The Real Americans Are In Need of a Change-Up

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I was thinking about them as a Tag Team and in general I've enjoyed their work but I've come to realize that they're in the tag team jobber status and this really bothered me. They have a good gimmick, get reactions, and put on good matches. I actually make sure to tune in for their matches because I enjoy their overall work. However, I'm under the belief that they need to have a change-up to continue to stay relevant and aid to their careers.

I think this would be the perfect time to have Cesaro get fed up with all the losing he's doing. We all know he can wrestle, we all know he has talent, and a face turn could indeed be fresh. Have him call it quits on the group after Night of Champions have him say enough is enough he should be better, and then next week have him assaulted by Swagger with the conclusion that he isn't even American. Let them feud, let Cesaro get good face reaction, and let Swagger get a good heel reaction. With Colter mixed into the feud we could have decent promos and a classic match in the future between the two.

HOWEVER, this thread isn't promoting singles pushes for the two, nope this goes back full circle to the TAG TEAM Real Americans.

After, Cesaro is out of the Real American's picture have Zeb Colter and Swagger introduce their NEW Real American who will be joining them. AND it could be anyone in all honesty, granted their white and from USA. You have several talent on the WWE roster who could fit that bil, put anyone in that role and have them tag team as the Real Americans. Hell, it could even be a repackaged Zack Ryder for example. Having a heel Ryder and Swagger together managed by Colter with a tag team push could be successful and a good continuation of a gimmick that works.

Everyone benefits, Cesaro no longer has to job and can be built back up as a face, Ryder gets to do something, and The Real Americans finally get the push that they've needed.

But what do you think? Is it time for a real change-up for the Real Americans?
I think Cesaro and Swagger are fine together. The only thing they need to get them going again are some wins. The tag belts wouldn't hurt eventually but I like The Shield having them.

If their dynamic is going to change I'd rather do it by turning them face by turning on Zeb and cutting a promo about how they realised how prejudice Colter was and that they don't buy into it, that's not how they see America. I always thought Swagger should have come back as a face anyway.

Unless they split them in order for Kings of Wrestling to reunite. That'd be cool.
You're going to get a lot of responses in this thread that amount to this:

Jobber tag team - jobber = tag team = profit

And I'm not saying it's wrong. Well, it's not wrong - it's maths, how can it be?

The Real Americans are a good tag team. If nothing else, they're just another conduit through which Antonio Cesaro can demonstrate his ridiculous wrestling skills, which can never be a bad thing. Watching Cesaro leap over all six feet and seven inches of Jack Swagger never gets old.

However, as much as I like Swagger - and I really do - I would really, really like to see a singles push for Cesaro. As much as The Miz is far too irritating to be a babyface, Antonio Cesaro is far too entertaining to be a heel. Sure, he does chin locks, but he also does chin locks wherein he holds his opponent's entire body weight up by their neck and swings them round. How can you not pop for that?
All The Real Americans need is to get rid of Zeb Colter. They get a MUCH bigger reaction at live events when he's not there, and even receive a face pop for a lot of their offense. Get rid of worthless Zeb, and they're instant title material.
They just need to win, win, win and win some more. They are two highly talented wrestlers who could become a very successful tag-team. The strength, agility an overall performance from Cesaro, is crazy. Watching him wrestle to lose against people he should beat is insane. Same with Swagger, if he just wins and stops losing to people he should beat, it would help them out very well.

Swagger and Cesaro are a great team that could catch on big. Big enough to become the popular 'tweener' team that the WWE really needs. We The People, is catching on. Hopefully it catches on so these two very talented guys can take off.
All The Real Americans need is to get rid of Zeb Colter. They get a MUCH bigger reaction at live events when he's not there, and even receive a face pop for a lot of their offense. Get rid of worthless Zeb, and they're instant title material.

Considering the aim of the Real Americans, one assumes, is to get a heel reaction - i.e. you know, boos and that - Zeb is the only part of the trio who isn't worthless. Zeb is on the tier that only Paul Heyman and Bray Wyatt occupy when it comes to natural microphone skills.

