be and some people are praising it because it's "real". You know what, Kurt is a good enough actor to make you believe in any story he does. He doesn't need this to be "real" and neither do we. Give me some good writing over lazy, let's just play out his real life which has already played out, story. I'm sorry, but I can't go with this and I stand by what I said.
Here's the problem as I see it. I'm not talking about keeping it simple with good and evil. What I am saying is that successful writers are able to create storylines that COULD happen in real life but aren't. As such, those stories are also given a wrestling twist since we are watching a wrestling program.

Wrestling is often called "male soap opera", so I pose this question: has a soap opera ever taken one of the character's real life problems and weaved it into their saga, stopping to make sure that people realize that it's "real" and not "staged"? Not that I watch a ton of soap operas, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. However, they create a product that is drama filled on a daily basis with REAL issues that are scripted to happen. The women on the show aren't actually cheating on their real husbands (at least I hope not), but that's a scenario that could happen.

What I'm saying is that you can use life as a basis for storytelling. We no longer live in an age where voodoo magic will work in a wrestling program (well, except for the Undertaker for some reason). People want a product that tells stories that they can relate to. This myth and stupidity that the lines of fiction and reality have to be blurred because fans need to believe it is real is the stupidest statement wrestling fans make. The BEST thing we can do, because we all fucking know it's fake, is to accept that and watch the show for what it is: athletic actors carrying out a story that is solved within a squared circle. If we can do that and stop trying to hold on to that last thread of "it's real", wrestling will finally evolve.

It's situations like this where a real type story (Kurt vowing to retire if he lost before gaining the championship) is absolutely wasted because the writers couldn't figure out a good way to progress it. Instead, they decided to use Kurt's real life situation on screen to take the focus off of the fact that this story and Hogan's betrayal of Kurt which forced him into retirement, is completely ignored. You had a great story there which is not real, but a wrestling storyline, and instead we have to get "the days of Kurt's life" which has no relevance to wrestling at all. It has taken Angle further away from where he should be and some people are praising it because it's "real". You know what, Kurt is a good enough actor to make you believe in any story he does. He doesn't need this to be "real" and neither do we. Give me some good writing over lazy, let's just play out his real life which has already played out, story. I'm sorry, but I can't go with this and I stand by what I said.

I tend to agree with your views here. I think that involving family in wrestling is such a cop-out. It's writers saying "well we don't know what to write, so let's just throw your wife and/or kids out there and see what happens."

And the fact that those involved actually agree to air their dirty laundry, to me, seems so demeaning. Why do it? What? To get JJ more heat? You mean he doesn't get enough attention? (i.e. "heat")
I have been waiting a while for this. Once we got the rumors that Angle and Jarrett had patched things up I wondered if it could ever go here. Looks like they are and this should be pretty cool because of it. I see no problem with it as long as everyone involved is ok with the whole thing which I suspect is the case. Should be an interesting feud and I am sure a bunch of knowitalls on the IWC will claim it bad because they are too stupid to differentiate between pseudo reality and reality.

Bringing real life scenarios into wrestling is and will always be a stupid idea.

The money WWE made off of Vince, Edge and others begs to differ. Good acting does not make something real. The entire premise of the IWC is people desperate to know the real story. When the dirtsheets go broke then I might be inclined to agree but until then I think you are just overstating a personal opinion. Realish is way in right now. Is Punk's gimmick a stupid idea?
I don't really like it when they do this.. bringing in real stories and TNA do this tooo much!! but i'm waiting for this one.. We all know Kurt and Karen still talk otherwise this wouldn't be happening! But I can't wait to see what happens because last time they feuded Kurt was the heel and Jeff was the face!! But now its the complete opposite!!
Am I the only one that though Kurt Angle was completely wasted when during the match and the interview before it? He was slurring his speech and just didn't sound like himself at all. Also (I was watching it on my phone), but I think I clearly saw him pull out the razor and blade himself with the camera directly in his face.

