The REAL Mr Wrestlemania


Championship Contender
HBK has many nicknames, one of them being Mr. WrestleMania. He had some huge and memorable matches (Iron Man, Ladder, Jericho, Taker x 2, etc.) but also had some nothing matches (as part of the Rockers, solo against El Matador, etc.) To be fair, he also had an underrated IC title match against Tatanka at WrestleMania IX (also underrated).

He has done more at WrestleMania than most people ever have, ever will or can ever hope to do. But, there is one man who I always believed was a huge part of each and every WrestleMania he was in: "Macho Man" Randy Savage

From WrestleMania 2 through WrestleMania X (with the exception of the aforementioned WrestleMania IX), Savage was not only on the card, but was in one of the biggest--if not THE biggest--matches of the night.

A quick recap:
2 = George "The Animal" Steele for the IC belt. An IC title match alone was important back then; but, there was also the added interest of the lovable Steele and his crush on the gorgeous Miss Elizabeth--who was horribly mistreated by the hated Macho Man.

3 = Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat for the IC belt. My favorite match as a kid and still regarded by many as one of the greatest matches ever. A clinic on wrestling and stole the show of the biggest event ever, at that time.

4 = WWF Championship Tournament. None of the four matches were Match of the Year candidates, but a 5-star match had no place in a one-night tournament. Savage was a hated heel a year prior and was now skyrocketing in popularity. As the night unfolded, with Hogan/Andre DQ'd and DiBiase waiting in the finals, Savage's quest through the brackets was impressive and resulted in his first WWF title.

5 = Hulk Hogan. Not only the WWF championship match, not only the main event of the biggest show of the year, not only a great match itself, but the explosion of the Mega Powers and the culmination of a year long story orchestrated and performed brilliantly with the bonding, descension and ultimate crumbling of the Mega Powers.

6 = Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire. Not a great match, not the biggest on the card by any means. However, it was the first mixed gender tag match in WrestleMania history and did have the attention of the fans going into the event. Elizabeth helping Rhodes and Sapphire win, and dancing with them afterwards, was a big moment of that night. The fans loved it--not historically, but at that time.

7 = Ultimate Warrior. The retirement match that many consider the best match on that card. Not only because of the match itself (though any Warrior match regarded so highly HAS TO give much credit to his opponent), but because of the reuniting of Macho Man and Elizabeth. One of the most emotional moments in pro wrestling history, let alone WrestleMania history.

8 = Ric Flair. I LOVED this match. The match itself was great, but the storyline going into it about Flair having an affair with Elizabeth, the tease of a new photo from Flair, Savage's title win, Flair kissing Liz and getting slapped--which also fueled the fire to continue, the post-match interviews from both. The total package right here and could have (and should have) been the last match of the night.

10 = Crush. Not a classic match. But the first falls-count-anywhere match at WrestleMania. (Another first for WrestleMania was the ladder match, where HBK and Razor put on a great show---MUCH better than this Savage match). But it was a match that the fans looked forward to because it had new possibilities.

Savage was in title matches, innovative matches, and hot storylines in each of these WrestleManias---with most of them having both a title on the line AND a hot storyline attached. He was always ALWAYS in a highly anticipated match at WrestleMania. Like I said, some just because they were firsts (Rhodes, Crush) but most because of major titles and major plots. Kudos, of course, to Flair, Hogan, Steamboat as well--no doubt these matches were huge because of all parties involved (Steele, Perfect, Elizabeth). But Savage was consistently right in the middle of every single WrestleMania he participated in.

Randy "Macho Man" Savage is the TRUE Mr. WrestleMania
Undertaker is clearly the true Mr Wrestlemania. He has appeared in 21 WM's which is probably a record and has also won all of them. The matches may not have been the highest quality but 21-0 = Mr Wrestlemania
If you're talking early WM then yeah sure, I can see that. But considering that HBK didn't get his shot at Mania until WrestleMania VIII, I'd say that it's not fair to use the prior Manias against Shawn. Because let's face it, as great as Steamboat & Savage was at WM 3; if you had put Shawn up against Steamboat or Savage back then, he would've given you a lot more than you could ever thought could happen. Especially against Steamboat.