I love Cesaro but, like I said just a couple of hours ago, if he wrestles like that, he's going to get pops. Either turn him babyface (yes, please!) or have him stop wrestling like that (no, thanks).

Zeb isn't the one running up the escalator the wrong way.
Considering the aim of the Real Americans, one assumes, is to get a heel reaction - i.e. you know, boos and that - Zeb is the only part of the trio who isn't worthless. Zeb is on the tier that only Paul Heyman and Bray Wyatt occupy when it comes to natural microphone skills.

I love Cesaro but, like I said just a couple of hours ago, if he wrestles like that, he's going to get pops. Either turn him babyface (yes, please!) or have him stop wrestling like that (no, thanks).

Zeb isn't the one running up the escalator the wrong way.

It was Santino's debut, he got a good pop, but what we remember from that match is: well you know, that dizzying toss.

Just give him a pseudo-superman gimmick and let him run with it. For fuck's sake if he keeps pulling off feats of strength people WILL cheer for him. Remember Ric Flair, he used to do a delayed (and sometimes really delayed) vertical suplex that would have the crowd clapping in appreciation post execution. He was a cool heel, so is Cesaro. It's not gonna help the babyfaces at all if he wrestles that way yes.

And whosoever thinks Zeb is the problem needs to get a rectal exam, coz they are talking out of their ass.
I wouldn't mind Antonio as a face. As a heel he works because he's so smug but I could see that working well against a heel and making them lost their composure.

I like Jack Swagger. When he came in I thought he had a lot of potential. Yeah he has a lisp and his head is too big for his body but so what? He's a good wrestler.

If you want to have these two split and feud for a little bit I wouldn't complain. The matches would be great.

As far as bringing in someone else to be Jack's tag partner I don't know who I would pick but even if they kept him as a singles wrestler I wouldn't mind.
The Real Americans are fine. Rollins and Reigns have the titles, the Prime Time Players are getting the babyface push, and every other team's responsibility is to make those teams look good and entertain the fans. Swagger, Cesaro, and Zeb do that. There's nothing more to it in my book; no need for shuffling or getting clever. If they catch a wave and earn a push, they'll get it.

Cesaro didn't get passing marks as a singles performer, so now he is where he is. His ring work is superb, but he received lukewarm at best reactions when on his solo run. I say that as a fan, but I'm not going to lie to myself. Plus his WWE career is still young. We've got to be patient. Great wrestlers like Hart and Benoit had to bide their time to achieve the higher levels of success. If Cesaro just keeps plowing ahead, he'll get there.
The Real Americans can easily transition to crowd favorites, and they don't even need to switch their theme to some catchy tune with their name in the title (though it would not hurt). All they need to do is switch their stance from jingoistic xenophobes to all-inclusive representatives of a multicultural nation.

Zeb can stay, too. If he can get arenas booing for Swagger and Cesaro, then the man can just as well cut a heartfelt patriotic speech embracing all ethnicities and creeds that comprise the United States. With the Real Americans representing the absolute best in wrestling skill, it will be shortly before this tag team and their manager have everyone cheering them on in sincere unison. All they need is the support of we, the people.
Cesaro is the rare example of an in ring style work that needs to be used to define his character. Like Bret Hart and Chris Benoit, people want to see what they do in the ring. He has all the physical tools to be someone of major importance in the WWE. Turning him face can be what takes him there. People love his wrestling style, he can cut face promos in many different languages, etc.

Or have him betray The Real Americans and join HHH's corporation. It's not like he doesn't have the WWE look. Just a thought.

As far as The Real Americans go, they do serve a purpose right now. Zeb is entertaining and they can have good matches, but if they are going to build them up, all they need to do is win win win.
These two both have talent, a good gimmick and a fantastic manager. It should be working but the tag-division is currently strong and they have understandably be moved to one side. Firstly, it doesn't help that The Shield are heels and won't be dropping the belts - it means The Real Americans can feud for the actual belts. Secondly, the Prime Time Players are about to receive a push and The Uso's have been very impressive in recent months.

