The Real Americans


Occasional Pre-Show
I've always liked and thought the Real Americans had potential. After watching them the last few months, hearing reports of them having one of the best if not best match at house shows, and yesterday's match between them and Shemus/Christian I really hope the WWE waits awhile before breaking them up (some great physicality in that match especially the exchange between Cesaro and Shemus).

With the WWE trying to build the tag ranks I think Swagger and especially Cesaro can help big time. They both bring an old school approach and I have started noticing them adding more tag team moves as well. We heard the reports of them possibly splitting with them hoping to move them back to singles but I think that's too soon. The one thing they lack is personality and charisma and I think being together for a bit longer might help once they do eventually break apart. The WWE has enough singles guys for the time being and if they break then one if not both might be lost in the shuffle and I think both have stuff to offer.

If I was booking them I'd have them stay together until next years Money in the Bank. Last year you saw them actually help each other unselfishly. I think this year both should be in MITB match with Swagger helping Cesaro win the match. In that time hopefully they can win and have a decent reign as champions to give them more credibility and have Cesaro barely missing winning the Heavyweight Championship match after cashing in. You can have them still together until 2015 MITB match with Cesaro saying he'd help Swagger win to repay the favor. Except at the end Cesaro turns on Swagger, wins the match again, and can set up a small feud between the two. This can hopefully give each other a push leading to a potential Cesaro successful cash in. Now of course there are a lot of different ways to book this so my question is what is your opinion of the Real Americans and how would you book them until their eventual split?
I think they are a good tag team and deserve the gold and a good feud with the Uso's chasing them but I think the bigger issue here is that Cesaro appears to be the one who is staying with Zeb who is going to be a heel so what that means is that it is not the guy fans like in Cesaro turning face it will be the boring irrelevant Jack Swagger turning face and likely getting the push that comes with the turn.
Jack Swagger has always been pitiful. Sloppy in-ring work. That God-forsaken "lithhp". Even his gimmick is stale. Caesaro, I need more time to develop an opinion over. I think I like him, but I'm not sure yet. And I want a better gimmick for Dutch.
I like the team quite a bit, and they definitely have some of the better tag matches of the current roster. However, Cesaro has gotten pretty over. His Giant Swing is ridiculously over and has become a crowd favorite FROM A HEEL! I've never really been that sold on Swagger, and he's sort of taken a backseat here lately due to Cesaro's popularity and solid ring work. I think a slow-boiling jealousy break could really lead to some good matches between these two once they do split with Cesaro working the face role.

I just don't think a tag title run is in their future with the New Age Outlaws holding them and probably handing them off to the Usos(finally!) in the near future. Also it seems like it would only be a matter of time before the Wyatt Family get involved in the tag scene. They're only going to keep them away from the belts for so long.

So the point is Cesaro has broken out as the star of that team and generally it's only a matter of time before the split happens and they give the breakout star a chance at single's glory.
They will break up eventually, I just hope not that soon. They're obviously great together and them plus Rhodes + potentially Shield breaking up leaves a hole in the tag division, with only really the Usos to try to keep the division interesting.

But a bigger issue is Cesaro going on his own, I just don't see room for him to be pushed in singles. Reigns will obviously get his big push. I don't see Ambrose or Rollins going anywhere either. Rusev will be pushed once he hits the main roster soon. They look like they're doing something with Tidus. Big E will probably be pushed too, although admittedly he probably has to wait until after WM for anything so he's not as set as the rest. And of course there's plenty of other singles mid-carders that can use the attention.

Cesaro can wait since he's still getting over while being in a tag, and that can only increase if the RA gets the titles. In the meantime the names above will get their push and eventually find their place in the card. After that happens then Cesaro can get pushed without having to compete with at least 5 other guys where hopefully by then they get some more tags to help fill up the holes in the tag division.
We heard the reports of them possibly splitting with them hoping to move them back to singles but I think that's too soon.

Seems as if it's always too soon for Jack Swagger. Despite several efforts by the company to make him a fearsome singles competitor, nothing seems to work and I feel he's better off with support.....both a manager and a partner appear to benefit him. Why fight it? Despite his technical wrestling ability, he simply doesn't inspire enough interest on his own.

Cesaro? Same problem; he can be interesting to watch but he's hard to get behind on a sustained basis.

Yes, they're both good performers but it takes more than that. Honestly, given their lack of success as singles, they're lucky to have each other to latch onto.

I'd leave things the way they are.
The funny thing is that about a month ago, I figured the Outlaws would win the tag titles so they could drop them to The Usos at 'Mania. I still feel that way, but what I find funny is that I thought the reason the Outlaws were chosen was because the WWE lacked a credible heel team. Perhaps I was late to the dance with The Real Americans - or perhaps their mini-feud with Los Matadores just derailed me - but these guys are credible contenders for the belt.