But while we're on the subject of people who have legitimate claim to the Mr. WrestleMania moniker, may I suggest the man known as the Rated R Superstar? Let's face it, the guy practically took WrestleMania by the balls and owned it from WrestleMania 2000 all the way to at least WrestleMania 26 when he faced Jericho. Even his match against Del Rio was a great retirement match to be. Sure, the guy may have missed a few 15 WrestleManias before then, but like I said, when he got his foot onto that big stage he never looked back.

I mean Three Way Tag Ladder match, TLC, Money in the Bank, His match with Foley at WM 22, Undertaker at WM 24... the guy certainly deserves his props.

Undertaker is clearly the true Mr Wrestlemania. He has appeared in 21 WM's which is probably a record and has also won all of them. The matches may not have been the highest quality but 21-0 = Mr Wrestlemania

Oh shut up. The WrestleMania record didn't mean anything until HHH targeted the record at WM 17. Up until then, Undertaker was simply facing jobbers except for when he beat Diesel. And even then, it was more about Giant vs. Giant rather than the streak. Besides, WWE could've given that record to anybody and as long as it stayed 21-0, the feeling would pretty much be the same about whether or not it could/should be broken. Hell, people at one point thought a former 5-0 Edge would be the one to end his streak and start a new one.
I'm not buying it. Shawn Michaels is the true Mr. Wrestlemania and there is no way of convincing me otherwise.

He started of with The Rockers and had some solid matches before the big ladder match against Razor Ramon that was completely innovative and was the foundation for some of the other great ladder matches that we have seen since.

HBK has roughly had 7 or 8 5-star matches at Wrestlemania. Bret Hart, Austin, Y2J, Angle, HHH/Benoit, Flair and Taker x 2. That is an incredible list of matches that many would be happy with in their lifetime never mind one event.

Moreover, he had solid matches with guys like Diesel, Cena and Vince McMahon. Finally, he was the guest referee for Taker/HHH and was vital in terms of telling the story. Not only the sheer quality of matches but the incredible moments he delivered. His entrance at WM12 and of course "the boyhood dream that came true". He is Mr Wrestlemania. No doubt about it.
I can understand ranking Savage alongside or behind Michaels...he's obviously got more than enough WrestleMania history in his belt than the vast majority of others. You can argue that he's still one half of the greatest WrestleMania match of all time (WM 3 vs. Steamboat).

But without going into a list of all the matches that Michaels has been a part of, undercard, Main Event, Career ending matches, 4 star/5 star matches, quality of opponents, etc...I just don't see how Savage comes out ahead of Michaels.
Shawn hasn't had a match under 5 stars on the WM card, period.

When you can take Mr. McMahon and a ladder to having the best match on the card, then that should tell you something about him.

Imagine had Shawn in his prime went against Ricky in his prime. That would be the only talked about match in history.

Shawn has his name for a reason.
HBK is certainly in the running for Mr Wrestlemania, but I believe that Hogan is the true Mr. Wrestlemania, as he headlined many WMs and was involved in many of Wrestlemania's biggest matches/moments. Hogan made Wrestlemania a spectacle and over several decades, he provided a major draw in the Main Event. From WM 1 with Mr.s T to beating Andre and his match with Warrior, all the way to his big match with the Rock, Hogan has helped build Mania into the spectacle that it is today. On top of all of that, Hogan most likely has not made his last WM appearance (for good or bad). Taker has never really been the big draw of Mania. To me, a fake streak is not worth getting excited about. And HBK has probably put on the best Mania matches, but neither drew like Hogan did.
Shawn Michaels' had many good matches at Wrestlemania. Hell his last match was one of the best against the Undertaker. Many main events for HBK. In fact he gave himself the nickname of Mr. Wrestlemania.

So, I think we should stick with the man who gave himself the nickname. HBK is Mr. Wrestlemania. The way him and Austin worked together at Wrestlemania 14, him and Angle had an amazing match.

Now, not all of these were main events, but they built value on the card. Made you feel you got your money's worth. Macho Man did good, but HBK gave you a big bang for your buck.
Actually I went to City Hall a couple of weeks ago and changed my last name to Wrestlemania. So in formal settings or when being addressed by juvenile I am the REAL Mr. Wrestlemania.