There isn't an obvious solution for Swagger and Cesaro but they are in danger of rotting in the tag-division. Adding a new member does absolutely nothing, just an extra person whose career can stagnate. I initially thought they would be performing the role that The Shield are currently doing (the corporate henchman) but I am happy with the choice. There is no logical program for either, in an ideal world one would be IC champ the other US but Axel and Ambrose have brighter futures and are in a good position as champ.
In the grand scheme of things, I do think that Swagger & Cesaro have gone as far as they're going as the "Real Americans". Overall, Coulter has been a great mouthpiece while Cesaro & Swagger have functioned well as a tag team. The "Real American" bit worked great for Swagger initially but it's lost practically all steam in the post WM season.

A huge reason for that happening is Jack Swagger himself. Like Evan Bourne in 2012, Swagger made some very poor decisions earlier this year in the middle of the biggest push of his career and it's cost him. If reports are accurate, Swagger was set to beat Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 29, but his arrest for possession of Marijuana and DUI back in February after SD! tapings in Mississippi brought an end to all that. Swagger is still in a much better spot now than he was this time last year, but I don't look for WWE to do much of anything with him for the rest of this year.

I'm thinking that Antonio Cesaro MIGHT be better off as a singles wrestler with Coulter as his mouthpiece/manager and ditching the "Real American" gimmick. Cesaro has shown brilliance inside the ring a number of times, he has a good look, he has genuine passion & toughness and he's someone that has long term potential as a significant player on the roster. A while back on Main Event, after having what was truly one of the best televised matches this year, Cesaro attacked Kofi Kingston backstage. He cut a brief, but very intense promo after he beat Kofi down and pulled out one of his dreadlocks. It was far more intense than we'd seen with Cesaro up to that point and it worked for him. Cesaro is someone that could be a very believable tough guy with his in-ring ability and legit toughness. The guy's aura, for lack of a better word, simply doesn't scream "cocky & somewhat laid back heel foreigner" to me. Swagger's also very good inside the ring, but he's got too much heat on him. As a result, I think he's ultimately just going to weigh Cesaro down.
Gimme Kassius Ohno debuting in the middle of a real American break up where Swagger has the upper hand. Make everyone think he's there to help his ole buddy cesaro. And, swerve, he helps take out Cesaro. The new real Americans Ohno and Swagger beat down Cesaro. Giving Cesaro crowd sympathy.

After a couple of weeks, and a few victories by Ohno/swagger, Cesaro comes back and challenges them to a tag match with a mystery partner. When they face off Tyson Kidd returns and now we have Cesaro and Kidd vs The Real Americans. I'd love to see Cesaro and Kidd in some pink and black. Have Natayla manage them. Call them The Hitmen.

Have Ohno and Swagger pick up victory 1 by cheap fashion, but have the Hitmen eventually come out on top. Give them a face run and let them be the one to knock off the shield.
Not that I'm hating, but... WWE needs a heel jobber tag team. Tons of Funk are there for heel teams to beat up, and Real Americans, for the time being, are there because 3MB is completely irrelevant to get a win over. Coulter's Militia (much better name, don't know why they axed it) will get their turn, but it's not their time: The Uso's have been built up as a legit face team and are too talented to waste, Los Matadores are soon to debut, The Shield is the strongest team out, The Wyatt's are still new and need exposure time, 3MB are fun to throw around and it would be really stupid for WWE to waste the PTP's newly acquired face run and mainstream attention (especially considering Titus has a shot to show out now). The Real Americans are still rebounding from another one of Swagger's recent main event flops, and now that the tag scene is crowded as it is, they can stand to be background for the time being, if not broken up altogether to let Zeb and Cesaro do their thing in the midcard.

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