At this point, the WWE probably needs to get them on the WrestleMania card just for the reaction they're receiving. I'm sure the Outlaws and the Usos are pretty much set for 'Mania, but what about adding these guys to the match? You could even add the proposed team of Ziggler/Miz or another tag-team to make it four-way tag-team match. It could be fun to watch.

Whatever happens at 'Mania, though, these guys need to stay together for the foreseeable future and to feud with the Usos over the belts. They're over together when paired with Coulter, but I don't think either could survive if that dynamic is broken up. Honestly, where would they go? They'd both just get lost in the muck that is the WWE mid-card.
I really like them as a group but I don't like Cesaro or Swagger individually. I don't believe they'd survive without Zeb Colter though. The gimmick is good and with Colter as the mouthpiece, it's working.

I think WWE should actually give them a run, even if it's short, with the belts. They could have some good feuds, as Colter is great on the mic, and that alone will heat up any feud.
I actually really like the Americans, I REALLY REALLY do. I feel they should have had Tag Title gold at some stage already.

My ONLY issue with them is Zeb Coulter. I think his promos are gold, truly amazing... but I cannot take it seriously while he has a Swiss person in his stable. I just don't get the whole 'immigration' angle, when YOU HAVE AN IMMIGRANT (legal, but one none the less) STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU.

Other than that, I love them to bits
I like Antonio Cesaro and I like Zeb Coulter (How can you not? The guy's just pure awesome.)

Swagger is a useless waste of space.

Personally, I think they'd be better off booting him off the team, perhaps claiming that Coulter discovered that he is in fact, NOT, an American because of some bizarre quirk with his birth certificate. :)

Instead, bring in Alberto Del Rio, who is really going to need something to do once Batista murderizes him at Elimination Chamber. I can get behind a Cesaro/Del Rio tag team. Two solid ring workers with Coulter providing the gift of gab. Have them take the titles off either The New Age Outlaws or The Usos, whoever has them after Elimination Chamber or WrestleMania, and let them have a nice run with the belts.
They've definitely came a long way since June. They need to give them a tag team title shot. Usos had their chance last summer feuding with The Shield.
They've definitely came a long way since June. They need to give them a tag team title shot. Usos had their chance last summer feuding with The Shield.

Unless you believe wrestling is real you should be smart enough to realise that they had no chance of taking it away from the Shield. The Shield were still in their bulletproof phase and in the end the only reason they lost the titles is cause every champion was a heel and their title reign was casualty of this. The feud with the Shield is what made the Uso's a relevant team in the division and have since become the top team and now deserve their true chance to have the gold and a feud with a solid heel team chasing them and the Real Americans are perfect for this role
I actually really like the Americans, I REALLY REALLY do. I feel they should have had Tag Title gold at some stage already.

My ONLY issue with them is Zeb Coulter. I think his promos are gold, truly amazing... but I cannot take it seriously while he has a Swiss person in his stable. I just don't get the whole 'immigration' angle, when YOU HAVE AN IMMIGRANT (legal, but one none the less) STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU.

Other than that, I love them to bits

Colter's fine with legal immigrants, he's against illegal immigrants "sneaking across the border". But it is really funny when he goes off on other legal immigrants like he did with Barrett a while back. (Who ironically enough had problems staying in the country later) Does it make total sense? Heck no but I don't care because I'm too busy laughing :)
Colter's fine with legal immigrants, he's against illegal immigrants "sneaking across the border". But it is really funny when he goes off on other legal immigrants like he did with Barrett a while back. (Who ironically enough had problems staying in the country later) Does it make total sense? Heck no but I don't care because I'm too busy laughing :)

The way I look at it is that it makes about as much sense as The Fabulous Rougeaus Bros coming to the ring back in the 80s waving American flags singing "We're All-American Boys" and claiming to hail from Memphis, TN. And I think it could work on the same level with Coulter.
Zeb Coulter is hilarious and so is the fact that Cesaro is a "Real American".

"Illegals make me ill"

"I Juan't you out"


I'd mark like crazy if Cesaro because the first "Real American" WWE WC.

And like the poster above me said, it's hilarious for the same reasons as the Fabulous Rougeau's being "All American Boys" lol.
I'd mark like crazy if Cesaro because the first "Real American" WWE WC.

We are a ways away from that even being an option.

Throwing names around about who should be given the "belt" needs to come down a bit.

If there was still a World Title, people would be saying Cesaro should get a shot with it. Those same people need to reign it in a bit because now there is just one WWE World Championship.

And I don't see Cesaro on the radar as far as that goes.
We are a ways away from that even being an option.

Throwing names around about who should be given the "belt" needs to come down a bit.