HBK is Mr. Wrestlemania. Sure it is self proclaimed but it seems to stem from the guy who put on the most enjoyable show in the time they had in and around the ring. Macho had some good and big matches but if you look at the full book of work HBK is heads above anyone else as stealing the show. I will say that for the last five years The UT has been in my favorite match of the night consistently. Of course two of those were with HBK.
Shawn HAS had under 5 star matches - the Rockers matches were never of that quality and his first 2 solo outings at Mania's 8 and 9 and 11 were forgettable.

9 in particular was a low point due to his politicking taking what could have been a stellar match for him either regaining the belt from Janetty (he nuked Marty out a few months earlier with lies about being drunk) likewise Shawn didn't want to drop to Tatanka and repeated the same trick only to let the cat out of the bag about Jannetty to Perfect - who went straight to Vince and Janetty got his "Billy Martin" winning the title.

Sure the Ladder match was innovative but Ramon covered as much of it as Shawn did so he can't claim full credit there, likewise for the iron man match and the loss to Austin.

So in reality Shawn's first career at Mania was not quite as good as it's hyped or remembered to be. His second was better and perhaps is where he has earned the name if indeed he has.

Savage was consistently excellent in all of his Mania matches - the only one remotely weak was the mixed tag at 6 - but his and Dusty's part in that was top draw, it was only Sapphire's inexperience that dragged it down from an A to a B. You have to remember that 10 was not of the same era as TLC, HIAC and the violence that came later. Some say Crush was limited, sure he was cos he basically needed to take punishment in ways never before done on the same night as the ladder match. It had to be more one sided, more brutal and both guys did it pretty much perfectly in that the Ladder match which came after wasn't overshadowed but Savage's win was equally memorable.

There is another guy I would put in there at Mr. Wrestlemania if you're going there - Chris Jericho who really hasn't had less than a 5 star match - even Fandango this year squeaked it. So you're really lookng at a Triple Threat and while Shawn would ragdoll like a champ and Jericho would make it solid and tell the story...Savage would be the one who brought the pomp, excitement and pure drama into the match so you knew it was Wrestlemania... so for that I call him Mr. Wrestlemania over Shawn.
Ok...I can see your point. I Love Savage. That guy was amazing and IMO a top ten in ring talent of all time. However Im still going with HBK on this one.. Shawn has been amazing at Mania with like 8 matches that can be considered five star matches. Another guy that I think is great at Mania is Rey Mysterio. Im not saying he is on Shawn or Savage level but I love every WM match he has had except of course vs JBL which really wasnt a match. Kurt Angle was great at Mania as well.
But while we're on the subject of people who have legitimate claim to the Mr. WrestleMania moniker, may I suggest the man known as the Rated R Superstar?
I'm sure you can and are about to, I just don't believe Edge is the best, or smartest, of choice. :shrug:

Let's face it, the guy practically took WrestleMania by the balls and owned it from WrestleMania 2000 all the way to at least WrestleMania 26 when he faced Jericho.
Yes, that triple threat match he had at Wrestlemania 25 in which he lost the World Title was certainly light years ahead of HBK vs. Undertaker I. :rolleyes: Or the match you're referencing, at Wrestlemania 26 against Jericho, certainly far surpassed HBK's re-match and subsequent retirement match, again against Undertaker. :icon_rolleyes: Or that WM 23 match, where Edge was knocked out and his night ended early. Undertaker surpassed that with his win over Batista for the World Title, and HBK did the same with his match in the main event against John Cena for the WWE Title.

Granted, I understand that being Mr. Wrestlemania is about far more then victories. If not so, HBK would be nowhere near this list. The problem with Edge is this: He's lost fantastic matches, but he's also lost some average ones as well. The year of the first MITB, for example, HBK was facing Kurt Angle. It's not Edge's fault, per se, and Edge won his match while HBK tapped out. But people were clamoring for rematches and IronMan matches and "five more minutes" in the HBK/Angle series.....which they decisively were not with Edge vs. (any man/men in the ladder match)?. Edge's match with Foley was fun, violent stuff, but HBK vs. Vince wasn't too far behind in terms of quality. Wrestlemania 23 for all 3? Edge's 'big' moment was getting knocked out of the MITB ladder match by Jeff Hardy, while Undertaker was beating Batista for the World Title, and HBK was fighting Cena for the WWE Title in the final match of the night.

