The Recent Short Name Obesseion

Wrestling Mind 300

Dark Match Winner
I don't understand why the wwe continues shorten the names of wwe superstars. The recent one was Adrian Neville who was shortened to Neville as he made his main roster Raw debut. This has also happened to Rusev, Cesaro, Big E and more. I can tolerate a one name superstar only if they have debuted with the one name like Emma or Sting. I know it's not really a big deal as a name doesn't impact in ring work however having their full name brings that sense of realism imo.

It confuses me how guys like Neville had their names shortened yet John Cena kept John, Kevin Nash kept Kevin, Hulk Hogan Kept Hulk, Shawn Michaels kept Shawn etc. How weird would it have been be to see these guys compete without their full names or their names suddenly shortened?

What are you thoughts on Shortened names in wwe?
I remember there was a report on here when Cesaro and Rusev went to the one names saying that it was Vinces call and he didnt feel guys named Antonio or Alexander would be all that intimidating just a guess bit probably the same thing applies here. Pretty stupid as far as I'm cpncerned a name is what gets people over its the product
I remember there was a report on here when Cesaro and Rusev went to the one names saying that it was Vinces call and he didnt feel guys named Antonio or Alexander would be all that intimidating just a guess bit probably the same thing applies here.

Which is pretty ridiculous when you consider the fact that those are the first names the WWE GAVE to Rusev and Cesaro. "Alexander" and "Antonio" are not their real first names. Those are the first names Vince signed off on. It makes no sense.
Which is pretty ridiculous when you consider the fact that those are the first names the WWE GAVE to Rusev and Cesaro.

It really doesn't make sense when you consider that their champions name is Seth and they have another super popular guy named Dean.

In some cases I think it works. Rusev is one. Big E is okay without the Langston. Cesaro sounded better with Antonio and Neville sounded better with Adriane.

I don't know. Time will tell if it works or not.
They are just working names. New personalities, new identities, new names. Besides most guys are called by their last name anyway, and furthermore the names suck so it's actually not that bad.

Austin gets called Austin and you know who you are talking about. You have to use your context clues if you just say Steve...cause you could be talking about Steve Blackman get it?
It really doesn't make sense when you consider that their champions name is Seth and they have another super popular guy named Dean.

In some cases I think it works. Rusev is one. Big E is okay without the Langston. Cesaro sounded better with Antonio and Neville sounded better with Adriane.

I don't know. Time will tell if it works or not.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but for once I agree with you. It makes no sense that Vince feels "Antonio Cesaro" isn't an "intimidating" enough name, while they have Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins on the roster. Just "Cesaro" sounds stupid and has ever since they shortened it. At this rate, by next year the WrestleMania card will involve a multi-man Ladder Match where the winner gets the rest of his name back: Big E vs. Cesaro vs. Rusev vs. Neville vs. Tyson vs. Bad News vs. Owens.
You have to use your context clues if you just say Steve...cause you could be talking about Steve Blackman get it?

The most blatantly Caucasian man ever, wrestling as "Blackman", would have been incredible. It just should have happened.

As for the shortening of names, only the goofy ones are being shortened.
With Neville there is an obvious reason... in NXT it's not an issue cos the fans are far more respectful but main roster fans are prone to annoying chants... They guy has an accent/voice in his Geordie twang that can sound quite "mumbly" like a certain movie star's... The last thing he or WWE needs is fans doing the whole "Yo Adrian...You did it" gag repeatedly for the next 10 years...

You notice that this is a trend with the non US talents rather than those US, is it a form of racism? Not at all but it's happened as far back as Santino... it's not new to drop a surname on a non American talent. Like it or not Rusev sounds better and is easier to market than Alexander Rusev is... Cesaro sounds more like Caesar, so it makes him sound more important than Antonio would. Some American's get it too... When was the last time you heard the name Hunter Hearst Helmsley? Or Dave Batista used in the WWE...even Ken Kennedy was Mr. Kennedy after the first few months.

In Neville's case the accent gag above IS quite serious, but also they're pitching him as more of a phenomenon, "The Man Gravity Forgot" so a single name works far better as that "moniker" is quite long...

There are other considerations here, from T-Shirts to distinguishing talents. If every has a First and Last Name it quickly becomes UFC/Boxing... some guys have shorter names it helps them to stand out more, especially if they're not considered A talents or are just starting out. Does anyone but IWC morons miss the full name Alexander Rusev? No... has the change helped him... Absolutely... even if it's as basic as Rusev and Lana is easier to trip off the tongue than Alexander Rusev and Lana...
It really just depends on the name and depends on the guy. Rusev is fine, Alexander Rusev is lame. Cesaro is fine Antonio Cesaro is also fine. Neville is dumb, Adrian Neville is alright. I don't know why. I guess because Rusev is just an angry Russian that crushes people, so having him called just Rusev works. "RUSEV CRUSH" is better than "ALEXANDER RUSEV CRUSH". Now, you could still have the "Rusev crush" thing while calling him Alexander Rusev but everyone's just going to call him Rusev anyways. This also isn't a new thing, Goldberg was just Goldberg and Batista was just Batista. Sometimes they were referred to as Dave and Bill though so I don't know. Fuck it.

Cena has his CeNation, Neville can have the NeVillage.

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