If there was still a World Title, people would be saying Cesaro should get a shot with it. Those same people need to reign it in a bit because now there is just one WWE World Championship.

And I don't see Cesaro on the radar as far as that goes.

That's exactly the problem.

Cena, Orton, Batista, HHH = Same old ish.

That's why the fans are cr@pping all over this stale worthless product lately.
That's exactly the problem.

Cena, Orton, Batista, HHH = Same old ish.

That's why the fans are cr@pping all over this stale worthless product lately.

But even after Batista, Orton, Cena, you have your hero Daniel Bryan. I guess best case scenario is that Batista, Orton, Cena all retire at the same time, and have a WWE title picture of Bryan, Cesaro, and whoever else people want to push to the moon with no track record?
That's exactly the problem.

Cena, Orton, Batista, HHH = Same old ish.

That's why the fans are cr@pping all over this stale worthless product lately.

Where's a like or agree when you need one. Go back 10 years ago and those 4 where in the top 10 if not higher for time onscreen and they still are now. HHH gets the first 15 minutes, Orton gets most of the 15 with HHH and the last half hour to wrestle, Cena gets a promo and a long match and Batista is working his way up in time. If WWE listened to fans the Main Event of Mania would be Bryan v Reigns v Wyatt. The 3 most over guys at the moment and I would pay money to see that. You want to know why the network is coming before Mania so people only need to spend $10 for the terrible ppv and so the buyrate will look good
I don't know if Swagger is still eating a shit sandwich over kicking Dolph's face too hard, I'm hoping that a split isn't coming up too soon also.

The team has grown on me over time, and obviously it's grown on the crowds as well. The "WE THE PEOPLE" chants have been getting pretty loud lately. For his past contributions, I could never bring myself to boo Zeb Coulter as well. It's strange when a group that's supposed to be drawing boos ends up being the most positively over part of the show.

Anything they do with the team, so long as they keep them together for a little while longer, is fine by me. I think they're connecting with the crowd more than ever and they're the most likeable heels in the WWE today. I think if they wore tag team gold, they wouldn't be able to draw a single boo no matter how hard they tried.
Whoever said swagger has sloppy In ring skills, please kill yourself. Like swagger or not he is a really good technical wrestler it's just he has no charisma. Anyways the real Americans should stay together they remind me a lot of beer money when they were together. I'm not even gonna even try to deny that every time the come out I don't mark out and say we the people with them every time. I hope this team stays around for atleast another year or 2 because that team is extremely over.
Whoever said swagger has sloppy In ring skills, please kill yourself. Like swagger or not he is a really good technical wrestler it's just he has no charisma. Anyways the real Americans should stay together they remind me a lot of beer money when they were together. I'm not even gonna even try to deny that every time the come out I don't mark out and say we the people with them every time. I hope this team stays around for atleast another year or 2 because that team is extremely over.

Swagger is a botch machine. Look at how many times he's botched the gut wrench alone. He's mediocre in the ring for fake wrestling, regardless of how technical he was in amateur.
I like The Real Americans however I really think Cesaro needs to be pushed on his own.Honestly he's the reason the crowd pops for The Real Americans.

I think Zeb Colter is the one getting the biggest pop. Even though they are heels, it sounds like the whole arena says "WE THE PEOPLE" when Colter instructs them to.
While I'd like for them to stay together for at least a little while longer, it makes sense to split them up now considering how over Cesaro is with the crowd now. I just hope Cesaro becomes a face singles competitor and Swagger keeps Zeb as a mouthpiece. Maybe even give him a new tag partner. Swagger has never and will never get over as a singles competitor as much as WWE wants him to be, especially looking at his current mic skills, so Zeb needs to stay with me. Plus, Swagger seems to work best in tag teams so I'd say have him for a Real Americans 2.0 (maybe with a rising NXT star) or a similar athlete type of wrestler (if reports were true of his return, which it appears they're not, I'd say Shelton Benjamin would fit the bill perfectly). Plus, on the bright side, I'm sure this feud could lead to some great matches between Cesaro and Swagger.

If I could book it, I'd put in a little twist. Since its been teased that Zeb and Cesaro might drop Swagger from Real Americans, have Swagger win the Intercontinental Title (I'd say US, but it seems WWE might put that on Reigns if the Shield triple threat at Mania happens) and have Cesaro lose his WWE Title match at Elimination Chamber. The next night, Swagger and Zeb attacks Cesaro. Zeb gets on the mic and says something like "Sure, Jack may have been off his game the last couple weeks, but he won a match when it counted! You lost your match when it counted the most! Now, you lost your privilege to be a Real American. Now go back to Switzerland!" From there, they have a few matches for the Intercontinental bouts in a feud that culminates in Cesaro winning the belt.

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