Time after time, card after card, Edge was outshined by both HBK and The Undertaker, yet you'ld put Edge over Undertaker because.....WWE didn't acknowledge it as a big deal until WM17? There were some good matches in there, nonetheless, ones that, now immortalized by the streak, you won't forget. Edge? There are a bunch after you'ld soon forget. Less people bought Wrestlemania 25 for Edge vs. Cena vs. Big Show then bought it for Taker vs. HBK I, and even less people bought Wrestlemania 26 for Edge vs. Jericho then did so for HBK vs. Unertaker II.

Even his match against Del Rio was a great retirement match to be.
No, it wasn't. The match was, on a card full of them, another match shown to was decisively average. There wasn't a spot or a sequence in the match that was great, or even memorable, so how could the match itself be considered special?

Sure, the guy may have missed 15 WrestleManias before then, but like I said, when he got his foot onto that big stage he never looked back.[/QUOTE]
Except to be carted off during WM 23, tap out during WM 24, pinned at WM 25, and pinned at WM 26. Even his win, in his last ever match against Del Rio, was less than inspired, and his only match that 'matched' the hype was against the man you scoffed at as possibly "Mr. Wrestlemania." He not only became the perennial easy pick for loser....but for under-achiever as well.....of the night.

I mean Three Way Tag Ladder match, TLC, Money in the Bank, His match with Foley at WM 22, Undertaker at WM 24... the guy certainly deserves his props.
Props, yes. Even consideration for a moment as to being 'the man' in the history of Wrestlemania......bad idea.

Oh shut up. The WrestleMania record didn't mean anything until HHH targeted the record at WM 17. Up until then, Undertaker was simply facing jobbers except for when he beat Diesel.
That's not how they built up the debuting Kane, that he was simply another debuting jobber, was it? He was a debuting force, one that ripped the door off Hell In A Cell. And further, who else has left Undertaker lying, after a loss, at Wrestlemania? Kane may essentially be a jobber now, but he was a monster heel back then.
And even then, it was more about Giant vs. Giant rather than the streak.
Of course, because had it been about 'the Streak', people would have been quite confused so early on. It's more importantly about the title, because Diesel had been champion for almost a year at that point.

Besides, WWE could've given that record to anybody and as long as it stayed 21-0, the feeling would pretty much be the same about whether or not it could/should be broken. Hell, people at one point thought a former 5-0 Edge would be the one to end his streak and start a new one.
No, just no, unless you sit in on WWE creative team meetings, and were there as they considered it. He went a respectable 6-3 at Wrestlemania, yet the idea of him breaking the streak was never mentioned, nor were people upset when he didn't. Edge would have been over 50 when he arrived at where 'Taker is now, and moreso, he would be long retired.

They needed a guy like Undertaker. Someone with respect for the business and is respected back. Someone who has been there wrestling, and not just apart of several eras. Does anyone else fit that bill? Flair may be respected, but he doesn't show a ton of respect. Further, he's retired now. HHH gives you 1-2 matches a year, but he wouldn't work as having the streak and as the former head of Evolution, because that called for him to take multiple losses. And HBK? He didn't want to go out at age 55 or so, which he would have had to in order to preserve the streak.

The Streak isn't as easy as you think it is to protect, obviously, as you see it as an honor that would have worked for almost anyone. Nope! The person who carried the Streak had a responsibility to make it bigger than themselves, which few could be trusted with to do so, and even fewer would have worked. Undertaker fit perfectly, not vice versa, so sorry Shawn, but I'd go with The Undertaker as "Mr. Wrestlemania."

There is another guy I would put in there at Mr. Wrestlemania if you're going there - Chris Jericho who really hasn't had less than a 5 star match - even Fandango this year squeaked it.
You don't "squeak through" with 5-star matches, you perform without a flaw. In a match that clocked in around 9:00 minutes and had a completely botched ending, Jericho/Fandango was more of a ** match than it was a *****. Would that put Jericho vs. Piper/Snuka/Steamboat at ***** as well? :rolleyes:
We're really having this argument? The reason Shawn Michaels is Mr. WrestleMania is because he consistently put on the best match of the night at WrestleMania. In fact, he consistently put up the best match of the year at WrestleMania. Of his absurd 11 PWI Matches of the Year, EIGHT of them came at WrestleMania. There isn't one wrestler in WWE history that can even lay claim to having put on the best match of the night at eight different WrestleManias, must less the best match of the year eight separate times at WrestleMania.