I noticed that too. He did seem out of it as sorts. I saw the blade thing live too, but wasn't really sure. Watching the replay later last night, you can clearly see Angle was blading himself. You almost have to wonder if that line about Karen before the match was a shoot or not.
Wrestling is often called "male soap opera", so I pose this question: has a soap opera ever taken one of the character's real life problems and weaved it into their saga, stopping to make sure that people realize that it's "real" and not "staged"? Not that I watch a ton of soap operas, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. However, they create a product that is drama filled on a daily basis with REAL issues that are scripted to happen. The women on the show aren't actually cheating on their real husbands (at least I hope not), but that's a scenario that could happen.

Soap operas are produced bare bones dirt cheap, air in the middle of the day and do not have PPVs or live house shows to sell. You have to dress up the "soap opera" to sell it in more prime slots to a larger degree.

Why did Dark Knight blow up the box office? I am sure that had nothing to do with the real life Heath Ledger situation. Even if that wasn't planned look at the effect it had. It would be foolish to ignore things like that. Good writing does not do it by itself.

The Angle Jarrett story was huge news on the internet when it broke. Why ignore this if everyone is fine with using it? The interest is clearly there.
Look, if this storyline is actually happening that means that Double J, Angle, Karen Jarrett's families are alright with it. If they're alright with it, then why the FUCK are you bothered by it?

God damn it why do people feel the urge to nit-pick and bitch about every single freaking thing. This business went into the shitter since wrestling fans started asking "Why are they doing this?", found an outlet for their STUPID complaints and stopped enjoying a fucking storyline for what it is. I crap on your cockeyed morals. Just watch and shut the hell up, there's a lot more fucked up things in the world to worry about than Kurt Angle and Double J's situation. There's real tension between the two (or they're reenacting it), it's based on something REAL (not being a lightning shooting undead entity who spawns himself whereever he feels like spawning), between two great wrestlers with great mic-skills and formidable ring skills. Enjoy it. Nobody gives a flying fuck about the real things we should be concerned with such as "Are the people in this storyline good?", "Does the storyline make sense?", "Can I pull my head out of my keister for one second?", but instead worry about how this is taken from a real-life situation. It's not the first time, it's not the last time, it's going to be good because the people in it are skilled veterans who know what they're doing.

GOD DAMN people are fucking ******ed these days.
You know the only people who are going to enjoy this are A. Kids who don't have a damn clue what's going on. B. Really Trashy people... As These two have real reasons to want to beat each others ass's and they are going to pick at those wounds and rub salt in them.. WHY!?! Because it's TNA and they need a fresh creative team (by fresh I mean young) As Kurt Angle should be doing what he did in WWE and put people over hold the title if you need him too but otherwise put over your talent build new stars.. TNA in my eyes will honestly last as Long as Kurt Angle does as he is the only one who can properly put people over at this point (Flair still has the skill but his age diminishes just how far he can put someone over)

Also BIG fail on TNA's part just how often they throw one of their best (AJ Styles) from main event to midcard and back again... He is a young guy that needs to be established they don't have a stable ranking as people come and go as they please...
This angle could've been entirely manufactured from thin air and not be a dramatization of a real life situation and it still wouldn't make a difference. Because both parties agreed to use the real life premise and turn it into something completely fake, the context of the storyline is irrelevant since it's very inception into a wrestling program means it's fake.

Basically, the dramatization of the love triangle on IMPACT is entirely fake hence making just another wrestling angle. There is no realism involved.
And cue my response to the inevitable TNA backers completely disagreeing with me. I have no problem with that and I expected it, but respectfully, I completely disagree with you guys. Specifically, I'm talking to Zevon and Shattered.

If you guys can't see that using this is such a cop out, I don't know what to tell you. Months were spent building Kurt Angle back up to the point where he should have won the TNA title. He was screwed by Jeff Hardy and really, by Hulk Hogan, who had backed Angle's quest for the title. The logical direction to go would have been for Angle to work his way back to TNA by being on Dixie's team (who's also gone) and having her reinstate him when she gets the power back. While that may take a while, Angle could run sneak attacks at Immortal or something, setting up potentially a match to reinstate Angle or reinstate both him and Dixie in some capacity to TNA. If Kurt wins, they could fight the battle from within TNA so the fans could see what was going on. That would have been logical, but fuck logic right?