Did he have some clunkers early in his career? Sure. But everyone had some forgettable matches at 'Mania - even Hogan. Did his opponents have something to do with his matches at 'Mania? Absolutely. But with exception to The Undertaker, he didn't have a duplicate WrestleMania opponent - and yet, he still ALWAYS stole the show.
The problem with choosing Savage is that there have been 21 Manias in which he didn't appear. If there was a Mr. SNME, Savage wins that in a walk. If you watch the SNME DVD, in the glory days of the show, Savage was in the best match, every time.

As for Mr. Mania, you have to say that Taker's streak, while gimmicked, yes, should really make him Mr. Mania, but it really does have to be HBK. Say what you will about the Rocker days, he has always had incredible matches that have been highlights of every Mania in which he has competed.

In all honesty, Taker has had more Mania stinkers or squashes than great matches. Taker being 21-0 is fine, but matches against Snuka, Roberts, Bundy, Bossman, Gonzales, Deisel, Sid, Albert and Show, Henry, and Kane 2, off the top of my head factor into it. Yes, the better part of the last half of the streak have been great but those are with Taker working a very limited schedule. HBK had incredible matches while working full schedules and anyone who competes at a high level week in and week out will tell you, you're never completely healthy.
I'm a fan of Shawn Michaels, no doubt about it. I would say that Mr. WrestleMania fits the bill pretty well with him since win or lose, he's still so heavily identified with the event. And those sentiments are shared amongst the majority of WWE's fanbase. However from my perspective, which does not speak for everyone else, hence why it's my perspective but to me The Undertaker is who I look at more as a Mr. WrestleMania.

Savage is another sentimental favorite of mine when it comes to the title of Mr. WrestleMania. But even for Undertaker's lackluster outings i.e. against Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy and Big Show/A-Train. Shawn Michaels had his outings with Jannetty against The Twin Towers, The Orient Express and El Matador were just as unmemorable.

But I am not one to argue the majority's sentiments, while Shawn Michaels is not someone I praise as THE Mr. WrestleMania, that doesn't mean I don't think he's deserving of the title. He very well is.

Good thread, and the responses are very great reads.
shawn made taker's streak what it is today before taker faced him the streak was not a major draw in fact they hardly mentioned it shawn made it matter he took the stage for more than one hour at wm12 who has ever done that and left people amazed savage vs steamboat will always be a wrestling classic but mr. wrestlemania is and always will be hbk
It's still HBK without a doubt. HBK > Taker at Mania. The streak has nothing to do with being Mr. Wrestlemania. HBK put on memorable match after memorable match at almost every WM he was on the card. Look at these highlights...

WM10- Ladder Match with Razor
WM11- Diesel
WM12- IronMan Match
WM14- His match against Austin
WM19- Match with Jericho
WM20- Triple Threat against Benoit/Triple H
WM21- A WRESTLING CLINIC with Kurt Angle
WM22- His match against Vince
WM23- Match against Cena
WM24- Match with Flair
WM25/26- Matches with Undertaker

With the exception of 2007 where Cena/Michaels won Match of the Year by PWI for their hour long match on Raw, HBK was a part of Match of the Year... EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. between WM20-26. His matches at WM10, 11, and 12 were also voted "Match of the Year."
You don't have to win every match at WM to be considered "Mr. Wrestlemania."

Because quite frankly, Taker had some less than stellar matches at Mania. Giant Gonzales, Mark Henry, Big Show/A-Train, Big Boss Man, Superfly, King Kong Bundy, etc... I'm sure there's couple more but those are the stinkers that stick out in my mind. I don't care if I ever see any of those matches again. But at some point, I know I'll watch EVERY SINGLE ONE of those HBK matches more than a few more times.

HBK was/is/always will be Mr. Wrestlemania. Always.
It's still HBK without a doubt. HBK > Taker at Mania. The streak has nothing to do with being Mr. Wrestlemania. HBK put on memorable match after memorable match at almost every WM he was on the card. Look at these highlights...

WM10- Ladder Match with Razor
WM11- Diesel
WM12- IronMan Match
WM14- His match against Austin
WM19- Match with Jericho
WM20- Triple Threat against Benoit/Triple H
WM21- A WRESTLING CLINIC with Kurt Angle
WM22- His match against Vince
WM23- Match against Cena
WM24- Match with Flair
WM25/26- Matches with Undertaker

With the exception of 2007 where Cena/Michaels won Match of the Year by PWI for their hour long match on Raw, HBK was a part of Match of the Year... EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. between WM20-26. His matches at WM10, 11, and 12 were also voted "Match of the Year."
You don't have to win every match at WM to be considered "Mr. Wrestlemania."