Instead, Jeff Jarrett, who essentially screwed over Samoa Joe by turning on him in that match, gets into something with Kurt on the first show after BFG. Why? Beats me. It was logical to have that Samoa Joe feud and that would have worked if Joe didn't get buried. The reason for that though, was that TNA wanted it to build to Angle/Jarrett for some reason. This is merely keeping Angle away from the bigger picture, which makes no fucking sense. Consequently, the easiest way to keep Kurt from the big picture is to give the IWC boners by using the inevitable real life love triangle as a distraction on the level of a penis in front of Clay Aiken's face. Get people thinking about this real life crap, get people forgetting about what Angle SHOULD be doing.

Now, onto why it sucks in general. Wrestling has never and will never be real. Never gonna happen, no way, no how. In the 80s, we were supposed to believe that the whole thing was real. Up through the mid 90s, we were supposed to believe that voodoo men and millionaires and even fucking chickens were real. We were also supposed to believe that the guys who were good on screen were actually good while the bad guys were really terrible people. Wrestling felt that you needed to believe that it was true in real life in order to like it.

Then came the Attitude Era. The lines were blurred more, but the best stuff that happened in that era were storyline driven and had nothing to do with reality. The Austin/McMahon feud was written to perfection and pitted boss against employee. Anyway, it was around this time that Vince Russo started shooting on WCW, telling fans that matches are fixed and going on PPV and telling people that Hogan didn't want to do the job and such. The result? WCW sucked and business continued to plummet.

Basically, my theory on wrestling is that people need to get with the times. It is 2010 and the internet is an easy thing to use. Thus, anyone over 5 with half a brain knows that wrestling isn't real. We know that guys are playing fictional characters on TV and are actors who perform in athletic staged competition with fixed results. If you aren't willing to accept these facts, which have been facts for a very long time, MMA might be for you. Wrestling is about creating stories with experienced writers and playing them out on screen.

I used the example of soap operas not to get a stupid response about budgets (what were you thinking responding with that?) but to use an example that pertains to the "male soap opera" of wrestling. The point being that nobody needs to believe that the people IN the soap operas are actually bad in real life, just that they believe in the character as they watch the show. Keep in mind we accept that openly gay actor Neil Patrick Harris is a womanizer in his role on How I Met Your Mother.

This is produced television and what the wrestlers do is acting. Thus you do not need to use real life scenarios in wrestling. The writers should be good enough to come up with shit so that they don't need to stoop to half assed reality tv. Whether or not the people involved agree to re-enact it has no bearing whatsoever. It's never been a good thing and it never will be. Wrestling is storyline driven, not reality driven. The best wrestling that any of us can remember is purely fictional.

Here's the thing. Wrestling SHOULD be something we can relate to at least in some sense. The stories that are out there should be something we can understand and thus, understand the position of both wrestlers involved. That said, it need not be taken from people's actual lives. You can argue with me until you are blue in the face about it working but it doesn't. Tell me Matt/Lita/Edge all you want but even if that's the one time people gave a fuck, but it ended up being the end of Matt Hardy as anything credible since he lost the feud. When you infuse reality, you also show that in reality (because it's based on that), the douchebag should win. Quite a message to send to your audience!

In this case, it's such an irrelevant point and TNA is just using it to appease the smarks who know about it. Say it was relevant, but only to internet marks. Still, these marks need to realize that TV would be better if stories were logical and coherent, and didn't jump to this just to "be real brother!" It's a bad idea and the truth is, it's not going to bring in viewers. It's not the main story of the show, which your best wrestler (Kurt Angle) should be involved in, not this bullshit. Wrestling isn't real, despite what your boy Anderson's shirt says. Get over it.

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