Because quite frankly, Taker had some less than stellar matches at Mania. Giant Gonzales, Mark Henry, Big Show/A-Train, Big Boss Man, Superfly, King Kong Bundy, etc... I'm sure there's couple more but those are the stinkers that stick out in my mind. I don't care if I ever see any of those matches again. But at some point, I know I'll watch EVERY SINGLE ONE of those HBK matches more than a few more times.

HBK was/is/always will be Mr. Wrestlemania. Always.

First off if you Neg rep at least have the decency to make your point in public, rather than a comment in private that proves you didn't read the post moron!

To answer your point there, I never said Razor, Bret et al carried Shawn... I said they covered as much of the match as he did and have equal claim on the credit for them. Shawn didn't wrestle a ladder or alone for an hour, he wrestled another top worker on those shows. Maybe he COULD have Mania moment with a broom but he doesn't, he has gone in with equally talented partners in most if not all of the matches you rave about. If you or he claim full credit for him, then you're missing the point entirely of what is his strength and why he is so revered.

Now onto your post.

Taker had the opposite to Shawn, in that he had inferior opponents and made it work. Who decides what a five star match IS? You? Me? Take Gonzales, that Taker got anything passable out of him made it 5 star if you define it as "The best possible match between two workers". You put clinic in capitals yet miss that HBK was in there with the best techician of his generation, who had a Gold medal to prove it...or did Shawn carry Kurt?

Your unseen vitriol towards Savage was also misplaced. Randy didn't carry anyone except possibly Warrior and Crush but by then both were at THEIR peaks so if he did do more of the work you barely knew. Savage took both guys to their best Mania matches, made them look deadly and brought the drama to the occasions. We saw Warrior "do dramatic" with Papa Shango...Shawn when he lost his smile, collapsed from the enzuguiri and the awful Flair ending.

For the guy who mentioned the Jericho stuff, this year he had one job... Get a less experienced pet project of Vince's making HIS DEBUT at Mania over and guess what... the next night he was MEGAOVER to the point a week later his song was near the UK charts, only Vince pulled the push! Botched ending or no that is Five Stars if you define it as meeting the brief given of the match... With the legends, he was originally meant to wrestle Mickey Rourke, when that wasn't on the table his brief was to see if Steamboat could go and take the punch from Rourke... He did both and the match was damn good considering the ages involved.

Five Star, Match Of the year...all misnomers cos who are you, I or Meltzer to decide. If the guys are given a task go out and do it, the fans get into it and it becomes bigger than it should rightfully be that's when they've done a good job and get the approval of their peers, the onlt ones who can really say it's five stars!

It's horses for courses... But don't buy in blind to HBK or Taker... Just as may other talented guys built their reps at Mania... Hell there's even an argument for Bret but I've made my point...
There is no definitive Mr. WrestleMania. Both HBK, The Undertaker & Randy Savage would be in the running.

Undertaker's earliest matches were attrocious and it's only since 2007 when he's consistently had the, if not one of the, best matches on the card.

Much like The Undertaker, HBK's later showings are superior to anything that came before it. The Ladder match is excellent for that era, but I'd say his next Mania match after that worth watching was his match against Jericho. But I guess that depends on how you feel on his Iron Man match. I'm of the opinion that it's a colossal bore. And I think his match with Austin is good but not great.

Randy Savage was certainly Mr. WrestleMania...20 plus years ago.

I'm inclined to vote for Floyd Mayweather. One match, 100% hit rate. What a match for a non-worker.
It's still HBK without a doubt. HBK > Taker at Mania. The streak has nothing to do with being Mr. Wrestlemania. HBK put on memorable match after memorable match at almost every WM he was on the card. Look at these highlights...

WM10- Ladder Match with Razor
WM11- Diesel
WM12- IronMan Match
WM14- His match against Austin
WM19- Match with Jericho
WM20- Triple Threat against Benoit/Triple H
WM21- A WRESTLING CLINIC with Kurt Angle
WM22- His match against Vince
WM23- Match against Cena
WM24- Match with Flair
WM25/26- Matches with Undertaker

With the exception of 2007 where Cena/Michaels won Match of the Year by PWI for their hour long match on Raw, HBK was a part of Match of the Year... EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. between WM20-26. His matches at WM10, 11, and 12 were also voted "Match of the Year."
You don't have to win every match at WM to be considered "Mr. Wrestlemania."

Because quite frankly, Taker had some less than stellar matches at Mania. Giant Gonzales, Mark Henry, Big Show/A-Train, Big Boss Man, Superfly, King Kong Bundy, etc... I'm sure there's couple more but those are the stinkers that stick out in my mind. I don't care if I ever see any of those matches again. But at some point, I know I'll watch EVERY SINGLE ONE of those HBK matches more than a few more times.

HBK was/is/always will be Mr. Wrestlemania. Always.

Neg rep because you disagree? What a loser. I started this thread with my opinion and, while a lot of people disagree with me, many people have well thought out rebuttals and make strong cases for their choices. That is what a forum is about. Not assholes like you who have their opinion and dismiss all others. You're actually pathetic because you sound like someone who comes to a FORUM to discuss different parts of absolute truths. Yeah, that's fun! Maybe go find a thread that states Pedro Morales was the first triple crown winner and argue among your kind that...he was. Idiot.

A lot of you have made good points. Obviously, my memories from wrestling are from a much older time. Yes, I still watch the Rumble and WrestleMania each year and will usually tune into Raw for a few minutes before realizing I have seen this episode dozens of times before. BUT, I don't remember details from the late 90s and on like I do before that time. I still vote for Savage, but I appreciate all of your cases.

I thought this would be a fun debate and I'm glad a bunch of you took it for what it was. Sorry we have to put up with closed-minded *******s like the fool I quoted here and some others. Those people really miss out on wrestling debates and the fun look at history they provide.
aren't we forgetting the guy with 5 moves(still more than hogan) john cena he has been in the main events ever since i stopped watching wwe weekly shows
If Cena is to be considered then so does Hogan.

8 of the first 9 Wrestlemanias were built around Hogan... (and the one where he didn't headline, WM4, he had a big say in the outcome of Savage vs Dibiase).

Then you have his colossal wars with the Rock and Vince at Mania's 18 & 19.

Taker may have the streak, HBK may have the match quality... but Hogan was the major draw for the Manias he starred in.
All great things need a foundation... and Hogan laid down the platform that Taker, HBK, Cena, Savage, Bret and others were able to benefit from
Can't have a mania without the deadman and after all these years he still shows up and has the best match on the card

But he never has that alone or with a lesser opponent anymore. Every year they painstakingly choose it to make sure Taker can do it and put him with someone who can carry their end of it. If he was doing all the work, yeah but he isn't and neither did Shawn...EVER. Saying they do and that makes them Mr. Wrestlemania is as ridiculous as saying Warrior was the greatest worker ever... it's just not true however much you might want it to be.

Oh and he's PM'ing me now calling me a tough guy now :banghead:
shawn made taker's streak what it is today before taker faced him the streak was not a major draw in fact they hardly mentioned it shawn made it matter he took the stage for more than one hour at wm12 who has ever done that and left people amazed savage vs steamboat will always be a wrestling classic but mr. wrestlemania is and always will be hbk

Ummmm, first, no, HBK didn't 'make' the streak. The streak became a 'thing' and a talking point with Orton's gimmick as the legend killer. HBK was the first one to make it his vendetta, and out his career up, but the streak was a talking point before Shawn was involved.

Now, while I agree it does take two to tango, and HBK could not have had the matches by himself, there is one consistent when it comes to the best matches on the Mania cards for the better part of 25 years, and that's Shawn. With the exception of the match with Santana, I think the rest were good to incredible matches. The Rockers matches with the Towers and the Express were not bad matches. They were, in fact, pretty damned good for where they were on the card and what they needed to do. Moving along, his matches with Jericho, Angle, HHH/Benoit, Cena, Takerx2, Deisel, Austin, Flair, Razor were pure greatness. As I said, each of those guys played a role in there, for sure, but the consistent was HBK. He made a well passed his prime look like Flair of the 80s again, and he made Gince look like a wrestler. To borrow from Angle, he worked Austin 'with a broken freakin back'.

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